View Full Version : Knowledge what is it and where does it Come From ?

21-11-2010, 11:31 PM
What is knowledge and where does it Come From ?

There are levels to what knowledge is one is that knowledge of Self, the other is of things around self.

What I am looking for here is that SELF knowledge. That seems to spring at times from one’s very heart, ( to me the heart is the opening to one’s very Soul). We come into the World naked and seemingly helpless, but we come in with knowledge do we not ? I know some trains of thought say its instincts we come in with. Like when a new born baby knows that MOM is food….and latches on without being shown how to. Is that not knowledge one has come with ?

Do we maybe not come to this life with the slow moving stream of the first stages of life ready to become a rushing river that eventually finds the vast oceans. Are we not maybe on a path of knowledge that our Soul needs to follow along ?

Where do we get our FIRST breath in knowledge from ?


22-11-2010, 03:56 AM
We come into the World naked and seemingly helpless, but we come in with knowledge do we not ?


Some would say we come in with a forgetting. When we get here we arrive to experience seperation and to do that we have to forget what we know. Life is a process of remembering. So I think knowledge comes from asking the right questions and remembering.

22-11-2010, 04:25 AM
Wisdom is true knowledge — rather knowing than knowledge, because it has no full point to it. It goes on growing, it goes on flowing. The man of wisdom goes on learning; there never comes a stop. Don’t be knowledgeable, be wise. Osho

22-11-2010, 04:32 AM
To me knowledge comes from experience, life experiences, experiences in your career, etc etc.