View Full Version : bigfoot disproved ?

28-10-2013, 07:54 PM
On U.K. television at the moment, is a programme called "bigfoot files". basically this chap is flying around the world, looking for evidence of bigfoot , and the evidence, in the shape of various hair samples, so far , is not good news for believers in this hairy cryptid. He submitted the samples to a highly regarded professor, in the field of D.N.A. testing, the results showed the majority were from brown bears, others were from deer, another a racoon, and even a porcupine!. Considering the many first hand witness accounts, it,s amazing just how so many people could mistake brown bears for bigfoot.

28-10-2013, 08:52 PM
people can go around trying to disprove or prove anything these days just to be on tv. no one will ever know, likely, if there is one hundred percent big foot evidence. even if they are presented with real big foot evidence they will question it. same with UFOs and such. It is not out of the realm of possibility that bigfoot is real. science is constantly discovering new species of animals and other living things. Why not big foot?

29-10-2013, 12:25 AM
And yet a vast majority of species are uncatalogued. A fair number of species are rarely seen (by scientists).

Gathering up a handful of samples and declaring there are none of something does not 'prove' anything. After all, by that sampling, there are no humans either.

12-11-2013, 08:39 AM
And yet a vast majority of species are uncatalogued. A fair number of species are rarely seen (by scientists).

Gathering up a handful of samples and declaring there are none of something does not 'prove' anything. After all, by that sampling, there are no humans either.

That's true I guess. Look at this guy that was just recently discovered!

parade. com/64597/jonathanhorowitz/the-daily-cute-new-species-bear-cat-discovered

Sorry for the broken up link it won't let me post links yet.

09-01-2014, 04:01 PM
I just recently started following the " bigfoot " news, again, as this past October, a group that collected and studied samples for about a five year period, ( samples collected in USA ) come to the conclusion " bigfoot " comes from a hybrid of human female and something unknown primate, 13,000 to 15,000 years ago.

You can do a google search " bigfoot evidence dna " and come up with all sorts of sites.

Does it mean it proves bigfoot exists? Depending on whether the collection of the evidence was not contaminated, and such, still is not hardcore prove.

There sure are a lot of sightings of bigfoot, all over USA and Canada.

IF these creatures actually exist, they are very elusive. I'm not a hunter, but, many use those outdoor cameras that you can attach to trees in the woods. Maybe someone will capture a decent photo with one of these one day.

I kinda doubt someone will capture a live one. May be possible someone might accidently shoot and kill one, but, if you did that, would you turn it in? If it looks part human, you might get in trouble with the law.

11-03-2014, 06:42 PM
Yeah I watched a few of the episodes, shame it was disproved. Never really looked into bigfoot anyway so was cool to watch something about it. I think those guys trying to prove bigfoot exists need to give up and spend their time on something more useful

11-03-2014, 09:12 PM
Sometimes people just see what they want to see.

11-03-2014, 10:39 PM
I highly recommend the book the Psychic Sasquatch by Jack Lapseritis. He makes more sense than anything I've heard or read before.

02-05-2014, 03:30 AM
I don't believe in proving something does not exist. You can disprove what someone says by analyzing their theory/story and pieces of evidence, but to disprove the existence of something, you'd have to discover and catalog everything that actually does exist. Anything left out would then be disproved. Yet, we only know a very small percentage of everything that exists on Earth...

08-05-2014, 02:27 PM
Sometimes I feel big foot could simply be a spiritual being from another dimension that is rare and appears once in a while. I personally do not believe that we will ever find a physical manifestation of him/her. Big foot, if exists, could be s nature spirit.

Raven Poet
03-07-2014, 02:51 AM
According to our local wisdom keepers in the Plains of Canada, Bigfoot, or "Sabe" (our local Ojibway language for "giant") is indeed real. Scientists have been trying to prove/disprove this creature for years, but our people know they do exist.

For a giant, Sabe is very sneaky and secretive quiet and hard to detect. The original bush person! Sabe brings teachings about plant medicines and other forms of healing to people who are respectful and do not try to intrude on their territory and offer something to trade (usually food or special ceremonial items)

A lot of our people living on the rez - ie, far from urban centres and deep in the bush - have seen Sabe. I've heard many children say they've seen Sabe outside their house or in the woods.

