View Full Version : I have issues with the LOA

Starlight Nuit
26-07-2013, 03:14 AM
Hello all

Well I have been quite involved into this about manifesting your reality since my awakening and healing started, I have read a lot and yet there is still something that does not make sense to me or that I cannot really figure out between LOA and our learning path or lessons we came here to learn.

It has happened to me several times already, so it makes me think that there is some thruth behind this, is that when I let go, I relinquish control, things happen. I remember applying for jobs and jobs. I tried to manifest a job with positive thinking. A year passed and I was loosing hope. The moment I told God, ok then, I give it up... Bam ! Phone call and got hired in the job of my dreams.

Same with pregnancy. I had fertility issues. I used all sorts of ways to manifest a baby, visualization, affirmations, even spells. Nothing worked. On my last treatment when there was no more money left, I let go and let God, surrender... And I get pregnant.

My point is that I sense the LOA works but it is also conditioned to lessons learnt. If I would have been able to manifest my baby since day one, probably I would not have learnt about patience and being humble. There was a huge lesson there.

I have met so many arrogant friends who use these sorts of mental reprogramming, LOA techniques who say that they can change anything they want and thay if you are facing difficulties... It is your fault. Cause you are creating them.

I have issues to believe that people in Africa create hunger. Or that a woman created being raped, or that a man created his son's death. If we can change "anything" then why can' t we change the day we will die... Cure someone... Make someone fall in love with you, etc ?

To me, the LOA serves as a way to set the goals and out energy in a direction, but to go as far as saying all that happened to us was our creation... I can go along thinking indeed we selected before being born the experiences we wanted to live... But as much as consciously creating all.... I think it would be as arrogant as being babies and wanting to drive our parent's car.

I do not think we come here just to please our needs. We came here to learn ultimately. That does not mean accept pain and suffering and do nothing to change..... But some people are arrogant enough to think they can manifest anything and do not comply to anything outside of themselves...

I would love to hear your comments on this....:D


26-07-2013, 05:13 AM
I usually thing we can have anything we want and there are also consequences, so yea, so happy about the baby!... then nappies, just has be done.

15-08-2013, 05:52 AM
I believe we attract or repel anything that is not vibrating at the same frequency as we are. We are like magnets, attracting and repelling. I use this scenario as an example. We all experience times when we go out in public and everyone seems SO nice, SO friendly. But if you were shown a video tape, you'd notice you missed the person/people who were rude, flipped you off, almost hit you with their car or cart - your vibration was too high to notice these lower vibrations. And there are days you go out and everyone seems to be rude, crabby, BUT if you were to watch a video, you'd notice the people who smiled at you, who moved out of your way, who picked up something you had knocked down, with our without your knowledge, but because your own vibration was lower, you were unable to notice any of this. The LOA is always at work, so to speak. You did attract the things, once you let go, because you were no longer focused on NOT getting them. When does a person get (attract) sick? When their immune system is vibrating at too low of a frequency to 'fight off' the emotions that are causing the lowered frequency. I'm not so sure we can't change the day we die - how do we know that? There is a 'common' denominator in areas of hunger (and such) - the focus is on the hunger, thus creating that frequency of hunger. It's like any time you hear 'war on cancer, war on drugs, war on this, war on that.' Wars are never won if there's always a looser (imho). I used to struggle w/all the same questions as you are. As long as there's jealousy, anger, rage, judgements, etc., we will continue to have the lower frequencies. If we could only see how our thoughts/words/hatreds/fears 'dirty' the universe, we'd be able to have a better understanding of what we 'think' we have no control over. Again...imo, which is all any of us really have.

15-08-2013, 06:43 AM
Well said Jaezen.