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26-10-2010, 11:38 PM
Core Spiritual Principles

By Dr Joshua David Stone

Unconditional Love

Golden Key Number 1--Unconditional Love: The Foundation Of Life And All Spiritual Practice
Unconditional love is the premier golden key. It has been the heart of the manifestation of my healing, ascension and leadership. Sai Baba teaches that love is the most important spiritual practice of all. He says that the way to live is to "Start the day with love, fill the day with love, spend the day with love and end the day with love--for this is the way to God." This is the foundation of all spiritual practice.
Sai Baba also has said that our physical bodies are a house rented to us by God. We live in the physical body as long as God wills it, and we pay God rent by demonstrating faith, devotion and spiritual sadhana, or spiritual practice--and the number one spiritual practice is unconditional love. Sai Baba says that the way to immortality is the removal of immorality. Since being one with God is being one with all in love, this is the foundation of everything. Tied in with unconditional love are the qualities of generosity and graciousness.
There are spiritual teachers who have great information and who are great channels or psychics, but if love is not the foundation of everything they do, faulty thinking has entered in. If someone does all of the other golden keys in this book and does not demonstrate love, then they've missed the boat, and true God-realization will not be attained.

part 2 coming soon

27-10-2010, 09:06 AM
I have often wondered if there is any definition for love, something that explains exactly what love is. I have read so much about its benefits and about how great it is and how it should be practiced, but I haven't read any work dealing with its nature and essence. I know it is abstract, but I still wonder if anybody has studied love that way.

27-10-2010, 09:08 AM
Thanks MayanCalendar

here is part 2

Golden Key Number 2--Transform All Attack Thoughts To Love The next golden key is an aspect of love that has been a guiding light for me from A Course in Miracles. This is to release all attack thoughts. I have made a vow to myself and God never to attack even when I am attacked by others. I will go to any lengths to maintain an attitude of love no matter how I am attacked or ripped off. This is not to say that I don't need to stand up for myself and stand in my own power. But I do it with tough love. This can be a challenging lesson for some people. It is tied in with the quality of humility and what Christ said about "turning the other cheek" and "loving your enemies." It also relates to seeing everything through your Christ mind.

27-10-2010, 09:09 AM
part 3

Golden Key Number 3--Remaining In Love, Oneness And Peace In All Situations This golden key has been my commitment to remaining in love, oneness and peace at all times, in all situations. Remaining in love, oneness and peace is the guiding precept of everything I do. I try to maintain this attitude in dealing with people who are competing or comparing themselves with me, or who are dealing with me in an egotistical manner. This leads to an instant attitude of forgiveness at all times--forgiveness both of others and myself. I look at every situation in life as a spiritual test to see if I can remain in this state of consciousness.

27-10-2010, 09:10 AM
part 4

Golden Key Number 4--Practicing The Presence The next golden key has been what I call "practicing the presence." This description came from a sweet book of that title by Joel Goldsmith. Every day I would get up and try to practice the presence of God. I realized that if I wanted to be God I had to act like God. Every person, animal, plant and mineral is God incarnate. I would practice greeting every person as if they were the Master Jesus or Buddha or Sai Baba which, in truth, they are. This helped me also to develop tremendous love for animals. Here I used the "Fake it till you make it" approach. I figured if I kept practicing being an ascended master that eventually I would be one. This turned out to be an excellent spiritual practice. It is not enough just to think about God or just feel God. We each must be God. This may be the most important sadhana or spiritual practice of all.

27-10-2010, 09:10 AM
part 5

Golden Key Number 5--Holy Instants This golden key has been the understanding of the "holy instant" as described in A Course in Miracles. In this holy instant, I am the Christ, you are the Christ, we are all perfect and we are all one with each other and one with God. In reality all else is illusion. This is why A Course in Miracles says, "Nothing real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God." You do not have to try and become God. You already are God. The spiritual path is undoing or cleaning off the mud on the diamond. Our own faulty thinking has identified with the mud instead of the light. In the holy instant this is all released as a bad dream that was never real in the first place.

27-10-2010, 02:16 PM
Find love
Do love
Be love (Be loving)
Be Love

27-10-2010, 02:19 PM
Very nice Micron...nice avatar too.
I just posted a quick ref. The order listed is very important...as we cannot skip to the last unless we already embody the first 4.

This is one of the things we need to be careful abt..."cutting corners"...LOL...everything in its time once the lessons are learnt. If we embody 1-4, then of course enlightenment and BEing can occur in the moment as true transformation, ie. occuring henceforth from that moment forward.
After all, it's about the journey, not the destination :)

Peace & blessings,

28-10-2010, 12:59 AM
Thanks 7luminaries this one very important ~!

part 6

Golden Key Number 6--Holy Encounters: Seeing God In Every Person The next golden key has been what I call the "holy encounter." This also is a term from A Course in Miracles which states that every meeting with a brother or sister is a holy encounter. Every exchange between two people is Christ meeting Christ, God meeting God. This, in combination with what I call innocent perception--seeing the innocence in each person, that which is divine--has been one of my main spiritual sadhanas.
This ideal leads to unconditional love; for if each person is God and the eternal Self, then nothing but love can follow. This ideal is a commitment to seeing beyond the appearances of the physical, emotional and mental bodies and to seeing the true core of every person. The world is a mirror of our own thinking. What we see in our brothers and sisters is, in truth, what we are seeing in ourselves. To heal oneself one must see God in every person as well as oneself. This also applies to how one sees the opposite sex. Do you see a person as a physical body first--or as God living in a physical body?

