View Full Version : Wiccan Charm [sort-of]

12-10-2010, 10:05 AM

A young wiccan, new to computers, was word-processing a spell but was unsure about the spelling of many words. So, as you do, she pressed SpellCheck with the following result.
The Wiccan Charm

Wicca followers heed the call,

Of Lammas to Imbolg,

Dancing deosil, never widdershins

As we worship ye old religion.

From the Grimoires magic true,

We find that we now have the runes

And the sigils that will bring power

To our Sabbats witching hour.

With a pentacle in hand,

Await the goddess’s command,

Then cast your circle with athame

And with a censer burning vervain.

Throw your talisman into the fire,

And to you comes what you desire.

Then jump astride a besom firm

And ride until the talisman burn.

After SpellChecking –

The Knicker Charm

Knicker followers heed the call,

Lamingtons to imbibe,

Dancing docile, never widdling,

We worship a yelled religion

From the grim one’s magic true,

We find that we now have the runs

And the sickness that will bring power

To our sad bat’s twitching hour.

With a testicle in hand,

Await the goddess’s command,

Then cast your circle with shame

And with a sense of burning vermin.

Throw your tallest man into the fire,

And to you comes what you desire.

Then jump astride a bosom firm

And ride until the tallest man burn.

[ Well, it could be true [lol]]

12-10-2010, 12:07 PM
...always knew...crazy old stan...

12-10-2010, 01:19 PM
Thats hilarious! I actually laughed out loud after reading this! My other half didnt get what was so funny mind you :S