View Full Version : Multiple Personalities and The Collective Conscious

19-06-2014, 09:52 PM
Hello everyone. I decided I wanted to admit some things so that I can get them off my chest and not feel so guilty about what seems to be an unhealthy nature of my mind.

As the post describes, I have multiple personalities and it has transpired into a form of mutli-dimensional consciousness or collective consciousness.

I few years back I went through a troubling time, broke down and had an even more traumatic experience that led to harrowing breakdown and such. The experience caused my psyche to break apart and now I have multiple personalities or consciousness operating around my psyche.

I’m not an expert on this kind of thing, though I feel some people have a very skewed and distorted sense of what a multiple personality disorder truly is.

CLICK HERE FOR MY VIDEO THAT EXPLAINS SOME THINGS I'M GOING THROUGH (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wXKL_2n1sE&feature=youtu.be)
-This video shall explain more. I've decided I should come out and talk about it in a personal light. The stuff after this is pretty much what I explain, though in the video I go a little more into descriptions.-

I will also be talking about Chakra’s and their relationship to this phenomenon that I’m experiencing.

To begin, I will tell you what it isn’t or at least what my experience isn’t as there have been many accounts explaining what they define as multiple-personality disorders:
A person who, at random reoccurring periods – suddenly undergoes a complete personality change in which they lose all the memories of their former personality and take on a completely different image of their former self.

This hasn’t been true for myself. I don’t lose memories when I switch personalities nor do I lose complete control of myself.

What is it truly like? Remember ‘The Mask,’ With Jim Carry? This is a perfect example of how I shall explain this, and in fact a psychologist in the movie explains it as well through a book he wrote about ‘The mask we wear.’ Multiple personality disorders feel very much like this, a person feels as if though they are sometimes wearing mask that is causing them to act and feel things in a different light compared to their original self. Now, to some this might sound like acting …

But here’s the catch.

Acting is actually stimulating this very ‘disorder’ as people would call it as I wouldn’t call it that at all.

An Actor is told to put themselves in the shoes of the character they are portraying, by doing this the actor is essentially creating a new personality to reflect the role of which they are about to perform. That’s why they say, ‘get into character,’ it’s just that.

In the term of a collective personality however, as we develop through our lives and childhood; and my own included; we begin to generate and create mask and personalities that we utilize in certain situations to help us circumvent and cope with the events our life. An example is when you learn Martial Arts and learn to tap into your survivalistic nature, some call this, ‘Awakening the Dragon,’ The Dragon being you Combative And Primal personality, ‘your warrior’s face.’ Or something a little simpler, like ‘your business personality,’ the way you act when you are in a business situation and such. These are examples of moderate personality shifts. However, things can get a bit more intense.

What happens when you begin to give these personalities life and even soul to extent – you give the personalities power over yourself and your ego. It doesn’t sound possible to some as it’s hard to comprehend –but like an actor – what if you become so connected to this personality you have created that you start to mistake this mask for your very face, your own personality.

You see we create personalities often though none usually stay long enough for our subconscious to deem as actual aspects of ourselves. Let me explain, we create subtle personalities as well, however sometimes these personalities may gain energy and life enough to begin to effect our very thought process and eventually transpire into creating full-on personalities that we are capable of controlling – or in some very rare cases, lose control of them and have to battle with them constantly to define what is ourselves and what isn’t. Other events can certainly trigger this and even trigger your own personality into fragmenting into others:
Physical, Mental and Psychological trauma - even spiritual to an extent.
Certain spiritual or meditational practices aimed at separating entities that are not apart of our ‘true-self.’ I.E Yoga and other traditions.
And apparently twins also have the capability of developing these disorders as some twins may accidentally pick onto the other’s personality traits and define them as their own.
And acting and developing the personalities through role-playing, theater and many other character-developing practices.

Have you ever heard of an Animated Series called, “Paranoia Agent,” it came out a while back and was prized for its depiction of humanity and the many mental afflictions that we go through.

In one or two episodes, you are introduced to a particular character. In the day, she is a normal school teacher of respectable nature who dresses casually and is known for her shyness and over all quietness.
And then, suddenly at night she becomes a prostitute who acts as a lusty seductive woman who woo’s men for money and completely contrasts her previous behavior. What’s amazing is that this is actually possible, and it happens more than people can imagine.
However in the series her other personality actually begins to affect her school life with messages to her and even splits off and attempts to take control of her life when she tries to throw her away.

As daunting as this sounds, it’s actually quite possible and though I won’t go into detail – this has actually happened to me and the experience can be more terrifying.

Now here’s where things get interesting. People who exhibit multiple personalities and such are prone to schizophrenia – hearing voices and other hallucinations though I will be focusing on auditory hallucinations at this moment. With this particular instance, the voices they hear are their personalities fragments, I call them fragmented-souls or conscious entities, they have been split off from the main core because they are not the actual physical soul or the core soul part of our conscious. Think of it like this:
we have a soul, if we create a personality that begins to conflict with our soul, or our Pure ‘I’ (I am therefore I am,) then that fragment is separated from the energy body or our core self. However, its still there, but since you’ve given it life and mind of its own – its conscious enough to make its own thoughts and actions.

