View Full Version : Intro / My Experience

19-02-2013, 02:35 AM
Hi everyone,

I have responded to a few posts on here but thought I would formally introduce myself as well. :) This seems to be the perfect thread to do it in because it was the first one that showed up on a random search AND one that another post-er led me right back to not five minutes ago. ;)

So..I'll try to keep this brief and am grateful in advance for any time anyone puts into reading this. It would mean so much to me, as I'm really looking for people to connect with this at point on my journey.

After months of cultivating heightened openness and awareness (followed by years of on-and-off earlier stages of it), something happened to me on January 7, 2013. A week before my birthday. And two nights after my late grandma showed up in a dream.

On January 6th, I had very little energy all day long. I spent three hours talking on the phone with my Reiki teacher whom I hadn't spoken to in years. That was the major thing of the day and I was inundated with spiritual stories and warm trusting feelings.

I had taken a nap from 7-9 and stayed up until 3:30 in the morning of January 7th.

As I was falling asleep, I got an image of my grandparents in my mind. It was them when they were in their 40's, in a family portrait. I asked for it to come in closer and it did, like a zoom lens.

A few moments later a voice said, "It just happened."

I asked my angels if that would be made clear to me and I got a warm soothing feeling throughout my body.

At 5:30 I woke up to an immense euphoric pressure in my head just causing me to bubble over with intensity and energy. Then my whole body shook as though I were having a seizure for a few seconds as I stared up at the ceiling, slightly to the left.

I got out of bed, went to the mirror, turned on the light. Then I woke up again, as though I had been dreaming that. But I definitely was not dreaming. It was as real as I am sitting here right now, certainly not a dream that felt very real (that I would be able to distinguish from awake upon waking).

And that was essentially the beginning. A lot happened in the two weeks that followed. Much of it felt absolutely awful. Some of it felt blissful, like in the very beginning. I had angelic dreams in the beginning. But later I had dreams of violence and one that I think may have been a recollection of a past life.

These two weeks were filled with a variety of physical and psychological symptoms, some more frequent than others:

panic attacks

heart palpitations
burning sensations
pain in my head for a few moments at a time

a pressure in the center of my left palm (I know now that this relates to the heart)

on two occasions, the sound of a singing bowl in my ear, on the train. first tiem passed quickly, second time, later that day, got louder and louder.

spontaneous crying bouts
nature came into sharper focus, felt at one with it.

During these two weeks, I had to be extremely careful with myself. I ate very healthfully (didn't even crave any carby foods - craved fresh juice and other clean kinds of foods), I did what my instincts told me to do (for example, felt compelled to walk on the beach or go to a park). I kept in frequent contact with my angels. I called upon various mentors and healers. I went for an in-person Reiki session and took my friend up on her offer for a distnace Reiki session. I did a phone session with someone I trust. I asked for good energy to be sent from trusted friends. I felt like I was just holding on for dear life during this entire time. In survival mode from moment to moment.

It seemed to end abruptly (but with the immense of help of all the positive energy I was receiving from people and spirits), and now I still experience certain symptoms but I feel free of the tormenting anxiety. I also feel much more grounded - thank goodness.

I still get the pressure feeling in my left palm but I can tell it happens during purposeful moments, like when I felt close to someone I care about romantically (I care about him very very much, almost like none other, but I wouldn't tell him that because he is in a process that requires patience and non-commitment at this time and possibly for a while). I will say though, that it was after this happened that he returned to my life.

I also get the pressure in palm feeling when I feel child-like. Not all the time, but I seem to notice that it correlates with something rather than being random.

Still get occasional burning in head (at first it was in scapula and head). Still get occasional brief pain in head. Still get occasional heart palpitations (got checked out at doctor - everything is fine).

Been having heightened intuitive experiences. Many synchronicities. Feeling SO open. In the middle of this I didn't want to be more open because I was already feeling so sensitive, but now I feel like I can begin to direct and cultivate the openness consciously.

And that's where I'm at now. I feel like everything in my life right now can be divided up into "pre-January 7th" and "post January 7th." I feel like I'm doing so many things for the first time and with such heightened faith and awareness. I play music and I just played my first "post 1/7" gig and felt some things I've never felt.

Also, this happened about a week and a half into doing "The Magic" by Rhonda Byrne.

Seriously....any feedback, any insight, any understanding, relating....would mean the world to me.

Thank you so very much for reading this and supporting me on my journey.


19-02-2013, 02:40 AM
also those two weeks were filled with signs, especially when I put myself in the position to be open to receiving them, like walking on the beach. The beach felt so big and overwhelming but I knew I had to be there all the same. I knew I had some reason to be there, something to feel, to release. Signs abound confirmed this.

silent whisper
19-02-2013, 06:45 AM
Hello and welcome..

Yes I can relate, I had a very similar awakening over three months of similar experiences, plus some.

My intutive read for you is that you are grounding into a new space now, you will slowly integrate this awarness and shift in time. There is much more coming to you and as you open to it all, you will shift so much within your mind and emotional space. Being aware of this shift as part of your journey and asking for support whenever you need will guide you through the spaces that you are unsure of.

I am lead to ask you, what is it you would like to know specifically. What questions are lingering in you that you might want to find clarity with regarding this experience..?

20-02-2013, 11:34 AM
Wow, Silent Whisper - thank you immensely and I'm sorry I'm just seeing this now!!! What a beautiful response. I will give this some thought and perhaps if its alright, send you a private message with my response? I'll post it here as well if that's better for you. :)

Thank you again so very very much for offering your intuitive read! Wow. I'm truly grateful. :)

20-02-2013, 11:38 AM
I suppose to start, I would like to know what I am meant to be doing with this. I have had the feeling at night that spirits have shown up for me to help them in some way. I also sometimes hear voices of spirits right before going to bed. Once I asked a question and someone whose voice I didn't recognize answered. It made it so very real for me.

I am also struggling with having feelings for someone who cannot commit to a relationship for many (very understandable) reasons. But this person has feelings for me too and I'm trying to strike the balance for myself so that I don't get hurt as I continue to care about him.

Even going so far as to wonder whether this person is my TF...but I know that might be a stretch. Its definitely something I've wanted to ask a spiritual guide though. He came back into my life after I'd put the intention of wanting to find my soul mate out into the universe.

So...I guess those are the most time-relevant and significant questions that I have.

I appreciate your giving me your time and thought and energy. So selfless!!