View Full Version : Wicca; My Feelings

01-11-2010, 08:37 PM
Hi! OK, this is my first thread, so here goes.

There are people who don't think witches and witchcraft exists. That's fine; everyone is entitled to their own opinion. (Don't groan, please, I know everyone says that at some point or other when you're contemplating spirituality. Please think why!)

Then, however, when someone asks you what your spirituality is and you reply 'Pagan' or 'Wiccan', or whichever, they're all 'Oh, cool, what's that?' MAny people don't know. A surprising amount. Then you tell them that you believe in a God and Goddess and in Nature. They may be 'Oh, OK, a Goddess is not that different form a God, so I can deal with that, and Nature is fine and whatever'.

But magick? That is not everything. Wicca is knowing that our planet is part of us, as is the UNiverse; aren't we made out of the same matter that came created the sun, and moon, stars, and Earth? Essentially, aren't we made of the same stuff?

Wicca, to me, and so many others, is beautiful. When you find it, and it's right for you, you know why. YOu feel so connected you're 'coming home'. You are so attuned with nature, you love the planet and bide by the Rede...
I love Wicca. Without it, I'd be lost, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I'm relatively new to the Craft but I know whereof I speak.

These are just some feelings i wanted to share. I hope anyone who feels the same or completely different comments! Blessed Be! )O(

01-11-2010, 11:34 PM

Welcome first off to SF. Here on SF we really try our very best to respect other's beleifs and feelings and try to understand other's paths.

I have followed many a Spiritual Path and interest and I have been down the path of Craftl, Wiccan, and even the Dark Arts. For a time the path I was on was NOT a possitive one.....but I NEVER hid whom I was. If one's did not respect in the path I was on so be it really.

NOT how one should feel one should care about what other's feel and try to understand in at times why one feels that way.

What speaks to me as far as a Spiritual Path right now well ALL Religions and ALL Faiths. There is a facination in all of IT.


02-11-2010, 10:45 AM
Many people [ myself included ] have found wicca as an entry portal to a spiritual world and then moved on to other paths. At the end of the day, there are a multitude of paths leading to personal spirituality, and that is a strength !

Cosmic Jo
02-11-2010, 12:31 PM
My 8 year old daughter already knows she wants to be wiccan. I've been looking for books for children but there aren't any.... She'll have to wait until she's older to begin.

Its sad how many people judge those that decide to walk a different path.

02-11-2010, 03:41 PM
Jo, you could encourage your daughter down the "green" path - one of the basics in many paths.

Sadly, the judgemental aspect about different paths is rife within wicca itself.

02-11-2010, 04:33 PM
a lot of people unfortunately for them associate wicca with the devil but it's quite the opposite. For me being a wiccan is honoring the earth and celebrating the seasons and the earth.

02-11-2010, 04:38 PM
Wicca = Devil worship ! Now I wonder who put that one about :D

Miss Hepburn
02-11-2010, 05:28 PM
"Wicca understands that what we perceive to be the difference between the physical
and the non-physical is due to our limitations as materially-based beings."

by Unknown

03-11-2010, 11:48 AM
That's because of the 'Hollywood movie' effect. They're so good at brainwashing, or let's say, people are so easily brainwashed. :rolleyes:

Cosmic Jo
03-11-2010, 01:04 PM
Jo, you could encourage your daughter down the "green" path - one of the basics in many paths.

Thats a good idea - any suggestions on how to start?

03-11-2010, 04:24 PM
@JO First, find a "green" place that makes your heart skip a beat, somewhere quiet that you can adopt as your own. Think of it as your wild garden. Start a BOS-type record where you and your daughter can makes a note of the changes thro the seasons, a note of the flora and fauna. Look for a little corner, a rock shelf or something similar that could be a basic altar. If this works and your daughter is enthused, you might think of some small dedication ritual to Mother Earth for her and you could act as her witness and vice versa perhaps ? Teach her a simple meditation technique to use in the "garden". The key is simplicity. My ritual is eating a pinch of soil and drinking a mouthful of river water in my garden [ below]
http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk267/norseman_photo/views/water/800px-Kisdon_Force.jpg (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fi282.photobucket.com%2 Falbums%2Fkk267%2Fnorseman_photo%2Fviews%2Fwater%2 F800px-Kisdon_Force.jpg)

Alternatively, or in addition, both of you join a local conservation group - they can be great fun.

