View Full Version : Existence Planes, Mediation & Enlightenment

03-06-2014, 07:44 PM
I have done a summary on the different dimensions of reality that you can expect to experience later in life or after that if you actively work with meditation or yoga throughout life.
I also explain a bit about what enlightenment means.

The post is pretty well written, even though... pretty long. I've received quite good feedback on it, even from people that are not particularly spiritual.

Anyway, it can be of a motivating art and inspire you to do more meditation or yogic practice, as well deepen your knowledge about the possible experiences.

Please check out the text at:

While bearing in mind that this is a spiritual community, I simply thought that this was a good place to tip about the existence of the post. :)

If you wish to read the non-formatted version of the text, and stay on the forum, please check down below.

Dear Regards

03-06-2014, 07:45 PM
People sometimes question:
"Is there not more to life than this?"
The simple answer is: - Yes, there is more to life.

I know I sometimes felt that as youngster, "There is something missing...".
I think finally I have found the missing piece of the puzzle of life.

Many existential questions arise.
What happens after death? Is rebirth possible? What is the meaning of life?
Does karma exist, and if so, how does it work?
Why do monks (and nuns) sit and meditate so much their whole life?
What do they gain in giving everything up, if anything?

As you may know, I've been meditating for almost 3 years now on these matters, and more.
I will try to share some of the insights I have on the matter.

Why should you read this somewhat lengthy post?
You will afterwards understand why some people do meditation and yoga practice regularly. You will know what to expect one day regarding experiences into higher blissful states of consciousness. Thereby I hope you will have something to look forward to as well.

Why have I written this post?
Well, to inspire people about the possibilities of a more fulfilling experience of life and life after death.
I simply want people to know about the fruit that can be harvested if enough time and effort is laid into meditation or yoga. Generally, people has still not understood this principle and the motivation for it.
It is not about making everyone believe exactly what I believe. Believe what you wish, but I want to show you a door of knowledge you probably haven't heard about before.

The insights below are based page sites and youtube clips about spirtuality & religion & mysticism, comments from people writing in youtube clip comments, forum discussions and pod-casts.
This filtered information have been fused with knowledge gained from interesting literature such as "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Yogananda and Robert Monroe's "Journeys out of the Body".

If you are not interested in what I have to say please don't read on.
If you usually judge people based on their beliefs, well... Do as you wish, but I wouldn't judge you.
If you think some things sound out of position, remember it is only theory still, in life we are free to believe as we wish...
and I am still working on verifying certain knowledge through more meditation.

If you start to think twice about your "Life becomes a Black Hole after you die."-theory after reading this... well the concept of that makes me glad. That is actually what I believed prior do diving deep into the subjects I onward shall propose to you.

I will hereby explain the different dimensions that seems to be exist, and why you DEFINITELY want to reach higher than you are currently.
I will also explain what enlightment means.
Please, read on if you have enough vigor and mental stamina for it.
If not - read it tomorrow! :)
And if you don't want to read, I advise to do it anyway, because it is simply a well rewarding text if you understand the deeper mechanics of the underlying mysteries involved.

The dimensions are:
Physical Dimension --> Astral --> Mental --> Causal --> Eternity.
Each dimension is very different from the other... and things improve GREATLY as you advance into the higher dimensions.

03-06-2014, 07:46 PM
Physical Dimension
The physical, material reality we currently live in.
We are born starting out with different starting attributes and talents for some reason,
and we learn what it means to be a human through both good and bad experiences and eventually we die.
Do our natural talents depend upon what we have learnt in previous lifetimes or are some people just simply insanely lucky?

In the physical reality, people are suffering. Of course we have a lot of love, beautiful art and science,
but we also have bugs, diseases, wars, starvation, suffering and pain. For most people the latter is more true.

This is why the monks call this reality "Samsara". It means: "Prison". They say we are caught in the "The Cycle of Suffering".
They want to break free. They want to get out. They have a deeper understanding of what comes afterwards if you do break free.
Breaking free from the cycle of suffering simply means getting rid of all (physical) karma so you are not pulled to the
physical dimension again when karma activates, forcing you to be reborn again.
Yes I'm claiming it right here and now, I am telling you, reincarnation is simply the truth. (And yes, karma is simply a energetic control system to keep things in order).
Buddhism and Hinduism is both right here as both of these generally talks about this principle.
Actually the other religions hints at it as well, even though it is more subtle or hidden, as e.g. the Bible was supposably altered a lot after Jesus Death. (Yes, to be honest, he most probably existed as an enlightened Guru as well).