Viewing All With The Christ Mind

28-10-2010, 01:00 AM
part 7

Golden Key Number 7--Attitudinal Healing: Thinking With The Christ Mind This golden key involves attitude and perspective. It is our thoughts that create our reality, and there is always a perspective on life that will bring you inner peace no matter what your outer situation. This is the science of attitudinal healing. My commitment to thinking at all times with my Christ mind and not my ego mind has been, I would say, one of the major keys to my success in life.
When I would get unclear, I would write in my journal, for many hours if necessary, until I would get myself and my life in proper perspective. In earlier stages of my life I had to do a lot of journal writing. Now I have had so much practice that I can do it about as effectively with my mind. Thinking with the Christ mind leads to clarity, steadiness and stability. This mastery helps to produce emotional stability, for our emotions often are an outgrowth of our attitude.
Related to thinking with the Christ mind is the understanding that there are only two emotions, love and fear. Love-based emotions are expressions of the Christ mind; fear-based emotions are expressions of the ego. The ego perceives itself as separate, and, therefore, fear arises as it tries to protect itself. When you view all through your Christ mind, you see all as one and part of God, so love-based emotions are what arise. Therefore, your experience of life all depends on whether you interpret life from your negative ego mind or from your Christ mind. This is the foundation of all spiritual growth.

28-10-2010, 01:01 AM
part 8

Golden Key Number 8--Be A Love-Finder Not A Fault-Finder--Seeing Through Christ Eyes This golden key also is one that I learned from A Course in Miracles. This is to be a love-finder instead of a fault-finder. I always try to see the best in others as well as the best in myself. Everything in life is perception. We see with our minds, not just with our physical eyes. All people are beautiful when we choose to see life through our Christ eyes.
This gets to the importance of being non-judgmental. It is okay in life to make spiritual discernments and spiritual observations, but this is done from the heart and not just from the mind. Love-finding instead of fault-finding is a practice of seeking goodness and beauty underneath appearances. Seeing the glass as half full or half empty is a matter of perception. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

The Heart Of Compassion: Recognizing The Oneness Of All Life

28-10-2010, 01:02 AM
part 9

Golden Key Number 9--The Suffering Of One Is The Suffering Of All This golden key has been a major focus for me in the development of compassion. My studies of Buddhism and my devotion to Quan Yin and the Virgin Mary have greatly inspired me in this regard. I learned to really understand that other people's suffering is, in truth, my suffering. The suffering of animals and plants is my suffering. We do not need to take on the suffering of others so that it is debilitating, but we can have the utmost compassion for the suffering of others. I consider compassion to be one of the most important Christ/Buddha qualities a person can develop.

28-10-2010, 01:03 AM
part 10

Golden Key Number 10--Oneness With All Life: Sai Baba Stories This golden key is that of knowing that we are one with all life, and that all life needs to be honored as a part of God. This key is illustrated by two of my favorite Sai Baba stories. The first story occurred during Sai Baba's past incarnation as the avatar, Shirdi Sai Baba. One day one of his devotees went to the market to get Shirdi Sai Baba some dates, figs and nuts as an offering. She returned home and left the plate of food on the table. When she left the room to change her clothes before taking the offering to Shirdi Sai Baba, her dog climbed up on the table and ate everything.

29-10-2010, 07:11 PM
part 9

Golden Key Number 9--The Suffering Of One Is The Suffering Of All This golden key has been a major focus for me in the development of compassion. My studies of Buddhism and my devotion to Quan Yin and the Virgin Mary have greatly inspired me in this regard. I learned to really understand that other people's suffering is, in truth, my suffering. The suffering of animals and plants is my suffering. We do not need to take on the suffering of others so that it is debilitating, but we can have the utmost compassion for the suffering of others. I consider compassion to be one of the most important Christ/Buddha qualities a person can develop.

Mikron, very nice posts.
I'm commenting on this one and on #10, the oneness of all. The collective consciousness is the way in which we access the divine...we plug into akasha...which itself has emanated from the divine source.

A critical aspect of compassion and awareness of the unity is taking responsibility for our own actions and to the degree that we are engaged, for the collective as well. We are the individual minds and we as one are the collective. We are responsible for mirroring our thoughts and actions to ourselves and to one another. If you intend me harm, it is your responsibility to be aware of that, to check it, address the lack, and turn toward the light. It is also my responsibility to hold up the mirror and say I am aware of your intention...make it right and all is forgiven...and it is also the responsiblity of others, of the collective, to do the same.

Until all are on the same wavelength and the same level of consciousness where wrong intent and wrong action are not used to address lack and fear, we must be responsible for the elevation of one another, and for the prevention of harm. Because at the very beginning, one must seek to do no harm (to self and others) and then, from there, greater intentions and acts can and will follow if one makes conscious choices to right thought and right action.