At first you can imagine when I realized I was going through the peak of when this disorder was at its worse, it feels much like being possessed. You feel like there is someone inside of you trying to influence you perform actions based on that personality’s mindset. However, my soul or pure self wouldn’t take that ** and split it away and threw it elsewhere. This is about to get esoteric, as you may have heard of Angels right? Well angels are said to have ‘many voices, and are also said to sometimes have multiple eyes or even stranger have wings that carry faces on them.’

As one of my personalities explained it, in fact I’ll let her say it:
“It feels like you have a head with multiple faces, each face with its own distinct way of acting and going about things. The worse part sometimes is that you aren’t sure which face is actually yours.”
This might remind you of several Hindu and Shamanic beings who were depicted with multiple faces. Which leads some to believe that certain spiritual practitioners were considered mystical for being able to ‘change their face,’ and suddenly become another aspect of themselves.

My own split consciousness, thankfully, have decided to not call themselves by different names. They don’t want to be, though some of them developed from other people. One of which was a person I had thought to be my Twin Flame, if you have ever heard of such a thing. Originally, this personality fully believed it was this person, until it got proof it wasn’t and completely fell apart. Thanks to this, it now feels like I am Bipolar, because there personalities in me who are very happy and when I am in those personality phases I can stay in a relatively good mood. Sadly, when I switch to this personality, I become so depressed I become suicidal, thanks to the vents that transpired. No, my Twin Flame encounter was not about love or relationships, it was much more than that – and I won’t be going into it as it would take an entire episode and maybe a book to do that.

Now, here’s where Chakra’s begin to come in. Some of these personalities are actually manifestations of your consciousness, did you know that some people have multiple consciousness developed for each energy body they have?
And Physical, there is also a masculine and feminine consciousness in everyone termed by Carl Jung, as ‘the Anima and Animus.’ And there are other’s I haven’t mentioned as well.

If these conscious entities learn to manifest themselves and communicate to you, it can actually be an amazing and beautiful experience, especially if your consciousness loves you and are also capable of thinking logically and ‘mulling,’ over things for you. I’ve learned that they not only watch over the health of my body - as they frequently remind me to drink water – some will even try to entertain me when I am sad – help other consciences who aren’t happy also and even keep an eye on my surrounding creating a sort of sixth sense. And, this is going to sound strange, but some can even be sexually attracted to you and by stimulating them – you can achieve some rather amazing results.

Yes, you can remove some of these entities, however you can’t remove them all, and there is a reason for this as once you reach a certain level of conscious development, you can’t really go back.

However, nothing is stranger than feeling these entities move around my Chakra system. Yes, they actually move, and become louder, softer or more intense in certain areas. The sensation feels like if energy is pushing itself out of my chakra’s and traveling along little lines that go to other chakra’s around my body, I noticed some like to hang in the chakra’s of my shoulders and the tethers that extend out of it. When I was going psychotic from a empathic overload I could feel a ton these things moving around my psyche and some of them were extremely unhappy with my getting rid of them, so be careful it can certainly happen.

Also, they have individual emotions, and if you **** one off, if you aren’t careful they can actually cause you to physically express this anger in an expression. They have some control over your motor functions, though it’s not like they can make you stand up and dance or anything, though one gave me the incentive to dance once and I just went with it, they can cause you make small physical movements and such and this strangely reflects Kundalini, if you have heard of such a thing.

So, for some humor, let me tell you what happened this morning when I got up and started making breakfast.
There wasn’t a lot to eat so I just started cutting up some potatoes to make some French Fries and just settled on that. Immediately one of my inner-guardians/voices/personalities says:
“You know there’s chicken in the fridge right.” I didn’t really reply, and just sort of went, ‘Hm?’ and another says, “Nothing, ignore that.”
The previous says, “Hey! Don’t do that, I was just trying to tell him there was chicken in the fridge!” (And there was, but I wanted to conserve my food.)
The other replies, “You’re not supposed to do that, if he wants to make potatoes, just let him make potatoes.”
The other replies, “I was just saying there was chicken in the fridge.”
“So what are you saying? That the potatoes aren’t good enough?”
“Well… No, I just …”
[There was bit silence.]
And then after that, they both just accepted it.
Later as I was writing this, the first got sad and actually expressed that it didn’t mean anything by it, and the other who spoke to it apologized and admitted it could have been nicer about that.
It’s really amazing listening to my own conscious collectively speak to itself and despite how it might seem it isn’t as distracting as some might think.

19-06-2014, 11:46 PM
I am wondering something here. I have spoken a bit about sub-personalities on these forums before and it seems to me that a lot of people who are going through self-realization awakenings tend to perceive themselves in split/sub personalities. I am very acquainted with this myself, having been through it during my own awakening. And I have something to say about it:

I believe there is nothing wrong with you. In fact I believe this is perfectly normal. You are becoming aware to the parts of yourself that have been split off, and you are getting to know them. You are getting to know yourself. As I have said before, the psyche is a large place and trying to see the entire Self from one perspective seems to be impossible without seeing it in all its aspects first.

