View Full Version : Forbidden practices

26-05-2014, 08:48 AM
I came across 9 forbidden practices
what do you think about it?

26-05-2014, 08:57 AM
Hello esparza94.
I do not understand why you have not mentioned them.
Unless you believe that to reveal them is a forbidden practice.

26-05-2014, 09:02 AM
t'is forbidden to reveal the forbidden practices so thee shall never know the forbidden practices because it is forbidden!

26-05-2014, 10:07 AM
In the middle ages the Catholic church published a book they called the Index. It contained the titles of all forbidden books.

But then, they made the Index itself a forbidden book, because i might just give people the wrong ideas.

As for forbidden practices: who or what is making them forbidden?

26-05-2014, 10:31 AM
When people look for approval for something, then they already know it's wrong.
And if it's so naughty that it can't even be mentioned, then it's definitely wrong.

Lilyth Von Gore
26-05-2014, 10:37 AM
What forbidden practises are you on about?

26-05-2014, 10:40 AM
What forbidden practises are you on about?The naughty ones that can't be described, written down or talked about. Pretty sure it's taboo to even be thinking about them.

26-05-2014, 10:44 AM
t'is forbidden to reveal the forbidden practices so thee shall never know the forbidden practices because it is forbidden!

So....a paradox. Why bother to start the topic at all?

In the UK there are many thousands of forbidden practices.
Just go to the halls of the Law Society and look through their library of statute books.

26-05-2014, 10:46 AM
What forbidden practises are you on about?

More to the point, how did s/he get to find out about them?


Lilyth Von Gore
26-05-2014, 10:55 AM
There are many practises some would consider forbidden, and others would not. If the OP is on about forbidden practises in Wicca, there are hundreds. Whereas with a Shadow Walker like me, there is only one. Sacrificing a living being like animals or humans. Blood magick is not forbidden when used for protection.

26-05-2014, 09:11 PM
How does one avoid something without know what to avoid?

26-05-2014, 11:38 PM
Religions make all kinds of things forbidden for many reasons. Some are actually to protect you, other are for less beneficial reasons. Even if there were reasons hundreds of years ago do they still apply?

Unless this list also indicates why those things are forbidden, I would just ignore the list. An exception is if you have signed up blindly to follow a certain practice/religion/group/teacher, then obviously you should do what they say (avoid those things in this case).

27-05-2014, 06:55 AM
1). THAT MAKETH HIS SON OR HIS DAUGHTER TO PASS THROUGH THE FIRE - human sacrifice, or in modern terms, an abortion. (Lev. 18:21, 2 Kings 16:3, 17:17, 21:6, 23:10. 2 Chron. 33:6, Jer. 32:35). No one is ever to kill another human being. A baby not born yet is just as alive as you and me because God also created and formed this life.

2). DIVINATION - the practice or art of discovering hidden knowledge and foretelling future events by occult supernatural means. Fortune-teller or psychic. (2 Kings 17:17, Jer. 27:8-9, Acts 16:16-24). Never go to a psychic or fortune-teller for any reason. God is the creator of the universe and He alone only knows your future.

Beware of: pychics, foretune tellers, Ouiji board, crystal ball, tarot cards, tea leaf reading, etc.

3). OBSERVER OF TIMES - same as astrology or stargazing. It is another form of divination. It is a person who looks to the stars for guidance. (Isa. 47:12-15, Jer. 10:2, Dan.1:20, 5:7,11,15). We should beware of horoscopes or anything that takes the place of God's direction. God is our guidance, not His creation. Horoscopes may appear to be harmless, but they become addictive. Reading horoscopes are another form of accepting and honoring occult practices that God has clearly condemned. They are written by people who believe in astrology and are disobeying God.

Beware of: astrology, horoscopes, numerology, palm readers, etc.

4). ENCHANTER - A magician; or sorcerer. One who casts spells; or bewitches. (2 Kings 17:17, Jer. 27:9). Avoid anything that has to do with magic. Remember, it doesn't matter if it appears good, magic is something God hates.

Beware of: yoga, meditation, mantras, hypnotism, subliminal tapes, New Age Medicine; etc.

5).WITCH - a person who practices magic. One who deals with demonic spirits . They practice black or white magic (Exo. 22:18, 2 Chron. 33:6, 1 Sam. 15:23, Gal. 5:19-21). There is no such thing as good magic. Both come from Satan.

