View Full Version : A question of development!

08-03-2013, 11:26 AM
Hi folks,

I'm having a small problem. I wonder if anyone on here can give me a hand.

A couple of years ago I developed the ability to channel. I mostly work with one guide. Oddly, he's never given me much information to give to others. He doesn't seem very interested in that. He's more interested in talking to me, and he's been systematically working through my psychology with me, breaking down barriers and releasing the old values and energy that were causing me pain. He teaches very tough - but loving - lessons that enable me to move past psychological and emotional blocks to experience greater peace, love and compassion in myself. His lessons have worked so well that I'm now living free of so much fear and suffering I can't describe it :)

My question is this; I read a lot of information about the acquisition of psychic powers and how some eastern traditions suggest they should be ignored/pushed aside in the pursuit of God.

I'm concerned I might be making a mistake listening to this guide, and using an ability (channeling) that might hold me back somehow from simply, achieving enlightenment. (In this life OR the next!) :D All I really want is freedom from fear and suffering. Nothing else.

I find my ability to communicate with this guide is useful to me. But I'm very reluctant to share his communication with others! Very reluctant to channel him for others. I don't believe God (or an angel) really needs me to be a messenger. I believe they can do it for themselves! After all, they can talk to me, they can talk to ANYONE! I believe the ability to talk to my guide has been given to me for another reason - personal growth only. I also don't want to be responsible for trying to 'guide' people spiritually when I'm still operating from within illusion myself. That's the blind leading the blind! Not wise or healthy :D

So...do I continue to chat to my guide? And continue to use whatever he gives me, with discernment, alongside meditation, and hope the cocktail breaks the illusion of fear and separation? Or, do I shun the 'gift' as you might say, and simply live my life, and wait for this freedom from fear and suffering to drop into my lap?

08-03-2013, 05:18 PM
Or, do I shun the 'gift' as you might say, and simply live my life, and wait for this freedom from fear and suffering to drop into my lap?

Well I think you've answered your question right there at the end. Freedom comes from within... it never just drops into our laps. It is also very much a perception of the mind. Let me ask you this - has your interaction with your spirit mentor made you a better person? Has it improved your life, empowered you, challenged you and made you grow? If the answer is yes, then why the hell would you want to stop just because of what someone says in a book?? If the answer is no, then it's time to reconsider.

Yes, there are lots of spiritual teachings. Many of them are obsolete or mis-interpreted! What does your own soul tell you? What does your deepest intuition say? Trust that above all else.

I don't believe God (or an angel) really needs me to be a messenger. I believe they can do it for themselves! After all, they can talk to me, they can talk to ANYONE! I believe the ability to talk to my guide has been given to me for another reason - personal growth only. I also don't want to be responsible for trying to 'guide' people spiritually when I'm still operating from within illusion myself. That's the blind leading the blind! Not wise or healthy

I had to answer this one... humbly suggesting that no one knows what God needs. :wink: To refuse to communicate what is given is more about your issues than anything else. Do think about how wonderful it is for someone to be given a message, a word or sentence which turns their life around! THAT is what being a conduit for messages means. It's about accepting that you cannot know the purpose of any message, so you humbly honour the gift and give people what is given from wiser minds than yours. You won't be responsible for guiding people... but you might be responsible for helping them find their way or confirm their inner hopes. We are ALL operating from within illusion... but some of us are fortunate enough to be more aware than others. It is our duty to provide a helping hand where we can. :hug3:

08-03-2013, 06:34 PM
The Universe's voice is in every creature and experience. I suspect the book was stating to choose what is best for you, and to ignore the rest. By choosing to listen to this guide of yours, you have greatly improved your life, and have pursued bliss and the overcoming of fear. Thus it would seem this voice was and can continue to help you look to what is best for you.
Enlightenment, on the other hand, is often ill used. Each one of us tends to have a blurry, unclear, unique definition of what we think it is. If you're looking for it, you first must find your personal definition for it. Once you have that, look for moments you feel in that way, and expand them. Similar to trying to define happiness, enlightenment will be recognized amongst experiences and feelings, and although our definition of the word can be a guide for us, or feelings are what define the word and we must listen to them.
Helping others here through words is up to you, and I can relate to the blind leading the blind image, it was me when I was younger, leading family and friends. Eventually I became inclined to train away dependence by cultivating leadership and independence, and how one can find answers for themselves without me pulling all my strings, which hadn't bothered me- it was just to much at once and too many. Time passed again and I came across a book where a figure claimed himself to be an agent of spirit, where he passed along messages, listened to complete inner guidance and passed along things even if he didn't know the reason behind them. I was locked in by this different system- he gave total independence from the start and made his students learn the lessons themselves, he simply oversaw them and passed along certain information which stirred their further exploring. I tend to do similar nowadays, although with a more protective touch to show them how to defend themselves where he had let them fend for themselves. His manner of teaching though does sound like something you might be able to swallow though, reminded me of this... what, if, and how you choose to help others is up to you, but I hope that by my putting this here, you'll know this path is an option rather then sticking to acting as you say you have felt, should you ever choose to teach or lend out channelings.

