View Full Version : Metaphysics

08-07-2014, 09:26 PM
I've been studying metaphysics now for over a year. I'm planning on getting my PH.D in it. I'm wanting to teach some of what I've learned. But I still have a few more years to go tell I finish the whole thing.

I've been trying to find answers to things I never thought of before or maybe I have but just didn't realize I did. Has anyone else been having problems trying to find answers to the things you've learned?

I was never much into main religion but, this study has seemed to brought me closer to the source. That's what I call God. I'm also wondering if anyone has any ideas of where to find things on other kinds of metaphysic teachings.

08-07-2014, 09:48 PM
Hello Redraven19. I've been on YouTube watching a guy called Bill Donahue who to me has the same sort of thinking as a metaphysan. When you first watch he might come across a bit crazy but in my opinion he seems a really nice guy with all good intentions and you can be watching and not have a clue but then you just sort of click and I've learned a lot from him, whether he is correct is for yourself to decide.

11-07-2014, 04:37 AM
Hi Redraven19, Metaphysics or the word Metaphysics can mean different things to different people. Perhaps you could give a brief definition of what you consider metaphysics to be..then it would be possible to point you in a direction.

11-07-2014, 05:21 AM
I'm also wondering if anyone has any ideas of where to find things on other kinds of metaphysic teachings. Uh, read about 50,000 posts here ...
amazon ... youtube ...

I'm having a hard time believing that you have web access and need to ask this question.

11-07-2014, 08:09 AM
i guess you read philosophy if you aspire to a phd in metaphysics, and near enough everyone said something on it, so one really has to go back to the begining and read on it so you can see how metaphysical thought evolved over the ages.