Many feel that it's by saying to those engaged in wrong intent and wrong action desist from harm and do not raise a hand against your brother, and yet, this is what we must do. To use refs from the Zohar, there are two aspects of the divine presence that must be present in balance in order to yield mercy/ (tiferet)...and these are judgment (gevurah) and lovingkindess (chesed), also known as might/fear of God/awe and love/compassion.

I'll probably post this in another thread too...but I feel we collectively need to begin to address this balance...and I say that with great compassion...but just as a child doesn't fully understand what he does, still the adults cannot let him hit his playmates, turn over the baby's crib, or kick the dog.

29-10-2010, 07:18 PM
Here's a bit that explains the necessity of using judgment in the sense of discretion and wisdom...along with compassion.

The union, often called mercy, is also described as focused compassion.

I. #4 Love (lovingkindness, compassion)
Chesed is associated in the soul with the desire to embrace all of Creation and bestow upon it goodness. As the expansive force which impels the soul to connect with outer reality, chesed inspires, and thus implicitly accompanies, all the other expressions of emotive force which succeed it in the soul.

II. #5 Might (judgment, restraint)
Gevurah is associated in the soul with the power to restrain one's innate urge to bestow goodness upon others, when the recipient of that good is judged to be unworthy and liable to misuse it. As the force which measures and assesses the worthiness of Creation, gevurah is also referred to in Kabbalah as midat hadin ("the attribute of judgment"). It is the restraining might of gevurah which allows one to overcome his enemies, be they from without or from within (his evil inclination).

Chesed and gevurah act together to create an inner balance in the soul's approach to the outside world. While the "right arm" of chesed operates to draw others near, the "left arm" of gevurah reserves the option of repelling those deemed undeserving. (Even towards those to whom one's initial relation is that of "the left arm repels," one must subsequently apply the complementary principle of "the right arm draws near").

Ultimately, the might of gevurah becomes the power and forcefulness to implement one's innate desire of chesed. Only by the power of gevurah is chesed able to penetrate the coarse, opposing surface of reality.

III. #6 Mercy (beauty, truth, balance)

Tiferet is associated in the soul with the power to reconcile the conflicting inclinations of chesed and gevurah so as to allow for focused compassion, thus accounting for its designation in Kabbalah as midat harachamim ("the attribute of mercy"). The beauty of tiferet manifests itself through the elegant blend of emotive gesture implicit within its expression.

Peace & blessings,

01-11-2010, 03:59 AM
Thanks 7 as you say "critical aspect of compassion" and always seeing others as there highest potential but at same time be Love wisdom the 2nd cosmic ray

Namaste mikron

01-11-2010, 07:44 PM

When the woman saw what had happened she was aghast and proceeded to beat and kick the dog. She then went back to the market in an angry fit and bought more food for the offering. This time she walked straight to her guru, Shirdi Sai Baba, and offered him the gift. With disdain, Shirdi Sai Baba said, "I don't want it. I have already eaten." The woman was shocked and said, "What do you mean, master? It is still early." Shirdi Sai Baba replied, " I already ate, but then you beat me and kicked me."
This story had a great effect on me, and I have tried to remember at all times that I live in all things and all things live in me. What I do to another is literally what I do to myself. The golden rule states "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." If our true identity is the eternal Self, and all of creation is a part of that eternal Self, then anything that we do to any other part of creation we literally are doing to ourselves. By the same token, to give something to another is literally to give love to oneself. If humanity would deeply understand and practice this one law, the entire world would change in an instant.
In another Sai Baba story, someone was driving Sai Baba on a highway while Sai Baba had his eyes closed in meditation in the back seat of the car. The driver of the car was going around fifty miles an hour, when all of a sudden he saw a snake crawling across the highway. The driver didn't want to slam on the brakes and bother Sai Baba so he ended up running over the snake. After doing so the driver looked back at Sai Baba in his rear view. Sai Baba's eyes were still closed and he hadn't moved in the slightest. When they arrived at their destination, the driver opened the car door for Sai Baba--who got out of the car and proceeded to take off his shirt. As Sai Baba walked away, the driver saw tire marks across Baba's back. Sai Baba never said a word!
Every person, every animal, every plant, every rock is God. There is only one identity in the universe for all of life throughout creation--and that is God. We all share that one identity. We must let go of glamour, illusion, maya and appearances so that we can see the true reality of life. Our true identity as the eternal Self lives within all creation. All creation is a part of you. Strive to be harmless and defenseless in all things.
Your brothers and sisters share your identity as the Christ with you. God had only one son and one daughter and we are all part of that sonship or daughtership. We each are apprentice Gods who are in the process of realizing this on deeper and deeper levels. This is the initiation process. Learn from Sai Baba's example.

