View Full Version : How to stop menstruation?

30-08-2013, 04:49 PM
I am severely anemic. Does anyone know of a natural way to stop menses?

30-08-2013, 07:01 PM
Oh dear...this is so horrible. I know. I had it for about a year, just before menopause.
You may not like my ideas, because they aren't precisely what you asked for. But they are only my opinion, okay?

You need to be certain the anemia is definitely blood-loss anemia. As there can be other causes which will need urgent medical attention.
It also depends on your age. While this sort of problem can be pretty short-lived just prior to menopause, and menopause itself is the only "cure" required, if you are younger it might be quite scary to think you may have to go through this for years.
If you are certain it is blood-loss anemia, then the best thing you can do is support your system while letting what happens happen naturally.
A common cause of heavy bleeding in women 40+ is Fibroids (benign tumors of the uterus) Menopause cures that as well. In extreme scenarios, a hysterectomy is a good cure. Or sometimes the tumors themselves can be "shelled", if it's preferred that the uterus should be saved. But obviously both options involve surgery.

The best way to support your system to reduce blood loss anemia is to eat plenty of iron-rich foods. With a healthy balanced diet.
In extreme cases, medical assistance is needed.

Iron-rich foods:


Also take vitamin C. But do not use milk/dairy close to the same time as eating foods with iron, as this can impair iron absorption.

My opinion would be if you don't start to feel better after a week or so, it might be best to see a doctor.

I don't actually know a safe method of stopping menstruation, besides the contraceptive pill. There might be herbs that would do this, but it would be best to get advice from a qualified Herbalist.

30-08-2013, 09:01 PM
Thank you Tobi, I love your iron rich foods site. It's very informative!:hug: I did not know about the dry herbs having high levels of iron.

I'm over 40 and have been anemic since having children. The fibroids make matters worse. I take 65 mg of iron daily. Right now the iron levels are good but the heme levels are not. I have 3 months to increase my levels before being sent to a hematologist. Honestly, I can't wait for menopause. I'm taking bcp's to control the bleed but it's not making a dent so far. I'll give it another 3 months or so. My condition is hereditary. My mom had heavy bleeds prior to her menopause. 2 years ago, my doctor recommended ablation. That may be a better alternative than a hysterectomy.

01-09-2013, 11:22 AM
Berry I've tried using the contraception pill on a couple of occasions to skip a period, but it's never worked for me. In fact, it's been counterproductive.

If you are deficient in iron, you must feel rotten!

Fibroids should be dealt with, not ignored, in my un-medical opinion. I'm glad you are under the care of a doctor, I would stamp my foot a bit louder to investigate more fully.

01-09-2013, 11:48 AM
My sister had an ablation when she was in her late 40's and I remember that it worked well for her.

I am 48. For the last two to three years or so, day two of my cycle has been horrible! Work is a nightmare...I am constantly running to the restroom. I've noticed that for the last 6 months, day two is still a flooding day, but day three is hardly anything and day four is a few spots or nothing. I'm still 28 days religiously, but I'm hoping these new changes signal that further changes are to come!

I hope you find some relief, Berry, and that you get your anemia under control. Feeling run down is not an option! I take vitamins from womentowomen, a practice near my hometown. When I first started having the bleeding symptoms, I also took their product, Herbal Equilibrium. It worked well and I felt great, but I stopped taking it because I've never had any other symptoms of impending menopause and wanted to wait until I did before taking these herbs long-term (cost!) Here are the herbs that are in the product: Red clover, ashwagandha, passionflower, chastetree, kudzu, wild yam, black cohosh. You may want to research them and see if one is good for excessive bleeding. I just looked up symptoms of perimenopause on their website and found this article -- it may point you in the right direction: http://www.womentowomen.com/menopause/estrogendominance.aspx

01-09-2013, 09:14 PM
Wild Yam, and I think Black Cohosh too contain Phyto-estrogens. Which, depending if there's already too much estrogen going on, could cause an imbalance possibly.
But Chaste Tree (or as it's sometimes called, Agnus Castus is pretty good in that respect as it is more of a 'balancer'. I found this herb helped me a lot during menopause.
To take the headache of figuring it all out away, I consulted a qualified Western herbalist. (using only plant based medicines)Yes it cost me a little bit. But the first consultation was the most expensive, and from then on it was cheaper, just for repeat medicines, or an assessment now and again. But even that cost wasn't too much. I think I paid £40 (British pounds) for the first consultation, and £15 every time I had to go back. It was definitely worth it.
But I made sure I got a thorough diagnosis first from an ordinary doctor. So I and the herbalist had something to work with. The herbalist can't refer you to hospitals for tests, etc if needed.

02-09-2013, 06:17 PM
It is important to remember that sometimes an over-abundance of estrogen--or even an allergy to estrogen--can cause the imbalance of cycles and extreme bleeding.

I am a certified natural health consultant who (also) suffers with this condition.

I (personally) steer clear of o-estrogen plants (soy and hops are loaded with estrogen) and processed foods that use soy lecithin as a food stabilizer.

Day two is the heaviest day for me (as well) on this day I take a B Complex vitamin--eat eggs and rare steak for breakfast--then have rare steak for dinner that night (about 8 ozs total). I spot for an additional couple of days and have liver and brown rice for dinner on day four.

Fresh (or fresh frozen) spinach is (also) advisable--but restrict yourself to (3) or less servings per week--as it can cause kidney stones.

There is no safe way (apart from a hysterectomy) to end your cycle before its time--so you must counter-balance the blood loss with diet.

My heart goes out to you Berry--in my early forties--I suffered two cycles per month--lasting anywhere from 7 to 12 days.

It will get better. I am 50 (now) and my cycles are (4) days long and only come once per month.:hug2:

02-09-2013, 10:25 PM
Thank you everyone for your inputs! I'm sorry you and/ or your loved ones had to go through this. :hug:

My iron levels are now quite good. I just need to get my heme levels up. I'm used to fatigue and will take naps when needed. I'm just worried about recent dizzy spells. I'm eating healthier. If avoiding soy products will help I will definitely try it! My last resort would be an ablation.

03-09-2013, 01:07 AM
Thanks for the info, LadyTerra!

22-09-2013, 12:33 PM
I did something really stupid. I went from estrogen based bcp's to the Depo-Provera shot. The bleeding has gotten worse. It has not stopped since 9/2 with varying degrees of heaviness. I'm not lethargic or dizzy so I know I'm eating well and replenishing my blood supply. I have an appointment Tues. with my doc. I'm definitely wanting an ablation.

22-09-2013, 04:08 PM
I had a Depo-Provera shot after I had my twins (it is okay while breastfeeding) and I bled for almost 40 days straight. Needless to say I didn't get another shot.

Hope you get some good advice at your appointment.

23-09-2013, 12:40 AM
40 days?! :icon_eek: How did you survive that?

Thanks. She'll probably do a biopsy before okaying the ablation. She said I had a legitimate reason for an ablation, an IUD, or a hysterectomy. I think an ablation is best. I'm sick of taking meds.