View Full Version : purple and the egyptian gods

15-11-2010, 07:54 AM
What am I supposed to do with the egyptian gods and purple? I called Jesus Christ for help and guidance but the egyptians and purple appeared. How do I communicate with them? Do I have to say anything? Are they supposed to say anything? I seen them in Illusion, signs, symbols, clouds and even have them on video. They showed me weird things but i'm not complaining. Also, what do you call the little t.v or square in people or my mind? I know it's not a third eye nor imagination. Some people in my area knows telepathy. I can't get them to shut their mind nor their mouth. They talk to me 24/7, they even scratch my car, call the police on me, watch me 24/7 just to make me angry. I ask some of them to meet me eye to eye but nothing. More experiences to tell but I already sound crazy. Post your opinion, good or bad. Thanks!

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15-11-2010, 09:15 AM
Hello there. :smile:

The quickest reference I can find to both Egyptian deities and the colour purple is the Benu bird, which is similar to a phoenix. The Benu is associated with the gods Re and Osiris. In stories, it is said to be the one who brought light and life into the world.. much like Jesus Christ, who you called upon for help and guidance. The Benu is often said to be royal purple in colour, which is why I thought of this immediately.

The people in your area who know telepathy sound rather damaging, if you don't mind me saying so. Perhaps it is wise to ground/center yourself and shield yourself from their influences. Many people in this world aren't aware that they are projecting their thoughts and feelings so 'loudly' to others. I often imagine a volume button in my mind and turn it back down so that I won't sense every little thing from them.

I don't know if that's any help at all, but that's what I can come up with right now. Hope that you will find a way to handle this and a way to figure out what the Egyptians want to tell you. :smile:

15-11-2010, 08:42 PM
The mistake we made was in thinking
that the earth belonged to us
when the fact of the matter is
we're the ones who belong to the earth
- Nicanor Parra

I LOVE that!!!! :hug:

19-11-2010, 08:26 AM
Thanks for the answers and suggestions

Nov. 19, 2010
2.2.2 0:59