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diamond eyes
13-08-2013, 12:16 AM

Would someone be able to help me understand the meaning of this tarot spread with regards to the question: "where is this relationship going"?


VII - The Chariot (upright)
10 of Cups (reversed)
4 of Cups (upright)
VI - The Lovers (upright)

18-08-2013, 08:46 AM
The chariot affirms a sense of control and direction. It could mean this relationship will guide you to success, but the reversed ten of cups suggests that it will not last. The four of cups forebodes disappointment, but also says to relax and rejuvenate. Four of cups usually shows up when healing is needed. The Lovers outlines that love is indeed present. There is passion here, there is feeling. Although the ten of cups says that this relationship will not last, even through ups and downs, The Lovers maintain the flow of emotion. There is hope for you, even if you happen to part ways. Love is eternal, don't forget to let yourself relax and let go when things seem to be difficult. It is best to be alone and reflective when this card shows up . . . The order of the layout suggests the turmoil will rise following success. You only drew four cards, so I cannot tell where this success will show up in your life.