View Full Version : do microorganisms have soul?

18-07-2014, 07:08 AM
hiii friend, i dont know if the question is previously asked or not, and i dont know if this is a right forum, anyway last night a question popped in my mind,
Do microorganisms like bacteria, virus, planktons etc can have souls ?
i dont have any religious affiliation to anyone, just to be cleared.
i searched on internet and i was not satisfied with answers.

In christianity the bible says only humans have souls
-Genesis 1:27 "so god created man in his own image, of god created he him; male and female created he them."

while hinduisms says that even bacterias, and other creatures have souls.
they say that the soul has to take 8,400,000 like births before getting birth into human body.
-brihad vishnu purana.

i am sorry but i didnt find other religions view on it with proof.
so my questions remains the same, as humans are also like every other living being than why is it different.

either the purana is wrong or bible is??
or both are wrong, or both are correct??
i want to view your opinions.

i want to ask admins can i post this thread in every religious section.
thanks anyway.

Rah nam
18-07-2014, 09:57 AM
Yes they have what is called an oversoul
Viruses no, they don't live.

18-07-2014, 10:17 AM
What is an oversoul.

18-07-2014, 10:17 AM
What is an oversoul.

18-07-2014, 10:17 AM
What is an oversoul.

18-07-2014, 10:29 AM
Not sure what Rah nam means by over soul, that term is usually understood to represent the higher soul of the human being. Animals have group souls. If microorganisms are classified as animals, I suppose they would have a group soul spirit component.

Rah nam
18-07-2014, 11:08 AM
Animals have group souls.

that to me is an oversoul,
Oversouls individualize when they reach third density, and will form soul groups after what is called ascension into the fifth density.

The reason why I term it this way is, souls are units of consciousness, and an oversoul is one unit of consciousness, a rather large unit.
When it individualizes it virtually brakes up into smaller units, and even after those units come together at a later state, they keep much of their individuality.

18-07-2014, 11:55 AM
The reason why I term it this way is, souls are units of consciousness, and an oversoul is one unit of consciousness, a rather large unit.
When it individualizes it virtually brakes up into smaller units, and even after those units come together at a later state, they keep much of their individuality.Thanks....

18-07-2014, 11:57 AM
Noob here, what is third density and fifth density, and correct me if i wrong, the concept is that the human soul is the large unit conciousness, and when soul gets birth into animals the soul gets break up in tiny parts, right?
And when the finally the souls turn to get birth into human body comes these small parts get attached to one another and becomes a higher soul right?

18-07-2014, 12:05 PM
The idea that animal souls eventually morph into human souls isn't correct, that's like a old spiritual fairy tale. Human souls are individual, unique, and they're completely different from animal group souls.

18-07-2014, 12:24 PM
Baile, humans are still living organisms. They are just a species in kindom animalia. The only edge we have against all animals is our intelligent brain.
Even though the soul morphing from animals into humans is not correct according to bible. How can bible be wrong, how can the words of god who created this universe can be wrong, the eastern beliefs have to be wrong. Still something doesnt fill right, it is not logically correct.

18-07-2014, 12:55 PM
Baile, humans are still living organisms. They are just a species in kindom animalia. The only edge we have against all animals is our intelligent brain.Human beings are not an animal species, human beings are just a body for the soul. Our souls are unique, they are a unique expression of Creation. They are different than the souls that we perceive as animal species on earth. The human body that is created to house the soul is also unique; it is the perfect physical manifestation and expression of the soul's current state of spirit being.

18-07-2014, 01:25 PM
Anything with blood in its veins is ensouled.

18-07-2014, 01:31 PM
The idea that animal souls eventually morph into human souls isn't correct, that's like a old spiritual fairy tale. Human souls are individual, unique, and they're completely different from animal group souls.

I would have to disagree with that.

When an animal soul has learnt all the lessons the Animal Kingdom has to offer, its next incarnation will be in human guise.
Similarly when the human soul has learnt all the lessons the Human Kingdom has to offer, it too will move up and on to a higher life form.

All life is evolving.

18-07-2014, 02:07 PM
All life is evolving.Yes, but you can't just pick a truth out of your hat and apply it generically to any question. Human beings are not angels. Human beings are of this developmental plane of existence. Just as angels were of a similar developmental plane, eons ago, but have now moved on to a higher plane. There is evolution; and there are forms of existence in Creation that are of the same evolutionary vibration. Animal group soul life forms are not of the same evolutionary vibration as souls that incarnate in human bodies. Just as human beings are not of the same evolutionary vibration as angels.

18-07-2014, 02:22 PM
Human beings are not an animal species, human beings are just a body for the soul. Our souls are unique, they are a unique expression of Creation. They are different than the souls that we perceive as animal species on earth.
With respect, I must disagree.

Humans are nothing more than a species of animal. Personally I am uncertain whether or not such a thing as a soul exists, but if it does I doubt that it would be unique to humans. Look at the behaviour od monkeys and whales. They display love and compassion. Humans are not so special as we would like to believe.

18-07-2014, 02:25 PM
Yes, but you can't just pick a truth out of your hat and apply it generically to any question. Human beings are not angels. Human beings are of this developmental plane of existence. Just as angels were of a similar developmental plane, eons ago, but have now moved on to a higher plane. There is evolution; and there are forms of existence in Creation that are of the same evolutionary vibration. Animal group soul life forms are not of the same evolutionary vibration as souls that incarnate in human bodies. Just as human beings are not of the same evolutionary vibration as angels.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying....

Angel, man or mouse - all are animated by the same spirit of God.

18-07-2014, 04:31 PM
But if we agree that every living being except virus have souls then the number of souls increase to like infinity. Are there that much souls, i dont think so.
But if we agree that human beings are only have souls then a fundamental question arises as humans are species in kingdom animalia just like other species, ( according to science) now then how come humans are so special that they have souls, they evolved from primates so after becoming homo sapeins sapeins we were able to aquire the soul- this argument is a bit suspicious.
Then saying that humans have energies, chakras, auras so they are special then even animals have auras, chakras.
Now the question arises where is the theory which will fit all the pieces perfectly

18-07-2014, 05:41 PM
Yes, but you can't just pick a truth out of your hat and apply it generically to any question. Human beings are not angels. Human beings are of this developmental plane of existence. Just as angels were of a similar developmental plane, eons ago, but have now moved on to a higher plane. There is evolution; and there are forms of existence in Creation that are of the same evolutionary vibration. Animal group soul life forms are not of the same evolutionary vibration as souls that incarnate in human bodies. Just as human beings are not of the same evolutionary vibration as angels.

Question: The theory of evolution reminds us humans weren't always human but lower life forms. I mean of course, we didn't just pop into the world. Humans weren't immutably created, but changed to become who we are and so represent group soul of animals and remain as group souls. We tend to see right now, but realize humans progressed to now. So it may happen again. The thing I see that support group soul is the whole species evolve group wide collectively as a group where none advances faster. The idea of feeling of identity is merely the mind which come from advancement of the frontal lobe of the brain.

You know, I'm not much into angels as they are the ones that started this whole mess we're in. :wink:

18-07-2014, 05:41 PM
duplicated post

18-07-2014, 05:46 PM
Just on the human vs animal thing, I also recognise that humans are just a type of animal.

Animals are individuals too, yet just as with humans, although each animal is an individual, it may also be part of a greater a herd/crowd, which functions as a single entity.

Ask anyone who's ever kept a pet dog or horse or such for all its life if animals have souls or not, and if they are individuals or not.