01-11-2010, 07:45 PM

Golden Key Number 11--Owning Your Personal Power
This golden key has been a core tenet of my life. I give it equal status with unconditional love which no other golden key in this book has. This key is owning one's personal power. I have made a commitment to owning my power at all times. When I asked the ascended masters what was the key to leadership they said "empowerment." Owning one's power generates inner fortitude and steadiness, both are essential attributes for effective leadership.
The only reason that I am still in this physical body is because I did not give my power to my physical body when I went through all of my health lessons. I have trained myself over many years never to let go of my power, even when I am sleeping. It has become much easier in my life now than it was in the past because it has become a habit. However, this does not mean that vigilance is not still required at all times. If you listen to nothing else in this book, listen to these two golden keys: personal power and unconditional love. Combined, this is first and second ray energy which is the foundation of God's Kingdom.

01-11-2010, 07:46 PM
Part 12

Golden Key Number 12--Don't Give Away Your Power To Anything This golden key in my spiritual progression was learning not to give my power away to anything. This is a corollary to owning your personal power. Do not give away your power to other people, outside situations, your emotions, thoughts, physical body, subconscious mind, inner child, ego, lower desire body or sexuality. Do not give away your power to astrology, your dreams, the rays, to any spiritual science or path or to the ascended masters. Do not give your power even to God. God does not want your power. God wants you to use your power and your love and your wisdom to become a master.
Pray with power and not like a weakling. Your prayers will be much more effective if you do. Astrology is wonderful but the bottom line is that you are God and God causes astrology. Dreams are wonderful but don't give them your power and let an unsettling dream wreck your day.

09-11-2010, 11:47 PM
Golden Key Number 14--Being At Cause In Your Life
The next golden key has been the attitude and practice of being at cause in my life and not at effect. This is the ideal of being a master not a victim. Being at cause in your life is a major component of maintaining your personal power at all times. Being at cause in my life has been a major key to my success in manifesting. By remaining at cause at all times and using my personal power, prayer, affirmations, visualizations and positive actions, I have been able to manifest everything I need on an ongoing basis.
I have used the power of the Hermetic law, "As within so without; as above so below." My mastery of my mind has lead to the mastery of my emotions which has lead to the mastery of my subconscious mind and four-body system. This level of personal power has attracted and magnetized all that I have needed, because the superconscious, conscious and subconscious minds have been in accord. This--in combination with prayer and utilizing the power of Sai Baba, the ascended masters and God--has provided miracle after miracle. In truth, however, there are no miracles, but rather the natural by-products of utilizing universal laws.
Obviously I do not have complete control over everything that comes into my sphere of life and influence; but what I do have complete control over is my attitude towards what comes into my life. By committing myself to thinking with my Christ mind at all times and not my ego mind, I am able to magnetize and attract to my life only that which is the highest and most sublime.

Seek Only God

09-11-2010, 11:47 PM
Golden Key Number 15--Desire For God-Realization
This golden key has been my total commitment to achieving liberation and being of service. The Eastern religions talk about giving up desire. The ideal of life isn't to give up desire, but rather to have only higher-self desire. My all-consuming desire in life has been to attain God-realization, liberation and ascension, and to be of service. I have been completely on fire for these and only these. I have been so completely focused in this direction that I have not allowed my lower self to steer me away. I have sought to strengthen the Christ quality of being focused and maintaining that focus. In Eastern religion this is called following your dharma. I have followed my dharma like a drowning man wants air.
This spiritual fire, in combination with owning my personal power and practicing unconditional love, has cultivated in me the unceasing quality of enthusiasm--which is so pervasive in my personality and my books. I love God with all my heart, soul, mind and might, and I am not afraid to demonstrate this. Underlying all of this is my commitment, which I have fortified with an untold number of spiritual vows. I hold onto these vows as my own personal tablets of creation. My personal commitment is not just for planetary ascension, but for complete cosmic ascension for myself and all of my brothers and sisters.

09-11-2010, 11:48 PM
Golden Key Number 16--Devotion To God
This key has been love for God and love for the masters. This sometimes has been referred to as devotion. I think my greatest inspiration for this quality has come from the incomparable Paramahansa Yogananda. Devotion and purity pervade and shine forth from this great soul. This is true of Sai Baba as well. Devotion in essence is love of God and God's creation. All love begins with love of God. Jesus summed up the whole law with, "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, soul, mind and might, and love thy neighbor as thyself."
One can give devotion without giving away one's power, and this is important. Djwhal Khul told me that the masters feel and appreciate my love for them. Love for God and the masters has been the keynote of my life. God is my only interest. Beware of false Gods and hence idol worship. Some of these false Gods are money, sexuality, power, fame and romantic relationships. Examine your life with devastating honesty and see if you are putting anything before God. If you are, forgive yourself and make the appropriate attitudinal correction.

09-11-2010, 11:48 PM
Golden Key Number 17--A Thirst For Spiritual Knowledge And Wisdom
The next golden key has been my incredible thirst for spiritual knowledge and wisdom. I am sure most of you reading this book can relate to this. I never was interested in filling my mind with meaningless facts. However, anything relating to divine knowledge and my service has driven me with an insatiable thirst. Spiritual reading has had an enormous effect on my life. Spiritual reading in combination with meditation, prayer, journal writing, self inquiry, affirmations, visualizations, repeating the names of God, and devotional music all have had an enormous impact on my life. These have been my basic sadhana or spiritual practice.

Surrender and Detachment

09-11-2010, 11:49 PM
Golden Key Number 18--Surrendering To God's Will And Giving Thanks In All Situations
This golden key for me has been learning to look at everything that happens in life as lessons, challenges, opportunities to grow and--most of all--as spiritual tests. Look at everything that happens as a gift, and bless every person and situation. This attitude is quite foreign to the ego, but it is one of the real keys to developing inner peace. To everything that would happen in life I would say, "Not my will but thine, oh Lord. Thank you for this lesson." This simple attitude has had a revolutionary effect upon my life. You can surrender to God and still retain your personal power. They are not mutually exclusive. The idea is to do both simultaneously. It works. Try it.

09-11-2010, 11:50 PM
Golden Key Number 19--Having Preferences Rather Than Attachments
The next golden key has been the attitude of having preferences rather than attachments. Buddha stated in his four noble truths that all suffering comes from one's attachments. During one period of my life, my health--and, at times, my physical existence--were seriously in jeopardy. I have called that period my "Job initiation." During that time I had to let go of all attachments or I would have been unable to find inner peace.
Letting go of attachments is one of the tests of the fourth initiation, which is the initiation of renunciation. It is very important in life to have preferences--even strong preferences. But attachments keep you unhappy, fearful and off-center. The difference is that with preferences you are happy whichever way a situation turns out; but with attachments and expectations you lose your inner peace if things don't go the way you had wanted. This attitude has had an enormous effect on my life.

09-11-2010, 11:50 PM
Golden Key Number 20--Divine Indifference
This golden key is the cultivation of the quality of divine indifference This is a quality of being the witness, objective, detached, but yet still involved. It is the difference between sympathy and compassion. In sympathy you take on the other person's stuff. Compassion retains boundaries, and a healthy psychological immune system. An effective person and leader must have this quality. This allows one to respond to life instead of reacting.

Self-Inquiry and Getting Right with Yourself

09-11-2010, 11:51 PM
Golden Key Number 21--Get Right With Yourself First
This golden key has been the understanding that the most important relationships in my life are, first, my relationship with myself and, second, my relationship with God. If I am not right with myself then I will not be right with anything in my life including God. Get right in these two relationships first and all other relationships will come into divine order. Before we are ready to serve others we need to self-actualize. There are many people who are trying to serve from a place of not being right with self and right with God. It is noble that they want to be of service, but they would be better off getting right with themselves first.

09-11-2010, 11:51 PM
Golden Key Number 22--True Self-Worth Comes From God
The next golden key relates to self-worth. The key insight here is that true self-worth comes from God. It is our spiritual inheritance. Can a son or daughter of God be unworthy? Self-worth is enhanced by focusing on your victories instead of your defeats. It also is very important to compare yourself only with yourself. Do not compare yourself with others, for each of us carries within us a special puzzle piece of God's plan.

09-11-2010, 11:52 PM
Golden Key Number 23--Commitment To Self Inquiry And Monitoring One's Thoughts:smile::smile::smile::smile:

This golden key has been an unflinching commitment to self-inquiry. I see self inquiry as the commitment to monitoring one's thoughts and being spiritually vigilant at all times. This means never going on automatic pilot. This also means not allowing any fear-thought, or any other thought that is not of God to enter one's mind. This spiritual practice is so important that Sai Baba says it is 75% of the spiritual path. It is the practice of recognizing that there are no neutral thoughts. All thoughts are either from the higher self or from the ego. It is the ego which fears, for the higher self knows that it is eternal. It is up to each one of us to choose whom we will serve.

09-11-2010, 11:53 PM
Golden Key Number 24--Examination Of One's Motives
This key has been the intense examination on my part of my motives. This is something I would recommend that all lightworkers do in a thorough and honest manner. The negative ego is very tricky as we all know. In the deepest recesses of our subconscious mind, what is it that truly motivates us to do what we are doing? It takes great courage to fully examine this. To truly realize God and move into the highest levels of leadership, the conscious and subconscious minds must be cleansed of the impurities of the ego: selfishness, narcissism, lower-self desire, hedonism and materialism. The study of motives in the field of psychology needs much more focus than it has been given to date.

