View Full Version : a vision and a little numerology???

09-02-2013, 01:25 PM
Two weeks ago today I was lying awake in bed relaxing since I didn't have to go to work. I had a vision that new york had a large earthquake. This morning again i was lying awake in bed (hoping my husband for once would get up first, so he could get up and make the coffee ). Laying there I had a vision again. This time I read the words New York WILL have an earthquake. Then i saw the number 11. After this I asked myself what does the number 11 mean? Is is a date? Is it a number of days? Then I saw a set of teeth and heard 21 sets of enchanted teeth by 5. I have no clue when it comes to numerology. I can't even tell if this vision is real or if spirits are just messing with me. I am hoping for a little help. I am still new to all of this. Hopefully I am just being messed with. I have been activating pineal gland and maybe everything is all jumbled up. Or maybe I am getting that New York will be "shook up" because of all the snow they are getting right now. Huge blizzard for them and everyone to the NE of them.