View Full Version : Soul-Development & Bible- Big Post

21-04-2013, 06:37 PM
I hate the fact that the Bible has been sabotaged by religions and groups for personal gain and creation of dogmas. If anyone just read the entire Bible it is a fantastic tale that summarizes the spiritual evolution of a "chosen" group in the Middle-East. A soul-group evolving towards an ultimate perfection.

If you have the time to read my Critique, God Bless you! LOL It is VERY LONG!

The opening of the Bible: Genesis is complete folklore and myth to explain the human soul and how it started off.


The soul before its encasement in flesh is seen in Genesis as created in the "divine image" of male and female. The individual soul is charged with a positive and negative power. The soul is inherently divine- with a spark so to speak. But the spark is but a spark and has not grown up yet. The irony of "spark" "positive/negative charges" and "electricity" with the Soul and God are not too coincidental. The best analogy for "GOD" is electricity. The soul is created androgynous. But when the soul incarnates and expands itself with flesh in Genesis it either becomes man or woman or "Adam and Eve".


The purpose of incarnation is not banishment from heaven as many of you believe. Incarnation is the glorification of God's material realm seeking to become spiritualized. When souls first began incarnating as human beings they adopted a "divine-human" consciousness. This divine-human unity in it's infancy is called "ADAM" besides being the name of male men. It is the image of God within. Adam and Eve, the two sides of the soul are tempted in matter by the serpent (the self). The self tempts within, and the feminine side decides to consume the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is our feminine side that wants to experience, to taste, to feel, to become part of matter since the Natural world is inherently feminine (i.e. Holy Spirit). Once Eve eats, the feminine tempts the masculine- reason. And now the human being becomes naked and self-aware. The human now identified with flesh and ego instead of Spirit feels unworthy of their Identity in God, their divinity. Guilt, shame, and fear enter the human psyche. Human beings are not cast out from any garden, they leave the Garden of Eden within themselves. And now all human beings from the time of our ancestors have followed this "Adamic Pattern" which is the infancy level of growth- it REQUIRED a Fall.

The divine image is lost in human beings throughout human history. Souls entering the earth plane find themselves throughout history being whipped up in the whirlwind of birth/death and rebirth cycle. Souls who miss the point of their incarnation and fail to develop must come back to repeat their life, or as Christians call "repeating life"- "to repent". LOL. And disobedience and rebellion are old Biblical terms for souls separated from God. Here is a more modern term- "Regression". Instead of the soul progressing into God, the soul regresses from God. Some souls choose to never incarnate and remain as spirit-entities in heaven or what we call "Angels and Archangels". Archangels are spirit-entities who have evolved in heaven or positioned in that hierarchy. Michael is the leader of the heavenly orders and Lord of the Way. He is the one who is closet to the Supreme, the I AM, the Source.


Sadly some angels, spirit-entities came to assist the early humans by direct-materialization of incarnation. These angelic entities already began manifesting a selfish desire when they looked upon the physical realm with delight. They incarnated and began to do unspeakable things. This selfish spirit in themselves was the imperfect force which God used to also create material realm. It is called "devil" "satan" etc. These spirit-entities lost the ability to incarnate and dissipated their energy because of how much evil they caused- Human sacrifice, animal sacrifice, Idol worship, . They became the "fallen angels" the "angels of Darkness" the "Grigori" the "devil's angels".- becoming part of the "Evil One" - satan. These spirit-entities rebelled against Michael and the higher forces. They were forced into the "hell" or state of consciousness they made for themselves- separated from the Light.

After a deluge that destroyed the Middle-East, there were those in history which can be called "Masters" who manifested that "divine-human unity". In Egyptian epoch there was Enoch/Hermes. The Christ-spirit manifested in Enoch/Thoth/Hermes' creation of Egyptian religion and salvation of the symbolic Noah and Ark.


Once again the Christ-spirit manifested in the form of the person Melchizedek who blessed Abraham. Abraham is initiated by the higher forces to begin a soul-group, a nation of chosen ones who will guide the world in example.

Abraham is the Sumerian prophet who had an instant awakening. This awakening can be similar to the Buddhist "awakened one". Abraham realizes his higher identity in God and realizes this "One" or "Oneness". The story of Abraham and his son is symbolic but also literal. Abraham a man who lived a world of human-animal sacrifice (Sumerian) believes he must sacrifice his own son. But the Spirit of Oneness says "NO!". Abraham moves beyond his old pagan mentality to a new mentality.

