View Full Version : Healing with Jasper

09-11-2010, 06:37 AM
Jasper is a variety of quartz that is often viewed as the ultimate nurturer of healing crystals. People have used the crystal for support during times of stress, as it is known to promote calm and wholeness. In this article, you will learn about the different kinds of healing power that various colors of jasper possess.

People born under the zodiac signs of Scorpio, Virgo and Leo are believed to get the most out of using jasper. When looking for protection and to absorb negative energy, jasper is a popular choice. Known for balancing yin and yang, jasper is also believed to clear environmental toxins, such as pollution and radiation. Since jasper stimulates the imagination, one may use it to encourage people to turn their ideas into a reality. Jasper is also associated with:

· Encouraging an individual to become more honest.
· Instills courage.
· Keeps the mind sharp and quick.
· Enhances organizational skills.
· Possessing energizing qualities.

Depending on the color and form of jasper, you can tap into various powers and results. For the most part, the crystal is linked to healing, health, protection and beauty. While blue is the rarest form of jasper, there are plenty of other colors to consider, including shades of brown, red, orange, yellow, and green. An overview includes:

Red Jasper
Used for returning negative energy to someone wishing bad upon you, red jasper is associated with fire. It is also a stone associated with stimulation and known for its powers of protection. If you are interested in wearing worry beads, jasper makes an excellent stone for one, as it also has a reputation for calming the emotions. Some of the health powers of jasper include strengthening and detoxifying the circulatory system, blood and liver.

Green Jasper
When wearing a talisman made out of green jasper, you can promote your health, as well as achieve better nights of sleep. Green jasper is a balancing stone known for its healing powers. Some people turn to it to treat their skin conditions and bloating. It is mostly connected to easing ailments of the upper torso and digestive tract. Green jasper is also associated with the heart chakra.

Brown Jasper
Use brown jasper to center and ground yourself after completing a ritual of magic.

Black Veined Jasper
Displaying shades of gray or white with black veins, this type of jasper is good at grounding and stabilizing an individual. This kind of jasper is also called "Spider Web Jasper" and "Zebra Stone."

Yellow Jasper
For a highly protective stone, choose yellow jasper for your talisman. With nurturing powers, use the stone as a way to calm the emotions or settle your nerves. As for your health, yellow jasper speaks most to the stomach and digestive system.

Ocean Jasper is most interesting seen here in
this photo is but one picture , and there is a
million variations in Ocean Jasper

09-11-2010, 06:41 AM
Jasper is really an interesting stone, so many colors. I was drawn to read about the green jasper and it seems to be the best one that fits most of my problems. Then, after reading about all the other ones, gosh, it's impossible to decide what to get. They all fit what I need.
Thanks for that great information, mikron~

09-11-2010, 07:00 AM
Hello Silver Girl, Thanks, I am glad you liked the post! I was looking for some kind of sphere of Ocean Jasper to be a Dreaming crystal for me! its a little bit of a stretch but I can't help but to think of this as a crystal for astral projection,Dreaming and meditation!



ps: here is an web picture from 2007
this crystal was called
Fine Peachy Pink Orbicular OCEAN JASPER, ATLANTIS STONE dreaming crystal

09-11-2010, 08:10 AM
http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs172.snc4/37937_1696337852075_1346714916_31832480_6859058_n. jpg
Slab Cut Ocean Jasper (Orbicular)

GSX-R girl
09-11-2010, 08:31 AM
Hi I am lucky enough to have a slab of Ocean (orbicular) Jasper -I found

it was amazing at helping to release blocked emotions :

Hold it in both hands then one by one think about all the people in your

life that you have been hurt by or have caused hurt to, then as if they are

sat next to you forgive them and say sorry, and forgive yourself and say

sorry to yourself.

Be prepared for a BIG release - you will feel so much better , it is a good

idea to carry/hold some rose quartz afterwards to fill up the spaces you

have made with loving energy :hug2:

09-11-2010, 06:15 PM
Thanks Wizard of the Stone another great picture of Ocean Jasper! GSX-R girl thank you for tell everyone about removing emotional blocks and especially about Rose Quartz a great crystal!

Namaste mikron

09-11-2010, 08:36 PM
I think I have ocean jasper it's lovely and I love it's calming properties, great article and many thanks.