If you believe in reincarnation, a general question regarding it and karma would be:
"Why would I want to do like the crazy monks, aiming at getting rid of all (physical) karma? I want to be reborn again!!! I love being alive, I love art, music and lying on the beach with the sun gazing from above, waves crushing in and wind blowing in from the coast."

My answer: Yes. That is lovely, I agree. There are lovely things existing here. I love wind, water and beaches as well.
But the thing is... everything that exists here, also exists in the higher dimensions... and 10x+ times more of these things.

Think about it, what is life? What makes up a life experience? Answer: Your senses.
In this physical reality we can see, hear, feel, taste, smell. We can think and we can speak. We can also travel with our legs, and we can do stuff with our hands.
Add a couple of senses more on top of this and you have them all. According to Yoganandas book his Guru (spiritual master) speaks of these together being 16 senses.
The more senses we have in a reality the higher the sensation. The higher the amount of senses as we experience something, the more rewarding something is.
Doesn't that sound reasonable? We'll come back to this again later on in the text.

This next dimension in order is called the Astral Dimension.

03-06-2014, 07:46 PM
Astral Dimension
The astral dimension is 10x larger than the physical reality. There is simply more worlds to explore and discover.
And it is easy to explore new locations because you can fly to get there since there is no gravity.
It is a dimension where worlds are full of beautiful waterfalls made of energy, flourishing gardens.
You can even have your own garden where energetical fruits and vegetables come in colors which does not exist on our physical plane, tasting wonderfully and giving life-energy (prana) directly upon digestion.
Also, you create and grow your surroundings as well as fruits with sheer mind power, willing things into existance with visualization.

There is no true suffering because there are no diseases, there are no insects or bugs, there is no death or even fear of death.
There is no physical suffering, you are free to roam the skies of oblivion entering worlds you wish, meeting other Spirits (yes!) that you may or may not know.
This is actually one of the reasons why the monks want to break free from the cycle of suffering and live as an energetic being on the next level. (Actually this is only part of the truth since they want to reach the final destination, which is Nirvana/Heaven/Moksha/Eternity/Infinity)
Also, the monks wish (if they can manage through meditation) to skip this dimension completely. Sounds a bit crazy since this dimension is beautiful, but the truth is, things gets even better latter on, which they ALSO know.
They are not meditating their whole life - only sitting down breathing and giving up every desire that they have just because of the reason they like simplicity. They get something in return, it is that simple. Isn't that very logical?
When I was a kid I believed monks were a bit mad and out of place because of their way of life. Now I simply respect them through their sacrifices and hope they reach as far as they can in their ventures.

This reality is of a higher form because we have more senses on this level to experience things with.
These adds up to around ~32 different senses, according to Yogic Masters.
Imagine having double the senses you have right now! Do you comprehend what it means?... Remember, your experience is made out of sensations through your senses.
On top of the regular senses you have in the physical reality, you can also
(to mention a few):
Visualize. Fly to travel. Teleport. Transformation in size and appearence. 3rd eye abilities, and more.

This dimension is the place we end up at after we die on the physical plane.
The thing is you need to awaken to experience this reality fully. That is why you should never rush to this plane with an earlier death.
If you do NOT work with meditation or yoga to awaken your true energetic self and burn karma, you will have a lot of karma still to reincarnate to experience physically, as well as not all your senses fully awakened,
simply meaning you will NOT have as fulfilling experiences in life after death. Sorry to say.
On top of that, you need to sleep and dream more (getting healing energy still)...
Don't get sad if you are a bit older reading this.
If you start to meditate 2x times a day 15min->30min at each go, you can still alleviate this and end up with stronger astral talents than you would have if you wouldn't.

Anyway, yes, there is something called astral karma as well. Which you don't really want either if you wish to experience the higher realities.
An example of bad astral karma would be if you enter someone else's astral garden and eat all their energetic fruit. Just like a in real physical life.

Reality is: Well... 5x times more pleasant, joyful and entertaining than on our physical plane.

This next dimension of a highfer frequency in order is called the Mental Dimension.

03-06-2014, 07:47 PM
Mental Dimension
I have limited knowledge on this, since I have not been there from what I can remember, but the mental dimension is made out of mental planes,
where each plane is a... complex and intriguing place where things can have dynamic unique settings not common in an astral plane.
For instance, you might have a plane where everything is made out of rainbows... or everything is all clouds and light... or a plane where colorful portals are everywhere to take you to different places.
Be creative and thing of something unusual and tricky and you can probably guess that such a plane already exists.

I don't have any knowledge of how large this dimensions is, but it is probably... well. Really large. Anyway it is something to experience and to look forward to.

I don't know how many senses are activated, but probably more deeper abilities of 3rd eye and crown centre are activated to allow understanding of the complex mental planes.
You can only experience most of the Mental Dimension if you manage to reach the First state of Bliss, also called (Samikalpa) Samahadi (search for yoga samahadi on facebook... see winds are already spreading throughout facebook).
Having reached a state of bliss, you fly around resonating with peace, love and harmony making your existence a pleasant thing in itself.

The monks well... they would appreciate experiencing this but they care more for reaching infinity itself. The end destination. It is better.

Reality is: Well... 50x times more pleasant, joyful and blissful than on our physical plane.

Above the mental dimension awaits the supremely subtle Causal Dimension.

03-06-2014, 07:48 PM
Causal Dimension
This is where you probably want to get. Angelology would define beings that have come this far as being angels. You are a even... a kind of super angel.
To reach here you must awaken to Samahdhi (Higher Bliss) to a Higher level (The 2nd level).
You intermingle with the stars on this level. Blending in with different existences.
You can jump in and out of every conceivable plane faster than light.
Actually not much than this is known of this plane, at least from my stand point. It must be experienced.

Beings that have reached this level are what angelology would refer to as angels.

You have a high concentration of crown centre abilities (petals on the lotus) activated.

So what holds you back from Nirvana at this point? Well... simply:
You have Attachments and Desires. These desires must be fulfilled before you can reach Nirvana. (I am using the buddhism term here for simplicity).
But on this level... well.. you can visualize and materialize any scenario you can ever think of experience it instantly. Anything you want. You can have it. Any desire you have, you will have it fulfilled.
It is energetic fulfillment come true. Hard to explain better. You will receive anything you wish, can it become better? Anything you wishes, manifests.
It is like you can create your own dreams, and each dream is as real as reality itself. Pretty much...

Reality is: Well... 100,000x+ times more pleasant, joyful, blissful and fulfilling than on our physical plane.

The monks are pretty satisfied if they reach this level. I mean.. they can get anything they wish whenver they wish it. Just need to sort those last few attachments out before entering eternity or infinity itself.

03-06-2014, 07:48 PM
Eternity. Infinity. Heaven+++. Moksha. Sweet name for a place holding so many mysteries.
Some beings simply stay on the Causal plane for a couple of 10,000 years to fulfill all their desires... or because they are unsure they want to take the last step.
Like you know that blending in together with all realities, in every universe that exists, could be overwhelming. They are having such a good time already, could things possibly become even better?

Reality is: Well, From what I understand is... infinitely (8) better. Very close to it, at least :)

The monks... those particular few that reach this in a human lifetime. Well, have not been so many. But they are definitely satisfied with their rough and tough efforts.
Siddhartha Gautama also knows as "the Buddha" is the most famous one. There are others still, but most dedicated ones probably ends up on a causal level or at least a mental level after their life.
It is simply hard to get rid of all attachments and desires in one life time. That is what it seems like and what I believe.

03-06-2014, 07:49 PM
Enlightenment (What is it?)

Enlightement is the act of awakening your true self, of reaching a state of bliss as you are meditating. This is wonderful experience.
If you do this, you awaken the Thousand Petal Lotus resting on the top of your head. Each petal on the flower is a branch of knowledge, that you attain through more and more meditation and thus increase your Wisdom.
You simply sit and vibrate with bliss, happiness, inner peace and harmony. Come'on, do you get it? The monks are having the time of their life, if they've reached this far.
They do not just sit and breathe in a boring state. (Well newcomers do, but later on they don't...)

This usually takes a 5-15 years of regular meditation. On the way the road is filled with a bit frustration, stiff shoulders and burning patience if you expect too much too early.
Meditation is early on only a discipline that you simply do to achieve in the long-term goal of enlightenment.
How do you manage to sit for several years in frustration???
Well, the answer is: You don't.

Maybe it doesn't sound so sweet the first couple of years, but you can after
3 months --> (4 or 5+) years attain a state of inner peace and harmony,
where you are entering a state of emptiness... of void... like you are traveling through a pitch dark tunnel.
In this state of Void, the thoughts bounce away like you are sitting in a harmonious bubble, this is splendid, because what makes you frustrated in meditation are mostly the recurring thoughts anyway.
See, so early on you just hope things go smoothly on until you reach the State of Void, but with patience and persistence you will preservere!

After another 10-20 years you can reach a higher state of Bliss, where you vibrate with "Higher Bliss".
(Can not be explained with words, you simply intermingle with the stars, the sky and existence itself).
You can at a later stage learn to hold this blissful state even while interacting in society.

