View Full Version : Does negative magic return?

24-12-2013, 01:58 AM
I once sent someone energy (who did something to deserve it) aimed at destroying their solar power supply and at the time of visualisation the car I borrowed crossed itts positive and negative wires and started a small fire.

I later found out that at the exact same time ( of visualisation and the car crossing wires) the guy with the solar panels was doing something with his solar setup wires and he bumped one wire with his arm which connected to the opposite terminal and sparked like mad until it wrecked all of his batteries. So... My question is; do spells and energy sending always some back to you? Anyone have a similar experience?

24-12-2013, 04:51 AM
I would say if you're doing evil magic, from your ego, on people who don't actually deserve it then yes, it inevitably returns.

24-12-2013, 06:23 AM
Stevo: yes. Call it kharma, the three-fold law, divine justice or whatever. Send negativity into the world and negativity comes back. There are ways around it but it's much better to just do no harm.

07-01-2014, 04:05 AM
Agreed with what the other two said - be very careful of your intentions because you will find they make the bed in which you will sleep.

Luv To Be Spiritual
07-01-2014, 11:40 AM
I don't know much about it but in my opinion every energy we send has some sort of effects on us, even while sending negative energy we have to be negative and when sending positive energy we have to think positive, u always get what r u thinking about others so please don't try to harm anyone even he deserves it, always think positive, love all, n god bless u I know all peoples are good n positive...!!

07-01-2014, 12:41 PM
I once sent someone energy (who did something to deserve it) aimed at destroying their solar power supply and at the time of visualisation the car I borrowed crossed itts positive and negative wires and started a small fire.

I later found out that at the exact same time ( of visualisation and the car crossing wires) the guy with the solar panels was doing something with his solar setup wires and he bumped one wire with his arm which connected to the opposite terminal and sparked like mad until it wrecked all of his batteries. So... My question is; do spells and energy sending always some back to you? Anyone have a similar experience?

Sometimes, when using magic, you get what I call 'backlash' - it sort of explodes back in your face. Some believe this is karmic, some believe it is simply a result of work that is not done properly (think Ron Weasley's broken wand backfiring on him in Harry Potter - comical yes, means something's broken, but not karmic). Some followers of the 'grey' or 'left hand' paths (those utilizing so-called 'black' magic in varying degrees) keep Karma in mind when doing their work. Some don't believe in Karma at all. Personally I believe perhaps Karma is fickle like a house cat; sometimes she strikes, and sometimes she just wants to warm herself in the sun and ignore you.

Or perhaps she doesn't exist at all.

My belief in Karma ebbs and flows these days. If nothing else because I've been 'punished' far more for my attempts to do good than for any evil work I ever did. It makes you a little bit dubious of the whole Karma concept, after a while...