View Full Version : best uses black pepper essential oil?

05-02-2013, 07:54 PM
Hi guys
I'm new to aromatherapy,have always had a keen interest. I recently purchased some basic oils such as lavender peppermint bergamot...but I also bought black pepper essential oil....has anyone any particular uses for this oil??


Golden Angel
08-02-2013, 05:27 PM
Hi Silverfall i tend to use black pepper essential oils in a warming massage for thing's like a sports massage or to loosen knotted muscles ;)
I hope this helps.
Love GA x

12-02-2013, 07:39 PM
I just recently purchased some...is it supposed to smell pepperminty???

Golden Angel
12-02-2013, 08:00 PM
Hi silverfall, to be honest it has been a good while scince iv used it, i will check to see if i have some left and have a wiff lol.
Love GA x

09-06-2013, 04:33 AM
Mix with ginger and you have a blend for pain and aches

12-02-2014, 05:35 PM
Black Pepper is great for body aches as mentioned above. It is also a rock star with the; common cold, aches & pains, influenza, slow digestion, flatulence & rheumatism. Supports quitting smoking and used in a blend it allows the other constituents to absorb faster.

Spirit Level: Stimulates the Fire Element and the 3rd Chakra.

Energetic Level: Gives Rise to. Sense of security, comforting, directional, endurance. Helps overcome: Emotional blockages, compulsions, confusion and anger.

Contraindications: Not for use during pregnancy, with high blood pressure or the very young or old. Not for evening use due its highly stimulating.

Alway remember you need to blend essential oils in a fatty base before skin application. Sunflower base oil is a great energetic match! Also, if you use in a tub preperation start with low dosage rate (1 - 3 drops) see how your body reacts, before you use more. Can use up to 13 drops.

Enjoy in good health!

31-12-2014, 10:55 AM
Black Pepper does have a sort of get in the back of your nose smell similar to peppermint - it certainly doesn't smell like a packet of peppercorns (like I thought it would haha)

Recommended doses is 8 drops max with carrier oil for 24-48 hours (preferrably 48) and you can mix a max of 3 different oils as long as you don't go over the 8 drops. If you are using any on the face it is 2 drops of 1 oil with carrier. Be careful in the sun after use with most citrus like oils as the can react to the sun - sorry don't have my textbook with me to tell you which ones.

Late reply but thought this info would help =)

11-04-2020, 03:16 AM
On my food. :)