Beware of: wicca, white or black magic, casting spells, seances, etc.

6). CHARMER -- to put a spell upon someone; to change things by the use of magic; the chanting of a magical verse or formula. (Isa. 19:3) An object or piece of jewelry used for magical purposes.

Beware of: occult symbols, talisman, amulets, crystals, New Age positive thinking and confession; etc.

7). CONSULTER WITH FAMILIAR SPIRITS- to ask, demand, or desire of an evil or demon spirit. (2 Kings 21:6, 2 Chron. 33:6, Isa. 19:3). A person called a medium believes they are contacting the dead, but in reality what they are really contacting is an evil spirit that is pretending to be the dead.

Beware of: channeling, spiritism, mediums, space brothers, ascended masters, invisible spirit friends, ouija boards, auto matic wring, seances; etc

8). WIZARD - A person who knows many things about the occult and is in touch with demonic spirits. A male witch, a sorcerer, or magician, conjurer; one who uses magic to have control over another person; also someone who uses magic to change nature (2 Kings 17:17, 21:6, 2 Chron. 33:6, Isa. 19:3).

Beware of: Visualization, sorcery, mantra, astral travel, clairvoyance; etc.

9). NECROMANCER - A person who claims they have spoken with those who have died already. Contact is made for magical and fortune telling purposes (1 Sam. 1-25, Isa. 8:19, 1 Chron. 10:13-14). Again it is not the dead that they are contacting but evil demonic spirit who pretend to be the deceased.

Beware of: channeling, medium, spiritism, ouija boards, sorcery, voodoo; etc.

Phantasmic Fox
27-05-2014, 07:17 AM
Fear mongering. That's all it is. It's your choice to practice what you wish. Everything has consequences - everything. Every choice you make. Those practices labelled "forbidden" have been called as such by those who are full of fear and seek to control the people by claiming it is the law of god... It's completely false. Also the actual "forbidden practices" go much deeper than what you describe. It's about breaking the laws of the cosmos (time, gravity, motion) in the practice of magick which requires for the practicing individual to completely disconnect their psyche from the whole cosmic order of things - not easily done. Raising the dead, enchantment, summoning or channeling spirits to name a few. It all comes at a cost and it's only called forbidden because one day hundreds of years ago a church decided to say it is.

What have you been reading to bring you here? I think you're in way over your head.

27-05-2014, 07:45 AM
esparzab94, you've just described 98% of SF users!
How to make friends and influence people!

Phantasmic Fox
27-05-2014, 08:07 AM
It seems the OP has been doing some reading on this webpage (http://www.fillthevoid.org/Children/TheBattle/ForbiddenPractices/WhatisaForbiddenPractice.html). The contents are identical to what he posted above, copied and pasted.

That website is mostly rubbish. If you want to actually learn about forbidden practices, read some actual books on the subject and don't just scan the internet and believe the first thing you come across. What you're getting into is some heavy stuff and difficult to wrap one's mind around, and the internet is just not a reliable resource to learn from. "Lords of the Left Hand Path" by Stephen E. Flowers is an excellent read regarding 'forbidden practices'. It looks at LaVeyan Satanism and The Temple of Set to name a few groups who practice 'forbidden practices', and it describes why people condemn these practices as "evil" and "forbidden".

Don't take what you read online so seriously. Do your research first, and books are (usually) much more reliable than what you'll find with a five minute google search.

Lilyth Von Gore
27-05-2014, 08:11 AM
Esparzab, don't. Don't even bring up abortion because you will be torn in two.

27-05-2014, 08:12 AM
It seems the OP has been doing some reading on this webpage (http://www.fillthevoid.org/Children/TheBattle/ForbiddenPractices/WhatisaForbiddenPractice.html). The contents are identical to what he posted above, copied and pasted.
Ahh, those Christian fundamentalists! Don't you just love their un-judgemental nature? :wink:

Phantasmic Fox
27-05-2014, 08:14 AM
Ahh, those Christian fundamentalists! Don't you just love their un-judgemental nature? :wink:
It gets old after a couple centuries.

Perfect Storm
27-05-2014, 08:19 AM
esparzab94, you've just described 98% of SF users!
How to make friends and influence people!



Though to be fair... it kinda leaves it open to this sorta thing when you have mixed religious and spiritual forums.

Though up until now I thought we had been doing well not pot stirring.

