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17-04-2013, 03:25 AM
What can I do to remember my dreams

I feel like I am dreaming but when I wake up I cant remember anything, nothing but a few days will go by then I will start to remember bit from a dream a couple nights ago

What can I do to help remember my dreams

17-04-2013, 09:21 PM
Welcome kmann, What I do is if I wake up I go over the details. Or you can keep a dream journal. and write them as you go as soon as you remember. I have also asked guides or whatever you believe in to show you dreams you will remember.

I find that I go about my day and something triggers something in the dream I had.

17-04-2013, 10:08 PM
Thanks and I will keep a dream journal so when I do remeber I will write it down maybe I will try and ask my guide to help.
Thanks again

17-04-2013, 10:11 PM
Not a problem. Hope it helps

17-04-2013, 10:47 PM
Water my friend, you got a rejuvenate the brain cells of dehydration, it works for me. Also lay off smoking, if your a smoker, as well as the caffeine and alcohol.

Plenty of water lets the energy flow more easily, where's there's energy there is info. Sweet dreams, may they guide you on your journey.

18-04-2013, 07:04 PM
I will start drinking a lot of water befor bed and I do smoke but not normally before bed I will try these and see what happens . I had a dream last night and all I can remember was riding on somthing and someone telling me their was a hole in my pants. Dont remeber any thing else.

18-04-2013, 09:24 PM
I will start drinking a lot of water befor bed and I do smoke but not normally before bed I will try these and see what happens . I had a dream last night and all I can remember was riding on somthing and someone telling me their was a hole in my pants. Dont remeber any thing else.

Maybe your pants may have been blessed. Seriously though, pants mean hard work, and authority. While riding, means the direction you are taking in your life. The hole means flaws in your thoughts, or decision making.

I may be wrong, but it looks as though, you need to be more assertive in your job.

19-04-2013, 01:26 AM
Hmmm that is interesting you say that at work their are a bunch 8f new ppl and they think that there magenment.

And the past couple of days ive been thinking of school and making plans for that maybe it has somthing to do with that.

19-04-2013, 10:03 AM
Hmmm that is interesting you say that at work their are a bunch 8f new ppl and they think that there magenment.

And the past couple of days ive been thinking of school and making plans for that maybe it has somthing to do with that.

I wouldn't quit mt job unless your absolutely sure. I had the same problems at my work, that everyone acts like their the boss, and had ill emotions about them. By having negative thoughts about them, I was letting them control my emotions, and they were sucking all my positive energy out of me.

I wouldn't quite until your on a positive note, your spirit is not a runner, but a fighter. So stick it out and deal with the issues within, then I would say it's safe to explore different avenues.

Your education, try going part time night school, that's what I'm currently doing myself.

Good luck on your Journey, and follow your dream state, their guiding you.

27-04-2013, 06:06 AM
Being able to remember most of my dreams has come natural to me since early childhood. But I found that keeping a dream journal really helps out with retaining more details of the dream that would normally be forgotten. When I started doing this, it took some practice and discipline. What I do is keep a notebook and pen next to my pillow. It is normal for me to wake several times in one night (usually briefly and just for a couple of seconds to turn or adjust my pillow).
When I wake up like this, I jot several words (it could be a very brief description of the dream or something that only takes several seconds to write.) This is because I’m usually half way asleep and don’t want to severely disrupt my sleep cycle. This part I find the hardest to do since the most challenging part is fighting the temptation to immediately fall back asleep and not record the dream. The first several times I was quite neglectful and threw my notebook over the side of the bed when I rolled over on it, lol! But with practice, you will get a lot better!
You can also write in your journal as soon as you wake up in the morning. I was honestly shocked to see that I was writing parts of dreams that would have been entirely forgotten if I hadn’t wrote it down. Good luck :)

27-04-2013, 06:35 AM
That is a very good idea thanks

03-05-2013, 11:06 PM
Before you go to sleep you may want to tell yourself to wake up so that you can remember. I don't know if that's already been mentioned.

28-05-2013, 09:16 PM
What can I do to remember my dreams

I feel like I am dreaming but when I wake up I cant remember anything, nothing but a few days will go by then I will start to remember bit from a dream a couple nights ago

What can I do to help remember my dreams
What do you see dreams being? First, you begin writing them down in a dream log everything you remember. I would even write down if you don't remember. The statement you feel like you are dreaming is lucid dreaming and now you want to remember it. You begin to find dreams are symbols coming from the unconscious. Now the thing is not only do we not remember dreams but we block them to (once consciousness takes over). What I find revealing about dreams is, to my knowledge, I don't recall ever having a recreational dream. Every dream I've ever had has told me or given me advice about something. I never realized this before. The dream is merely a story. Dreams are not ordinary but created.

11-07-2013, 12:46 AM
So many replies I figure you'll have your questions replied already but my take on this is that the longer after said dream you think and remember about it the better you leave your brain for the next time you try to think about the most recent ones.

Keeping a journal is a must as lots have already said. So write once you wake up and before going to bed that night re read what you wrote to "refresh" that area of your brain :)