View Full Version : Acceptance

01-04-2013, 02:30 PM
Acceptance is key for me, I've realised.

Much of my life has been spent in non acceptance, wishing things were different, quite understandably for life has been very tough. I realise now that underlying my non acceptance is a sense that I 'should' be able to change things because a strong message in spiritual circles is that we create our lives. With this idea comes the notion that we can uncreate certain circumstances.

But the fact is, sometimes we can't. I can't believe we have control over everything that happens. I find it hard to reconcile the notion that we are in control with things that happen to myself and others. Some people find the idea of karma explains it. But that is just an idea, it doesn't mean it is real or unreal.

I am beginning to realise that true spirituality, at least as far as I am concerned, lies in accepting what is real and true in my life right now. This doesn't mean looking to a future that may never happen in the hope things will be any better. It doesn't mean trying to make my circumstances okay with ideas about why they happened or even what it all means. It doesn't mean having to like the way things have turned out, or giving up on life. It means being with things as they are, being with my pain and truth about what is there, with or without spiritual concepts or faith. All I have is myself and that is where spirituality is. This doesn't take away from my faith, but no faith can add to my experience because the truth of my experience speaks for itself.

Since realising this, I feel more at peace. Obviously there is hurt, pain, anger and all the rest of it, which I feel, but underneath those emotions is a sense of being at peace with the truth. I can accept my life as part of the story of humanity, part of its evolution, just as the story of Christ and every other story is also a part. I accept that I can't know why things happen as they do, to myself and others, but that the truth brings its own resolution, however painful it may be.

That is what acceptance means to me...finally.

01-04-2013, 02:43 PM
It's good to find a key...they open doors to new beginings...perhaps faster than trying to force a locked door open.

I hope my words are understandable to you.

Well done :hug:

01-04-2013, 04:42 PM
Very courageous of you; your post made me think about something I had written a while ago that I recently re-read while sorting my files... I also have had lessons regarding acceptance. *smile* Congratulations! :D

Often we think of a courageous person as a fighter, someone who acts, who does, but I am learning that the one who simply knows when to accept, when to submit with grace to the trials of life is the most courageous one of all. It takes a certain wisdom and foresight to know when to sit still, when to go with the flow, when to stay your hand and use your head and heart. I think that may be the start of the path to the wisdom of experience from the ignorance of youth. Learned ability to accept that we don't know everything and we sure as hell can't change everything. But we can use discernment and intelligence and know when it is the time to fight and when it is the time to accept. Many things in life can never be understood, but they can be accepted, and sometimes through the simple act of accepting them, they cease to be.

Be well. :angel4:

01-04-2013, 04:52 PM
I was just writing about this in my journal today.. whilst I know things it does not mean I accept things, but like you I know that I must and not pretend to .. accept and trust , rather than passively accept I mean.

01-04-2013, 05:42 PM
Many thanks for the responses.

Vesica - lovely true quote.

I do think there's a lot of power in acceptance - and of surrender, which is part of acceptance. I've had moments prior to this when I've felt my life click into place, and those times always followed some sort of acceptance, when I really opened my heart to the present moment and met it completely.

It is very hard to reach this point especially because I've always felt I need to change my life, just as many spiritual books suggest. I can see the wisdom in this, but I feel that it is important to really be with the now because the now is the point of power. That is what Tolle etc have been saying all along.

Mr Interesting
01-04-2013, 08:06 PM
My Dad hasn't drunk alcohol since just after I was born and at about 9 I started noticing the gothic script that was written and framed on the wall in Mum and Dads bedroom.

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

I always knew it was a deep and meaningful thing written but it's taken me decades to unravel the simplicity of perspective it contains.

But indeed acceptance is a wonderful way of being and a wonderful change after resistance which seems the default of most.

And the saying about the tree that's too stiff that breaks in the storm whereas the supple tree bends with the winds.

And we know when we accept as joy starts to leak out...