View Full Version : Manifesting a new job

13-06-2013, 10:09 PM
I want to ask you if you have manifested a new job using the law of attraction? Is hard or easy to manifest a new job? I would love to hear oinions about this. I'm very interested about the law of attraction. All the best.

15-06-2013, 06:09 PM
Hi Jordank,

I have not ever manifested a 9-5 job. But as I act, I have manifested certain auditions and even roles. It was not very hard!

The hardest part about manifesting anything is truly believing that you will have what you want. The human mind is constantly swirling with doubt. That's how we comfort ourselves, as that's how we have been programmed to comfort ourselves. You know "always have a back-up plan in case it doesn't happen." That kind of thing. But the more you practice, the easier it is to silence these doubts.

Lol, anywho, sorry for going off on a tangent! I believe any job can be manifested, just be prepared!

15-06-2013, 07:37 PM
I think that you have to ''match your vibrations'' also.

18-06-2013, 06:49 PM
I think that is also important to believe that you can manifest what you want. Faith and expectation are very important, I'm think.

19-06-2013, 08:03 PM
Focus on what excites you about the new job - focus on the emotions and drive yourself wild about it. Make that your predominant energy in that context than on what you don't want or what you are leaving.

If you keep doing that, the belief will come too, focus on the positive emotions and make them habitual.

19-06-2013, 09:31 PM
Thank you very much for your advice, WorldClass.

19-06-2013, 11:37 PM
Thanks jordank : )

22-06-2013, 03:40 AM
Hi Jordank,

I have not ever manifested a 9-5 job. But as I act, I have manifested certain auditions and even roles. It was not very hard!

The hardest part about manifesting anything is truly believing that you will have what you want. The human mind is constantly swirling with doubt. That's how we comfort ourselves, as that's how we have been programmed to comfort ourselves. You know "always have a back-up plan in case it doesn't happen." That kind of thing. But the more you practice, the easier it is to silence these doubts.

Lol, anywho, sorry for going off on a tangent! I believe any job can be manifested, just be prepared!

A really important tangent! I have not had success in manifesting what I desire as of yet, and I really think its because I am cynical at times... I have always been someone who doesn't get their hopes up ~in case it doesnt happen~ and I think that has been holding me back!

So thankyou <3 You've shown some light.

22-06-2013, 12:49 PM
Cosmical, if someone doesn't get their hopes up it's likely they aren't fully offering the energy of what they want. You've got to be willing to fall in love with what you want, and not be fearful whether it'll happen or not.

22-06-2013, 01:30 PM
Cosmical, if someone doesn't get their hopes up it's likely they aren't fully offering the energy of what they want. You've got to be willing to fall in love with what you want, and not be fearful whether it'll happen or not.

Could you explain any practical ways for me to do this?

22-06-2013, 05:31 PM
Could you explain any practical ways for me to do this?
It is understandable that you have chosen the approach to life that you live, because the experience of disappointment can easily damage one's psyche with self-destructive programming. So instead of being specific about what you may desire to manifest, it may be wiser to let it go and approach life with a general outlook.

What it basically comes down to is that your desires are already being held for you, in their most fulfiling potentials, in a vibrational reality that is one with the source aspect of you. If you are familiar with the teachings of Abraham, they refer to this vibrational reality as the vortex.

When you dedicate your attention to focus upon something that you desire, the desire launches off into your vortex, where it expands and grows every time you continue to focus upon it. In addition to that, the experience of observing any contrast to your desire is also adding to it equally much attention, so you really cannot help but add to the vortex what is is you want in life.

What is crucial to understand next, however, is that the manifestations of your desires do not depend on your focus of attention to them in any particular way. Rather, it is a question of becoming a vibrational match to your vortex, as the source aspect of you. Many people tend to miss out on this, because they believe that one has to be specific about a subject in order to manifest it. However, that is not actually the case, because what they really are trying to achieve is not to become a vibrational match to the specific experience that they want, but to become a vibrational match to the vortex per se, which is where the vibration of the experience that they want is being held for them.

That is not to say that thinking about what you want is wrong or useless, though: if you are able to hold a pure vibration of what you desire, that alone will be your entry point to the vortex. However, more times often than not, it is difficult to hold a pure vibration of what one wants, as our default patterns of pessimistic and limited thinking will backlash whenever one is pinched out of alignment. This is because the contrast of observing where one is versus where one wants to be will only emphasize the gap between the two. Hence it is not really a good idea to think about what one wants or try to be hopeful about it, if it doesn't actually feel good.