I think many people in the world have a feeling that the person they portray themselves to be are just masks, and that they are playing different roles and different parts in different situations. But this feeling doesn't go very deep and they don't perceive themselves as 'split'. This is because the ego is pretty much dominant so they only perceive themselves to (falsely) be 'one'. When you begin to delve into the subconscious however, you begin to see that you are not really one, and that there are all these parts to you. As you begin to distinguish them from the shadow they become more and more real to you, and feel increasingly 'split', but in actual fact they are not becoming more split.. just more realized. You can carry on this way if you want, seeing yourself in parts, or.. there may come a time when you make an unconscious decision to integrate them altogether. Although you wrote that you can't remove them all after a certain point, from experience I know this to be false. I don't think Jung ever became Self-realized so he wouldn't have known this, but if you make that unconscious choice to integrate you will have a Self-realization experience and they will all begin to 'disappear'. Of course they are not really disappearing.. they are in fact becoming you, rather than staying as being perceived outside of you. Consciously though the thought of losing all these parts of us sounds very heartbreaking, so we tend to resist integration. There is nothing wrong with staying in an unintegrated state though, if you so wish. But don't see it as an illness, because it's not. It is a sign you are becoming to know who you truly are.

Like you I experienced my personalities as full entities and with different names, ages, ways of being, ect. I could choose which one to 'front' (take over) and be in control of my body. I developed a close relationship with them, and I had many. We had plenty of conversations and it was pretty fun.. but something I realized after a while, is that these separate 'emotions' they seem to have, are actually your own emotions symbolized. They are essentially rejected emotions that take on a life of their own and 'woo' you so that they can become more accepted and integrated. If you don't accept them (or ones which have been rejected for all your life) they will tend to act out in unruly ways as a way to gain attention. Some will be depressed, the more integrated and stable parts will be happy.. this creates the feeling of being bipolar as they vie for attention. I had this too. If you spend more time with one the others will start to play up.. you always have to maintain a great balancing act to keep them satisfied and in control. There is a sub-system of psychology somewhere that recommends this approach.

I noticed you wrote about your twin and your chakras.. and the energy that is experienced with all this. Well, also as I have written before, the anima-animus represents the heart, as in the heart chakra. The heart chakra is often what we use to connect with our twins, so it's most likely your heart energy got mixed up with your twin's (through projections, ect) and perhaps was a split off of your anima/animus which believed itself to be your twin. When really it was just a part of yourself you didn't realize existed before. The thing is, all these different parts of you have different vibrations, and so they live in different planes. Your aura is like 'the whole you' that exists in every plane, so perhaps you can feel these parts of you interacting as their vibrations change as you begin to accept them. Energy is mental, bodily, soul.. energy is everything. So you being able to feel them moving around in your chakras/aura/body doesn't surprise me. The body contains the mind-soul, after all. All in all the fact that you are having energy symptoms too suggests to me you are going through a self-realization awakening.. not Kundalini, but somewhat connected to it. There is no need to feel guilty or feel like you have an unhealthy state of mind. Your mind is probably a lot more sane that most, due to the fact you recognize these parts to you and are coming to know and accept them, whilst others don't and they wonder why they act in ways they don't mean to or why they don't know who they are. I would say embrace what is happening to you as much as you can. There is nothing wrong with you, you are perfectly healthy :)

19-06-2014, 11:47 PM
I am actually surprised no one has noticed the connection between split/sub-personalities before and Self-realization. I think there needs to be more awareness about this, so that people don't feel so crazy and freakish.

19-06-2014, 11:55 PM
I few years back I went through a troubling time, broke down and had an even more traumatic experience that led to harrowing breakdown and such. The experience caused my psyche to break apart and now I have multiple personalities or consciousness operating around my psyche.

Self-realization awakenings tend to start like this. For me it was the end of an abusive childhood. For my twin it was dying (I think) for a few seconds in an explosion. I think it's something to do with the trauma which breaks not you.. but your perception of yourself. Or better way to put it.. it breaks the ego so all the stuff from the subconscious that you were previously unaware of starts reaching you. So as you start exploring this new world and you come across all these unintegrated parts which kickstarts an inner exploration. It feels pretty awful most the time as all this stuff starts coming up to the surface, but if you can make it through it will be one of the best things that has ever happened to you. The ego needs to be expanded so that the Self can begin to emerge and shine. And trauma tends to be the best way to make that happen (unfortunately, lol).

20-06-2014, 12:59 AM
I am wondering something here. I have spoken a bit about sub-personalities on these forums before and it seems to me that a lot of people who are going through self-realization awakenings tend to perceive themselves in split/sub personalities. I am very acquainted with this myself, having been through it during my own awakening. And I have something to say about it:

I believe there is nothing wrong with you. In fact I believe this is perfectly normal. You are becoming aware to the parts of yourself that have been split off, and you are getting to know them. You are getting to know yourself. As I have said before, the psyche is a large place and trying to see the entire Self from one perspective seems to be impossible without seeing it in all its aspects first.

I think many people in the world have a feeling that the person they portray themselves to be are just masks, and that they are playing different roles and different parts in different situations. But this feeling doesn't go very deep and they don't perceive themselves as 'split'. This is because the ego is pretty much dominant so they only perceive themselves to (falsely) be 'one'. When you begin to delve into the subconscious however, you begin to see that you are not really one, and that there are all these parts to you. As you begin to distinguish them from the shadow they become more and more real to you, and feel increasingly 'split', but in actual fact they are not becoming more split.. just more realized. You can carry on this way if you want, seeing yourself in parts, or.. there may come a time when you make an unconscious decision to integrate them altogether. Although you wrote that you can't remove them all after a certain point, from experience I know this to be false. I don't think Jung ever became Self-realized so he wouldn't have known this, but if you make that unconscious choice to integrate you will have a Self-realization experience and they will all begin to 'disappear'. Of course they are not really disappearing.. they are in fact becoming you, rather than staying as being perceived outside of you. Consciously though the thought of losing all these parts of us sounds very heartbreaking, so we tend to resist integration. There is nothing wrong with staying in an unintegrated state though, if you so wish. But don't see it as an illness, because it's not. It is a sign you are becoming to know who you truly are.

