View Full Version : Grace ...

27-10-2010, 02:31 PM
How do you interpret grace?

I have been pondering it over the last few months. There's actually not much information out there, if you do a search, except in them religious sense which I seem to be allergic to.
From what I have learnt, interesting things have popped up.

Fom my understandings... Grace can burn away karma because it goes beyond cause and effect. It litereally free energy from your God/dess self, or your very central part of you in tune with source, (Alloya talks of Elohim. See link). It is active in one according to our belief relating to the understanding of our oneness with creation, and our completeness right now ... ie nothing need to be earnt.

Lola Jones specifically focuses on grace in Divine Openings. http://www.divineopenings.com/spiritual-awakening-articles (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.divineopenings.com% 2525252Fspiritual-awakening-articles)

Alloya on Elohim. Very profound.
http://www.crystalwind.ca/cosmic-stargate/cs-one/2348-elohim-alloya.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.spiritualforums.com %2525252Fvb%2525252Fredir.php%2525253Flink%2525253 Dhttp%252525253A%252525252F%252525252Fwww.crystalw ind.ca%252525252Fcosmic-stargate%252525252Fcs-one%252525252F2348-elohim-alloya.html)

Much contradicts consensus beliefs and value. For example Jones expresses there's no need for religion, endless therapies and pursuits as it contradicts the nature of grace that you are whole and all deserving ... right now. I agree. Creation should provide for all needs without having to pay for a theraputic massage, a pyschic, or wait to see if the stars are in the right place (because that may take a long time).

We seem to have this concept that spirituality is conected to metephysical stuffy. That could just be ego. Grace seems to adhere to pure feeling... or both. In term of spirituality I question... have we got it all wrong? Have we just fallen from, or forgotten, grace.

Your thoughts ?

27-10-2010, 02:42 PM
Hi One

I have not read on Grace. On reflection of your thread I would interpret it as " coming from a higher place within ourselves rather than our concious thought"
Sort of like taking a deep breath ( expelling of course lol) and listening to ones soul after the mind has stopped talking as mind thoughts can certainly waffle....!

I also think grace is a feeling .. its more than a thought , its a beautiful sensation .. represented as humbleness!
Good luck on your research.


andrew g
27-10-2010, 03:26 PM
'Grace'.....a cool word.

To me its about allowance, trust and flow.

When we fell from grace, we were bound to work by the sweat of our brow (or something like that!).

So I see this as being about effort and effortlessness - Grace is effortlessness and allowance and trust, and effort is about work, and wanting control, trying to achieve, and trying to be the 'boss'.

28-10-2010, 12:46 AM
Grace is the flow of energy and love to us from the Oneness... the ocean of divine Reality in which we all exist, and which is our true nature.

In order to receive Grace there needs to be at least a little opening... not necessarily to grace or even knowing about it... but a little openness to what one doesn't know.

And... There's a saying that blessings come through 100% effort - doing whatever is called for to release how we are holding on in our minds... and 100% Grace - willingness to receive from the Unknown.


28-10-2010, 12:50 AM
hmmmm....thanks for posting,

28-10-2010, 02:00 AM
its simply the subtle inspiration from your higher self. you cannot escape it. its just pretty when you realize it.

29-10-2010, 12:44 PM
There are some grood responses here. Different interpratations assist generate a genereral feeling of what grace is about. Keep them coming.

The energy of grace seems to come from the highest of places. There's the idea that it goes above or overules karma ... or cause and effect.

From Alloya's Elohim article: 'The Creator does not want you to live in karmic cycles any longer. It is your soul that chooses to carry on, on this wheel of karma over and over. It is not necessary or required' ... 'There will be two realities occurring on your planet, one of a karmic nature and one of Grace'.

The energy of grace overules soul and its intentions, and the soul just does its job. Hmmm. I guess big boss, the Creator, chooses what it wants to do. Its a good idea to go right to the top.

There's this idea that in order to grow we need to suffer, or experience the 'dark night of the soul'. It one of those beliefs that need to be disloged. Growth to me happens better in an environment of joy, happiness, bliss ect ...

Grace seems to also overide the kundalini energy, or 'tame the beast'. Kundalini energy is described as the the raw primal energy of the universe ... but female flavoured in the extreme. I guess here that grace adds the equivalent male energy to the female to balance things out in varying degrees, so it can happen for example ... gracefully. Thats if the kundalini has any connection to the energy of grace.

29-10-2010, 01:56 PM
You almost said it...grace is pure feeling.

With feeling, as soon as you look for, or attach explanation, knowledge and meaning to it....it is no longer a pure feeling...and it ceases to be grace that you are referring to.

grace perhaps is only felt from looking and going through the issues of the mind and all those little attachments that keep us from it. trying to find a feeling by thinking about it is like trying to bang a wall down with your head, when if you stepped back from the wall, you'd see there was a gateway there all along.

Shadow Wolf
30-10-2010, 11:23 AM
I see Grace as a form of life force energy. Free to all and in every one and every thing.

You may find the works of Caroline Myss of interest. She talks about how to use grace in your life. IMO she is very good at teaching about grace.

01-11-2010, 06:21 PM
Grace to me is when after you've done everything within your power to make things in your life or a certain situation better, and then you still seem to get beaten down all the harder, and finally go

"Ok God. Ya got me." and relinquish the obsessive need for control and then the good universal energy gives you caressings and kisses. Surrendering. It is beautiful when it happens, though fleeting; and i never seem to see it coming. It is tied in with humility and gratitude too somehow i feel.

Alot of times it is a painful process for me to finally arrive at the inevitable, but it may not be like that for everyone, i am super stubborn so that may just be part of my own sort of lessons or learning.

Terrific question, by the way. Id also add that it is when you recognize that the only thing that really matters is your relationship with the higher source and yourself.. that all else will fall into place if held firm and steadfast on this reality.

Love&Respect . ~

01-11-2010, 06:33 PM
Grace is the flow of energy and love to us from the Oneness... the ocean of divine Reality in which we all exist, and which is our true nature.

In order to receive Grace there needs to be at least a little opening... not necessarily to grace or even knowing about it... but a little openness to what one doesn't know.

And... There's a saying that blessings come through 100% effort - doing whatever is called for to release how we are holding on in our minds... and 100% Grace - willingness to receive from the Unknown.


I agree with Xan. I experience Grace at times when I've surrendered to what I THINK I know or believe or have experienced, and give in to the flow. It's like struggling against the tide and then finally giving into its energy, letting it take you where you need to go.

01-11-2010, 11:50 PM
Grace to me is when after you've done everything within your power to make things in your life or a certain situation better, and then you still seem to get beaten down all the harder, and finally go

"Ok God. Ya got me."
Yep Dd, sometimes it's like that. Yet it is possible to learn to catch ourselves quicker and not wait until we are thoroughly beaten down to let go.

In fact, letting go can become a moment-to-moment practice in itself. Then... Watch the grace flow!


02-11-2010, 02:12 AM
Indeed Xan. I am a stubborn one at times though, seem to prefer the hard way unfortunately somehow. I get my due humblings though, so at least i am learning.

Miss Hepburn
02-11-2010, 03:26 AM
Well, where has this thread been hiding!
I love and respect all the above posts. :)
I'll skip a definition, there are plenty of those.

Ahh, Grace is like the magic that comes out of nowhere and everywhere --
It's within and it's all around.
It gives electricity to the air - it's like a warm fluid in the brain that opens
areas asleep and opens the doors of perception into a world of walls that breath and trees that pulse and feel and mountains that are alive.
It transforms a day into a Wonderland of Insight into the Nature of Existence.
It's like mainlining a drug.
Grace is controlled by this invisible Holy Spirit - it comes in like a breeze, out of
absolutely nowhere causing all the leaves to shake on a hot, still day.
Grace makes you insane, intoxicated, in awe, immobile, catatonic.
And when it leaves - it's scent lingers and lingers, never to be forgotten and leaving you completely and totally molecularly changed forever.
Grace is the thing you will do anything for to only have it come upon you
one more time...you will grovel, beg, pray unceasingly...but most of all you will honor it's memory with all your thoughts and all your good deeds... and do all that you think will make it happy - mowing your neighbor's lawn, saying your sorry, being kind to a rude stranger, admitting you were wrong, putting all others before yourself in eveything to please Grace... Dutifully doing whatever will squash the ego so that your cup can be empty of all the ego fills it with - so you can wait and wait and wait with your empty cup for one more taste, one more Gift of Grace to shower itself on you like stardust from Heaven and fill your lungs with a magic only known to the Mystics and Saints.
Grace is my favorite thing. Grace is God.


03-11-2010, 01:12 PM
You said it all Miss H. Lets all jump for you.


03-11-2010, 01:18 PM
>>Grace makes you insane, intoxicated, in awe, immobile, catatonic.

>>It's like mainlining a drug.

Sounds like it should be a class A banned substance.

03-11-2010, 02:11 PM

Don't grace and drive,
or operate heavy machinery under its influence!


Although I promote grace,
I hold no responsability for any injury
or other accident, or mental illness
incurred while under its influence.
All is mentioned in the context of
complete freedom of speech
and mankind.

: )

Miss Hepburn
03-11-2010, 04:45 PM
That's very funny.
I second that :

Do not grace and drive!

03-11-2010, 11:17 PM
PLEASE read dear readers Miss Hepburn's piece on grace starting 'Well'. Scole and you will find it a few posts back. Very. very, very highly recomendeded reading from the presence of divine grace itself. I am humbled, inspired, awed, ! Thats not an exaggeraduration. Thats an understantment. Thats Grace. Really!

Miss Hepburn
04-11-2010, 05:04 AM
Well, One, it says alot about you that you recognized something in my Earth-standing-still experience...changed me fore-v-e-r.
Should I share more?
I know now how everything was made! How everything is glued together.
I know what the glue is and even the spaces - I know now that all this is constructed of dreamstuff.
I saw that the color red was made by H-i-m. It exists because He.... made.... it. He made r-e-d.
All the reflections we see in a glass would not be there if not for H-i-m.
They are i-n H-i-m ----are within Him ---exist because of Him--were concocted and dreamed up by H-i-m...
Just slightly behind this "solid" world we "see" is this vibrating alive Being of atoms of breathing, alive, conscious 'stuff'.
It's like this world is one massive shapeshifter. A lavalamp. A Holodeck of just laser reflections. It's very hard to put into words.

We are not within this Being of pulsing, heaving ecstacy...exactly...but we are...It's outside us all around us ---we walk on it, we breath it dissolved into the air, it is under our thumb on the gate latch, it is pressing against our eyeballs right now, it's digesting our food, it's making our fingernails grow, it is looking out of our eyes.
It's so in love with us It's breathing us.
I know, it is a ballet...we are inside a ballet...but it's in slow motion ---like a space walk. It is so hard to explain that a wall is not a wall, it is breathing love.
It's also hard to explain that He is not just aware of every t-h-i-n-g - but...how to say it...nothing could be if not for Him. But, a speck, a speck of dust, finer than sand - would not exist if not for Him, this Being.
It is a Spirit, a wisp, a breeze that sweeps through the spaces between the atoms - the spaces within the atoms.
But more, It's the inside of a molecule and the outside of the molecule - the coating of the cell wall.
It is the Alpha and the Omega. And we are blessed, blessed to do whatever it wants. Whatever pleases It I am It's slave forever now. There is nothing else.
I am feeling a shyness to post this - but that's just ego. And ego is my enemy.

04-11-2010, 02:33 PM
Beautiful posts.

Grace to me is a state of gratitude, humility, awe, joy, and love...

...a place of letting go and pure acceptance where you receive and give joy and love in abundance...

...where stillness abounds....and we are one in the One


04-11-2010, 02:38 PM
Well done for sharing that Miss H. You are welcome to say as you wish. The way you talk of molecules, atoms spaces reminded me of info in Alloya Elohim message (http://www.crystalwind.ca/cosmic-stargate/cs-one/2348-elohim-alloya.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .crystalwind.ca%252Fcosmic-stargate%252Fcs-one%252F2348-elohim-alloya.html))

'For it moves through the gaps that separates molecules. For Grace can move through anything ...'

Also the way you mention H-i-m kind of assosiates with Elohim ... or I am simply jumping to conclusions; but see if the article strikes you. I just have had a curiosity about the Elohim of late. If you exist in the path of grace its not a good idea to get too analytical tho unless you wish.

Indeed beautiful posts 7L

Miss Hepburn
04-11-2010, 03:09 PM
Well done for sharing that Miss H. You are welcome to say as you wish. The way you talk of molecules, atoms spaces reminded me of info in Alloya Elohim message (http://www.crystalwind.ca/cosmic-stargate/cs-one/2348-elohim-alloya.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.spiritualforums.co m%2Fvb%2Fredir.php%3Flink%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww .spiritualforums.com%252Fvb%252Fredir.php%253Flink %253Dhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.spiritualforums. com%25252Fvb%25252Fredir.php%25253Flink%25253Dhttp %2525253A%2525252F%2525252Fwww.crystalwind.ca%2525 252Fcosmic-stargate%2525252Fcs-one%2525252F2348-elohim-alloya.html))

'For it moves through the gaps that separates molecules. For Grace can move through anything ...'

Also the way you mention H-i-m kind of assosiates with Elohim ... or I am simply jumping to conclusions; but see if the article strikes you. I just have had a curiosity about the Elohim of late. If you exist in the path of grace its not a good idea to get too analytical tho unless you wish.

Indeed beautiful posts 7L
Just began reading from your link - I love it.
:smile: Going back now.

Added later: OMG, it even talks about a cool breeze!! Thank you for this link, One.

04-11-2010, 07:49 PM
Ahh, Grace is like the magic that comes out of nowhere and everywhere --
It's within and it's all around.
It gives electricity to the air - it's like a warm fluid in the brain that opens
areas asleep and opens the doors of perception into a world of walls that breath and trees that pulse and feel and mountains that are alive.
It transforms a day into a Wonderland of Insight into the Nature of Existence.
It's like mainlining a drug.
Grace is controlled by this invisible Holy Spirit - it comes in like a breeze, out of
absolutely nowhere causing all the leaves to shake on a hot, still day.
Grace makes you insane, intoxicated, in awe, immobile, catatonic.
And when it leaves - it's scent lingers and lingers, never to be forgotten and leaving you completely and totally molecularly changed forever.
Grace is the thing you will do anything for to only have it come upon you
one more time...you will grovel, beg, pray unceasingly...but most of all you will honor it's memory with all your thoughts and all your good deeds... and do all that you think will make it happy - mowing your neighbor's lawn, saying your sorry, being kind to a rude stranger, admitting you were wrong, putting all others before yourself in eveything to please Grace... Dutifully doing whatever will squash the ego so that your cup can be empty of all the ego fills it with - so you can wait and wait and wait with your empty cup for one more taste, one more Gift of Grace to shower itself on you like stardust from Heaven and fill your lungs with a magic only known to the Mystics and Saints.
Grace is my favorite thing. Grace is God.


What a lovely description of what it is to life by and in Grace.

By our own "effort" of surrender we come to this in day-to-day life. :hug3:
