View Full Version : ghost adventures

01-07-2013, 08:28 PM
I mean the programme thats screened on the "really" channel, here in the U.K. I still cant make my mind up,as to wheather these blokes are for real, and they are indeed capturing genuine phenomena, or are just a bunch showmen out to make a marketable dumbed down load of junk.For instance has anybody taken apart one of those E.V.P. meters,to see how it works ( or does,nt) I would have thought with modern digital filtering, the voices could be made a lot clearer.

02-07-2013, 02:48 PM
You have to remember that this show and all the others like it are for entertainment - first and foremost. I think that they do get some genuine evps and video. Spirits do not perform on command, so, I think that they have to embellish some of what they present - no evidence, no show.

Spirit voices come to us from a different vibration, so it stands to reason that their voices will sound different. It takes a great deal of energy for them to duplicate their earthly functions. Some spirits are stronger than others. In my own home, we have gotten some really good evps, but you need earphones to hear them. Other times we have gotten a loud and strong voice or sound. So, even the best equipment may not be able to amplify and clear up the audio.

All in all, I do enjoy these shows, even if they are not entirely truthful.

02-07-2013, 09:05 PM
I must admit I like the programme but like you think sometimes their enthusiasm overtakes reality a little.

03-07-2013, 03:58 AM

Remember always TV wants ratings but the vibe I get from them is real that they truly seek to find the truth. How they approach it at times worries me a bit as I fear they might find something they are not ready to take on.

As a Medium I know well there are good and not so good encounters. I watch the show because like with shows like that at times a Spirit that is there on the show might well need some help and find that channel open to a Medium that can help.

Its all in advancing acceptance of the other side and that is not a bad thing.


03-07-2013, 01:52 PM
I must admit I like the programme but like you think sometimes their enthusiasm overtakes reality a little.

I have no doubt that they are genuine. As the seasons have gone on, they have toned it down a great deal and are focusing more on the research aspect, rather than baiting mean spirits and/or demonic beings. The spirit world is real and they are bringing an acceptance of it to the forefront. But, I do think a little of what they present is fabricated, because they have to produce some sort of evidence or there will be no show.

03-07-2013, 03:47 PM
I have no doubt that they are genuine. As the seasons have gone on, they have toned it down a great deal and are focusing more on the research aspect, rather than baiting mean spirits and/or demonic beings. The spirit world is real and they are bringing an acceptance of it to the forefront. But, I do think a little of what they present is fabricated, because they have to produce some sort of evidence or there will be no show.

Hey I love the programme don't get me wrong.
I guess after doing quite a few sessions myself in dark places and the such like it is a pretty boring thing to do 90% of the time as I tend to be able to find natural causes for most of it.
But when stuff does come of it makes the rest worthwhile and it's magical.

I guess I have become a little sceptical after talking to a chap who used to work on a famous British version told me some of the things that went on, well let's just say they were eye opening lol.

But I love their enthusiasm and that's great to see and undoubtedly a lot may well be fact and that is great they can get factual evidence.
There is a lot to commend them for what they do.

26-06-2014, 06:36 PM
I believe ghost adventures more than i did most haunted, they were shameful with what they done to the reputation of this whole subject with Yvette faking being possessed the most hideous of the whole show.

26-06-2014, 06:47 PM

We have to remember there are two factors at play. One is the want to find evidence to verily there is more. The other is TV ratings. Its a fine line in ethical balance that one has to work in. Its not easy to keep that space as 'fame' kicks in. When one has a HUGE Ego at play that is not too hard to pull off.

I had it on this AM and as a Medium I can tap into that energy and LOL there was nothing there around them.....but a few rodents. Even a small mouse in the right angle of light can cast a huge shadow....LOL.


12-07-2014, 11:26 AM
You can go on twitter and ask Billy Tolley himself! Hes their friend and sound guy with the mo-hawk. Hes very cool and most of the times he will answer you back on twitter. Alot of the times when they are filming Billy sits in the truck while the guys are inside the looking for ghosts. Then hes on his phone tweeting away. One time I talked to him about it and he says that it can get boring that they may not get activity right away and have to film over a period of a few days. Also Billy and Aaron run a ghost tour our here in Death Valley near Las Vegas. Its at an old hotel that they filmed one episode at. Its $99.00 a person, limited space, they do it 2-3 times a year. You get to hang out with them, they BBQ and sometimes Zak shows up to say Hi. Then when it gets dark they take you in! With equipment and everything! I havent been yet, but I want to go soon! I hear online from people that went that they are 100% real deal. They seem legit to me, I worked at a nursing home for years and some of my experiences match with they encounter. Actually they got tickets up for October, I am gonna go! Just google Billy Tolley Armagosa Hotel. (sorry Im too new to put links)

12-07-2014, 10:56 PM
I love ghost adventures, i watch it everyday, its where i get my daily fix of OH MY GODS DID U SEE/HEAR THAT!

12-07-2014, 10:56 PM

30-07-2014, 01:47 AM
If think the evps are real, but how do they get opressed or supressed in almost every episode? Sounds fishy to me. I use to love the show until I heard abiut zaks perverted and dark sexual things he is into with young girls he flys in from his twitter account. It could be made up, of course, but it creeped me out.

desert rat
30-07-2014, 12:13 PM
This video is from most haunted . I kinda believed the show untill seeing this video clip . Warning adult/sexual theams . I think Derick Acora is more of a goof ball than any thing any thing else .

30-07-2014, 03:35 PM

Two fold having been in that place where Spirit takes one over we have to our brain go into "fight mode" to take back control. We to have the brain trying to make logical sense of what is being said as it is not "you" saying it at times.

Til you have experienced this ( and I wish it on no one ) unless that is the path they walk it is the most unsettling of things. There are times when to show me what I need to see I have to re live with the spirit what they had happen to them in their passing. I sense it with all 5 senses in active use.

We are used as the "tools" at times for spirits to be helped for that energy to be release and to at times even solve a crime. That is the double edge swords some of us walk with in this life. We walk evenly in two worlds.

I have felt full on sexual things in crimes I simply claim my body as mine and that the outer shell of me takes that energy. Though at times we can be left marked on some levels if that energy is strong enough.


Thunder Bow
11-08-2014, 05:59 PM
Ghost Adventures is one of the paranormal shows that fake it the most. They have good acting, and often uses props to stage an event.

anthony c
13-08-2014, 07:46 PM
Hey Ghost adventures addicts.
I am one of there biggest fan.I love all those show most haunted,ghost hunters and dead files is the weirdest.
Ghost adventures get allot of evidence so much that i also doubt it is real but the most evidence is on the spirit box and evp's so it is the best way to communicate with the dead.
The best was when David from most haunted communicated with a guide type of spirit in the London dungeon.While he was communicated the orbe's was flying.
It was so cool.I recommend watching that episode of most haunted