09-11-2010, 11:54 PM
Golden Key Number 25--Committing To Living With Integrity
This golden key has been my commitment to living with integrity. This can also be seen as consistency between my Mighty I Am Presence, higher self, conscious mind, subconscious mind, emotional body and physical body. One of the most common weakness I see in lightworkers is an inconsistency between levels. The conscious mind thinks and responds one way and the subconscious mind thinks and feels something else. The conscious mind says that it wants to do something, and the physical body doesn't end up doing it. The importance of having integrity and never speaking a single word that the rest of yourself does not follow through on is very important on the spiritual path. When the ascended masters say they are going to do something they do it. Integrity applies to keeping time commitments, returning phone calls, handling money and every other aspect of Earth life.
How can we expect to be placed in positions of leadership for a whole planet, solar system, galaxy or universe if we cannot stay in integrity with the people on Earth. We need to watch our every thought, word and deed. Everything is written into the soul records. Everything is recorded by our permanent atom in our own being. To be selfish and rip someone off or to be inconsiderate or insensitive is to do this to God; for our brothers and sisters are God. The integrity with which you deal with your brothers and sisters is literally how you are dealing with yourself.
The world and other people are a projection screen for our own thoughts. When we learn to project onto life only thoughts of God, Christ or Buddha consciousness in a consistent manner, we graduate--for that is what we are on this Earth to learn. Earth life is a school for practicing being God. What we are really talking about here is having an immaculate, flawless character. The question is: How we are going to choose to live? Many people use the excuse of being human for their lack of integrity. This is another ploy of the negative ego. It is also a misconception of what it means to be human, for human at its highest is Hu-man or God-man. To identify yourself as God living in a physical body is ascended master consciousness.

09-11-2010, 11:54 PM
Golden Key Number 26--Sacred Sexuality
The next golden key has to do with sexuality. One of the keys to my physical healing and spiritual acceleration has been my commitment to be moderate in the use of my sexuality. I am not a prude by any means; however the more spiritually mature I became, the more sacred became the use of my sexual energies. I began to raise this energy more, and to use it for other things such as creativity, meditation and brain illumination (ojas). I began to relate to my sexual partners in a more tantric manner. In essence, expression of my sexuality became a much more sanctified act. Sexual energy is life energy itself. My commitment has been to master this energy and never to use it in service of the carnal or lower self, but rather to use it in a sanctified way.
This takes enormous commitment, focus and self discipline, but it is well worth your attention. In the attainment of God-realization and total self-mastery, sexuality is one of the most difficult areas for many lightworkers to master, and this was a challenge for me earlier in my life. The proper use of sexual energy has a great healing and spiritually-accelerating effect on your life.

09-11-2010, 11:55 PM
Golden Key Number 27--Practicing Non-Violence
This golden key involves the principle of non-violence. This includes for me a vow of non-violence not only on a physical level, but also on the mental and emotional levels. The ideal here is to transmute all violent thoughts and emotions. When they come up don't listen to them, for they are a product of negative ego thinking. It is the negative ego that creates all negative emotions. When you think with your Christ mind, your emotions remain loving, joyful and peaceful. God lives in all things even insects. If insects invade your home you have the right to protect your space. Outdoors however you must respect their space. Try to avoid violent movies, television and books, for they are vexations to the soul and spirit.

09-11-2010, 11:56 PM
Golden Key Number 28--Commitment To Decisiveness The next golden key relates to decisiveness. This is one of the most important qualities that every ascended master and leader must develop. The ideal is to be decisive in all you do. Whatever you do in life, do it with I00% of your energies. It is better to be decisive and make the wrong decision than to make no decision at all.

09-11-2010, 11:57 PM
Golden Key Number 29--Developing A Healthy Psycho-Epistemology:smile:

This golden key has been a foundation key in my spiritual work. A key to my success has been my focused work in developing a healthy psycho-epistemology. This is a term that most people are not familiar with. There are certain thoughts that form the basis for our view of the world. These thoughts are called psycho-epistemological thoughts; they are the thoughts through which all other thoughts are filtered. A major key to being successful is to have a clear and balanced psycho-epistemology. I have called this having one's head screwed on straight. If your psycho-epistemology is askew, then everything in your life will be askew.
In the ideal state of God-realization, one looks at life through the full-spectrum prism of the seven rays, and then, eventually, through the higher rays as well. Most people see life out of a lens of only a small fraction of this God-realized prism. Your psychological lens is determined by the psycho-epistemological thoughts that are filtering your experience. The ultimate goal of life is to see life through the lens through which God sees life. Many people view life primarily through such lenses as the inner child, negative ego, desire body, mental body, astral body, physical body, parental upbringing, victimization, cultural programming, educational programming and religious programming. You can see how viewing life through these lenses will cause one's view to be highly distorted and skewed into a very narrow vantage point.
I wrote a master thesis on this most important subject in my book, How to Clear the Negative Ego, which I would recommend that you read. The subject of developing a healthy psycho-epistemology is one of the most important subjects in the field of psychology and spirituality, and it is probably the least understood. This has been one of the major keys to my success. Early in my life I was able to develop a healthy psycho-epistemology which led to my developing a type of Midas touch.
When your own personal lens is in accord with your higher self, Mighty I Am Presence and universal laws, your consciousness will be aligned with the consciousness of God. Then you will manifest abundance on all levels--for abundance is the vantage point of God. Focused work in bringing clarity to your psycho-epistemology will be worth its weight in gold.


09-11-2010, 11:58 PM
Golden Key Number 30--Living In The Tao
This golden key has been a real guiding light for me. It is "living in the tao." There is a "tao" to everything in life. This has to do with the balance of the yin and yang. When surfing a wave you can get ahead of the wave and you will get dumped. If you go too slow when surfing, you will miss the wave. There is a tao to every aspect of life. Learning to remain in this tao is one of the real keys to health, balanced living and success. Learn to listen to this tao and remain within its sublime rhythm. It is one of the keys to developing the Midas touch.

