View Full Version : The cultural myth?

16-02-2013, 06:54 PM

Started reading the book Ishmael:An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit-by Daniel Quinn.

Although a fictional tale of a man who has a conversation with a psychic Gorilla, it brings up an interesting premiss. The premiss is that there is a cultural myth.

The story that has been passed down and so ingrained with in culture that one does not notice or even think about.

So, presenting the premiss in my way.

1. Creation stopped at the creation of humans. Anything after this doesn't matter or is for the benefit of humans.

2. Humans were created to rule the Earth. The Earth and everything that led up to the creation of the Earth, was a leading up to the creation of humans. This is our purpose to be the rulers of the Earth.

3. Upon us becoming ruler of the Earth, everything will be accordance to our needs and benefit and so we all will live in paradise.

4. Humans are flawed and because they are flawed paradise will never be obtained.

Taking these premisses (not directly the way presented in the story Ismael), What are your thoughts on these?

Do you think that this is the myth humans have created with in culture/civilization? What may support the claim it is or is not?

If so how can we undo or change the myth/story? Or is too late?

Presented this for thought and discussion.