The Abrahamic group blossoms and reaches Jacob. Jacob moves this consciousness to the next level in the group when he wrestles with the angel, his own Higher-self. When Jacob overcomes himself and reunites with his True-self he becomes "Israel", basically "the Son of God". Jacob is the seed of Israel, the chosen one of God. Thus the "Son of God" is seen as a soul-group, a nation, and sometimes an individual who manifests it. Jacob returns to ordinary life and brings forth many children, but Joseph is the son who actually manifests a "Christ-spirit" that Jacob fought for. Joseph, psychic and dream counselor is another manifestations of that 'Christ-spirit' or "Son". You see how the SON, the Logos- 2nd aspect of the Trinity constantly manifested and guided Israel within an incarnate person? The Christ was always with Israel and IS Israel.

Joseph' story leaves Israel into a situation with Egypt. As prince of Egypt, Joseph didn't establish a perfect pattern. You can see how the consciousness of Christ is trying to be established perfectly for the world, through worthy instruments or "Avatars".


Many of the souls of Israel in fact reincarnate in Israel constantly. Many of the prophets constantly kept coming back and back to re-establish Truth and peace. We now enter the big and famous story of Moses. Moses is a master, a spiritual giant who came from other "systems" of soul-development. I wouldn't be surprised if Moses was a soul from other solar systems and planets of development. He is very much "otherworldly" or "alien". Moses is born into Egypt as a prince. The story is very much covered in symbolism, metaphysics, and myth. Moses leaving Egypt and going to the cave is the soul leaving the comfort of physical life to spiritual life. Moses is an already charged super-sensitive human with outstanding psychic ability. - like I said he was so much like an alien LOL. He comes to his master Jethro who becomes his guru. Jethro trains and teaches Moses through development of the chakras or spiritual centers. When Moses reaches the 7th stage he sees God face to face in Cave. Moses realizes that God is THE I AM that I AM. God is his Source and Higher-Self, the Oneness. Moses an instrument of psychic and elemental power can not unite this perfect divine - human unity. In fact Moses needs a spokesman when he goes back to Egypt. He stutters and can not project the Divine Vibration into human words. Moses was a walking Time Bomb of Psychic Power. He chooses Joshua, a similar soul to himself who actually can allow Moses' "Christ-consciousness" to speak through him. If you don't understand psychic communication on an ordinary level you won't understand it how it works between two psychics like Moses and Joshua.

Moses' entire story is getting the Israelites out of "ego-consciousness" symbolized as Egypt. Once again God is trying establish the "perfect image of God within us". Moses leads them out, we know the story- and brings them to Sinai. Moses and the nation are trained to attune themselves to the power manifesting within him. The power and vibration was so high from Moses and the 100,000s of Israelites that it caused thunder, lightning, and physical demonstrations of psychic energy. This is intense stuff! We don't see this in our daily lives. That is a lot of psychic vibration and energy! That God, the Supreme Energy manifested in the physical elements of electricity, thunder, and storm. Moses made laws and rules based on Karma and Grace. Grace was not yet opened to Israel since they haven't learned the rules of forgiveness and open commensality. Moses knew he was going to die and not see the Promise Land. It was a karmic lesson for Moses. Moses could not erase the guilt and shame of his lower-self which he used in violence. Thus Moses could not perfectly unite the divine and human within himself. In Moses we see the struggle of purity and emotions. Moses died, and his soul was fought over by Michael the Angelic Lord, and lower forces in himself. Moses eventually ascended and finished his soul-development. But Joshua became Moses' superior and manifested that Christ-Consciousness unlike Moses. Joshua may have been another incarnation of that "Christ-Spirit" like Adam, Hermes, Melchizedek, Joseph, etc, but Joshua used violence and genocide to establish a "literal" nation. This left Israel going through karmic cycles again and again with Empires and Imperialism. Just because the Son-the Logos incarnates, doesn't mean the incarnate instrumental soul is perfect. The avatars of the past were usually NOT perfect or didn't reach perfection.


We move into the age of kings and priests. Because Israel didn't learn it's lesson of egoism and national superiority they wanted a king. Moses predicted that one day a great prophet like himself would come and deliver them. But they wanted a king to rule over them like others and not just God. God, the Source wanted to be their only ideal, their only king, but they needed a human to be physical king". We come to the story of King David, Saul, etc. King David's story is pretty straight-forward. Even when God calls David his "anointed one" this is a precursor for the "messiah". God is telling the world through David- "I have begotten you all! You are all my sons and daughters! Just be it and you won't need a literal king or savior. Your True Self will save you!". But of course the world needed somebody. David didn't live up to this even though he did contact that Christ Consciousness at times when he received the prophecy of the "Messiah", his heir and Lord.

Solomon, son of David followed. I think Israel thought the Messiah was a literal son of David at first. But when Solomon faltered it seemed that the "heir of David" was more of a principle or spiritual lineage than a physical one. But God promised that the messiah would be a physical heir but also God's Heir- a spiritual heir.


