View Full Version : Gopi Krishna

21-06-2014, 01:15 AM
I had a dream about an Indian man and his wife and family. I was welcomed and I felt much love there. The colors were so vivid. The next day when I was awake I began reading several books by Gopi Krishna and on a whim looked up his picture and his wife's picture and they were the same people in my dream.

Strange things like this happen to me but I do not think they are bad. What do you make of this?

21-06-2014, 06:32 PM
I can't think of anything bad about your dream. Perhaps he was leading you to his books in this dream. Just curious, are you reading his book on kunDalini?

21-06-2014, 09:35 PM
Kris, yes, I had a very similar experience to the one he had. It happened in my late 30s. There are many parallels in our lives, even though we are from completely different cultures. After my experience, I went through a long period of illness and healing from trauma, much like he went through a long period of pain and illness. He did not write until his mid-60s, and it seems I will not either.

Not like I am one iota the human being Gopi Krishna was, but I do think he might have been leading me to his books. I have had experiences like that before with Hinduism. I wonder if I was Hindu in a prior life? I mean, it's very strange but I've come to accept it, whatever is causing it.

21-06-2014, 09:35 PM
I am working on a book right now on a related topic. :smile:

23-06-2014, 01:40 AM
pgrundy, I have had two experiences which I can only describe as partial or incomplete kunDalini experiences. I take the optimistic position that they are signs of what might come next. I say optimistic because my experiences were as pleasant as anything I have experienced. Also my experiences came while engaged in haTha yoga Asanas after I had just returned from trip to India where I met a wonderful teacher and a devotee of lord gaNesha.

By the way, I think kunDalini is a human experience that is not bound by culture or religion.

I would love to read your book when it is done.

23-06-2014, 08:36 PM
kris, that would be wonderful. I will let you know where it is or send you an ebook once I finish.

I would love to visit India but never have. I am glad you found a teacher. I agree, I think kundalini is a resource for everyone regardless of culture, but here in the West it's hard to get uptake on the subject.

I hope that changes because, wowee, something needs to change. :smile: