View Full Version : Does The Law of Attraction Work?

08-02-2013, 02:50 AM
I get asked that a lot by people. And the answer is both yes and no. Yes the law of attraction works and it works flawlessly. Look around you and you can see the effects of your thinking on your life. The life you are living right now is a direct results of the thoughts you have had and the decisions you have made based on those thoughts. This happens unconsciously for most people, most of the time. Have you noticed how some people are just lucky? That they seem to get exactly what they want when they want it with little effort? Either those people are consciously practicing the laws of attraction or they naturally have a positive disposition and an optimistic outlook, two qualities that are important for the law of attraction to work in your life positively.

When it doesn't work, or seems not to work is when we are using it consciously but are not fully committed to what we desire.

08-02-2013, 02:34 PM
Yes, I believe it does. But not so much in a egoic sense. If you went a big house or flash car to give you a sense of security then I don't believe this intention is powerful to enough to manifest your desire as its coming from the ego. But, when you being your trueself, being who you really are and living fearlessy with no attachments - then everything you desire and put your energy towards will manifest. I am just starting to realise this.

Therefore the secret to manifesting is discovering who you really are IMO :)

08-02-2013, 06:06 PM
the law of attraction always work. life is self fulfilling prophecy. every problem is self created.

08-02-2013, 07:39 PM
I am fradually getting into the idea of the law of attraction. I just have a hard time with so many competing ideas. For instance, I want world peace. So many folks are not at peace and want to stay at war. The institutions enabling war are so strong. It is hard for me to attract peace when I feel I am up against so many forces. But this is how the law works, we need to focus on what is possible - peace - rather than the harsh realities, then we can create our own reality.

08-02-2013, 07:52 PM
sorry, but I personally do not believe in the so called law of attraction.....it is a wish list at its best and an excuse at its least........the power of positive thinking has no power, simply a perception of the glass being half full or half empty..........

amy green
11-02-2013, 03:33 PM
sorry, but I personally do not believe in the so called law of attraction.....it is a wish list at its best and an excuse at its least........the power of positive thinking has no power, simply a perception of the glass being half full or half empty..........
I am sorry to read you have not discovered the wonderful, profound benefits of thinking positively. Positive thinking is immensely powerful! Have you heard of CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy? This is a therapy using positive thinking to treat people who are depressed. This is just one example.

Another example is your mindset when you wake up each day. Are you predisposed to thinking along the lines of "oh another day" e.g. resignation, downcast perhaps? We are how we choose to be as I see it (and so many others too). I am in a grim reality - being a full time carer for my elderly mother. Yet, each day, I am able to stay positive (have this hard wired into me now) and I am glad to be alive, welcome new possibilities (because I have a creative, open mind) and I choose to face the day with a view to making it a good one/positive and enjoyable - knowing that this is my choice. If negative things happen I don't dwell on them but view them from a wider perspective. I don't have a victim's mentality. The power of positive thinking keeps me buoyant in life.

I could go on but my guess is that your mind is made up. I wonder if you have ever seriously, openly, given positive thinking a try.

11-02-2013, 05:38 PM
I don't know what to make of LOA myself. I can walk around spouting positive affirmations all day long with no results, but then comes in what Amy has to say, which I agree with (Don't faint now, Amy):D

I think a positive attitude goes a long way and once you have mastered that, which does take work and I, myself, am working on it, so I know it can be hard and is hard when you haven't been blessed with a so called good life to begin with.

In thinking back, the days and times when I have been filled with joy and gladness and a positive attitude things DID shift and change in my favor and I didn't have to go around with a mantra wishlist. I simply may have had a passing thought of something I needed or would one day like and then there it was.

I was just thinking about this while reading Amy's post that I have been blessed many, many, many times, but in my negative modes, I'm hard pressed to remember.

I would say it's a matter of your attitude to begin with and if you go around with that wish list mantra you can be doing that for a long time so adjust your attitude first. That's my thought on the matter anyway from my own experience.

11-02-2013, 06:03 PM
I'm also a huge fan of positive thinking. It turned my life around. :smile:

However, no matter how much I think and believe that I am an able-bodied person, my body simply doesn't listen and gets worse. :icon_frown:

Hi ho.

11-02-2013, 07:35 PM
I am sorry to read you have not discovered the wonderful, profound benefits of thinking positively. Positive thinking is immensely powerful! Have you heard of CBT - cognitive behavioural therapy? This is a therapy using positive thinking to treat people who are depressed. This is just one example.

Another example is your mindset when you wake up each day. Are you predisposed to thinking along the lines of "oh another day" e.g. resignation, downcast perhaps? We are how we choose to be as I see it (and so many others too). I am in a grim reality - being a full time carer for my elderly mother. Yet, each day, I am able to stay positive (have this hard wired into me now) and I am glad to be alive, welcome new possibilities (because I have a creative, open mind) and I choose to face the day with a view to making it a good one/positive and enjoyable - knowing that this is my choice. If negative things happen I don't dwell on them but view them from a wider perspective. I don't have a victim's mentality. The power of positive thinking keeps me buoyant in life.

I could go on but my guess is that your mind is made up. I wonder if you have ever seriously, openly, given positive thinking a try.

amy, that is wonderful that you perceive your cup to be half full.......I used to always perceive my cup to be half full, no matter the difficult circumstances, now I don't even have a darn cup.......I try to maintain a positive attitude but my expectations are nil......when the worst that you could possibly imagine actually happens, you are forever waiting until the next shoe drops and it has over and over........I do try to maintain a sense of humor which "is" a positive thing I think..........

amy green
11-02-2013, 08:08 PM
amy, that is wonderful that you perceive your cup to be half full.......I used to always perceive my cup to be half full, no matter the difficult circumstances, now I don't even have a darn cup.......I try to maintain a positive attitude but my expectations are nil......when the worst that you could possibly imagine actually happens, you are forever waiting until the next shoe drops and it has over and over........I do try to maintain a sense of humor which "is" a positive thing I think..........
I am sorry to read that you are going through a really tough time. Yes, it's very hard maintaining positivity in such circumstances (but it is possible!). I don't have expectations (since I try to avoid let downs) but I do co-create, i.e. help shape my reality with my attitude. For instance, not dwelling on the negative events - not giving them more weight/energy than is necessary. It's easy to get dragged down - I used to really suffer from this but not now. Positive thinking has been a major turning point for me. Law of attraction is about what you focus on, you get more of.....maybe you switched focus?

I agree with you about cultivating a sense of humour; I find it can help put life into perspective (or perspex as I erroneously used to say). In fact - glass half full or half empty? It's neither...it's the glass that's too big! :smile:

11-02-2013, 08:09 PM
I absolutely believe LOA works and do take responsibility for what is (and isn't) in my life, even who were my parents, siblings, physical strengths and weaknesses, illness, etc.

What I've recently realized is holding me back from getting some desires is that the desires are linked with this feeling of lack, of sadness almost. And that draws more of same.

I could only comprehend the difference (because many, many things I desired I felt this combination want/lack feeling) by thinking in terms of sexual desire. In it's pure, unadulterated sense it is this desire to move toward someone. There are no other emotions tied to the desire like, "What if they reject me?", etc. It is just the desire to move toward, openly acknowledged.

So I'm working on getting back to the pureness of a desire--no matter what it is--and separating out the lack or fear or other things from it.

I don't think there are some desires, ego-attached or not, that we won't get. There is no judgment attached--we absolutely get what we absolutely desire. That can be monetary things, power, negative things. We ask, we get.


12-02-2013, 08:54 PM
I am sorry to read that you are going through a really tough time. Yes, it's very hard maintaining positivity in such circumstances (but it is possible!). I don't have expectations (since I try to avoid let downs) but I do co-create, i.e. help shape my reality with my attitude. For instance, not dwelling on the negative events - not giving them more weight/energy than is necessary. It's easy to get dragged down - I used to really suffer from this but not now. Positive thinking has been a major turning point for me. Law of attraction is about what you focus on, you get more of.....maybe you switched focus?

I agree with you about cultivating a sense of humour; I find it can help put life into perspective (or perspex as I erroneously used to say). In fact - glass half full or half empty? It's neither...it's the glass that's too big! :smile:

Amy Green, I should have known right off that you are a Libra...:-) So am I and I used to be the most optimistic person in the world....I will tell you a bit of my story.....In the past six years, I have lost my husband, my youngest daughter, my Mother, my stepson, my best friend, several beloved furbabies and my Comadre who was a 2nd Mother to me.......all suddenly and unexpectedly....When I lost my husband, I went into a severe Shock which affected me mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually........and eventually was diagnosed with PTSD.....There is a place which my friends on the ADC Message Board (Hello from Heaven) call "the Pit"---a place of darkness, helplessness and hopelessness and where I spent a lot of time......Eventually, I climbed out and my spiritual journey began.......I have learned to keep mentally busy at all times......I spend time on the ADC board helping those that are grieving the loss of loved ones and explaining that life is eternal and we will all be reunited.........I am not the same person that I was 6 years ago and neither are my beliefs and understanding of spirit and the afterlife......I try my best to stay out of The Pit, by encouraging others that are walking in my shoes.... It is the best that I can do right now.....thank you for listening to my sad tale.......

12-02-2013, 09:03 PM
sorry, but I personally do not believe in the so called law of attraction.....it is a wish list at its best and an excuse at its least........the power of positive thinking has no power, simply a perception of the glass being half full or half empty..........

Juanita-- You do know that LOA is not about positive thinking, right? I mean, that can be what you are thinking, or you can be thinking other things. It's just stating that whatever you are putting out there, you are attracting more of same.

I thought it sounded all loosey-goosey kumba-ya myself, but there are some practicalities to it.

If you want some 10-minute introductions, pick a random you-tube video of Abraham-Hicks. It doesn't matter which one. It's more of the practical, "How in the heck do I do this when I'm in such a bad mood?" stuff. I understand you are not just "in a bad mood". What you've had happen seems almost inconceivable, so I understand completely. But then what? This offers a next step. It doesn't have to be a "I feel wonderful and life is good step"--just slightly better than you are now. The videos give real-life examples of how one goes about it.

But, if you feel it's not for you, you'll find another way.


amy green
12-02-2013, 09:10 PM
Amy Green, I should have known right off that you are a Libra...:-) So am I and I used to be the most optimistic person in the world....I will tell you a bit of my story.....In the past six years, I have lost my husband, my youngest daughter, my Mother, my stepson, my best friend, several beloved furbabies and my Comadre who was a 2nd Mother to me.......all suddenly and unexpectedly....When I lost my husband, I went into a severe Shock which affected me mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually........and eventually was diagnosed with PTSD.....There is a place which my friends on the ADC Message Board (Hello from Heaven) call "the Pit"---a place of darkness, helplessness and hopelessness and where I spent a lot of time......Eventually, I climbed out and my spiritual journey began.......I have learned to keep mentally busy at all times......I spend time on the ADC board helping those that are grieving the loss of loved ones and explaining that life is eternal and we will all be reunited.........I am not the same person that I was 6 years ago and neither are my beliefs and understanding of spirit and the afterlife......I try my best to stay out of The Pit, by encouraging others that are walking in my shoes.... It is the best that I can do right now.....thank you for listening to my sad tale.......
I am so sorry to learn of how much you have and are suffering. That is certainly an extraordinary amount of loss and hardship to absorb and contend with. I understand more now why positive thinking seems somewhat alien to your present situation.

Having said that - allow me to tell you a little about how positive thinking was instrumental in saving me during a past, desperately grim/serious situation. Some 30 odd years ago I said goodbye to someone I was deeply in love with because he was not good for me (he excelled in deception and was amoral). The result of this was that it threw me into clinical depression, e.g. I found it difficult to walk....literally so hard to put one foot in front of the other (it was no longer an automatic response). I was finding it very hard to just look after myself - doing the basic stuff that is required daily e.g. getting dressed, eating, organising my day.

At the time I had moved away from friends and was doing a degree course in psychology. I got myself out of that very deep pit without any support whatsoever (of friends or medication). This was partly because I knew I could do it and also because I knew I had to rely on myself to do this; however, primarily it was due to the power of positive thinking...notably discovering and applying freewill to change my mindset.

I have written about the process of this transformation in a short story submitted on this forum - called A Leap Of Faith (in the Quotes & Short Stories section), currently page 4 in the index. I posted the story mostly to help those who might be depressed.

Apologies to mrmagick for this thread going slightly off track by discussing positive thinking. It is often the nature of threads to veer off course from time to time. I hope the info provided is of use though.

12-02-2013, 10:34 PM
It depends, what do you mean by Law of attraction.
Yes everything happens for areason, but positive thinking doesnt work if it is not reinforced with our deepest belief.

Example: When we fear something and out of that exact fear we create a "positive thought" as an escape.

amy green
12-02-2013, 11:19 PM
It depends, what do you mean by Law of attraction.
Yes everything happens for areason, but positive thinking doesnt work if it is not reinforced with our deepest belief.

Example: When we fear something and out of that exact fear we create a "positive thought" as an escape.
LOA, as I understand it, works on the principle that what you focus on you get more of.

Positive thinking doesn't require our deepest belief but at least a certain resonance with it for it to "take".
Such is the case with affirmations imo. The affirmation has to be believable (that it can happen) for it to weave its magic.

12-02-2013, 11:40 PM
LOA, as I understand it, works on the principle that what you focus on you get more of.

Positive thinking doesn't require our deepest belief but at least a certain resonance with it for it to "take".
Such is the case with affirmations imo. The affirmation has to be believable (that it can happen) for it to weave its magic.

With LOA there is definitely the aspect of hidden lack--i.e. we really want something and ask for it, but what we are really feeling when we ask is the lack of that thing--hence, what we attract is more lack.

To me that translates as--deepest belief, or at least real belief.


amy green
12-02-2013, 11:59 PM
With LOA there is definitely the aspect of hidden lack--i.e. we really want something and ask for it, but what we are really feeling when we ask is the lack of that thing--hence, what we attract is more lack.

To me that translates as--deepest belief, or at least real belief.

I wasn't denying or really addressing the deep belief with LOA issue. (My knowledge of LOA being limited).

My post was more with how it affects positive thinking. Affirmations are more about positive thinking than LOA aren't they?

Your earlier post on this page (#13) said that LOA differs from positive thinking. This is getting a tad confusing now.

13-02-2013, 01:42 AM
I wasn't denying or really addressing the deep belief with LOA issue. (My knowledge of LOA being limited).

My post was more with how it affects positive thinking. Affirmations are more about positive thinking than LOA aren't they?

Your earlier post on this page (#13) said that LOA differs from positive thinking. This is getting a tad confusing now.

The "Law of Attraction" is simply the statement that what you put out attracts more of same. The net result is that you create for yourself what you think about. The next step is if you want to change what you think about or be sure that what you want comes about in the way you want.

Then you begin to look at the "purity" of the desire you are expressing. It's really more LOA--just that what you really feel is what you attract more of.

LOA doesn't deny any desire--so the desires can be "selfish" or monetary or spiritual--it's the intention and the... purity of the request (for lack of a better term), and then it is fulfilled.

Basically, you express a desire and the Universe begins to try to fulfill it. There is a lag time, but most of the time, it doesn't come until we allow it to come to us. We do that by first being connected to Source (they call it "in the vortex") when we express the desire.

To me, "think positive" feels like "Just be happy." I just realized why I am resistant to the idea, having been forced to do things that I didn't feel, didn't want. So for me, I don't like the idea itself of "think positive". And I sure don't like the idea of making myself think positive. It is a contradiction in terms.

As I said, if you want a 10 minute introduction to LOA, watch a video on YouTube for Abraham Hicks. She is no ****. and the people ask her real-life questions that get to what's hard about changing our thoughts and thought patterns.

So to me, LOA includes positive thinking but is not restricted to it. If you want, you can be as negative as you want. Of course, you'll see the results of it in your life too. All your choice.

Put another way, looking at your own life, you will see that what you really want is reflected in how your life is. Those things that you don't have but want--you might be fighting yourself on.


amy green
13-02-2013, 02:14 AM
IsleWalker - So, to clarify, Juanita wasn't talking of something outside of LOA by discussing positive thinking (as you first suggested), i.e. you now realise that LOA can (and often does) include positive thinking. I guess we differ in our understanding of positive thinking. The "be happy"/phoney smile is loathsome to me and not what I practise. It's more about realising that a negative thought is a choice and can be turned around. We are co-creators of our reality.

So it seems that LOA is a springboard used to provide creative manifestation e.g. desires. I have not explored this since I don't cultivate desires. LOA can stand as a phenomenon in its own right though - as I appraised it in my post above, what we focus on we get more of. Walking down an avenue, we can choose whether to notice the plants in front gardens or the grime and unkemptness. It reminds me of a quote: "it's not what you look at, it's what you see" Very revealing to who we are/where we're at I feel.

13-02-2013, 02:22 AM
No I don't think there's a law, if we concentrate on anything, there is more chance of it happening, but I don't think there's a law out there like gravity or something like that.

13-02-2013, 03:20 AM
I have not explored this since I don't cultivate desires.

Yes, your appraisal is about right. I wasn't necessarily saying Juanita was speaking of something outside of LOA. My only point is that positive thoughts are only part of the picture.

One of the foundations of LOA is that humans, by definition, are creators of desire. In their beliefs, we come here in order to create desires as springboards to creativity (for us and all our spiritual helpers). When we express a sincere desire, spirit goes about fulfilling the desire, through whatever creative means they can. There is no distinction between "good" desires and "bad".

In this way, this belief is similar to Kabbalah, which says that the Creator created creatures of desire and the Creator wants only to give boundless joy to the Creature. So by this belief, all we can do is desire.

After going to the extremes of desires--even to those that are destructive, at some point, mankind gets to a point where he wishes to give boundless joy like the Creator and realizes that only by being like the Creator can be get that (a selfless desire).

I tend to agree that humans cannot help but desire. We get what we want and pretty soon, we want more. It is the path of infinite growth. Desiring "bad" things is a path of growth as well. Each of us must experience whatever we desire to experience, since there is no hurry, no timeline, as we are infinite. There is only the need to continue to grow and to create--and desires are the means by which we all do this.

Makes sense to me. It is a pretty neat trick to be a Creator who also experiences all that our Creations experience. As humans we are that Creation of ourselves (of the greater part of us that exists outside ourselves). Our Creator (our greater self) knows/experiences what we do. Our Creature has the job of desiring and sensing it's Creator.

Now I'm confused :icon_eek:


13-02-2013, 04:52 AM
Juanita-- You do know that LOA is not about positive thinking, right? I mean, that can be what you are thinking, or you can be thinking other things. It's just stating that whatever you are putting out there, you are attracting more of same.

I thought it sounded all loosey-goosey kumba-ya myself, but there are some practicalities to it.

If you want some 10-minute introductions, pick a random you-tube video of Abraham-Hicks. It doesn't matter which one. It's more of the practical, "How in the heck do I do this when I'm in such a bad mood?" stuff. I understand you are not just "in a bad mood". What you've had happen seems almost inconceivable, so I understand completely. But then what? This offers a next step. It doesn't have to be a "I feel wonderful and life is good step"--just slightly better than you are now. The videos give real-life examples of how one goes about it.

But, if you feel it's not for you, you'll find another way.


Thank you.....believe me, I have come a long, long way.......If I believed in any way in the LOA. I would believe that what I attract is death and I know that isn't true..........I have learned to live in the Now and take each day, each hour as it plays out ......I spend a lot of my time trying to help others who have lost loved ones, and in turn this helps me and I share my wondrous experiences with spirit to encourage them as well......A whole new world of spirit has opened up for me and for this I am very grateful.......

13-02-2013, 05:07 AM
I am so sorry to learn of how much you have and are suffering. That is certainly an extraordinary amount of loss and hardship to absorb and contend with. I understand more now why positive thinking seems somewhat alien to your present situation.

Having said that - allow me to tell you a little about how positive thinking was instrumental in saving me during a past, desperately grim/serious situation. Some 30 odd years ago I said goodbye to someone I was deeply in love with because he was not good for me (he excelled in deception and was amoral). The result of this was that it threw me into clinical depression, e.g. I found it difficult to walk....literally so hard to put one foot in front of the other (it was no longer an automatic response). I was finding it very hard to just look after myself - doing the basic stuff that is required daily e.g. getting dressed, eating, organising my day.

At the time I had moved away from friends and was doing a degree course in psychology. I got myself out of that very deep pit without any support whatsoever (of friends or medication). This was partly because I knew I could do it and also because I knew I had to rely on myself to do this; however, primarily it was due to the power of positive thinking...notably discovering and applying freewill to change my mindset.

I have written about the process of this transformation in a short story submitted on this forum - called A Leap Of Faith (in the Quotes & Short Stories section), currently page 4 in the index. I posted the story mostly to help those who might be depressed.

Apologies to mrmagick for this thread going slightly off track by discussing positive thinking. It is often the nature of threads to veer off course from time to time. I hope the info provided is of use though.

Amy Green, thank you for sharing that story and maybe if this all had happened 30 years ago, I would have done better.......I recently almost died, see my thread "Back from the doors of death" but was not even permitted to do that....so I still have work to do to spread the word of survival after death.... I feel that this is my mission and I focus on it very strongly.....I also do have interests such as politics and currant events, reading and music, so I don't just sit around feeling sorry for myself--but of course I often do---which is normal under the circumstances..........thank you again.......

amy green
13-02-2013, 11:14 AM

One of the foundations of LOA is that humans, by definition, are creators of desire. In their beliefs, we come here in order to create desires as springboards to creativity (for us and all our spiritual helpers). When we express a sincere desire, spirit goes about fulfilling the desire, through whatever creative means they can. There is no distinction between "good" desires and "bad".

In this way, this belief is similar to Kabbalah, which says that the Creator created creatures of desire and the Creator wants only to give boundless joy to the Creature. So by this belief, all we can do is desire.

After going to the extremes of desires--even to those that are destructive, at some point, mankind gets to a point where he wishes to give boundless joy like the Creator and realizes that only by being like the Creator can be get that (a selfless desire).

I tend to agree that humans cannot help but desire. We get what we want and pretty soon, we want more. It is the path of infinite growth. Desiring "bad" things is a path of growth as well. Each of us must experience whatever we desire to experience, since there is no hurry, no timeline, as we are infinite. There is only the need to continue to grow and to create--and desires are the means by which we all do this.

Makes sense to me. It is a pretty neat trick to be a Creator who also experiences all that our Creations experience. As humans we are that Creation of ourselves (of the greater part of us that exists outside ourselves). Our Creator (our greater self) knows/experiences what we do. Our Creature has the job of desiring and sensing it's Creator.
Now I'm confused :icon_eek:
Hi Lora - to explain, I didn't say that I don't have desires but that "I don't cultivate desires". There's a distinct difference.

I have been influenced by Mahayana Buddhism and so my past focus had been to minimise desires since they are mostly to do with ego. (I feel I have now mastered this). Focusing on the ego tends to take us away from spirit; indeed this is mentioned in so many spiritual teachings.

I am truly glad and relieved to say that I don't have a list of desires. I am content to let life unfold as it does and to make the best of what transpires.

13-02-2013, 03:47 PM
Thank you.....believe me, I have come a long, long way.......If I believed in any way in the LOA. I would believe that what I attract is death and I know that isn't true..........I have learned to live in the Now and take each day, each hour as it plays out ......I spend a lot of my time trying to help others who have lost loved ones, and in turn this helps me and I share my wondrous experiences with spirit to encourage them as well......A whole new world of spirit has opened up for me and for this I am very grateful.......


Even LOA wouldn't attribute the death of others to you. How you have managed to pull yourself out in those circumstances--is you and it's admirable, and you're already doing great things for other people. Whatever you believe--is right, as it is for all of us.

It does sort of feel like a trap to post a question about LOA when you have already decided it doesn't work. What was your reason if your mind had already been made up?


13-02-2013, 03:51 PM
Hi Lora - to explain, I didn't say that I don't have desires but that "I don't cultivate desires". There's a distinct difference.

I have been influenced by Mahayana Buddhism and so my past focus had been to minimise desires since they are mostly to do with ego. (I feel I have now mastered this). Focusing on the ego tends to take us away from spirit; indeed this is mentioned in so many spiritual teachings.

I am truly glad and relieved to say that I don't have a list of desires. I am content to let life unfold as it does and to make the best of what transpires.

Amy--And I was trying to point out whether you cultivate them or not, you have them. It is not ego, it is the nature of mankind IMO. It is the engine of our creation--of our own lives.

I could say that one of your desires is not to have desires, not to have ego. I personally don't like fighting battles I can't win! :smile: JK.


amy green
13-02-2013, 04:16 PM
Amy--And I was trying to point out whether you cultivate them or not, you have them. It is not ego, it is the nature of mankind IMO. It is the engine of our creation--of our own lives.

I could say that one of your desires is not to have desires, not to have ego. I personally don't like fighting battles I can't win! :smile: JK.

And there it is - the common misconception of negating the ego....it is about diminishing the ego so that it doesn't eclipse the spirit. Too much ego hampers spirituality - that is pretty much a given in most teachings. Humility is a wonderful trait to cultivate.

When it comes to desires, those addressed with LOA and creative manifestation are not the usual creative desires like "I think I'd like to bake a cake" or "I want to paint" but more developed/ambitious desires e.g. "I want to have xyz". This is what I mean by not cultivating desires. I am creative so of course I have the normal, small daily desires of wanting to do things that can be done that day, i.e. that do not require this particular LOA/manifestation process.

Just to put you in the picture, I turned to Mahayana Buddhism not because I had a problem with desires but to master emotional detachment, which I have. Compared to others, I always seem to lack what most people desire anyway. I don't have wishes/longings thankfully. Materialism is not my thing - check out my signature.

13-02-2013, 05:03 PM
And there it is - the common misconception of negating the ego....it is about diminishing the ego so that it doesn't eclipse the spirit. Too much ego hampers spirituality - that is pretty much a given in most teachings. Humility is a wonderful trait to cultivate.

When it comes to desires, those addressed with LOA and creative manifestation are not the usual creative desires like "I think I'd like to bake a cake" or "I want to paint" but more developed/ambitious desires e.g. "I want to have xyz". This is what I mean by not cultivating desires. I am creative so of course I have the normal, small daily desires of wanting to do things that can be done that day, i.e. that do not require this particular LOA/manifestation process.

Just to put you in the picture, I turned to Mahayana Buddhism not because I had a problem with desires but to master emotional detachment, which I have. Compared to others, I always seem to lack what most people desire anyway. I don't have wishes/longings thankfully. Materialism is not my thing - check out my signature.

