View Full Version : Cleansing Crystals

12-10-2010, 08:23 PM
I believe there are several established ways of cleansing crystals, perhaps the simplest method involving water and visualization of energy. Some will recommend that one cleanses their crystals immediately after purchase to rid them of previous energies, which is highly important given their highly receptive qualities.
The main reason for cleansing crystals is due to the fact they can and do soak up negative energies as well as positive. Apparently, if they soak up too much negativity, they can begin to reflect it onto the user or its environment.

In terms of how often you should cleanse them, there are probably varying answers depending on the individual, and most would recommend doing what feels right for you and your crystals. Once you have spent time with them, allowed them to connect and tune in to you and vice versa, the desired methods for cleansing etc will become evident to you over time, go with what feels right for yourself.

Below are some suggested, established ways of crystal cleansing:

1). Soak the crystal in a mixture of sea salt and spring water; using approximately a teaspoon of salt to every 3 pints of water. Sea salt is preferable to table salt due to its greater purity. Leave the crystals soaking for several hours, preferably over night.

2). Leave the crystal in direct sunlight for a day.

3). Burn some sage and surround the crystals with the smoke; this is an ancient Native American tradition.

4). Cleans them using your purest white light from above; imagine the white light flowing through the crystals and removing all blockages and impurities.

5). Enter your own private ‘waterfall’ or cleansing space and allow the crystals to be cleansed that way, this will also strengthen your personal bond with your crystals as it is very private.

6). Leave your crystals running in a clear, running stream for several hours. Or bury them in the sand and allow the ocean to wash over them, but be careful not to lose them using these methods!

Also note that different crystals may need different cleansing processes, finding this out is simple over time; get to know your crystals, keeping physical contact with them will help. Again, whatever resonates with each crystal and feels right is a good way to decide.

13-10-2010, 01:00 AM
hi Jay, thanks for posting the cleansing crystals suggestions.

One can also put their crystals outside and let them energize in the moonlight . I did this once, and I worried about the crystals all night, lol ! I kept looking outside to make sure they were still there.

Dream Angel xx

13-10-2010, 01:22 AM
Great methods, I actually just buried my amethyst near a tree in a little woody area I live next to.

Dream Angel, I know what you mean. I'm worrying about mine! I hope squirrels or chipmunks don't dig it up. I asked the trees to protect it, but hey, you know how trees are. :tongue:

13-10-2010, 01:24 AM
Verunia, great idea to ask the trees to protect your crystal ! I would have never thought of that.

oh I do hope the squirrels and chipmunks don't find it, just think of their poor teeth as they bite into it ! eek ! :icon_eek:

I think perhaps it is best you camp out overnight, next to your crystal :D

Dream Angel xx