Like you I experienced my personalities as full entities and with different names, ages, ways of being, ect. I could choose which one to 'front' (take over) and be in control of my body. I developed a close relationship with them, and I had many. We had plenty of conversations and it was pretty fun.. but something I realized after a while, is that these separate 'emotions' they seem to have, are actually your own emotions symbolized. They are essentially rejected emotions that take on a life of their own and 'woo' you so that they can become more accepted and integrated. If you don't accept them (or ones which have been rejected for all your life) they will tend to act out in unruly ways as a way to gain attention. Some will be depressed, the more integrated and stable parts will be happy.. this creates the feeling of being bipolar as they vie for attention. I had this too. If you spend more time with one the others will start to play up.. you always have to maintain a great balancing act to keep them satisfied and in control. There is a sub-system of psychology somewhere that recommends this approach.

I noticed you wrote about your twin and your chakras.. and the energy that is experienced with all this. Well, also as I have written before, the anima-animus represents the heart, as in the heart chakra. The heart chakra is often what we use to connect with our twins, so it's most likely your heart energy got mixed up with your twin's (through projections, ect) and perhaps was a split off of your anima/animus which believed itself to be your twin. When really it was just a part of yourself you didn't realize existed before. The thing is, all these different parts of you have different vibrations, and so they live in different planes. Your aura is like 'the whole you' that exists in every plane, so perhaps you can feel these parts of you interacting as their vibrations change as you begin to accept them. Energy is mental, bodily, soul.. energy is everything. So you being able to feel them moving around in your chakras/aura/body doesn't surprise me. The body contains the mind-soul, after all. All in all the fact that you are having energy symptoms too suggests to me you are going through a self-realization awakening.. not Kundalini, but somewhat connected to it. There is no need to feel guilty or feel like you have an unhealthy state of mind. Your mind is probably a lot more sane that most, due to the fact you recognize these parts to you and are coming to know and accept them, whilst others don't and they wonder why they act in ways they don't mean to or why they don't know who they are. I would say embrace what is happening to you as much as you can. There is nothing wrong with you, you are perfectly healthy :)

Thank you for replying, it's nice to know other's can relate to such a phenomenon.

Actually, they weren't full entities, as said they didn't give themselves names, the voices stay relatively the same pitch and most of them don't identify themselves with ages, or genders or even appearances unless its my Anima and Animus sub-persona's. Most of them simply call themselves 'energies,' and they all seem quite fine with being just that.

There were a lot of things I wanted to explain in post, but it would have been like throwing a book down into the forum. That's why I included the video of myself talking about it to keep things from getting too lengthy in written terms. That and I could actually show people the different personalities in action.

I was also talking about that in the video, how they apply themselves to different emotional bodies and manifest as that way. They can be pretty expressive and can be very emotional - powerful emotions that almost seem to become something when you feel them. They truly do come to life and can act rather childish - which is why I connected them to the Inner-Child motives I was hearing of. In fact I once had a vision that some of them approached me as small energies and talked with me about certain parts of my life and why they were feeling certain things and what to do about them.

I also explain in the video that the emotional content of them can make you feel rather bipolar, and its very intense - especially the one that thought it was a Twin Flame.

On that matter, I'm not actually connected to true Twin Flame or anything. It believed it was and that, and many other things helped into how lot of this started. I don't have a Twin and the part of me that previously thought it was so - and again I go more it no that in the video as I explain that the whole matter made this part of me actually believe it was someone else and the experience was rather traumatic. When it figured out this was all untrue the personality just fell apart, and now it acts more like raving monster than anything - because its a anomaly, its something built off of something that wasn't true and since it obsessed over this constantly - once it found out it wasn't true and that none of it really happened, it became empty, lost and depressed. Considering this reflected myself, it eventually integrated into my personality and now I have times when this personalty gets to take control - since I don't always have control over them, in fact it feels like cycles - where I become so depressed I get extremely suicidal - because it feels like I become personality that is just a husk. I've tried to heal it, but at the moment it is too... distraught to do anything about and refuses to believe any thing I say. I believe this may just be something I'll have to suffer through until the end of my days.

I am actually surprised no one has noticed the connection between split/sub-personalities before and Self-realization. I think there needs to be more awareness about this, so that people don't feel so crazy and freakish.

I am too actually, that's partly why I posted this and made the video, I was curious if others were going through it too.

Self-realization awakenings tend to start like this. For me it was the end of an abusive childhood. For my twin it was dying (I think) for a few seconds in an explosion. I think it's something to do with the trauma which breaks not you.. but your perception of yourself. Or better way to put it.. it breaks the ego so all the stuff from the subconscious that you were previously unaware of starts reaching you. So as you start exploring this new world and you come across all these unintegrated parts which kickstarts an inner exploration. It feels pretty awful most the time as all this stuff starts coming up to the surface, but if you can make it through it will be one of the best things that has ever happened to you. The ego needs to be expanded so that the Self can begin to emerge and shine. And trauma tends to be the best way to make that happen (unfortunately, lol).

