View Full Version : Definitions please...

27-11-2010, 11:26 AM

I need some opinions on what soulgroups, soulmates and twin flames are.

What's the difference, which aspects do they have in common?

27-11-2010, 11:28 AM
Thank you.. I am curious as well...

looking forward to the answers :)

27-11-2010, 11:45 AM
Hope you find this informative.

http://harusami.com/soul2soul/twinsoul.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fhar usami.com%252Fsoul2soul%252Ftwinsoul.html)

27-11-2010, 12:32 PM
From my experience I have learned that...

Twinflames are one soul which has been split. This one soul is in two bodies and incarnates at the same time, usually days or weeks appart. Both "halves" of the soul are drawn together during each of their lives, most times they are born near one another and at other times they spontaniously meet. If one half is spiritually aware, they are often able to sense their other half clearly even before making physical contact. The bond between twinflames is strong, (romantic as far as I know) exceedingly uncommon and never fades, not even after death. In fact, this bond is so strong that often after coming together, physical separation for an extended period of time can be physically and mentally painfull.

Soulmates are two or more souls who are similar enough to be able to form a strong bond. This bond is created by gradually and naturally blending one anothers souls together. This bond can also be romantic or simply a friendship of sorts and, unlike a Twinflame bond, it can be broken or dulled with some effort (intentionally or through a loss of physical and mental contact) depending on how strong it is.

These two bonds tend to be confused because a "complete" Soulmate bond (both souls being so blended as to be almost identical) is difficult to separate between a Twinflame bond, but in essence it is formed by choice and the two souls will always be individuals, whereas a Twinflame bond is a state of being and formed as (I suspect) a method of survival.

A Soulgroup is the spiritual equivalent of a social circle of friends and relationships. Conncections and bonds between the Soulmates of Twinflames and Soulmates of Soulmates can be very extensive. Throughout lives these groups of souls often incarnate in the same lifetimes/time frames and are drawn to one another and upon physically meeting usually get the sense that they already know one another, which, in a sense, is entierly true.

All of the bonds here can be observed by intuitive people outside of anothers Soulgroup.

My definitions are gained through personal experiences, so they will most likely not be in line with the general view of Twinflames, Soulmates and Soulgroups.

27-11-2010, 01:22 PM
NightSpirit, that is a wonderful article!

28-11-2010, 08:19 AM

I need some opinions on what soulgroups, soulmates and twin flames are.

What's the difference, which aspects do they have in common?

A great book that explains soulmates and soulgroups (and is just really interesting to read) is "Soulmates and Hot Dates" by Maria Shaw.

She describes soul groups as a group of souls who contracted prior to incarnation for a common purpose. An example she used............people who died in the 9/11 attacks, or any major tragedies you can think of. For those who worked in the world trade center building who maybe ended up sick that day or coincidentally lost their keys and didn't make it to work on time...............there was a purpose for that. Those people were not in that soul group.

Soulmates are people you have had past lives with. Sometimes they were family members, loves, friends, etc.

Twin souls are the other half of your soul. At the dawn of mankind, one soul was split into two (masculine and feminine energies) and both incarnated over and over in multiple lifetimes to gain experience. Sometimes they met briefly and parted ways because the energy was too intense. It is said that most people haven't had many lifetimes with their twin and when they did, it was to speed up their spiritual growth or awakening. Supposedly twins do end up together in their last lifetime--because of some task for mankind, and for ascension.

28-11-2010, 08:20 AM
Hope you find this informative.


My favorite.