View Full Version : Tarot card beginner

23-11-2010, 12:30 AM
Hello everyone,

I am new to the wonderful world of tarot and oracle cards.
I recently purchased a native american tarot card deck, as well as an angel oracle deck, both of which I love. I find the tarot cards are very spot on, but the oracle cards are more positive (although more vague). I was wondering as to if anyone had any tips or warnings for a beginner. I know that the cards must be respected. Is there a limit to how often you should use a deck? I know certian forms of divination can suck your energy dry after too much use. Is this the case with cards? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

23-11-2010, 09:04 AM
Windwillow, the divination comes from You. The cards are just a medium for your intuition and empathy. It could be that you could exhaust yourself by reading too much and so need to take a break. I suppose the best "hint" I could give would be "Dont try to hard. Just let it flow, dont try to force it".
Take a look in Tarot School and you will see that each reader has a distinctive style - proves what I said above about where it is coming from :smile:

23-11-2010, 09:19 PM
Thanks for your reply. I also believe the divination comes from the person.

24-11-2010, 08:13 PM
hi willow

it is but an illusion that tarot cards are less positive then oracle cards. tarot cards are not positive nor negative, it is what you see in the cards that makes them positive or negative.