I'm starting to see that I had to go through what I went to become a better person, as I brought them upon myself and now I have to find the light in it. Its painful, but I guess that's just the nature of things really, and I have to keep going until I see the light in the end of it.

20-06-2014, 02:08 AM
Hello :3 I too have experienced similar. There would be just so much to type out though!

Oh, and as a note mine do not like to be named either.

20-06-2014, 01:12 PM
I'm glad you don't feel so alone now in this experience :smile:

I realize you said they weren't full entities.. I probably didn't put it that clear. I was referring to my own when I wrote that, that mine had names and stuff. Mine didn't seem to mind, but they weren't 'full' entities as you said- more like semi-conscious entities. But I used a lot of active imagination to connect with mine so with the ones I worked with the most had the most distinctions.. like different voices, ect.

You did write quite a lot.. I ended up skimming over so many times I think I ended up reading it from back to front all together XD Also I listened to some of the video but then noticed it was half an hour long and I'm sorry to say I don't have the largest attention span in the world. But it's okay.. I know what you mean about how personalities work in the real world and stuff.

I think sub-personalities are sort of like 'pocket's of energy.. sort of like psychic storage containers for holding emotions that have been rejected until a time where they can be assimilated and integrated. You can see this in auras as well.. pockets of dark dense energy. The happier personalities are probably pockets of 'natural' lighter energy surrounded on all sides by the denser darker energy pockets. Because if this natural energy were allowed to roam around free you wouldn't feel it as a distinct entity, as you do. Also as the denser darker pockets around them start to release a bit they probably expand this lighter pocket.. making the happier personalities more prominent.

I have often found myself that personalities that need acceptance will always tend to be childish. Not childish as in happy, playful, free, ect, but childish as in immature. I think it's because the inner child is the first thing to be repressed so it affects pretty much everything that becomes repressed after it. These parts of us never really 'grow up', even if you see some of the older ones as adults. They all originate as wounds from childhood. This is why I would say healing the inner child is the most important thing to do for healing. It always gets to the root of the problem. Everything else is just different manifestations of that.

Perhaps the Twin Flame thing was a karmic part of you that remains from a past life where you met your Twin and you never really resolved some issues there? It's a possibility. Hmm.. or on second thought.. it seems like you were feeding energy into a thought-form which was really just another aspect of you that hadn't been accepted. The extent of the delusion and especially with the suicidal feelings you mention it having probably goes to show how deep its wounds are. I think you should pay more attention to this part.. try not to convince it the truth. A child doesn't know the difference between truth and reality.. particularly a traumatic child. The only way you can show truth to someone is by loving them. Purely and unconditionally that is. I couldn't say how to go about that exactly in your case but it's worth thinking about and approaching it from a different angle.

I'm starting to see that I had to go through what I went to become a better person, as I brought them upon myself and now I have to find the light in it. Its painful, but I guess that's just the nature of things really, and I have to keep going until I see the light in the end of it.

There's no gain without pain :smile:

Black Sheep
20-06-2014, 04:00 PM
Hi, just jumping into to say nice to meet you, DarkestShadeofGrey, and you too ScarlettHayden.
It’s really amazing listening to my own conscious collectively speak to itself and despite how it might seem it isn’t as distracting as some might think. I found for myself similar as well, it's amazing the things one learns about oneself, in those moments of quiet listening, like in objective observer mode.

it breaks the ego so all the stuff from the subconscious that you were previously unaware of starts reaching you. So as you start exploring this new world and you come across all these unintegrated parts which kickstarts an inner exploration.I really like how you stated this, and such a fun perspective.

Anyway, welcome and nice to meet you all. :D

20-06-2014, 04:49 PM
To ScarlettHayden:

I apologize, I haven't been myself lately, not feeling very well. I may have misread a lot of what you said. And I can understand, my attention span can be rather slim too, so I understand.

Its possible, but at the moment there's nothing I can do. This part is ... at the moment impossible to touch. It feels the more I pay attention to it, the worse ti gets, so I've I've decided to simply leave it to the Universe and hope that maybe something will happen to ease my pain.

But thank you, maybe I'll find some ease in that.

To Black Sheep:

Yes, yes it is amazing.

howl hej
20-06-2014, 06:28 PM
I feel like i've been going through this my entire life but i never made it known, i'd stand on the sidelines and watch all these terms float around, checking off 'yes, yep, i relate to that too...' however the consistent shifting from one to another that calling multiple personalities seems easier.

this happens a lot when i'm alone talking to myself in the mirror. some times i almost feel unhuman, because i'll watch my reflection go back and forth, saying all these things and most of the time i get carried away from all the emotions.

20-06-2014, 06:49 PM
Hi, just jumping into to say nice to meet you, DarkestShadeofGrey, and you too ScarlettHayden.
I found for myself similar as well, it's amazing the things one learns about oneself, in those moments of quiet listening, like in objective observer mode.

I really like how you stated this, and such a fun perspective.

Anyway, welcome and nice to meet you all. :D

Nice to meet you too :hug3:

To ScarlettHayden:

I apologize, I haven't been myself lately, not feeling very well. I may have misread a lot of what you said. And I can understand, my attention span can be rather slim too, so I understand.

