View Full Version : Something I wrote.. Denoting my long-to-current path

25-03-2013, 05:41 AM
Dubious wonderers.
I wonder. I've always wondered.
I've wondered way beyond the point of restriction.
The poise we are conditioned to respect.
A balance that serves only to be constantly in seek of refuge.
I've wondered what thresholds we could surmount.
I've wondered if there is truly such a thing as a hero.
Is it a title that they give themselves?
Is it a title that anyone can give a person?
Is it a fad that is fed by advertisement?
Is a true hero acknowledged?
What makes a hero?
I've wondered.
I've wondered way beyond the point of restriction.
I've wondered into the focus of my instincts.
Where my body and my thoughts were degenerated by the life-sucking thought process of survival.
I've tried to wonder back but to be deeply honest, I was never that good at tracking.
I've wondered.. and the complexities of this paradox flood me with belief.
Belief that I have been living within a pre-set mode of existence.
Belief that I can believe more then my eyes have seen and one day see more then these pictures have revealed to me.
I wonder.. more and more lost everyday.
I've wondered into my conviction, I am not lost.
I wonder.. more and more lost everyday.

25-03-2013, 05:44 AM
"What makes a hero?"

The belittled husband, silently being abused everyday, only because he loves his kids.

25-03-2013, 06:28 AM
Beautifulyly written.