08-03-2013, 09:25 PM
Well I think you've answered your question right there at the end. Freedom comes from within... it never just drops into our laps. It is also very much a perception of the mind. Let me ask you this - has your interaction with your spirit mentor made you a better person? Has it improved your life, empowered you, challenged you and made you grow? If the answer is yes, then why the hell would you want to stop just because of what someone says in a book?? If the answer is no, then it's time to reconsider.

Yes, there are lots of spiritual teachings. Many of them are obsolete or mis-interpreted! What does your own soul tell you? What does your deepest intuition say? Trust that above all else.

It's done all those things in a truly miraculous way and made my life beautiful where before it was just desolate :) Really, it's given me such joy and comfort, given me deeper appreciation and love of life and all things within it, freed my emotions, given me confidence, healed my pain and past. It's simply a wonderful experience! My soul tells me I'm OK, to trust, and to keep going and fight through my own fear. Thank you :) This helped :)

I had to answer this one... humbly suggesting that no one knows what God needs. :wink: To refuse to communicate what is given is more about your issues than anything else.

I think you may be right :wink: How do I know God doesn't need me to be me by simply sharing what I know or what I've felt? I can't shake this feeling we're given these gifts for a reason, not to just throw them away.

Azrael said it nicely. He said 'If you're scared of getting a big ego, remember it's me giving the messages, not you!'

TY :hug3:

09-03-2013, 09:01 PM
Once we get past the self-deceptions and into the trust and joy, then we start to Be...

09-03-2013, 11:09 PM
If you channel for someone else, Azrael is telling you that you are just the messenger, not the message. That has been a difficult road for me, because a lot of what I was first getting when I channeled for others was not only a, "Me Too" but sometimes the messages themselves began to sound alike within themselves, so I began to doubt it, wondering if I was making it all up. I started to worry about what that person would think about the message, or if they would even understand it, when actually, the messages weren't for me, but for that other person. I had asked (and continue to ask) to be a clear channel, but sometimes we throw rocks in our path and need to sweep them away.

Just know that, whatever you decide, it has to be fun! If it isn't fun for you to channel for others, then don't. Just let it be fun for you. That is okay. The guides don't care, but they are ready to channel for others if that is what YOU want (otherwise, why do it?) Forget what anyone else thinks about it.

I will say when I first started giving channelings (here on this forum) it was stepping outside my box of comfort (actually it felt like a leap LOL!). It was exhilarating and scary, wondering if anyone would respond, wondering if I could get messages for others, and when the people did respond, and I did get messages, I was so excited! It began to be fun, which is why I wanted to do it in the first place, but I had forgotten, because to step outside your box of comfort is scary, but oh, then you get to the fun of it.

And it progresses from there. I was given messages that I thought were so out there, how could I pass them on? What would that person think of me, if I told them I channeled an entity I had never heard of before for them, and the message was really out there? I actually asked for advice from someone before giving a message (another channel) and she gave me some words of comfort.

It wasn't my message.

Yes, it was stepping outside my box of comfort to pass on the message, but if I didn't pass it on, then I would be telling the guide(s) that I didn't believe in my ability to get messages from them, or that they in some way weren't important enough for me to relate their message because I was afraid to step outside my box of comfort again.

So, it is a journey, if you decide to do this. There is a learning that occurs, there can be no doubt about it. I wanted to do it because I wanted to be able to do that for people - I thought it was awesome and amazing that I could do that, and i wanted to share it with the world! Look Ma, no hands! What I found was that, yes, it is awesome and amazing, and yes I stretched myself, but the most important thing for me was the stepping outside my box of comfort. I had been there my whole life, doing basically the same thing day to day, living the same life, and I wanted Change, with a Captial C. I wanted to be more aware of what gifts there are in this life, that no one taught me about. What else weren't they teaching me?

Now I am in a state of waiting. I'm sort of taking a break, and giving myself some time to settle, before really stepping outside my box of comfort. I am getting information to Try, and it is really stretching what I wanted to do with this when I first started doing it. I can decide to do it or not. It is my choice. Until I get to the enthusiasm, or the fun of it, I am still deciding. Because right now it is too fearful and I don't know why. It's silly, really, and i know that deep down, but I still have to move through the fear if I want to get to the good stuff that it has to offer.

Life is full of choices. And we get to choice what we want to play with :)

So there's my 2 cents. Hope it's helpful.

10-03-2013, 12:23 AM
Hi holly!

I think you should go by what ever you feel in your heart and your desires. In my experience my guides are not caught up in agendas, idealigys, or anything else. There view point is without all that. They are politicaly incorrect. **** me off. Make jokes. Seem heartless at times. But I wouldn't trade them in for anything the world has to offer. I think of it as if they are looking at things from the outside. I dont believe any person can do that. But I still put my own ideas and intuition before them. Because ultimately its me I'm trying to find. I have found gurus and avators to be helpful and I love them. But I have been shown again and again they don't have all the answers. And there intuition is wrong on accounts. While mine was right. I love the teachings and teachers and learn whatever i can from them. I just love my heart more. And when I follow it I grow greatly!

Good luck!