Its possible, but at the moment there's nothing I can do. This part is ... at the moment impossible to touch. It feels the more I pay attention to it, the worse ti gets, so I've I've decided to simply leave it to the Universe and hope that maybe something will happen to ease my pain.

But thank you, maybe I'll find some ease in that.

To Black Sheep:

Yes, yes it is amazing.

Often things seem to get worse when they're actually getting better but I understand.. if it feels better to leave it to the universe then that is the best thing to do. Never force an issue.

this happens a lot when i'm alone talking to myself in the mirror. some times i almost feel unhuman, because i'll watch my reflection go back and forth, saying all these things and most of the time i get carried away from all the emotions.

I never tried that before.. if only I had split personalities still.. ahh.. I'd love to mess around with that. Would sure be interesting. Good way of emotional release too.

20-06-2014, 10:10 PM
God made Man in his Image...So I read some place... Except God is to me a metaphor for Creation , Source Code..Or whatever it is we come from.

So in effect, You, Me , Him over there, Her Down the Street..Branches of the same tree..Or at the very least Individual leaves on the Branch of the same tree.:smile:

20-06-2014, 10:18 PM
God made Man in his Image...So I read some place... Except God is to me a metaphor for Creation , Source Code..Or whatever it is we come from.

So in effect, You, Me , Him over there, Her Down the Street..Branches of the same tree..Or at the very least Individual leaves on the Branch of the same tree.:smile:

I also see this as another reason why sub-personalities inside us is natural. We are all effectively sub-personalities of God if you think about it.

20-06-2014, 10:21 PM
That makes me feel a lot better about what I'm going through right now, thank you everyone. Knowing that, I feel like in some ways we are all connected, and we all can mirror, reveal and show things about each other in ways we couldn't ever imagine.

21-06-2014, 05:33 PM
There wasn’t a lot to eat so I just started cutting up some potatoes to make some French Fries and just settled on that.
This is the only part of your post that I disagree with. If you're using potatoes then they're chips, but I'll find it in my heart to forgive you for not being British. Somewhere.:smile:

Sorry if that sounded a bit flippant, Darkest, but even good old basic common sense tells me that you are exactly the way the Universe is, and if there's ever an example of of the macrocosm/microcosm or anything remotely of that ilk you're that example. If there is a 'whacked out' then it's with the people that think you're 'whacked out'.

And you're not alone. I give my 'Higher Self' a name and a personality because that helps my mind relate better. A 'mental health professional' called me schizophrenic and sent me to see a shrink - who thanked me for the opportunity to talk to a medium. During an induction course the metal health profession the guy conducting the induction said that mental health is what the shrink decides it is on the day, and from hearing of people's experiences of 'the system' that's true. Hearing voices is more prevalent than most people would like to admit. Normal is not normal. How many people on this planet and Spiritually there is (as is often said) no separation?

Maybe the word you're looking for is embodiment, as in you are.

21-06-2014, 05:56 PM
lol is it okay if I call them French Chips? Sorry, being raised in the states is such a weird thing, English and Engrish and Engwish have always confounded me. ****

I'm so happy I started this thread, I was worried it might be seen as negative, but so far its working out better than I thought. ^w^

Love and prosperity to everyone!

21-06-2014, 06:57 PM
This is interesting! But also very annoying cause I had the same problem a few years ago when I went into the wall. (=broke down, Swedish proverb) The voices told me to trust their words and who to despise or not, made me very confused to the point I got manipulated by them(voices) and people for a long time. I told them to shut up but they didnt listen at all, they also made me do stupid things I would never even think about doing. I dont remember how I got rid of them though they can come around for a visit, but now Im in charge.

You seem to have the "good" voices though I feel your pain of not having control is the worst, "my own thoughts or 'them'...".

22-06-2014, 09:33 AM
lol is it okay if I call them French Chips? Sorry, being raised in the states is such a weird thing, English and Engrish and Engwish have always confounded me. ****

I'm so happy I started this thread, I was worried it might be seen as negative, but so far its working out better than I thought. ^w^

Love and prosperity to everyone! Oh go on then, call them French Chips if you must. :smile: Proper English is gone in the mists of time, it's been chopped and changed by so many other tongues so there's no reason you can't do the same. Fill your boots.

I know where you're coming from because my experiences are, while not as extensive or intensive as yours, pretty similar. Including thinking it you could so easily set yourself up to be called a basketcase. Been there a few times. The trick for me is remembering that it's all down to perspective, that the Universe is just the way it is and everything else is how we perceive it. Flip the switch and negative becomes positive.

In a 'French Chips' kinda way this is best said in Doric, which is my native tongue. It's been said that when you understand the language you understand the people, and this is particularly true of Doric.
"Hud 'er chappen." It means keep going, you're doing fine. Safe Journey, Darkest.

22-06-2014, 10:54 AM
Oh go on then, call them French Chips if you must. :smile: Proper English is gone in the mists of time, it's been chopped and changed by so many other tongues so there's no reason you can't do the same. Fill your boots.

I know where you're coming from because my experiences are, while not as extensive or intensive as yours, pretty similar. Including thinking it you could so easily set yourself up to be called a basketcase. Been there a few times. The trick for me is remembering that it's all down to perspective, that the Universe is just the way it is and everything else is how we perceive it. Flip the switch and negative becomes positive.

In a 'French Chips' kinda way this is best said in Doric, which is my native tongue. It's been said that when you understand the language you understand the people, and this is particularly true of Doric.
"Hud 'er chappen." It means keep going, you're doing fine. Safe Journey, Darkest.

When I was reading this I was just sort of wondering how the conversation went from multiple personalties to the different ways to label cut up potatoes in English.. and then I realized the latter could be seen as the sub-personalities of the English language :D Different ways of expressing the same thing. These aspects of you Darkest are just different ways of expressing you. Just as we're all different ways of expressing God.

22-06-2014, 11:34 AM

my uncle had this.

He later committed suicide.

He was in truth a merry maker.

But when he shifted, he spoke in foul, filthy language .

It was said in the family, 'look uncle's switched on his evil twin'

i believe we are all nice people and were nice to him.

We couldnt push him into psychological therapy.

It was impossible because he was a scientist at the NASA.

Telling him lets go to a mind doc would make him push us out of his room.

It happend so quickly we couldnt save him.

We had to leave him on his own because he offered to kill my father so we had to leave the house overnight and when we returned he was found dead.

It took us your forum post to understand he was not in devil mode but he was in another self.

22-06-2014, 11:36 AM

my uncle had this.

He later committed suicide.

He was in truth a merry maker.

But when he shifted, he spoke in foul, filthy language .

It was said in the family, 'look uncle's switched on his evil twin'

i believe we are all nice people and were nice to him.

We couldnt push him into psychological therapy.

It was impossible because he was a scientist at the NASA.

Telling him lets go to a mind doc would make him push us out of his room.

It happend so quickly we couldnt save him.

We had to leave him on his own because he offered to kill my father so we had to leave the house overnight and when we returned he was found dead.

It took us your forum post to understand he was not in devil mode but he was in another self.

Wish you mirth~

22-06-2014, 12:57 PM
When I was reading this I was just sort of wondering how the conversation went from multiple personalties to the different ways to label cut up potatoes in English.. and then I realized the latter could be seen as the sub-personalities of the English language :D Different ways of expressing the same thing. These aspects of you Darkest are just different ways of expressing you. Just as we're all different ways of expressing God.
This damned voice is driving me bananas lol. "He is become God."

22-06-2014, 01:00 PM
No amount of words can fathom how much I feel for you right now Chirpyrosa, I'm so sorry - I hope things are working out and that he's in better place. If its anything, PTS or post-traumatic stress can also trigger the personality shifts - and its a difficult and painful thing to heal from.

And btw you are all amazing and wonderful people, I'm glad to have spoken and conversed with such open and diverse hearts.

Love to all of you~

22-06-2014, 01:31 PM
This damned voice is driving me bananas lol. "He is become God."

Lol! Who knew.. God is a crazy delusional being with PTSD :D

(Just realized how that sounded.. not aimed at you darkest. Just how realization of oneself as God seems to cause these symptoms in people)

silent whisper
22-06-2014, 02:15 PM
Thankyou for sharing, I can relate to this in ways most common through my dark night of the soul and altered reality shift at one time..MOst thought I was going crazy, to me it seemed crazy at times but somehow something always got me through the crazy parts...I recal a point where I described to someone that it felt like my crown had blown apart and the entire world was in my head listening and speaking to me...confusing it was, totally irrational..completely ok now I am here to see myself on the other side of all this..

Black Sheep
23-06-2014, 03:43 AM
A 'mental health professional' called me schizophrenic and sent me to see a shrinkI had a similar experience, well except the shrink was more critical and vocally aghast. I was scared at the time, but looking back it's funny.

I also see this as another reason why sub-personalities inside us is natural. We are all effectively sub-personalities of God if you think about it.
I agree, I never knew about sub-personalities till my guide pointed them out.

I had known the inner voice of my guide for a long, but then at one point I had a spiritual crisis, my spirit guide pointed out my parts of self that I had denied holding onto pain, trauma and needed healing; some had their own personality, names, and perspective; others I named for ease of communication and work, it certainly made it easier to heal. It was a very hard, but rewarding experience.

25-06-2014, 06:45 AM
supposedly there was one study on multiple personalities whereby the persons body did not require certain medications when certain "personalities" were pre-dominant. which made me wonder how they can affect your energy system. probably there are a few different types of this occurrence.

its always good to know peoples inner life. helps you appreciate peoples position. i was wondering, after your last reply to me, what it was to be honest, so thanks for illucidating me.

there was a program on tv many years ago about a lady who'd had this since school. unfortunately she was pretty messed up about it though not outwardly regrettful. she didn't want them to leave or as was said "didn't desire integration". they were a little more separate than yours i think and i'm not sure if there was memory between them. she believed she'd been ritually abused. difficult to appraise that as who would want to relegate an awfull experience to her imagination. im big into chinese medicine and after years of interest it starts to become intuitive. i could tell from her face, it was slightly bloated in comparison to her body, that her spleen/pancreas meridian was severly affected. interesting...its just occured to me that the medications i previously spoke of were for diabetes, which is of course the pancreas. its to do with grounding the physical body.

ive had a couple of psychotic breaks myself. about 6 years ago- not dangerous but frightening. fortunately, sort of, i inadvertently induced them, and could again, but won't of course as it was very upsetting to my family and me. so it won't happen again. though i remain marginally succeptible. wheat makes me paranoid and is a common trigger for paranoid scizophrenia. many paranoid scizophrenics have coeliac. during it i was convinced of ritual abuse, not specfically but generally. my family had purposefully allowed me to have the mercury filling that lost me my health and things like injections, to see what they'd do, kind of thing. hidden cameras in my house etc. i was like a truman show experiment and everyone was in on it except me. the world converging in my head was quite an experience too but then dmt release is common in schizoid breaks.