09-11-2010, 11:58 PM
Golden Key Number 31--Commitment To Balance, Integration And Moderation

The physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies must all be respected, balanced and integrated properly. If what you are doing in your life is hurting your physical body then stop. The physical body is a face of God. My mind would like to work 24 hours a day, but my physical body rebels when my Type A overachiever acts out. I needed this karmic lesson, because earlier in my life I was not obedient to God's laws. I now listen to the wisdom of my physical and emotional bodies, and I do not try to override them. I would be lying if I said that I was not still a workaholic type. But now I can proudly say that I am a balanced workaholic, not a Type A workaholic.

09-11-2010, 11:59 PM
Golden Key Number 32--Balancing Of The Masculine And Feminine This golden key in my evolution has been the focused work I have done in learning to balance the feminine and masculine aspects within myself. This is one of the prerequisites to achieving ascension. This ties in with the need to balance the four bodies and three minds and coming into a proper relationship with the inner child in firmness and love. These are core aspects and the nuts and bolts of the spiritual path.

10-11-2010, 12:00 AM
Golden Key Number 33--The Hermetic Principle Of Gender This golden key is the "principle of gender". This Hermetic Principle states that "gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principle; gender manifests on all planes." This Hermetic Law, in combination with the law of polarity, has been an incredible golden key in my life for I have applied this to everything. By understanding the opposites in life I have learned and trained myself over time to balance them. In my book, The Ascended Masters Light the Way, on pages 130 to 132, I have compiled charts showing comprehensive lists of these balances. Study these and see where you might be too yin or too yang. Do not judge yourself. Simply forgive yourself and set up a program of an attitudinal healing "battle plan" to make the appropriate character corrections in your personality structure. This chapter also will serve as a guide to provide you with a deeper understanding of the seven great Hermetic Laws.

10-11-2010, 12:00 AM
Golden Key Number 34--Balancing Spiritual Selflessness And Selfishness This golden key has been my understanding of the balance of spiritual selflessness and selfishness. Many spiritual people often are too much one or the other. The ideal is to be both in the appropriate moment. Being spiritually selfish is an important quality in its place. Many lightworkers get trampled on and then are filled with resentment because they don't understand this precept. The common belief is that it is egotistical to be selfish and spiritual to be selfless.
However, selfishness has a positive and negative component as does selflessness. People often are turned off to the idea of being a saint or saintly because of this misunderstanding. The true saint knows how to be spiritually selfish when necessary. The second key lesson here is to be decisive with whichever aspect of this continuum you are choosing. If you are selfish and not decisive you will be filled with guilt. If you are selfless and not decisive, you will be filled with resentment. The key is to tune in and follow your inner guidance as to the appropriate decision in each situation.

10-11-2010, 12:01 AM
Golden Key Number 35--Transcending Duality

This golden key came from the Bhagavad Gita and from Sai Baba. It relates to the understanding of duality. Third and fourth dimensional consciousness is filled with duality. There is profit and loss, pleasure and pain, sickness and health, victory and defeat, praise and criticism. In God-consciousness, one remains in even-mindedness, equanimity, inner peace, unchanging joy and unceasing love. Duality is transcended and one's consciousness does not become an emotional roller. The psychology of the future is a transcendent psychology and a philosophy of life that is higher dimensional.

10-11-2010, 12:02 AM
Golden Key 36--Transcending Top Dog/Underdog

This key is to transcend all thoughts of superiority and inferiority, for they are two sides of the same negative ego coin. Fritz Perls called this the topdog/underdog complex. His guidance was, whenever the topdog or underdog came up in your mind, to laugh it off the stage. Sai Baba and the masters could not have said it better. Most people on this planet are caught in the never ending flip flop between topdog emotions and underdog emotions. They have not been educated to see that inner peace lies in transcending duality and living in the centered spiritual Christ/Buddha attitude.

10-11-2010, 12:03 AM
Golden Key Number 37--The Law Of Service

The next golden key is the law of service. Your powers of manifestation are increased a thousand-fold if your life is focused on serving God and serving your brothers and sisters in Christ. There is an ancient proverb that states, "One who is pure of heart has the strength of ten." I experienced this in putting on and hosting the Wesak celebrations. The number of cosmic and planetary ascended masters and angels that came to my aid and guided people to come from all over the globe was astounding.

When prayer and manifestation are raised from the personality level to the soul and monadic levels in total dedicated service, the power is increased exponentially. When doing manifestation work, pray and work for the benefit of others as well as yourself--for, in truth, "the other" is yourself and "the other" is God.
You are not limited by the boundaries of your third-dimensional body because you are not a third-dimensional being. Currently I am working on becoming a tenth to twelfth-dimensional being. Sai Baba and Melchizedek are something like 30th to 36th dimensional beings. The higher you go the more you realize that you live in all things, and that all people and things live within you. Dedicate your life to the service of humanity and the entire God force will come to your aid upon your every request.

10-11-2010, 12:05 AM
Golden Key Number 38--An Attitude And Lifestyle Of Service

This golden key can be expressed in the statement from A Course in Miracles, "To have all, give all to all." I honestly can say that I have given a 100% effort on my spiritual path in this lifetime. I also have given my all to help my beloved brothers and sisters. I have held back nothing. I have given all of my love and all of my effort, and any small amount of wisdom that I may have gathered. I have saved nothing for myself. I can honestly say with a clear conscience that I have given you, my beloved brothers and sisters, everything. I often have given even more than the inner plane ascended masters may have wanted me to give.
From a very early age I have had a desire to be of service to people in whatever capacity I could. This service has taken many forms besides counseling, teaching and writing books. Sometimes it simply would be helping someone push a stalled car or carry groceries. I became deeply aware as a young adult that anything I held back from my brothers and sisters I was really holding back from myself and God--for the three, in truth, were one.
I didn't care about money; I was just grateful to have the opportunity to serve. When I would counsel, sometimes my sessions would last for four hours even though I would only charge the person for one hour. Money was not my God; helping people was. Jesus also said in A Course in Miracles, "Helping my brothers and sisters is my true church." In reality, who was being helped the most was myself. For in giving my all I was receiving all back from God. God was already giving me everything; now I was learning to give everything to myself by sharing it.
I am not saying here that I have not made mistakes, because I have made tons of them. All I am saying is that I have given my best effort, and that God has graced me by giving me back all that I have given and far more. I did not give it for this reason, but this is God's law in action. As A Course in Miracles says, my salvation is up to me. This statement had a most profound effect on me. It was this insight in action that has gotten me to where I am now. This spiritual practice is tremendously healing to oneself, and it is also a key to manifestation, for it builds an ongoing attraction and magnetism of good karma. Being of service is one of the best ways to release karma and build one's spiritual bank account. When one develops a lifestyle of giving instead of taking, the gifts flow back in untold abundance. This also was my way of paying back all of those who had helped me so greatly in my life.
It is important to let go of the myths and glamours of ascension and to focus increasingly on world service. The advanced ascended master abilities of teleporting, materializing and dematerializing will come in due time but should not be obsessed about. The quickest way to accelerate your ascension is to dedicate your life to serving and fulfilling your part of God's Divine Plan.

10-11-2010, 12:05 AM
Golden Key Number 39--Random Acts Of Kindness:

A Story The next golden key was gaining an understanding of how small acts of service can create a ripple effect and produce major shifts in consciousness. One particular occurrence early in my life touched me in a most profound way. I had been studying A Course in Miracles, and I was filled with the spirit of God. One day I was driving my car on the freeway and I saw a man whose car had stalled. He was trying to push his car onto the emergency embankment. I immediately pulled over and got out to help him. I ended up driving him for about forty minutes back to his home, and he was very appreciative. When we got to his house he invited me in, but I declined. He offered to give me money which I also declined. I said that I was just grateful to have the opportunity to be of service.
He was very moved and said that he wanted to tell me a story. The man was Filipino, and he said that when he first had come to Los Angeles six years ago he hated it. He had a tow truck and had started a small garage business. But his business was not doing well, and he kept encountering enormous prejudice wherever he went.
Then he told me that about a year after he had moved to Los Angeles his car had broken down; and that a man had stopped to help him in much the same way that I had. That man drove him around for two hours helping him take care of things. The Filipino man tried to pay him and invite him over, but the man wouldn't even tell him his name. After finishing helping him, the man just left, asking for nothing in return.
The Filipino man was deeply touched that a human being who didn't even know him would do this for him. So he started doing the same thing for people all around the neighborhood where his garage was. Soon this man became extremely well-liked in his community because of the help and service he rendered to people. And it wasn't long before his business started thriving. During the next few years he made hundreds of friends and became one of the most beloved people in his community. As we sat in the car and talked, the man said to me that this other man had helped him five years ago, and now I had done the same thing for him again. I was blown away. I felt so grateful to be an instrument of God in this small way.
Just last night on the news I saw a story where someone was playing one of the McDonald's sweepstakes games and ended up winning a million dollars on one of the tickets. This person immediately sent the ticket to Saint Jude's hospital and didn't even leave his name or address. It was totally anonymous. The McDonald Company usually doesn't allow the transfer of tickets but, of course, they allowed that one. I am always moved by such stories. Never underestimate the effect that we can have on the lives of people through random acts of kindness. With the ripple effect that these acts generate, we can change the world.
I remember one incident that occurred when I was twelve years old. I was in line at a cafeteria, and the man in front of me didn't have enough money to pay for his food. Someone behind me offered to pay for his meal. I was extremely touched by this, and I wanted to kick myself for not offering to do this myself. Even at that young age, I vowed to myself that if this ever happened again in a restaurant or market, I would be the one to offer to pay. I always have remembered that experience and have kept that promise many times.
Stories of selfless service such as these provide great inspiration for me. This is the real world and the real work. As Sai Baba has said, "Hands that help are holier than hands that pray". As Jesus said, "My true church is helping your brothers and sisters." It is amazing how we can touch peoples' lives if we allow ourselves to be creative and open to the opportunities all around us. I believe that it is these little things that are most important to God.