We reach the time of prophets. Maybe I skipped some? Elijah and Elisha is a point where the nation was falling back into idol worship. You see even if a soul-group is opened to the Source they still have stragglers and jerks who are opened to darker purposes. Israel's own lack of faith in the Divine-consciousness, left them opened to Baalism. Baalism is not just some sort of idol worship or selfish living. Baalism is the very religion of "satanism".- Selfish Religion. It usually involves sacrifice, orgies, and ungodly things. It opens psychic doors and portals to those Entities which I say you must keep out. Those spirit-entities who separated themselves from Michael and his hosts. Those entities who as a collective whole manifest the "Devil" who are unconscious of the Light, who are controlled by that false deity/Vibration (devil, Satan, Lucifer) etc. Elijah was a rabble rouser prophet who added another element to Israeli spirituality- Meditation. This eastern practice was being discovered more and more around this time. Perhaps Elijah was influenced by the Indian masters- Patanjali, Gopi Krishna, etc. Elijah found God within the silence, within the small voice.- the conscience. Now Israel can move away from "tribal consciousness" and towards "conscience living". Elijah obviously didn't listen to his Higher Ideal which he knew of. Instead he murdered the prophets of Baal with an emotion of vengeance. Elijah escaped death and was able to something that the angels of old could do. Elijah was or must have been one of those few souls who came down to help mankind in the beginning but got a little lost along the way. The Source dematerialized Elijah's body, and he ascended to a higher realm until he would reincarnate as John the Baptist.

Israel continues towards enslavement by Babylon and the constant enslavement by Imperialism. Imperialism is the Devil-incarnate along with it's present Emperor as the "antichrist". Israel longs to be saved by the antichrist but God is trying to say "You will be saved by the devil if you just save yourself from that anti-christ within you! Get rid of the spite, hate, and vengeance. The violence will then end!" We see it in the story of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar, and finally reaches the restoration of the Jewish Temple with Jeshua-Ezra-Nehemiah. Jeshua is very important since he being a great scribe, psychic, and mediator, he manifested that Christ-spirit. You see how the Son of God is within everyone, but once and a while that Son-spirit incarnates through a fully opened individual. We call them avatars or "buddhas" etc. Jeshua takes the role of avatar to the step of "High Priest". Jeshua even dies and becomes a purified soul who met all priestly requirements. This sets a new stage up for the incoming messiah. Yet God has been saying ALL ALONG- "You are the Messiah, the Christ once you realize it!"


At last we come to the final covenant, the 7th stage of consciousness for Israel. The spiritual vibrations of the people have reached an influential Dispensation. A peasant girl named Mary of Nazareth is born into the northern Essene communities. Mary, an angelic soul from heaven, incarnates as a human for one purpose only- to glorify her Source and Creator. The opportunity is met when the Archangel Gabriel instructed by Michael to tell her she will bear the "messiah", the one who could and through strength WILL become the Christ. Mary accepts this, and conceives through the Holy-Spirit, the divine spark within and around us. This virginal conception is a renewal and return of the original way of incarnation which was called "Involution" and "Direct Materialization". Higher souls and Angels did this in the beginning. She names the child Jesus. She baths him in the Holy-Spirit and raises him from her own feminine wisdom and love. Jesus doesn't inherit the "ancestral wound" of Adam. Which basically means that Mother Mary passed down all faith, security, strength, and acceptance to her son Jesus.- Unlike our numerous ancestors who passed down "conditional" things to their children. Mary is an example of perfect motherhood who enables children to reach their FULLEST Potential.

The Christ-spirit, the Word - for the first time in history manifests in a Woman! Mother Mary was the feminine aspect of the Christ Spirit- at last this part is restored!


Jesus is taken into his Essene community and trained by masters and female priests in the healing arts and wisdom of the Torah. He learns the Torah in and out through his spirit-knowledge. Jesus came in with full-spirit knowledge which can be a gift or a hindrance. He eventually could retract Truths and knowledge unto teachers older than him in the synagogues. It was at age 12 that Jesus had a moment of self-realization. Jesus knew God as his own "Father" or "Source". He began receiving information directly from the Source at the age of 12.

When God first created Jesus in the womb of Mary and his soul incarnated, God did the same thing he did with the ancestral "ADAM". God poured all his likeness and image into this child as a new prototype, a new ideal. It was up to Jesus to fulfill such a blueprint that was given to him.

As Jesus reached his teenage years it said that he traveled to other parts of the world to learn different teachings on meditation, consciousness, angels, etc. Jesus didn't need to learn who he was, he needed to develop his understanding of the True Self like all do.

Once Jesus completed his learning in other countries he returned home to his brothers and sister and Mother. Joseph his step-father passed on, and Jesus took care of the household. John the Baptist, his cousin began his own ministry. He was the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet. Elijah needed to fulfill one more earthly task as John, to announce the messiah and to undo his karmic debt as Elijah. Jesus at the ripe age joined John's ministry and became his disciple. Jesus is now becoming the new Moses for his dispensation, just as Moses trained under Jethro.