Amy--From here on it's pretty much a difference of belief and, as I've said often, "Whatever you believe, you're right." ---which is also an offshoot of LOA. You have beliefs, which are thoughts you think a lot. You attract other thoughts like that, you see examples of it in your surroundings, you attract others who believe it. Soon, it becomes your reality, something you have verified. And that's OK.

You are taking the word "creativity" too literally. When I say our desires are the engine of creativity, it applies to everything in your life, not just creating--as in art. It applies to all you want--money, houses, spirituality, etc. You said you want to reduce desires, want to reduce ego--therefore, they are your desires. I was trying to point out that it is impossible not to want. In my book, not worth trying, destructive to try.

If you look at your life as it is--where you live, how you live, what money you have, what friends you have, the quality of your relationships, the material things around you--they are reflections of your true desires. That is, you've attracted what you really care about. Your creation, in my book, also applies to who you "chose" as parents, siblings, life circumstances when you came in.

I look at my life and find that in some things I've done a good job of manifesting. I have a great need for nature, sunlight, home, and those things are good and important. I am doing something wrong in the area of material wealth, creating (as in art and work), and I don't currently have enough close friends. In those areas I have to look at what I am putting out. Usually, it's either a case of projecting my lack instead of the thing I want or that I really don't want the companionship I claim I do.

I'm not trying to make a convert of you. I was just answering the question in the OP, but I do find that those who oppose LOA seem to have an incomplete understanding of what it really says.


amy green
13-02-2013, 07:18 PM
Amy--From here on it's pretty much a difference of belief and, as I've said often, "Whatever you believe, you're right." ---which is also an offshoot of LOA. You have beliefs, which are thoughts you think a lot. You attract other thoughts like that, you see examples of it in your surroundings, you attract others who believe it. Soon, it becomes your reality, something you have verified. And that's OK.

You are taking the word "creativity" too literally. When I say our desires are the engine of creativity, it applies to everything in your life, not just creating--as in art. It applies to all you want--money, houses, spirituality, etc. You said you want to reduce desires, want to reduce ego--therefore, they are your desires. I was trying to point out that it is impossible not to want. In my book, not worth trying, destructive to try.

If you look at your life as it is--where you live, how you live, what money you have, what friends you have, the quality of your relationships, the material things around you--they are reflections of your true desires. That is, you've attracted what you really care about. Your creation, in my book, also applies to who you "chose" as parents, siblings, life circumstances when you came in.

I look at my life and find that in some things I've done a good job of manifesting. I have a great need for nature, sunlight, home, and those things are good and important. I am doing something wrong in the area of material wealth, creating (as in art and work), and I don't currently have enough close friends. In those areas I have to look at what I am putting out. Usually, it's either a case of projecting my lack instead of the thing I want or that I really don't want the companionship I claim I do.

I'm not trying to make a convert of you. I was just answering the question in the OP, but I do find that those who oppose LOA seem to have an incomplete understanding of what it really says.

Thanks for this post. I certainly don't oppose LOA - I believe in it. I carefully choose what I focus on - always.

I guess what you're picking up though is that I'm not interested in the creative manifestation process i.e. of wanting something enough to put this process into action. Of that I am glad. I recognise that most people do find their life lacks certain things that they want to rectify though. Creative manifestation must be a boon for them.

It's all good. We all gravitate to our individual pursuits. :smile:

13-02-2013, 08:27 PM

Even LOA wouldn't attribute the death of others to you. How you have managed to pull yourself out in those circumstances--is you and it's admirable, and you're already doing great things for other people. Whatever you believe--is right, as it is for all of us.

It does sort of feel like a trap to post a question about LOA when you have already decided it doesn't work. What was your reason if your mind had already been made up?


Lora, I believe that it was posed as a question and I was responding with an answer......but yes, my mind was already made up about this issue years ago.......focus without action just doesn't work........

13-02-2013, 08:44 PM
Lora, I believe that it was posed as a question and I was responding with an answer......but yes, my mind was already made up about this issue years ago.......focus without action just doesn't work........

Oh!! My bad Juanita!! I was thinking you were the original poster. It was MrMagic. Soorry--my apologies. Now it makes sense to me.


13-02-2013, 09:15 PM
Law of attraction works when you use or program your subconscious
to do it for you. Programs are available like subliminal flash, subliminal audios, and Night/sleep programming. If you use your conscious mind to use the law of attraction your going to sabotage the manifestation or not have enough "CPU"
to run the event you desire.

13-02-2013, 09:25 PM
Law of attraction works when you use or program your subconscious
to do it for you. Programs are available like subliminal flash, subliminal audios, and Night/sleep programming. If you use your conscious mind to use the law of attraction your going to sabotage the manifestation or not have enough "CPU"
to run the event you desire.
I disagree. I wasn't going to belabor this point but, like any law (gravity, for instance) this works whether you "try" or not.

When you acknowledge the manifestations in your own life and then feel you aren't getting what you want in some areas, then some "trying" is involved. Otherwise, it just is--the proof is in the pudding (of your life).

I like that because it is sort of the ultimate in taking responsibility--for both the good and the bad in your life. It's like the AA sober inventory.

Many object to the idea of us creating our own reality and prefer to give the power over to a God or religion. I've been told this is an egotistical belief. I see it exactly the opposite. Humankind seems to really struggle with accepting their own ultimate power.

If you take no classes, put no effort into it, reject the idea, don't program yourself subliminally--it's still happening. You are still attracting more of that which you put out. Thought is the ultimate creator.


22-02-2013, 03:14 PM
Everything starts with a thought and ends with a thought and therefore our thoughts create our realities.

22-02-2013, 04:44 PM
Everything starts with a thought and ends with a thought and therefore our thoughts create our realities.

Hear, hear~!:smile:


25-02-2013, 04:59 PM
I just recently posted about LOA and how I was getting jazzed about it, but now I'm having serious doubts. Consider all the people in third world countries for example, stuck in jobs working less than minimum wage. Did they think their way into their situations? I just think there are so many complications, like the economy, the power of greed, and ignorance, that we allow people in the world to go on suffering and I just don't see how LOA can change that. I'm sorry for being so negative.

25-02-2013, 05:15 PM
I just recently posted about LOA and how I was getting jazzed about it, but now I'm having serious doubts. Consider all the people in third world countries for example, stuck in jobs working less than minimum wage. Did they think their way into their situations? I just think there are so many complications, like the economy, the power of greed, and ignorance, that we allow people in the world to go on suffering and I just don't see how LOA can change that. I'm sorry for being so negative.
The thing is, Slaga, those economic systems, capitalism, communism--all of it--are our creations as a society, just as we've created our religions, often fear-based. So, yes, this is also due to thoughts of our collective societies in general. Our conceptions of ecology as broken are also the newer social beliefs.

The one objection I see to the LOA as described by Abraham et. al. is that they seem to say "Don't put your attention on the inequities in the world,as it will just lead to more. Just live your life the best you can." But somehow, people can and do chose to make their jobs about correcting inequities--feeding the hungry, removing mines. There are millions of examples. The LOA answer to this seems to be--don't focus your attention on what is wrong, just on what is right. There are things like doctrines like the Magna Carta --which recognize that societies are ready to change from a monarchistic to individualistic societies. I think these kind of doctrines of beliefs have value too.


17-03-2013, 01:52 AM
Perhaps it is the environment that we put ourselves into aswell. I know from experience, personal relationships can sometimes affect how positively one can think about their life. I am still working on this, but I see that over time, and with the help of various methods of self-discovery, I believe that stopping those negative influences, can help make it easier to be more positive.

lily of the valley
23-03-2013, 10:04 PM
I feel your pain, I'm sure that you have been through a lot. About a month ago I lost a dear cousin of mine to cancer at the age of 47, his mother used to be the most sensitive person I had ever met, now she has transformed completely. I thought that she would never be able to handle the loss of her son, but I guess she has no other choice than to choose to live. Please don't keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, because in my opinion, you are conspiring against yourself. God put us on this earth for a reason, let's make the best of it. I too have been bombarded with hardships over the years, many many hardships, but I try to maintain my positive attitude in order to maintain my sanity as well.

24-03-2013, 04:21 AM
I feel your pain, I'm sure that you have been through a lot. About a month ago I lost a dear cousin of mine to cancer at the age of 47, his mother used to be the most sensitive person I had ever met, now she has transformed completely. I thought that she would never be able to handle the loss of her son, but I guess she has no other choice than to choose to live. Please don't keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, because in my opinion, you are conspiring against yourself. God put us on this earth for a reason, let's make the best of it. I too have been bombarded with hardships over the years, many many hardships, but I try to maintain my positive attitude in order to maintain my sanity as well.

Thank you....I understand about your Aunt--you completely change as a person because your whole world has changed....nothing will ever be the same again....you become a new you to fit your new reality......

25-03-2013, 01:55 AM
I guess it is more than just experience and all this. It is a balance of things that have to make sense in there totality. Struggling myself with it also ~~