View Full Version : Can a tarot reading be your own manifested fear?

27-02-2014, 05:41 PM
I was wondering is it possible that if your mind is always occupied by one thought and it never leaves your mind and you do a tarot reading for yourself could your constant thought/fear be presented in the reading?

Here is my experience, I've been lonely with no friends no sig.other etc for a while now. Lately I have been picturing me being all alone for the rest of my life and coming to terms with it.

So I did a tarot reading on that subject that if I will ever find friends or sig.other again and pretty much my reading read my mind. I forget the exact cards but the reading I got said that I will be all alone and that I will eventually come to terms with it. Now I feel like crud. lol Did I get this outcome because my fears/thoughts were manifested in the reading or because it is true?

27-02-2014, 06:06 PM
I don't think it's one way or the other; I think they are cyclical. The cards that show up in a tarot reading will draw our attention to the truths about ourselves, and at the same time we interact with the cards through interpretations as we try to see how it applies to our own life. Don't let the outcome bother you, though! Future is not set in stone. I usually read the "outcome" (if there is an outcome card in the spread I am using) as "future direction" or "potential future." The future tarot shows us is not absolute, but it is a possible future based on where and who we are right now. Maybe try an advice spread or drawing a few advice cards. Tarot cards can be empowering if you allow it to guide your intuition and challenge the aspects of yourselves and your inner knowing. Ultimately it can help you move forward.

On the other hand, you could be simply seeing what you want or expect to see. Sometimes we have make up notions about ourselves and we stick to it. If you take a step back and consider the cards from various perspectives, you might get a different and more positive answer. :)

27-02-2014, 06:23 PM
You become what you think you are, the cards just remind you of that fact. I was taught not to read for ones self, I know many do, sometimes we just cannot see beyond your own egos, our emotions get in the way. I always have a reading done for me. The future is not written in stone, we have the power of choice, to change.

27-02-2014, 06:37 PM
It's very possible, especially when its a subject someone is very emotional about or emotionally connected to.

As Kimtsan and Pamuya have said the future isn't written in stone. Perhaps rather than do a reading on the future, do one on how you can attract people into your life?

Also remember to try and remove yourself from those emotions before you do a reading, it helps to keep your emotions from influencing the reading. Something simple like clearing your mind or grounding and centering are ways to do this.