View Full Version : Losing weight healthily

Lilyth Von Gore
24-06-2014, 02:43 PM
So, I kinda need to loose maybe a stone in a week and a half. I currently weigh in at 13st 5lbs. Is it possible to do this quickly but healthily?

24-06-2014, 03:17 PM
So, I kinda need to loose maybe a stone in a week and a half. I currently weigh in at 13st 5lbs. Is it possible to do this quickly but healthily?

Healthy is more like a lifestyle...

Lilyth Von Gore
24-06-2014, 04:30 PM
Not what I asked. I asked is it possible to lose a stone in a week healthily?

24-06-2014, 05:13 PM
Hi Lilyth,

I just converted stones to kilos and seems to be roughly 6.3 kilos to a stone.
Knowing from experience and information given to me by a nutritionist friend, 1 kilo a week is as safe as it gets. (2.2 pounds) Anything beyond, would be dangerous to your health.

You need about 6 weeks time in order to reach the desired result.

Lilyth Von Gore
24-06-2014, 05:21 PM
Guess I'll just have to return that top then. Damn.

24-06-2014, 05:30 PM
Is it possible? Yes. To do it healthily, not a chance.

1 pound of fat = approx 3500 kcals. 14 lbs in a stone, and you want to shake off that in about 10 days = 1.4lbs per day.

This means to burn off the flesh (I wont say fat, because more likely you'll burn off muscle tissue at this rate) you'll have to set up a calorie deficit of 1.4 * 3500 = 4900 kcals per day. In effect, you'll have to starve yourself while at the same time exercising very intensively to achieve such a deficit. Exercising with no food intake means your body has to manufacture glycogen (muscle fuel) by cannibalising its own cells. Fat will go of course, but muscle is easier to break down, so that will go too. You still wouldn't achieve your goal, you'd just collapse instead, as your vital organs caved in under the strain of trying to meet the body's demand for energy while at the same time being overwhelmed with toxic by-products of the process of release stored energy from fat and muscle tissue (by-products that your liver and kidneys will deal with in moderation).

The other way to do it is by losing water. We're mostly made of water, and can usually lose a little bit, short term, with no ill effects, but to lose a stone, or nearly a gallon and a half, is going to leave you severely dehydrated.

So no. Just take it easy, lose it slow and steady, and stay healthy.

25-06-2014, 11:32 AM
Lilyth, have you tried the master cleanse fast? I do this fast a couple times a year. Depending on one's weight, pounds do drop off very quickly. It's safe, it's healthy and it works. The recommended length is 10 days or something, I've gone up to three weeks with no issues.

27-06-2014, 01:07 PM
Not what I asked. I asked is it possible to lose a stone in a week healthily?

Put simply - no.

The general figure quoted is 3500 kcalories = 1lb.

If that's right, you need to burn 49,000k calories to lose 14lb...in a week??

If you're fairly active, burning an average of 90kc/hr, you'd burn 15,120 kc in a week.

So... impossible. You'd lose about 9 to 10lb on the first day if you eat nothing because you shed water. But as soon as you eat again, back on it goes. Even so, you'd need to drink a lot of water to avoid ketosis.


(By the way this is for general viewing. I'm on her ladyship's ignore list but it might help others to answer the same question!)


06-07-2014, 08:12 AM
How can you tell if you're on an ignore list?

06-07-2014, 04:29 PM
She told me so. LOL.

I dared to question one of her pet theories most likely. Some people get uppity when that happens. I don't mind. She gets angry rather quickly.