Jesus surpasses the spirituality of John in Egypt and the group. Jesus reaches in his physical consciousness an attainment not seen since our Ancestors. Jesus attains an at-one-ment with the Source. Jesus, an avatar of the Christ Spirit like those before him reaches a higher state of oneness. It all came from Jesus' realization of God's Will which is : open commensality, healing the world, and ending the cycle of violence. Whereas John and all prophets before Jesus thought of the Source's Will to enact violence, revenge, and national superiority.

Jesus with his Christ-conscious state goes to Jordan to be baptized by John. Jesus baptized by John opens up the final stage of Israel. Jesus enters a perfect divine-human unity unseen before him. The Christ-Spirit takes up his entire life and ego completely. He allows himself to be the perfect instrument of the Logos. John the Baptist goes and allows himself to be killed to undo his karmic debt and closing the Old Covenant. The Old Covenant was "eye for an eye", but John (Elijah) ends this old consciousness by allowing himself be arrested and killed by his enemies. Jesus goes to the desert for months to fight with his inner demons of power, desire, selfishness, etc. Jesus' past training proves to be effective and gets past these feelings. He manifests the Christ-consciousness in his word, precept, and actions. He brings table-fellowship, unity with all, non-dual consciousness, and healing of those who are faithful in Self.

This is the Kingdom of God enacted by Jesus. And manifesting the kingdom of heaven within himself. Of course we ALL Know the story. Jesus was arrested. Instead of resulting to violence like the olden prophets/avatars, Jesus accepted his crucifixion. Jesus is saying that if We are ALL going to clean up the world and bring back Eden we must endure other people's sins and evils. Besides God is saying- "You all Reincarnate anyway! Let go the fear of death!".

Jesus takes it upon himself to right our relationship with the Source and each other, by exposing the sin/injustice of the world in his body on the Cross. And then by giving graces and forgiveness to the hostile Empire and pious elites. He ends the violent cycle and ends the karmic cycle of souls and brings the Law of Grace, the New Covenant in his death and resurrection.

Jesus resurrects as the Christ, the Son, the Way to the Source. His entire body reanimates from the atomic structure showing that the Soul, the True Self, is both individual (son of Man) and universal (Son of God). - both human and divine. Jesus' ascension brings him into the Trinity. He becomes the divine-human element in the Godhead.

This was the final step because Jesus brought a perfect way back to the Source within ourselves.

But now God does not desire that there be prophets, avatars, etc. The Source has gotten humanity/Israel past Infancy, Tribal Consciousness, and Anointed One. The Source wishes that the anointed one, Christ, be within us. There is no need for any specific emissaries of incarnations. God is now saying after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus- you are all My Incarnations! You are all an icon of Me! Jesus set the example. Come out and become that Christ within you! The Messiah comes again when you allow him within you! Jesus will of course reincarnate/manifest again when the time is right to bring David's New Jerusalem- Age of Peace, but we need to all develop the consciousness and actions seen in Jesus to become this same thing.


21-04-2013, 07:12 PM
I really like this. It resonates very clearly for me.
My only question, though, is regarding this - "Sadly some angels, spirit-entities came to assist the early humans by direct-materialization of incarnation."
What about those three angels who came to Abraham and informed him that his wife would bear a son? Then they went and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.
I don't think those angels were manifesting selfish desires.
Could you elaborate on this, please?

21-04-2013, 09:14 PM
There have been angels throughout history who have aided and guided human beings.

Not all the angels who directly materialized became evil. But there was a specific soul-group of angels who came here and did unspeakable things.

You can find their remains in ancient religions. In Sumeria they have demons like Pazzuzu as seen in Exorcist, in Greece you have Gorgons/Satyrs, in Egypt there are plenty of negative gods with animal features, in many ancient cultures there are evil spirits with animal forms.

These spirit-entities which came here to wreak havoc are the "dark angels". They cooperatively fell and became their own "dark force". It is because of them that the devil, Satan, etc is dormant in the earth plane. It is only through our choice if we open doors to let them in our lives. They don't necessarily float around the earth like ghosts. You have to remember these are fallen angels, higher souls that work in influences through dreams, events, etc. You can only come in physical contact with them if you summon them, enter a plot they own, or find cursed areas of land which are their portals.

Like I said only a few angels from the heavenly spheres separated from the Light and were basically stolen by the Evil spirit (devil) within and around them.

The angels who guided Abraham and such are the ones who never left God or did materialize and did GOOD>

22-04-2013, 03:12 AM
Okay that makes sense. Thanks for this wonderful post!

22-04-2013, 05:54 AM
Sorryyyy...it's too long for me to read. But from the bit I did read, I think I perhaps wrote a similar shortened version on another of your threads xx

23-04-2013, 04:33 AM
If anyone else needs me to clarify anything, let me know :smile: