View Full Version : Intent... how do you define it?

02-11-2010, 06:51 PM
Hi Peoples :hug3:

Has the topic of intent been raised?
How do you define it personally yourself?

I believe myself it involves Universal Law ( do no harm) and Karmic Law ( you reap what you sow). It is your intention at that particular moment in time! And if a persons purposely hurts another by taking advantage in some negative way for self gratification, taking personal responsability for what they have done is vital to growth! One must look within to see!

The energy an individual expels will always come back to them, how it comes back is determined on intent of individual. Our thoughts we do self create.
How often do we ask ourselves "what is happening within us"?
Is our intention good towards others or self gratifying?
There are numerous dynamics regarding intent) the universe as a collective energy force takes care of this, and we are a part of the whole.. we exist therefore we are! But if we take a little bit of time to self reflect on our own thoughts we can contribute to the overall picture :smile: . Like what is possible outcome? Does this serve a higher purpose? Do I need to win over another ? What is winning? What is truly important? etc etc.

Can another person control your thoughts... NO!

One only has to become aware of oneself. What is our own personal intent, not anothers? Simple to remember ...our own energy simply comes back to us.

Heres a thought to ponder..made up a short story.. See what you think ?

Lets say Mr Z wakes up one morning the sun is shining and he has to go to work, it a job that he really hates. His boss is loud, demanding, and really hates people being late as well and is painful in his mannerism to others. Mr Z ponders a bit too long on " I dont want to go to work .. sigh!" And clock must have speed up while he were pondering ..He is now running Late! He hurries, He get dressed and he cannot find the car keys.. he are getting annoyed. After 10 minutes he feels that his work day is just plainly just going to start bad..! Mr Z is in the traffic now, other drivers appear to be going slower ..He is getting more tense and agitated .. a bit of road rage thoughts are spilling out of his mouth. He gets to his turn off.. to his work place and there is a clear stretch of road ( no vehicles) ahead . He speeds up knowing there is a slight raise in road ahead which he can not see over..! Mr Z is now only focused on his Boss's reaction to his lateness, he races over the incline in road .. he takes note there is traffic ahead of him and he does not notice the small log on road.. he hits the log, his car swerves out of control.. his car.. hits a car which hits another car that swerves and hits an innocent person outside a building having a cigeratte.

Who's energy was it? ( By the way Mr Z blames his job and boss)?

We are very interesting as humans .. we may have varying backgrounds in many areas. We think, we ponder, we react and we act ..we may be silent, we may be noisy, we may form our opinions via our own personal experiences out side of what has been taught or we may form them via our influences in life. We have free will and choice in defining our selves.

Example.. Some-one says your FAT/ SKINNY/DUMB ! They are nasty and looking you up and down.
Whos thought form is it and what is their intent? It is theirs not yours the energy belongs to them.. ( its not what goes in the mouth but what comes out)

How often do we stop and breath and listen to that quite inner voice we all have inside of us ..like for example .. if some-one has pushed or tried to push a button inside of us to react to their action? How often do we get angry at what we perceive as a personal attack? There are many examples of daily living that can be used both positive and negative.

Any thoughts ???
Oh I awoke at 3.00 am OZZY time .. so this is just going with the flow..( my intent is to flow ..lol)


02-11-2010, 08:25 PM
Hi Smiler,

Nice topic. My ideas around the energy of intent are described in this thread.

My line of thinking is that it is a very particular kind of communication to our inner creative self. It is not based on vocabulary, how we formulate our thoughts, but is centered on an energetic frame of reference that is love or fear related.

I sure would like to understand more about these things. I think we all could as well.


02-11-2010, 08:42 PM
Hi John

Will certainly check out your thread soon ( I have family arriving from interstate this morning). I am certainly interested in what you think.
Its 7.37 am here in OZ.

I guess its evening where you are! Have a good one!

03-11-2010, 01:14 PM
Hi John

Read your thread and found it very interesting :) thanks for sharing.
Did you know science was looking into emotional intelligance as possibly being a new way to test a persons intelligance.. :) lol that may shock a few people if it happens :)
I feel that intent is based on a layer system..soul..earth conditioning..soul.
So reactions and intentions based on fear and love I agree with!
It can also be seen as human intent... or soul intent!
I also think to be aware of our own true intent on this plane there is self respondsability via looking deeper into our own thoughts. Thoughts are not fixed, if one can change a thought one can change the feeling! And therefore one becomes more aware of their own intent and others. There is also greed, lust, power, control etc on the negative intent side.... verses love respect forgiveness, compassion on the positive intent side...
action .. reaction .. People make choices by moments. Sometimes it takes three breaths to see if thoughts have changed from the energy feelings received from another..it is all energy! And how it is used!