03-06-2014, 07:49 PM
So do you get what i am trying to point out?
Life is 100,000+ times better than our current lives if you reach the causal plane. A pretty... decent goal I would say.
Just reaching an improved state of mind in the astral planes without another reincarnation is a couple of times better than living a physical life.

That is why some people that I know of *coughs* are so serious about their commitment to yoga and meditation. (Now you know why!)
It is simply a long-term investment that is certain to pay off the longer you do it.
Personally, I don't care about common entertainment like watching tv any longer, I mean come'on! I've been watching tv for 25 years already.
But Yes, I do follow Game of Thrones and South Park and some great Anime series so .. I treat myself as well sometimes, so I don't consider myself a total frantic.

I hope the text have been inspiring to you and shed some light on the deeper myseries of spirituality that never really hits you...before it hits you!
I you don't agree. Live your life to the fullest and enjoy life. Belive what you wish, I usually think its better to believe whatever makes you happy.
Just remember, someone might have shown you a path that could lead to higher happiness long-term.

That is the thing. We humans may think we have come to the final destination already being humans, but in truth we are only half way. The next step is becoming energy beings completely.
The nice thing is that in 1 life we can advance greatly with some hard work.

I recommend reading through Yoganandas book especially, it is rewarding as you reach page 400-430 where much of the dimensions is explained.
But I would not only read that chapter, read the whole book and you might learn what a truthful, honest man he seems to be, sharing his experiences with meeting several enlightened gurus.
This gives credit to him, as you read about the in-depth knowledge that is written later on, making it more reliable overall.

'Like' this post and I might add more info that I missed out on later on, so you will have an update of it.

Comments, greatly appreciated.
Congratulations on reaching the end. You didn't believe you would, did you? ;)

But this is not the end. It is the beginning of the end.


silent whisper
03-06-2014, 07:59 PM
Love this..thankyou for sharing.

As a shape shifter moving through many dimensions of being in this body of mine, this is divine..:)

04-06-2014, 12:34 AM
Glad you like it :) We all want to become shape shifters, being able to move through the higher dimensions! ;) It just seems so sweet!

Forgot to mention, PS
If you wish to learn more by yourself, you should check out:

Search on youtube for:
Inner Worlds Outer Worlds
A 4 part series documentary about mysticism, spirituality, science and religion.


Spiritual Reality - The Journey Within
Explains the basic functionality of meditation and enlightenment.

I warmly recommend both of these documentaries.

silent whisper
04-06-2014, 02:26 AM
Thankyou I will take a look, sounds like something I would relate to a great deal..:)

I just wanted to share that as I read through you dimensions sharing, it has provided for me that connection in me that I could never fully articulate as a whole as one who experiences it in this way..Moving through dimensions in this way as you enter the source in full trust allows for the flow through all to just be as it calls it to be..at any point of connection/dimension within self..:)

thankyou again..

04-06-2014, 02:51 AM
A fun read all round, thanks!


Black Sheep
05-06-2014, 01:25 AM
Wow, great job Crowye! Thanks for writing that all out. :D

07-06-2014, 10:48 PM
Yeah definitely check the links to those videos out, there are the best I've found so far.

Well said silent whisper, Couldn't have phrased it better myself ;)

Thank you Gem and Black Sheep :) Appreciate your recognition!

Be Well!


07-06-2014, 10:54 PM
Enlightenment (What is it?)

Enlightement is the act of awakening your true self, of reaching a state of bliss as you are meditating. This is wonderful experience.
If you do this, you awaken the Thousand Petal Lotus resting on the top of your head. Each petal on the flower is a branch of knowledge, that you attain through more and more meditation and thus increase your Wisdom.
You simply sit and vibrate with bliss, happiness, inner peace and harmony. Come'on, do you get it? The monks are having the time of their life, if they've reached this far.
They do not just sit and breathe in a boring state. (Well newcomers do, but later on they don't...)

This usually takes a 5-15 years of regular meditation. On the way the road is filled with a bit frustration, stiff shoulders and burning patience if you expect too much too early.
Meditation is early on only a discipline that you simply do to achieve in the long-term goal of enlightenment.
How do you manage to sit for several years in frustration???
Well, the answer is: You don't.

Maybe it doesn't sound so sweet the first couple of years, but you can after
3 months --> (4 or 5+) years attain a state of inner peace and harmony,
where you are entering a state of emptiness... of void... like you are traveling through a pitch dark tunnel.
In this state of Void, the thoughts bounce away like you are sitting in a harmonious bubble, this is splendid, because what makes you frustrated in meditation are mostly the recurring thoughts anyway.
See, so early on you just hope things go smoothly on until you reach the State of Void, but with patience and persistence you will preservere!