27-05-2014, 08:32 AM
lol thanks for your opinions!
I believe that every bit of information that I receive from the universe is perfectly orchestrated for me.
I happened to stumble across forbidden practices and it names a couple things I do daily.

27-05-2014, 09:08 AM
My view of the list of 9 forbidden practices:
Besides the first one - murder, all the others have one thing in common that is related to the only way evil can operate, that is, through the power of suggestion.
It is a list of warnings. It warns us that any practice where suggestions is the rule, to not take anything seriously, and to keep an open mind. IMO.

27-05-2014, 09:59 AM
the only way evil can operate, that is, through the power of suggestion.Evil doesn't operate. Evil isn't a thing, it's a human activity. People choose to initiate evil acts and deeds.

27-05-2014, 10:42 AM
Hello Baile.
Evil doesn't operate. Evil isn't a thing, it's a human activity. People choose to initiate evil acts and deeds.
Thank you Baile, you are right.
Ultimately it is the human effect/activity responding to an idea, plan, or suggestion.

Maybe I could have worded my view as:
... all the others have one thing in common that is related to the only way evil can gain our attention, that is, through the power of suggestion.

27-05-2014, 11:00 AM
Hello Baile.

Thank you Baile, you are right.
Ultimately it is the human effect/activity responding to an idea, plan, or suggestion.

Maybe I could have worded my view as:
... all the others have one thing in common that is related to the only way evil can gain our attention, that is, through the power of suggestion.I appreciate your response. I wrote what I did because IMO it's bad enough that people travel the forbidden practices route with spirituality. But to then add the idea that evil is some demonic thing or presence that they can maybe then dabble and play with... I don't know, there's just something not right with all that.

27-05-2014, 11:22 AM
I appreciate your response. I wrote what I did because IMO it's bad enough that people travel the forbidden practices route with spirituality. But to then add the idea that evil is some demonic thing or presence that they can maybe then dabble and play with... I don't know, there's just something not right with all that.
IMO, evil exists just as much as live/lived [(evil/devil backwards) for lack of a better word], exists.
I too do not like that idea of evil, but being aware of it has always steered me in the right direction of a truthful, loving and faithful life.

28-05-2014, 01:34 PM
All of the things I was guided by Jesus 'not' to dabble in, after I fully opened up my Heart to Him,

Kindest wishes

Phantasmic Fox
28-05-2014, 11:26 PM
"Evil" is a state of perception. It is not 100% true in its definition as inherently sinister. To some people, their faith comes to teach them that their power source is the evil within their being.p... And it should be embraced, but not relied upon, to navigate the corporeal world.

02-06-2014, 08:37 PM
Forbidden practices - per Belle

1. Those who do not give Belle a tithe of a tenth of their income are to be glared at and made to give a fifth. It's forbidden to withhold a tithe from belle.

2. THose who do not agree with Belle - to disagree with Belle is forbidden

3. Those who beat Belle in games such as hangman or board games or verrily the game of noghts and crosses - woe to thee

4. Those who do not honour the birthday of Belle. Fie!

5. Those who do not respect the right of Belle to remain silent - gah

--- fill in the rest ¬!

02-06-2014, 09:29 PM
#1-human sacrifice-hmmm, didn't god ask abraham to kill his son? that's called human sacrifice. and no killing....are we talking about the god who commanded armies to wipe out whole cities? and abortion-some native americans believe the spirit doesn't enter until it takes it's first breath.

#2-hidden knowledge-i suspect the men who wrote the bible wanted to keep every one dumb. it's hard to control knowledgeable and intelligent people.

#3-astrology-so, jesus talking about the influence of the plieades a no no? the kabballah is practically all about astrology. the magi were astrologers. by the way, occult simply means hidden.

are ya getting a theme here? religious leaders? power and control by fear. the little people....good little followers.

#4-sorcerer-what do you call it when moses turned his staff into a snake? or when jesus turned water into wine? meditation....uh, didn't jesus go into the desert to meditate?

#5-ok, ya got me on the black magic. not cool. but white magic? cool. do no harm.

#6-change things by use of magic. see #4

#7-channeling-i've heard more religious leaders say they 'heard' or they were 'told' by god, jesus, etc. that's channeling, honey.

#8-clairvoyance-i believe angels talked to men when they weren't physically present. that's called clairvoyance. i do have to agree with the ouiji board. bad stuff.

#9-see #7

have a nice day. :)