04-11-2010, 09:23 AM
I dont think people saying i follow the dark side helps either. Its all well and good movies being made about how witches follow a dark path and use goats bloood etc! Its not what its about.

I was part of an online forum which had a website with it and i thought it was great until they started talking about sacrifices, and using my blood during rituals as well as blood of animals. If you love nature so much why harm an innocent animal?! In my mind Wicca (all different kinds of Wicca) aare about the love of the earth, God and Goddess. It is improtant to acknowledge that there are darker sides of the god and goddess but if you follow Wicca you will know about the threefold so why do something that would harm someone or something when it will only come back to you worse.

Really annoys me - sorry :D

Cosmic Jo
04-11-2010, 09:45 AM
@JO First, find a "green" place that makes your heart skip a beat, somewhere quiet that you can adopt as your own. Think of it as your wild garden. Start a BOS-type record where you and your daughter can makes a note of the changes thro the seasons, a note of the flora and fauna. Look for a little corner, a rock shelf or something similar that could be a basic altar. If this works and your daughter is enthused, you might think of some small dedication ritual to Mother Earth for her and you could act as her witness and vice versa perhaps ? Teach her a simple meditation technique to use in the "garden". The key is simplicity. My ritual is eating a pinch of soil and drinking a mouthful of river water in my garden [ below]
http://i282.photobucket.com/albums/kk267/norseman_photo/views/water/800px-Kisdon_Force.jpg (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fi28 2.photobucket.com%252Falbums%252Fkk267%252Fnorsema n_photo%252Fviews%252Fwater%252F800px-Kisdon_Force.jpg)

Alternatively, or in addition, both of you join a local conservation group - they can be great fun.

I've just suggested this to her and she's very enthusiastic. She's gone off outside to find a special place. If you have any more ideas I would love to hear them.

Thanks so much!

04-11-2010, 01:24 PM
JO, my BIG ritual/ceremony or whatever you would call it is planting acorns. Where I wander used to be heavily forested a thousand years or more back. Home to wolf, bear, wild boar and deer. Over the centuries, they were cut down for charcoal and to build the British Navy.
I was given a task by "the boss", an impossible, never-ending task but so what ! I collect acorns from a protected grove in Durham and plant them high up the dales. I ask Mother Earth to care for each and everyone as I plant. No idea how many I have planted or how many were dug up by squirrels but, again, it does not matter - I persist. I will not live to see the result.

So, a suggestion. Start planting stuff. Not necessarily trees but maybe berry bushes for the birds to eat or build a pile of logs for beetles and moths to live through the winter. Or flowering plants to attract bees and butterflies. The feel of soil on your fingers as you plant is most satisfying. :hug2:

04-11-2010, 02:48 PM
Wicca = Devil worship ! Now I wonder who put that one about :D One may be worshiping a goddess or nature but this is not THE GOD, the one and only, so it must be of the devil.
But everyone is a son or daughter of the earth, and so even the people who think Wicca is of the devil are loved in the same manner as those who follow it.

Or am I wrong?

04-11-2010, 07:04 PM
Yes, you are wrong. :D or maybe right :D Depends on your point of view.

The guiding dual principles of the universe have thousands of names and all are equal. The universe seeks balance so, if you have god, you must have the devil. They are complementary opposites, one cannot exist without the other.

04-11-2010, 11:14 PM
I have to admit - that's got to be what I like in nature...balance...not too much light *ugh*...yet not too much dark either. I guess that's one reason why I'm attracted to the 'Pagan Path'.