View Full Version : Mysterious Hexagon

27-07-2013, 09:08 PM
Bizarre hexagon above Saturn's north pole


27-07-2013, 11:38 PM
Sacred Geometry does take it's lead from natural phenomena, so I am led to understand, so it really is very good to see it manifest so markedly.

12-09-2017, 01:55 AM
Sacred Geometry does take it's lead from natural phenomena, so I am led to understand, so it really is very good to see it manifest so markedly.

I find that kind of cool, as it reminds me of something i read years ago in an unrelated area, that might actually be more based in fact. It was about many people dreaming or projecting to Saturn consciously or not, and talking to people there {guide like}. The hexagon is said to be heart chakra related, so i wonder if there is link between these too. A portal of sorts? A stargate? Of all the planets in our system, Saturn seems to have be a common location for projectors. Odd.