View Full Version : Tarot Card Combinations Game!

27-02-2013, 07:27 PM
Would you like to learn "How To Interpret Tarot Card Combinations" while having fun? If yes, this game is for you !:wink:

Rules of the game:

Shuffle your deck and cut like usual and draw 2 cards. Post what you got along with your interpretation.

If you are new to Tarot don't shy away, just do the best you can. Ideally more advanced players will participate and thus will share their expertise by saying how they would have interpreted the combo :hug3: , before drawing their 2 cards (unless they decide to just help with an interpretation)

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Sorry about that, the info were free so I didn't know I could not give a direct link.

Anyhow, if you are a beginner and need help on how to go about to interpret Tarot Card Combinations; you can do a google search typing "How to interpret Tarot card combinations" . Among others you will find a free online lesson by biddy tarot that explains very clearly.


I will start the game to give an example:

I drew:

4 The Emperor + 7 of Wands

"Leadership can be achieved through perseverance."

Thanks for giving that game a try! :hug3: Now, your turn!:wink:

28-02-2013, 12:11 AM
Hi Shalimar
I'll play!

I drew the 8 of Pentacles and the 6 of Wands...

Work is successful!

28-02-2013, 06:33 AM
Three of cups + Knight of wands

Celebration of passion.

28-02-2013, 07:13 AM
8 of Pentacles (reversed) and 4 of pentacles.

"Someone's trying to save money... but not doing a very good job of it because they're not committed enough!"

Although if it were linked with particular reversed court cards/a select few reversed Major Arcana cards, in order of person-8 of pent (rev)-4 of pent, I might interpret it as someone who's not putting in much effort at work but still saving money behind the scenes.

28-02-2013, 04:57 PM
Hi Shalimar I'll play!

Hello Mparkes! Have fun!

I drew:

Knight of Swords + 9 of Cups

By daring, and charging toward one's goal, satisfaction is reached.

02-03-2013, 03:57 AM
8 of swords and The Devil (reversed)

"Tealily's confused!" (or maybe it's about coming to terms with feeling 'stuck' and accepting it rather than trying to control or change it)

02-03-2013, 09:10 PM
9 of Cups + 8 of Cups

Emotional: Great loss. But emotional gain and growth after perseverance, inner sense of accomplishment. :)

03-03-2013, 10:59 PM
4 of wands + 6 of pentacles

Successful completion of goal or task.


04-03-2013, 09:01 PM
The High Priestess + The Emperor Reversed

Someone is using his/her knowledge, psychic abilities to control others