To feel good is also the keyword here, because this is your indicator of whether you are in alignment with the vortex. So what the context of this is ultimately calling for is to simply find ways to feel good, and just allow life to unfold one's desires, as they will be managed by the law of attraction accordingly.

23-06-2013, 05:51 PM
Thank you very much for your technique, Fire.

02-07-2013, 04:13 AM
Is there a job/money section on this board?

02-07-2013, 06:32 PM
Its better to survey different tools and processes available and try each and keep the ones you resonate with as a process for yourself.
I will give you specific examples how i work it, so you have something more tangible to understand.
I know you are looking to get a job. But this process in general will get your vibration up and will help in job.

Example for me
1) Everyday i do 15 mins meditation in the morning and sometimes in the evening. I read Paramahansa Yogananda and his teachings appealed to me so i took their lessons from SRF foundation.
This i use to connect to Divine energy. This is very important. Because if God decides everything you have will be gone in seconds. Or he can give the most amazing things in a second. So we dont control anything as much as we think we do. But connecting to Divine will keep us at right place.
now normally they do w/o music. But i love music so i do with music. So you can kind of customize the tools as to how you want.

2) I do gratitude list and appreciation list everyday real quick. Now once a while i do miss but it better to just do since it can be as quick as 5 mins.
i write down 5-10 things i am grateful and appreciative of for yesterday since i do in the morning. Somedays its hard to find - but i trained myself to include simplest things so i ahve something to be appreciative of.
example - i) wow at least i am eating. Lot of people dont even get to eat everyday. ii) its amazing how my heart pumps blood, and oxygen/blood is sent to different parts of my body through so many capillaries.. i dont have any control and dont even know these are going on. but these are critical. That means i dont need to be in control of other things too. etc.

3) Follow your joy/love/passion at least in small way . Better to have a nice hobby. Example i have 9-5 job in engineering. While this is not my real passion. but it pays bills so its good.!! i can go to dinners movies etc...
but after that i do dancing which i love. I am not professional at all. I just do for fun. But i can do that everyday since i can go to class on some days and i can practice that at home on other days.. put music on and dance etc...
its great to have creative hobby like music, singing, or arts.. or whatever because these fields are like ocean where we can spend lifetime learning and enjoying... That would indirectly take lot of worry out of your system and keep your vibration very high with real pure joy.
Do this for your own pure joy and not with any other agenda whatsoever.
This you can do when you have time... if you are busy on some days due to job no worries you can do on your free days and time.

4) read Laws of Success from paramahansa Yogananda... its great for your job search..He says once you have a goal you should be relentless. Have the right intentions to be in tune with Cosmic law and the divine will will give enormous strengths.
He says once you decide a goal is important. Then put every ounce of power you have behind it. Never quit it. Always push your boundaries. He even says if you die then you renew the struggle in next life to achieve it. Thats the kind of willpower you put into it. turn every stone that you need to.
Do meditate silently for 15 mins and ask question - what do i need to do to manifest this job? The more you get in tune with Divine energy through meditation the more clearer your answers be. Then go after those ideas. Be relentless if one does not work, then do try another idea.
Then Success will be yours - nothing can stop you. when you put that kind of focus, then Divine Will, will back you and Divine will has infinite power.

note - the divine stuff i write about - its important. But even w/o you believing in it, if you follow Laws of Success by Paramahansa Yogananda you will succeed. If you believe in Divine its easier to let go of Judgements and doubts thats all. the divine only one can feel, one can never prove to another by words alone.
but you dont need to believe in it. So let that NOT deter you.

Right intentions to be in tune with Divine Cosmic Laws means:
1) be helpful to others. Sometimes be selfless. Dont look out just for yourself.
2) love others, and want good to others. dont be jealous etc..
3) Dont try to get things to be better than someone. Healthy competition is still fine. BUt be humble about it and appreciative of your competition too.
4) Dont get too greedy... get things you want but stay humble and be easy . its like eating too much when you dont need it. same with money. Dont try to get way too much. try to be happy with moderation. If you make lot of money thats good, but also be generous to others and show the way to others..
etc etc..

03-07-2013, 05:30 PM
Could you explain any practical ways for me to do this?

(I've just seen your reply now, Cosmical)

Yes, you mentioned about being cynical and not getting your hopes up - that does not sound like someone putting their energy into (and in alignment with) what they want.

What is it you want? Find the aspects of it that delight you. Don't be scared of it, don't be scared of it not happening. Work through any fears that you have, so that you are left with the pure and beautiful emotions of what feels good, then build those. Think about those regularly and work on building them further. Find more and more what you love about what you want. And don't just 'think' what you want, 'feel' it.

04-07-2013, 02:58 PM
Is there a job/money section on this board?
What do you mean by this? An actual hiring area (nope not here, no paid services allowed from what I recall :tongue: )or help to find one or the tools to help you get one (certainly we'll help!) Or how to attract one or manifest it or see if you've got one on the way (Loa, manifestations, affirmations, or divination, respectfully.)
Hope that helps! If you have anything in particular in mind, put up a thread :) and if you're not sure where it goes, ask! :hug3:

04-07-2013, 04:45 PM
or help to find one or the tools to help you get one (certainly we'll help!) Or how to attract one or manifest it or see if you've got one on the way (Loa, manifestations, affirmations, or divination, respectfully.)
Hope that helps! If you have anything in particular in mind, put up a thread :) and if you're not sure where it goes, ask! :hug3:

Yeah, those ones :smile:

04-07-2013, 05:35 PM
Yes, I believe it is possible - I believe I have done it, several times, and against the odds as well.

Manifestation for me is about holding a vision and trusting 100% it will come about. I also learned a long time ago that the "how" of something will come about is the bit that should be left to the universe, and in the meantime my focus should be on how things will be when the vision manifests - how I will FEEL, what my experience will be.

It's important to be clear about what you want and set your intention very clearly to the universe, whether verbally or on paper (I suppose this is a form of cosmic ordering).

It's also important to be grateful - gratitude energy is such a positive force for manifestation. As loa1209 says above, gratitude is also a daily practice, at its most potent, and remembering to be grateful for things that seem like small things to some of us but to others in the world they would be huge (food, clean water, shelter, safety). I try to say thank you to the universe for the things I ask for at the time of asking - demonstrating 100% trust that it will be.

04-07-2013, 05:40 PM
Is there a job/money section on this board?

No - but job / money falls into lots of different areas of spirituality.

Be very very careful and specific - with lots of details - that is the only thign I would say.

I've spent over a year trying to manifest a new job and not succeeded - probably just realised that i'm not meant to have one and realised also that I didn't really want one.

04-07-2013, 11:03 PM
I've spent over a year trying to manifest a new job and not succeeded - probably just realised that i'm not meant to have one and realised also that I didn't really want one.

How does one solely manifest money? or is there something I'm missing?

05-07-2013, 01:25 PM
How does one solely manifest money? or is there something I'm missing?

No idea how one manifests money

But to manifest abundance, I think, one needs to be really focused on what you do have and how much you enjoy your great abundance.

Abundance and money are very different things.

18-11-2013, 03:55 PM
"Path of least resistance" is also the shortest way to manifest a new job or your dream job.

09-12-2013, 03:42 PM
I want to ask you if you have manifested a new job using the law of attraction? Is hard or easy to manifest a new job? I would love to hear oinions about this. I'm very interested about the law of attraction. All the best.


As to whether it's hard or whether it's easy, consider that the "faith of a mustard seed" is not in its size (which has been the erroneous focus ever since the example has been used)...but in the fact that all seeds, regardless of their size, carry their completed pattern within them....even BEFORE they are planted.

"The act of planting seeds, whether made of mental desires or from plants, is the ONLY way to activate the completed pattern that is ALREADY present IN the seed....it's the omnipresent capability for it to grow INTO fruition AS a bloom of its kind. Already!....even before it is planted."

In other words, ALL the work of making the mustard plant be what it was created to be, has ALREADY BEEN DONE BEFOREHAND.

So it is with the "faith" of mustard seeds....or the "faith" of human beings visualizing (projecting) visions of impending abundance, or impending disaster. The work of growing the "seed" into the "circumstance" of a bloom begins and ENDS with "planting the pattern"....into the quickening culture of your own Being, so that it grows YOU into the "bloom of your experience OF it". You reap what you sow.

Here's what happened with me. While heading to work one morning, I said to myself "God, I need a job that pays more money." (That is the sowing). And for the record, as the Creator, God is all there is to be anyone (including each of us) or anything (including ALL the circumstances we experience).


When I had finished work for the day, and was driving home to get some groceries, I received a call from the account manager of the company who had hired me.

She said, "We have to lay you off". I asked when. She said, "Today was your last day. You need to turn your computer in" (the very day I had just completed working!).

Needless to say, telling my wife, after returning from the store with groceries, that I had just been laid off, was a bit surreal to say the least.

It was only after I had found a new position 2 months, and a number of mortgage-jeopardizing missed payments later, that I was able to see how the Universe had actually answered my request. So now I can tell you what I learned that will help you definitively answer your question.

During the weeks desparately spent searching for a new position, and filling out the weekly forms my state requires be annotated to receive unemployment compensation, I contacted a colleague with whom I had worked in the job I was laid off from to be a character reference for me in a position that showed promise. As it turned out, my character reference friend gave me permission to utilize him as such, and then informed me of an opportunity he thought I'd be a good fit for, which he himself was unable to take....and gave me the contact information for the manager of that other position.

I contacted that manager, was given a face-to-face interview and passed the competency test for the knowledge I was expected to use in the new position. All that was left after that was for me to wait expectently for the offer (you just know from the nonverbal good vibes, don't you ?).....right up to the moment the manager told me that the position was no longer available ! Why?

Unbeknownst to the manager, his government counterpart had just hired someone into the position the manager had been interviewing me for ! Bummer !!!

But this manager was so impressed with me that he convinced a manager on another task that the company just had to have me. I interviewed with the other manager and, two days later, I was the recipient of an offer letter from the President of my new company....making more money than I have ever made in my 30-year working adult life !

Prayer answered !!! :hug3: (that's me hugging the Universe while remembering the moment I accepted that offer letter in the sequence of events I just described to you) ! (That is the reaping!) BTW: Hugging the Universe results in the Universe hugging you back.

Why is that ? Because the Universe is YOUR MIRROR, reflecting back to you what you have accepted as true for you....nothing more and nothing less.

Everything YOU accept as true for you is what you are projecting FOR the Universe to reflect back as you as the "circumstance" you seek.

Cursing the Universe results in the Universe reflecting it right back at you....as corroborating circumstance. Not from spite, but from "sight".

What you see (within you) is what you get....back!

It's a mirror, remember ? Do you see ?

I've told you the What. Now: here's the How it happened I've discovered since in 20/20 wisdom I know I can apply for any future request !

In a nutshell: The entire realm of circumstances and connections to my wildest dreams and worst nightmares exists NOW and I am irrevocably connected to ALL of them NOW ! The shortest path to get to any of those circumstances, whether abundantly inspiring, or devastingly disastrous, is the one that each of us is on now. You are always where you are supposed to be....to get to where you want to go....because ALL the paths to anywhere else connect to where you are right now !!

Because the Universe is, Itself, ALL the circumstances you CAN experience, for good or ill...NOW BEFORE YOU EVEN ASK. That's why what you ask for is always, already available to BE experienced. That's why the Universe ALWAYS says YES ! But ONLY to what you say YES for in yourself. Yes, it's hard to get a job in this economy. Yes, the job I want is just waiting for me. Yes, I know I won't get that raise. Yes, I always knew I'd get the recognition I deserve. Yes, if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all. Yes, the Universe is a mirror. Yes, no one can help me. Yes, I will succeed even if no one helps me. Yes, yes, yes ! (Get it ?)

Finally, perhaps this narrative can help you realize (as I do now) that you are ALREADY connected TO the new job (and always have been), because you are already, always ONE with everything there is.....including the "impossible, improbable, lucky" happenstance that results in receiving what you seek. Which should tell you that there is no impossible, improbable, lucky happenstance that is denied to you.

Jordank, I've given you the benefit of what I've learned in hindsight, now that I'm actually IN the new job I've told you about. Perhaps you can also benefit from this story as "foresight"...already seen, already done !

And yes ! Just imagine how good it feels to now know this is true because I'm actually living it and telling YOU !

Consider that foresight is merely hindsight viewed from another perspective (think about that).

Hope this, and the references I've included from other threads, below, helps...you "foresee" what has always awaited you.

Reference: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?p=866756#post866756

Reference: http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/showthread.php?t=54558 (see my reply to Tera's Party in this thread)

09-12-2013, 10:35 PM
Hello. It is very possible to manifest a new job. All you need to learn is the power of suggestion through hypnosis. By that I mean when you're in hypnosis you can put suggestions into your subconscious and tslike to come true in reality. But you need to state on what you want to happen.

09-12-2013, 10:40 PM
Hello. It is very possible to manifest a new job. All you need to learn is the power of suggestion through hypnosis. By that I mean when you're in hypnosis you can put suggestions into your subconscious and tslike to come true in reality. But you need to state on what you want to happen.

I want a job to like and to work with good people. I want a job to make me happy. I live in east europe, I wanto to have and manifest a salary of 30,000 $ per month. With a salary like that I could afford a lot of things here.

09-12-2013, 10:49 PM
Okay, I'm retired now but I never had trouble finding a job.

Here's how I did it. I took action.

I took out the phone book , set it by the telephone, got a pen and paper in front of me, poured myself a cup of coffee and started in the yellow pages with the A's and called each business. I asked to speak to the person who did the hiring.

From there I told them what my skills were and asked if they had any position that would require my skills. If they said yes, I set up an appointment. If they said no, I asked if they knew anyone who was hiring. If they said no I said thanks and hung up. If they said yes, I asked if I could say they referred me. It's called networking.

This system worked for me every time and I was in the 1980's recession and still had no trouble finding a job anytime.

The telephone book really works. I never made it to the C's before I had several offers in front of me.

Remember, 90% of the jobs are never advertised. They are filled word of mouth.

09-12-2013, 11:57 PM
That's a really interesting way to job search Linen. It might be different though, if one is living in a foreign country.

Good idea though, for others who need a different approach.

10-12-2013, 12:12 AM
I want a job to like and to work with good people. I want a job to make me happy. I live in east europe, I wanto to have and manifest a salary of 30,000 $ per month. With a salary like that I could afford a lot of things here.

Ok, I think your expectation are too high at the moment. Start of small, then grow.

10-12-2013, 12:22 AM
For the moment I think that I have to be contented with a salary that is not high. But is all about vibrations and energy. If you have very high enegy and happiness inside yourself you can manifest any job or salary.

10-12-2013, 12:31 AM
For the moment I think that I have to be contented with a salary that is not high. But is all about vibrations and energy. If you have very high enegy and happiness inside yourself you can manifest any job or salary.

Good for you jordank, best wishes on manifesting the job with the salary you want ! :smile:

10-12-2013, 12:33 AM
That's a really interesting way to job search Linen. It might be different though, if one is living in a foreign country.

Good idea though, for others who need a different approach.

What, they don't have telephone books in foreign countries?:D

10-12-2013, 12:38 AM
What, they don't have telephone books in foreign countries?:D

maybe not, depends on the country :D

12-12-2013, 07:48 PM
Yeah, those ones :smile:
Depending where you live, there may be employement services provided through state or governement agencies and services. They offer advice and technical expertise and have listing of positions available and where to apply for jobs they have listed. Unless it's changed classes are offered as well, especially comminication and resume writing.

Here I want to share something I did. Be imaginitive.Once I checked with my local school and they offered a program I wasn't aware existed. Don't know why I thought of it either. It was a program that individuals applied for. It was a 2 year program and only 100 students were selected. Indiviuals went to school half a day and worked in the field the other half. It was like a work share program higher instutions have available as well. This program was fixing hospital equipment. I still have the submission letter. There may be programs available we just don't know about.

Job sites are available, don't forget to apply. Many individuals I have found give up when they send in their resumes or applications and not renew them. I was once offered the job because I renewed mine. Sometimes you don't pick the time, universe does. I always remind people to do so.

I'm a believer in preparing and think education is essential as well as planning. Don't forget to attend every job fair. They offer many careers you can learn exist. I know we're talking about LoA, but you can help it along. But the number 1 skill employers look for and LoA uses is commuication and the way you present yourself. I really don't know if it's any harder to get a job today. Thought and words must match. You can make people believers in you.

Another techqiue I did was to apply for other jobs just to see if I could get them. Even getting some offers so you don't ever know.

Hope you find what you're looking for. Anyway, that's my input. Thanks.