After another 10-20 years you can reach a higher state of Bliss, where you vibrate with "Higher Bliss".
(Can not be explained with words, you simply intermingle with the stars, the sky and existence itself).
You can at a later stage learn to hold this blissful state even while interacting in society.

Somebody talking about bliss. Cool! For me it came and went then stuck. It is for me a condition that makes you feel wonderful always. Never going away. Literaly you cant make it stop. Lol. In all conditions of life. It is felt through all emotions and life. It seems to supercede all things. It is causeless in nature. Joyful feeling. I love it!!!

07-06-2014, 11:18 PM
I don't know how to categorize (let alone completely see) this stuff, but it's interesting to see that people can access higher Existential-planes, and do interactions with it All that go above what Reality here defines.

I'm been more into mapping it out via paper, but the actual experience I'm sure transcends My own mental-boxing. Still, I've gotten out empirically in Uber-focus.

10-06-2014, 12:23 AM
Did you mean you have it always now? Glad for you, hope it gets even better! :)

I think it must be experienced to know the total truth :)

10-06-2014, 01:28 AM
Did you mean you have it always now? Glad for you, hope it gets even better! :)

I think it must be experienced to know the total truth :)

Yes, for some years now. It does still grow. I don't mean to imply everything is rosy. Everything is ordinary in nature except I feel expanded and full of intoxication that feels good always. There's nothing I can do to stop it literally. So its harder to stay sad, angry, and such. It in a sense gets swallowed up instead of sticking around. I can talk in circles about it. And feel like I'm lying and telling the truth at the same time. Probably the most honest description is like a healthy drug. Which I think it literary is from the penal gland and nervous system. I believe it is the result of the energy working its way through or into the nervous system and penal gland from a physical sense. From a chakra sense I think it has a lot to do with heart expansion. Kundalini awakening is another term for it. DMT apparently is what the penal gland is releasing through the body making one feel in causeless intoxication.

10-06-2014, 03:14 AM
If I am to rate myself I would say I'm at the causal dimension slipping into the mental dimension, looking back at the astral dimension and laughing about the physical dimension. I get what I want and if I don't get what I want I get what I want. And yeah I do actually think like that. I do know how to jump to nirvana, but as you said it's those desires so nirvana is postponed.

Your descriptions are good.

howl hej
10-06-2014, 03:56 AM
sending you a virtual hug, thank you for posting this :smile:

16-06-2014, 05:08 PM
Really nice descriptions, running and dwerg :) Im happy for you sake to hear you've reached somewhere! ;)

I thank thee Seb! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

24-06-2014, 11:16 PM
My pleasure howl :) Be my guest!

25-06-2014, 12:31 AM
The weirdest thing is that I don't really know for sure how I got here. Only remember I set out to learn to love, failed horribly, crushed my own reality and got depressed. From that point it all seemed pointless, and I was faced with a single choice: to live or to just end it. Since then I just became driven to live like there is no end and to love it all, and I can't stop it. I went from the physical dimension suffering badly and through a whole lot of transitory states before I touched bliss within the timeframe of 4 months. I just lost all my fears, there is only love, and I can't fathom why I was ever afraid. My reality just turned upside down.

I don't know and yet it feels like I know more than ever.

Mr Interesting
25-06-2014, 11:09 PM
I'm kind of feeling it all goes the other way too, maybe even more so, that from gross it is the greatest challenge to get back to the top... as it were.

An easy metaphor might be the rich and the beautiful in this physical life who find it easy (just a generalisation mind) where they think it and it is so, meandering from reward to reward, enjoying the fruits of their consequence.

Then we might have the beggar with some disease or disfigurement whose every waking moment is hard work and the inability to do or say. A struggle always and how within this challenge they to must find their own blessings.

As at the end it is the great dissolving into everything, the letting go, the not being being then maybe from there corporeality starts again and lowly passing down comes into the more substantive challenging itself to loss.

Like a kettle boiling the liquid vapourises off and leaves a thicker and thicker residue and thus the gross becomes more and more dense... so water is added, which was condensed from steam.

There is in the gross a refining of commitment, realisations of the concreteness of decision, how far it reaches, ever and ever subtler as the density increases.... maybe?

04-07-2014, 03:59 PM
Wow that is lovely dwerg :) Transitions into deeper states can go fast for some lucky few appearently :) So are you constantly in blissful state or is it only active when meditating?