i think you're saying fragments of you're own consciousness have broken away, to some extent, and have become, to a certain degree, self determining? mental energy certainly exists beyond the body i think. it also sounds like a bit of de-realisation/depersonalisation.

i've also heard that enlightened beings can allow other entities, of similar vibration, to operate through them...or maybe its even multiple versions of themselves as well. i can appreciate similar might occur during kundalini type occurences. so, it can, maybe, be a sign that theres a real physical illness causing this fracture or it happens during an increase in sensitivity of the body, like what people call "kundalini experience". and probably other cause too. if its physical, i think its best to put it right if you can, as even though you can live with it now it may progress and make life hard. if its part of becoming more sensitive then it should pass and become integrated. id learn tai chi (i take it your martial arts weren't internal?). very grounding and good for integration, be that caused by illness or more sensitivity. anyone like this should try gluten free, just in case. excuse im always very practical, its my thing, making sure the physical body is good, atb

25-06-2014, 06:54 PM
I actually studied Tai Chi and Chinese Sword Fighting, I know several Martial Arts and I decided I would pull a Bruce Lee and just make my own style from multiple sources.

Your experience sounds incredible and I am overwhelmed by how much you went through, my own wasn't nearly as bad though I was so far gone it was like being a megalomaniac and I don't ever want to go down that road again.

Mine was triggered by smoking a very powerful medical marijuana, I had smoked other's and had no affect, but this in particular didn't agree with my psyche or my body and it sent me into a kundalini episode and unraveled my psyche. Ever since then I guess my abilities were woken up by the process. I still smoke here and there, but nothing that's medical - only home grown, I just don't trust those strains anymore. I had to learn the lesson however, yet it taught me that the people who instructed me things in my life weren't completely knowledgeable of their own so-called disciplines. I certainly went through a period of depersonalization, where I seemed to be eradicating parts of myself I had disillusioned into existence while the firmer stronger parts of my conscious remain.

I refuse to do medication after being injected with several different ones and then going into an even more powerful psychotic breakdown, they wouldn't let me out of the ward without toxifying my systems with medication. One of which caused me to enter a state of dream-lapse, where I felt like I was in a living dream. The experience became even worse when I started have reoccurring dreams of waking up several times within a manner seconds in the same bed only to find I was still in the same dream. It nearly distorted my sense of what was real and what is it and now I feel like Spike from Cowboy Bebop or Mugen from Samurai Champloo, that I am living in a dream that is too real for me to distinguish if it is reality or not.

Medications nowadays are a joke and they need to be either banned or completely rethought, they are addictive and dangerous and I am sad that they are doing this to people who may simply be undergoing a spiritual unraveling.

But having a mind that can ponder and help me with things isn't so bad, I did wish for a guardian when I was little, and now it sort of feels like I have one. Whether or not it is a good thing, we'll just have to see.

26-06-2014, 08:48 PM
I too am very conscious of "The Voices" within my head, for lack of a better term.. Particularly the "saboteur" which mostly is condescending and has the upper hand for the most part.. My focus has been in overcoming this "part" of myself.. I want to be more positive in thought, word and action. I want to embrace this life experience as a whole. I am always seeking to be.. MORE. To improve - to evolve, but without becoming some self-help junkie in the process.. For the most part I go it alone since there are few I trust. I fear being misdiagnosed, labeled, medicated, and judged by those not knowing.. So, I utilize youtube a lot! I do have a close Shaman friend who I do trust and have had her "journey' with me. Most recently I have entertained "Soul Retrieval" practices, with the intention of regaining those fragmented (Soul) parts which may have been lost due to a myriad of reasons not limited to one lifetime.. Anyway, it seems many are on some kind of journey, and this journey can get quite crazy at times! I'm not going to act as if I'm some kind of expert with definitive answers, but it is clear to me SOMETHING IS GOING ON!

03-07-2014, 05:56 AM
I just wanted to say hi

and are you into holistic studies

03-07-2014, 06:40 AM
Ya now, I'm not really sure, but it certainly sounds interesting.

03-07-2014, 07:13 AM
I knew one woman, she had cured her son's bipolar disorder with reiki. I think it is a welcome news to other brain disorders.

06-07-2014, 02:26 PM
I wonder, I never used Reiki I would learn to do so - but I just don't understand it and what its about. i know someone who does reiki - but their health at the moment isn't very good so I haven't asked them.

06-07-2014, 03:43 PM

I think reiki healers do not make claims.

Actually it is a modest start.

For all of us who are to be in contact with reiki.

It is principally a guiding force that works with each individual in a unique way.

Reiki taps into the individual's divine life purpose.

Sadly, to some people, health isnt a life purpose, hence reiki operates differently for evey practitioner.

I met one healer who had ups and downs in life but she had a strong spirit, her features reflect inner health.

And ive met one healer who is making a lot of money, but their life is a tornado.

In my case reiki gives me joy, it is a modest reward from this great guiding force.

Ultimately, it teaches how small or great we each are.

You should take a dip and you will meet your unique feature, or life expression.

'when I walk, i see; when i run, i dont'