View Full Version : Great new Teal Scott Video

04-05-2014, 12:05 PM
Perfect timing xD

This could be under signs and synchronicity lol. What you guys think?

silent whisper
04-05-2014, 12:22 PM
Integrating the whole self on all levels make sense to those who understand it. The lessons and experiences will bring people back to themselves even if they try to bypass anyway.

04-05-2014, 12:45 PM
I agree, i think that people will have to work through it anyway.

silent whisper
05-05-2014, 12:19 AM
I agree, i think that people will have to work through it anyway.

Recently I had a convo with someone about the nature of letting go. She was mentioning that her h wasn't addressing his pain, was locking himself in to the old path of pain. Then in her next sharing she was saying about the nature of his dream space and all that was coming out of him through thrashing and releasing in that space.

So of course unless he is aware of this in the sleep state, he may not have realization of what is being released, but it is and affecting him in some way when awake regardless of his knowing I would think.

It opened up the sharing about how people let go, aware or unaware. We are working through it without realization of it fully in this way. Bringing the self into a more integrated state of conscious awareness works in interesting ways as this convo was showing her and myself in that moment.

It can be the same as NDE's when people leave their bodies and merge with the presence of love and light. Many souls describe their awakening to love and letting go in this moment of realization and come back to live in new light..everything changed in a moment of profound awarness:)