View Full Version : My Leather Loveseat and a Visitor

15-07-2014, 03:58 PM

Those whom have seen my posts know that I am a Medium so I am well used to activity around me. I have a leather loveseat in the family room and from time to time someone in Spirit comes to visit. I have not been able to see this one, but the energy feels male, nor have they been willing to talk to me, yet......

They come in and sit down I hear the cushion settle and at times see an indentation there.....then hear it settle again when they leave. One day the cat was laying on the seat and suddenly sprang into the air and bolted from the room, will not sit there since. I think the cat got sat on LOL .

The other evening I had a GF over and she was sitting on the opposite end of the loveseat. She looked at me and goes did you hear the noise the loveseat just made ? I was like yes....happens all the time. Goes there is someone sitting there its dented....again I was like yes so.....LOL. She was like OK whom is it I was like just a visitor comes in and out. So she reached over and put her arm around the Spirit and said Hello.

Its a good thing that I have friends that are accepting to those that are non living in my home.

I was told I should set up a camera to capture this activity and I said we like our privacy in life so do those that have passed over.

Many times we hear things in our homes and we just dismiss the noise. We might well have a friendly visitor just popping in to way HI and sit for a while.


15-07-2014, 07:13 PM
Very awesome, thank you for sharing :))

15-07-2014, 07:59 PM
... the cat was laying on the seat and suddenly sprang into the air and bolted from the room, will not sit there since. I think the cat got sat on LOL .

LOL, I've only seen that happen once.
Several years ago at a friend's house, in the late afternoon, waiting for my mate to get home from a job. Chatting and sipping tea, the cat was next to me curled up sleeping on the sofa, when suddenly....meeeeoooooowwww...
It must have covered at least 6", shook it's head, looked bewildered, then nonchalantly strode off.
At the time I did wonder that maybe some unseen thing was there in the room with us and only the cat had been aware of it. I certainly hadn't sensed anything out of the ordinary.
Of course my logical side said that probably the cat was dreaming that my mate was home and about to sit down without looking. He's a big bloke, and heavy.

Then ...
several weeks later my friend asked me to open her Pomagne (cider pretending to be in a champagne bottle:) When, BANG! the cork flew out the bottle like a bullet and must have hit every wall, and the ceiling, at least twice ...peeeeeeeaaaaaaannnnnng ....!!!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be cynical to your post. Just the opposite, really.

One more story...
I'm visiting my friend and as usual I go round the back of the house. It's quiet. The kids aren't home from school yet. On the grass in the backyard is a football (soccer). So I look here and I look there and I'm thinking, meh, what's the harm. Boot! The ball flies across the lawn and into the back fence, but hits a main post and seems to gather twice more speed. It hits the washing pole, hits the garden table, hits the edge of the patio seat, and flies in through the open window ... a gap the same size of the ball - give or take a millimeter or two.
There's a tinkle of broken glass and my friend's voice from upstairs..."*** wozzat!".
I'd broken a fine porcelain vase.

Anyway, not quite the same thing as your story. But always odd when I think of it. And will stay in my memory for a very long time.


18-07-2014, 05:56 AM

Those whom have seen my posts know that I am a Medium so I am well used to activity around me. I have a leather loveseat in the family room and from time to time someone in Spirit comes to visit. I have not been able to see this one, but the energy feels male, nor have they been willing to talk to me, yet......

They come in and sit down I hear the cushion settle and at times see an indentation there.....then hear it settle again when they leave. One day the cat was laying on the seat and suddenly sprang into the air and bolted from the room, will not sit there since. I think the cat got sat on LOL .

The other evening I had a GF over and she was sitting on the opposite end of the loveseat. She looked at me and goes did you hear the noise the loveseat just made ? I was like yes....happens all the time. Goes there is someone sitting there its dented....again I was like yes so.....LOL. She was like OK whom is it I was like just a visitor comes in and out. So she reached over and put her arm around the Spirit and said Hello.

Its a good thing that I have friends that are accepting to those that are non living in my home.

I was told I should set up a camera to capture this activity and I said we like our privacy in life so do those that have passed over.

Many times we hear things in our homes and we just dismiss the noise. We might well have a friendly visitor just popping in to way HI and sit for a while.

I don't know what to think...in my house there are all sorts of noises in furniture, doors, appliances...I just always assume it's the sound that they "do". The other day we were listening to knocking sounds at the shelf and we were like "OMG must be a mouse!" But no, no mouse, noise is gone... :confused:

I happen to notice occasionally my dog barking to the wall I got no idea why, especially because my dog is unfortunately going blind. It's not like he thinks I am there...

I'm almost convinced there's someone around, I've been feeling odd sensations(chills,goosebumps) on bed for more than year now. They had stopped in the last two months and then it happened again, so as someone advised over this forum I changed my bed position.

Still, when I fell asleep four days ago, I felt goosebumps over almost all my body. It isn't like a proper dream, I guess it's RTZ 'cause it just feels like I'm lying on bed with eyes closed, for some reason I was terrified and screaming like a horror movie.

Not seeing anything but feeling those chills. So I woke up and stared for 3 seconds to the ceiling and my eyes closed again and the chills and screaming(in the dream/RTZ) continued so I kept trying to wake up. When I finally managed to do it goosebumps were still there.

I read that these things could be thought forms, but why would that happen? I don't think of that(or wish such things), in fact, this time and the previous one that this happened I was just making my prayings and thinking of Jesus. :icon_frown:

Do you have any advice Lynn? It kinda feels like there's some sort of unfinished business with this "visitor". I even started thinking this could be an Incubus but then I noticed that sometimes I feel goosebumps on my neck, chest and shoulder during day or afternoon and not just night.

If I stay quiet it's like it goes spreading around, if I move it starts to vanish 'til it disappears, so to make it really stop best solution is to move my body harshly. Sometimes I just don't care and keep doing my business, it doesn't matter if I have someone around talking to me, I just ignore the chills and pretend it isn't happening.

Maybe that's why this visitor shows up more frequently on my sleep? 'Cause I have almost no control to escape his approaching?
I have no idea of how to identify who is it or how can I help him. :icon_neutral:

When I was a teen I used to feel a "hand"(more like energy) caressing my hair but it was a totally different thing. Felt like someone watching over me.

This visitor...I don't know what he wants but I've already felt like someone poked my face on bed and my shoulder when I was sitting in front of my computer. Maybe he has something to say?

18-07-2014, 03:36 PM

There can be many things. When it comes to the sleep/waking state at we have been in the Out of Body state and the brain has not wrapped its thoughts around that. When we come back in it can feel like we are being touched. Most re entry points we have are from the head or Crown Chakra or from the belly of Sacral Chakra area. It can give us that cold chill or that feeling that we have been touched in a not good way.

It is rare on rare for Spirits to touch one in a sexual or sensual matter, though it can happen. In grounding and putting up things like Bubble Walls around us we can protect our space more. Things like crystals by the bed and even dream catchers do work to keep some energies at bay from us.

More and more that other side that Spirit World is opening more to all of us as we are moving to that place where we are ready to accept there is more. There are more and more one's seeing and feeling things. It is easy to put it down to bad things as we have such a strong logic centre with our brain. We want to understand what we can not see.

I look at it this way a Sprint can be in the same place of wonder and amazement with me being able to see and talk to them as I once was when I could see and talk to them. Now its just the normal thing I do. Many pass over feeling that is it that the body is done that is all there is to find that wonder that there is more. That life in a sense goes on, and when they find someone they can interact with they do try to simply say HI.

We are always I feel watched, the most common place of contact is our own bathroom as we are truly alone and in quiet continuations there most times. The second is our bed and our sleep time. At times contact is in meditations as well if we have not set our space that its our time in that state.

How do we help a Spirit we claim our own personal space we ground and we protect out space. We can cleanse or sage our home but we I feel are never alone. Nor do I feel we are to be alone.

Ask your Guides and Guardians to come in and ask them to help find the path that is needed. At times activity is connected to our property we live or to the land its on. For me I am on old Railway land and there is activity here, we embrace it. New home owners here do not always do so. The land was not ours first.

Try some grounding, and maybe a cleansing crystal by the bed. Ask for that Bubble to go around you and your bed and room.


21-07-2014, 08:50 PM
Hi lynn
ask the spirit to go to the light thats what i do when i sense the light.

This spirit might of been on its own for sometime and picked up on your energy in the spirit realm to try contact.

21-08-2014, 02:51 PM
Oh this is a riot. Chocolate my cat is sitting on the sofa washing and all of a sudden the "Spirit" that sits there joins her. The couch made a farting noise....its leather so air escaping. She is laying there staring at this spirit right now. I only sense energy there that just gave me a shiver. Chocolate just joined me at the chair.....and I am ice cold.