One night a few Autumns ago, a group of us were in a provincial park late at night to share a Womens Full Moon ceremony. There were no other vehicles around, and we had a little fire in the woods. My friend just finished singing the "Sabe" Song ( a ceremony song) ... and then we heard the sound of two-footed footsteps taking loooong strides crackling over the leaves ... then silence.


03-07-2014, 03:04 AM
my nephew is super interested in big foot, so over the years i have come across some info. the latest was just yesterday.

this is a section of what i found:

some scientist took hair samples from different people who said they had the hair of big foot.

According to the study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, some of the samples were a 100 percent match to the DNA recovered from a more than 40,000-year-old Pleistocene fossil of Ursus maritimus.

Ursus maritimus is a prehistoric polar bear that may still be living in the himilayas.

who knows, perhpas this prehistoric polar bear has evolved into todays bigfoot.

03-07-2014, 10:04 AM
In Australia there are no bears.
I know a man who said he saw a Bigfoot/Yowie while bushwalking. His experience of it has led him on a lifelong obsession to record/capture evidence via imaging (originally from film and now digital).
He has faced much ridicule from friends and family for the past 30 odd years, but stands firm with his conviction.
I believe that he believes in the existence of a Bigfoot/Yowie. Personally, I have not seen one, but do not care to come across one either.

07-09-2014, 09:40 AM
Sometimes I feel big foot could simply be a spiritual being from another dimension that is rare and appears once in a while. I personally do not believe that we will ever find a physical manifestation of him/her. Big foot, if exists, could be s nature spirit.

This relates also to what Physics today is telling us about, "reality".

The nature of Time and Space, as well.

"What is Real?"

14-09-2014, 02:25 PM
Ok, bigfoot believers are going to like this.

Last week, a guy I work with told me an amazing story.

He goes to a Baptist church in a town near his home. He's known the preacher and his wife for years. I guess you could say they are friends.

Anyway, the preacher and his wife went to Virginia Beach, Virginia, for vacation, recently.

Driving back home, near Missouri, but, on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River, near a town named Vienna, ( in Southern Illinois ), the preacher and wife were driving through some very dense fog, so, he was driving slow, about 40 mph, late at night, on a two lane highway.

All of a sudden, he sees something standing very tall, and hairy, stepping out in front of his car. He couldn't stop in time, and hit it. Both he and his wife saw the thing as they hit it.

He drove another 100 feet, and, found a driveway to turn around at and go back. He thought it might have been a person or something. He went back to the area when he hit it, and, didn't see anything laying in or nearby the road.

When he stopped at a gas station later on, he saw the damage to the left front fender and hood on the rental car.

He told the guy I work with, the Sunday after this happened, ( on Friday ). Said it shook him up. His wife saw it too. She was sitting in the passenger seat, and witnessed when the thing stepped into the road, in the dense fog, right in front of the car. It was big, tall and hairy. And, they definitely hit the thing.

He said it wasn't a cow or a deer, was way too tall for it to be that.

He had to pay the rental agency for damages to the car, as he didn't take out the insurance for that.

My friend at work said the preacher and his wife wouldn't make a story like this up. He believes they hit something, just not a bigfoot. ( He's not a bigfoot believer. He thinks it was a deer, even though preacher says no way)

Before you ask, NO, he didn't get hair samples or blood from the fender. He told the rental agency he thinks he hit a deer, but, couldn't find it. The preacher won't tell anyone about this, except his close friends that won't make fun of him.

13-10-2014, 06:30 AM
I've just posted about Bigfoot elsewhere, in connection with the Mothman sightings in Virginia, in the 1960's. These are interdimensional situations. Paranormal.
They transit between the material world in time and space, and that which is apart from this world.

desert rat
26-10-2014, 02:37 PM
One of my ideas on big foot is the he/she are skin walkers , or shape shifting humans `. People that play big foot for a few days , then go back to a more or less normal humal life . They find foot prints , and hair , never any bodies .

29-10-2014, 01:11 PM
They do say that the yetis are guardians of another world. Perhaps Bigfoot is similar ?

29-10-2014, 01:42 PM
I doubt there is a Bigfoot, but much like the Loch Ness Monster, it's nice to think that it might be there.
Life, as every child can attest, is enriched by fantasy and fable.