View Full Version : Getting sick while meditating?

22-10-2013, 12:34 PM
I was meditating and sending love to people I care for and when I mention one person name(with whom i had a lot of trouble) my stomack just turned and I thought I will throw up. I tryed to control itas I didn't want to just finish my meditation like this. I was saying persons name 5 times but all I could see was black smoke and some weird shapes and senced some faul smell. I had to stop and thought of my husband and immediately I saw bright light,calm in my stomack like nothing happened.
I had to deal with one more person so I said persons name and same thing happened. Upset stomack,throwing up feeling,black,smell...

Has this happened to anyone before? Or has a good explanation why this happened?

It is true that these two people did us great harm. Emotinally, physicaly,financially... everything you can think of and before I couldn't even think of the name without feeling RAGE(not anger,rage!) so I avoided the topic,names,anything that has to do with them. I was getting better(I could mentioned them without any feelings at all).

But to advance I have to forgive them.

Thank you!

22-10-2013, 09:57 PM
I had similar experience, sometimes after session I get runny nose and I have to blow it. One I got extremely nausseaus, but that feeling gone after couple of minutes I finished my session and last week I was fine, but after meditation I went to sleep and in the morning I was sick, cought cold.
I hope some experienced members can comment about these reactions.
My guess will be that it's strongly related with energy.

25-10-2013, 08:19 AM
Can someone answer this please?! I really want to know what is the deal here. As it happened again and again,always with the same two individuals.
:hug3: :hug3: :hug3: