View Full Version : Trying to AP before bed

16-10-2010, 06:51 PM
Hello Guys,

First off, I have been meditating daily for a week now and each night I have more vivid dreams that I can remember more clearly in the morning, so I think that meditating is starting to increase my awareness ... which is good (:

But I really want to put more effort into trying to AP, I've always wanted too. But it seems like the only time I really have a good chance too is when I lay down to go to bed (which I usually just end up going to sleep and having a dream). I can't do it in the day because I am too awake. I meditate during the day but lately it seems like when I become relaxed .. when I should keep meditating .. I try to AP which messes up my meditation.

So do you think the best way for me to AP is try to become lucid in a dream and go from there? Any tips/help/advice is appriciated :smile:

16-10-2010, 07:18 PM
I have a question, is there a position you can lay down that can help you get into the right mind set but not fall asleep?

I can't fall asleep on my stomach nor back, but also rarely can fall asleep on my right side, don't know why but I just can't... by lying down on those sides and trying to fall asleep I tend to take off.

16-10-2010, 07:21 PM
I could try to lay on my stomach but I think that would be fairly uncomfortable and I wouldnt be able to relax

16-10-2010, 07:25 PM
You don't have to relax entirely to AP, I suggest you try it out, if it gets too uncomfortable and becomes distracting, try to roll a tad bit, not enough to be on your side, it should lighten the discomfort.

16-10-2010, 08:48 PM
okay i'll try that (:

16-10-2010, 08:52 PM
Don't be too discouraged if it don't work because your consciousness will be off and away from your physical body once you fall to sleep. You might even remember the experience when you wake up and recall where your awareness went in your Dreams.

16-10-2010, 09:15 PM
Moonwalker, Im speaking from a personal perspective ofcourse...but I believe awareness is living your lifes path, and that takes time to discover and change. Projection may come to be part of that path....but I dont feel following a method to achieve a goal would fulfill you. It would be like having the ability to make money without having the resources to appreciate it. Meditation is wonderful...but let it take you where it wants and give you what you need....be the student of meditation....rather than the boss x

16-10-2010, 10:28 PM
If you can wake up in your dreams, that would be good. I do not seem to have much success with that. I would still practice during the day to AP. I have got the attitude now, if it happens, it happens. If it does not , it does not happen. I do not worry about it if it does not happen. Just look at it as practicising. You may surprise yourself one day that you actually AP. It happened to me a few times.
People do say, it is not the best time to practice before going to bed, as you are tired and are likely to fall asleep. I can understand that and when AP does not happen you tend to want to make it happen.
I have read it is not a good idea to try to AP when you are in bed as you associate with bed as going to sleep. I think that is true as I can AP when I am not in bed. It is hard of a night time to think I will lie down somewhere else as being in your bed is a nice place to be in. As I said, I read bed is for sleeping.
I would suggest not to lie in a position that is comfortable to you as you are likely to fall asleep. I try to AP lying on my back. Late in the mornings I lie on my side as it is more comfortable. If you are feeling uncomfortable try not to think about it. I know it is hard. You can always get up and have a break and come back to it.
Another alternative it, get a few hours sleep then try to AP. That is what I want to do, if I do not change my mind. I have to work tomorrow so I do not want to be tired. I want to get some sleep, then hopefully I will lie down in another room.
I always give up in bed. I just want to sleep. Occasionally I can AP in the mornings and I am not tired. I have had all the sleep I need.

17-10-2010, 04:03 PM
The best AP experience I had was during a dream. I told myself that I would realize I was dreaming and then try to control the dream. (It was a suggestion by someone here).

17-10-2010, 07:34 PM
MYFIGO... Just as for you it doesn't work to go for ap when you are too awake, it also won't work well when you are too tired. One reason ap may happen from dreams is you have already rested in deep sleep for some time and you are now in the lighter sleep state.

For some people programming themselves to be lucid / aware in a dream works well. When you become conscious in your dream, then simply choose to go somewhere you have chosen ahead of time... a place or a person.


18-10-2010, 02:34 PM
When I try to Astral Project before falling asleep I generally am able to do it but when I wake up I can't seem to remember what has happened until my trip comes floodind back in what I call flash memory. Its just a bunch of pictures in quick sucsession. Am I doing something wrong or is there something I should be doing differently? I've dream pillows can help with that.

19-10-2010, 09:37 PM
Omegarius... Some things you can do to increase your dream and ap recall are:

* Keep a dream/ap journal and make a few notes when you first wake up of whatever you recall, then fill out more later.

* As you are going to sleep, or going for ap practice, affirm over and over again something like, "I remember my dreams" ... "I remember my out-of-body experiences." After consistently practicing this every day for a while you'll notice you'll have better recall.

* When you first wake up *Don't Move* ... especially Don't Move Your Head... until you have begun to remember. Then write in your journal.


19-10-2010, 10:03 PM
I read somewhere online that some people claim that keeping your head pointed north can help with AP....now, I'm not one to believe something just because I see it online. HOWEVER, coincidentally EVERY TIME I have ever AP'd, My head was to the "North" and my feet were "south." ...and I pretty much AP daily now. I'm not saying that this is a must...or that the claim I read on the internet is true...but it is true for me, and could be something you could try. I also tend to AP between the hours of 11PM and 1AM (I assume this has to do with the position of the moon)....

19-10-2010, 10:25 PM
Well Katie... The moon is not in the same position every night. But there are certain hours that some people find better for ap than others... which seems to be quite individual.


20-10-2010, 04:44 PM
I also choose to lay down in my bed before I AP because I feel safest there...and I cover myself up because when I get back into my body, I'm normally cold. My bed might also play a factor...I have an old school water bed. So I kind of have a "weightless" feeling when I'm laying down. When I AP'd as a teenager, I had a waterbed too. I have never AP'd on a regular bed that I can think of. The only time I have done this while not in bed, was when I had an OBE when I got hit by a car.

21-10-2010, 10:03 PM
Hello astralsuzie,

If you can wake up in your dreams, that would be good. I do not seem to have much success with that.

Thats a very interesting remark . Do you feel awake in your dreams ?

How far from reality is the film Inception?

Lucid Dreaming is a Dream state in which the Dreamer can manipulate the Dream. For an increasing number of us ,a lucid dream is becoming more commonplace.

The concept of Lucid dreaming was recently brought into sharp focus with the release of the film Inception that starred Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page. a Movie that depicts the dramatic manipulation of dreams.

Our lucid dreams are probably not as intense as the movies action sequences however the process remains very similar.

In a lucid dream the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming and once that realisation occurs the dreamer then is in a position to have an effect on the course of the dream.It maybe that the dreamer decides not to influence the dream , preferring to watch the events of the dream unfold naturally, it is the awareness in the dream that separates it from a dream that is vivid and realistic where the dreamer is not aware that they are dreaming.

Studies are suggesting that people in the Western World having lucid dreams has risen some 10 to 40% since the 1980s.They are now considered to be so common that 1 in 8 of us will experience a lucid dream from time to time.

Not much is understood about what causes a lucid dream to occur or indeed what has brought about the increase in people having them.

At the sleep laboratory in Swansea University, Professor Mark Blagrove has said;

“Peoples abilities during dreaming are altering,as they become more adept at recognising they are able to control ther dreams”

Preliminary findings do suggest that lucid dreamers share in common , the trait of creativity along with a belief in life that they are responsible for their own destiny.

Perhaps the film Inception is not as great a leap in credulity as at first it might appear.

best wishes Neville

22-10-2010, 06:22 AM
Hi Neville

I think perhaps I am not very good at lucid dreaming is because I do not try much. I am too focused on astral projection. Thanks for reminding me about it. When AP does not happen, I will keep saying to myself as I am drifting off to sleep, I am dreaming. I may realise that I am dreaming.