View Full Version : Latin Tarot by Denis Lapierre

31-05-2013, 12:04 AM
I stumbled across this website: www.latintarot.com

Has anyone had experience with Latin Tarot by Denis Lapierre?

I've found that many of the predictions ring true, though, not all.

I'd be curious to hear others experiences and thoughts.

31-05-2013, 02:00 AM

I have seen them before but I have never personally used them. They are based on the traditional tarot and in that much of the interpretations would go to the one that created them. So rule of thumb like with any deck is take what rings true to ye and disregard the rest but do not dismiss it fully as at a later date it might ring true.


Jenny Crow
31-05-2013, 04:02 AM
I gave it a try but it doesn't seem very accurate. With a stretch I could see maybe a couple of things it talked about.

Jenny Crow

31-05-2013, 07:08 AM
Curiosity struck me. Lol. I took a gander at the site.
The general scripts rang true for me, but there are other specific things that are just unnecessary and inaccurate, imo. Like, addressing astrological signs of ppl.
Divination is very subjective. And for an online tool, I think that giving a lot of specifics often works against its effectiveness.
It is still fun and can be helpful though. You just have to figure out what to take and what to leave, like Lynn said.
I think the key is to find emotional resonance with the reading. If its not there, I wouldn't take the reading as being substantial and 'co-created'.

www.facade.com is another fun website with a lot of divination tools.

27-12-2013, 02:23 PM
I've been using this for a couple of months now if not more.
Few things have ringed true but some haven't - I find quite a few of them quite negative?
I believe Tarot is used for guidence and POSITIVE stance these days.

27-12-2013, 02:30 PM

With the more traditional tarot even though the messages do have a more "negative" ring to them I have found that like in our dreams there is something for us to hear in the message. What I mean by this is if one has a nightmare there might be a strong message that is of "Light" in it for us to hear we just have to remember the dream first. Much I find is like when cards like "Death" "Devil" "Tower" "Wheel" "Hanged Man" ext come up in a reading it makes the one getting the reading go OH NO this does not look good, What it does is get the attentions on the matter at hand. The next card sheds more light on the situations most times. Its then up to the one getting the reading to embrace that something might have to change in the path of life. Change is a hard thing to embrace at times for us.

Like all things much is up to how both the reader and the one getting the reading take in and process the information. I use tarot but I most times go from intuitions in reading them fully so that the message is individual to what the person needs to hear. They are a guide to give the person getting a reading something physical to see and touch.


Aslan's Girlfriend
30-10-2017, 04:24 PM
Anyone else use this? I stumbled upon it the other day. Some things ring true. These are scripts though, right? They don't put random sentences together do they?