Personally if I am unsure I do the " ask and you shall receive" I ask God and I still my mind to listen .
peace and happiness

03-11-2010, 01:45 PM
Hi Smiler,

I am inclined to agree with much of what you describe.

There is also greed, lust, power, control etc on the negative intent side.... verses love respect forgiveness, compassion on the positive intent side...

Even these motivations break down to that fear or love energy.

I strongly agree that a person needs to evaluate their thinking and identify its source. All of us are culturally conditioned in various ways to relate or think in particular ways. We are inclined to be motivated or alarmed based on our beliefs about a given circumstance. The choice making process is best done after reflection and not as a reaction. So to study your reactions objectively and evaluate the reasons for them is to take control of your life and your energy of intent.

Your ability to still the mind and listen is self empowering.


03-11-2010, 09:16 PM
Yes, I think one's intent is critical...thought is the source of all eventual outcomes, and the extent to which intent is directed and conscious, it is all to the good. Elevating our awareness of our intent is the first step, and the next is as John mentions to consciously align our intent with love and light :)

I've been posting a lot these days on intention and some on karma.

Here's a link on karma from another thread, which speaks to the importance of intention.
http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showpost.php?p=57898&postcount=80 (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fshowpost.php%3Fp%3D57898%26amp%3Bpostcoun t%3D80)

Here's a link on the connection between intention and action from another thread.

Peace & blessings,

04-11-2010, 12:20 AM
Hi John and 7L

Thanks for both of your replies, I really enjoy reading both your posts on threads. :)
I agree with what you are both saying.. I know there is a learning also beyond inner reflection. Teachings presented by the guides of light and love. Experiences brought into this reality to learn.
I agree totally there is an alignment of our intent with love and light :)

I look forward to reading more of your threads
God Speed & Love and Peace

04-11-2010, 12:35 AM
Those are all very good insights 7L.

As I reflect on those views, I wonder how many of us are actually aware of our intent. We all tend to react more than reflect before we respond to a given circumstance.

How many of us examine our core thought process? We assume that they are a true reflection of our values and not a reaction to another's attempt to influence our thinking.

When we ourselves it find best to influence another, for some good result naturally, are we using the energy of love or fear to create the circumstance that we know is best. Our desire is for the best, however the energy of our intent may be quite another story.

The natural assumption is that our methods always align with our goals. I suspect that this is not always the case.

Love and Blessings,

04-11-2010, 12:48 AM
Thought Id share
Channeled note..1996

Many are chosen to lead the way to a new birth and beginning
No longer to focus on greed, power and corruption,nor to control and sit in judgement.
A deeper clearer and reachable understanding will develop, for one to understand why one is here.
To try to understand is to learn, go forth and prosper.

Move beyond your earthly training
reach within and be not afraid
No harm will come to those who walk in the name of the Love and Light of the Creator.

No need to argue nor persuade others to become enlightened
for there time has not come
Sit offer love, be patient!


04-11-2010, 09:35 AM
Thought Id share
Channeled note..1996

Move beyond your earthly training
reach within and be not afraid
No harm will come to those who walk in the name of the Love and Light of the Creator.

No need to argue nor persuade others to become enlightened
for there time has not come
Sit offer love, be patient!


These two thoughts resonate the most with me.

(1) Be not afraid as we move beyond our earthly training. Few will ever realize that each and every one of us is conditioned to think and feel in particular ways. Moving beyond this conditioning is the path to mastership. All answers are within.

(2) Offer love and be patient. We need to sense when a discussion is a disagreement without resolve and step away from it. Those are mutually draining energy exchanges. I just love the Kryon material. In it it clearly explains why it will take 2-3 generations to reclaim our sense of being. This process is blessed and most desirable.

Just about everything in my life started changing in 1989. Each and every day my awareness expands. I hold a high degree of both humility and confidence. My purpose in this group is to assist those who are prepared to move forward. By prepared I mean that there intent is aligned with their energetic essence or soul self.

So as I see it, pure intent is quite essential.


04-11-2010, 07:30 PM
Hi John

thankyou for the information
quote 'We need to sense when a discussion is a disagreement without resolve and step away from it.'
I agree is it tiring and energy draining, I have not heard of the Kryon Material, will have to google :)
I feel I understand yr purpose in assisting those who are prepared to move forward.
Channeled note 2000
Q. What am I seeking?
A. Truth and enlightment for those that cross
Q. Cross what?
A. The realms and realitys to their own truth
Q. I dont understand
A. You will
Be at peace for although the journey seems difficult it becomes easier when one only offers love.

Yes pure intent is essential.
I admit answers are given when asked, it is time for me to pull out all my writings and self refect again how far I have actually travelled. Then sit in the silence one more and listen.

Bless you John, thankyou again for sharing.