View Full Version : Is this healing?

07-12-2012, 02:35 PM
When a person stands infront of me I can sense all the knots and pains in this persons body and if I were to massage this person I can sense the flow of the bad energy. And also I can sense how to massage this person in order for the bad energy to dissapear or go away or be released.

Also when I do this its almost as if I'm in a trance. I'm here but it's as if I can see more about this person and see how to make them relax or make the pain go away.

Is this healing?

sunny shine
07-12-2012, 03:15 PM
wow if medical practioners could do it ........

07-12-2012, 04:20 PM
It's a bit more complicated. I can't cure anything espescialy if it's a permanent injury. It's more like if someone has a stiff neck or sinusitus. I know that it hurts there without the person telling me. I can sense it on myself like a tingling feeling. I can't cure anything just make it feel a little better.

08-12-2012, 04:41 PM
What I actually want to know is if anyone else has experienced this and if so what is it called?

08-12-2012, 06:45 PM
It's called empathy. You're highly empathic. I am the same way.

You're feeling, not healing- but you're feeling so that you can heal. The purpose of these feelings is to act on them. Say, when you are in a room with somebody and you feel their anxiety, you could try approaching them with an open and loving attitude and attempt to put them at ease.

You've been given a very important and useful tool! :) You can put it to use through a career or volunteer work, or just in random situations that call for it.

09-12-2012, 04:56 AM
Thanks chilly;) just needed a word for it. My mom and my cousin are like this too. Is it genetic?

09-12-2012, 11:10 AM
Hi Jolandie. It sounds very similar to the course I recently took on pranic healing. They teach you how to clean bad energy and focus on localized pain such as sinusitus, etc. Perhaps you could explore something like that in your area. Sounds like you already have most of the skills, i.e., perception. Now all you have to do is learn how to use your very special gift! Good luck!!

09-12-2012, 12:37 PM
I am curious : How do you sense the "bad energy" ?

To answer your question, finding a word to describe this feeling and capability you have, sounds difficult to me.

I'd say that it's more than simple empathy, because you are able to detect things most people cannot, and interact with the energy in a way also personnal. I'd say it's probably linked to a widened perception of energy, it reminds me of the third eye "opening" (the energetic eye). This "eye" can open differently for everyone, I'd advice you to keep on praticising, and to try to "visualise" those feelings, it'll help you later on to be even more efficient.

As to your question whether it's genetic or not, I don't think it's genetic, but I think genetics can transmit an "energetic structure" which allows this kind of perception. In fact, opening the "third eye" is linked to the energy flow within our body.

With Love, Lightful

09-12-2012, 01:14 PM
Lightful, it's like walking into a room when 2 people have just argued in that room. You feel the tension and see the source. I can feel where this person has pain on their body by feeling it on my own and eliminate the energy by "seeing" the flow of the energy. If this makes any sense. Its dificult to explain.

Purplesoul, I'll defnitely look into that it sounds like something I may be interrested in. Tnks.

However I've looked into what chilly has said about empathy and it does fit except for the energy part. I do find that a lot of people are drawn to me and out of nowhere these people will spill their guts and I will automatically try and help resolve their problems with them. I am also very intuned with peoples feelings and can feel when someone is angry or sad without them showing it.

I'll defnitely keep practicing with it because it has become a part of my life and a part of who I am. ;)

09-12-2012, 01:31 PM
it's like walking into a room when 2 people have just argued in that room. You feel the tension and see the source. I can feel where this person has pain on their body by feeling it on my own and eliminate the energy by "seeing" the flow of the energy.

This feeling you are talking about, I understand it quite well. The thing I'm wondering, is why you only seem to "see" what you call "bad energy".

How would you define "bad energy" ?

Also, what do you mean by "eliminating" it ?

If I analyse your way of describing these things, I'd say that you are able to detect lower vibrations, even within the energetic body and in the feelings of others, and then you work on those lower vibrations, and make them higher, which you interpret by "eliminating bad energy".

The thing is that I don't think there is a "bad" or a "good" energy. There is energy which vibrates high or low, and depending how and where this vibration expands, it's in Harmony or not with the surroundings or with the concerned body itself. It is said that the energetic flow in the body may be interrupted or generally corrupted by flawed thoughts, that's because "bad thoughts" create "low vibrations", and those low vibrations resonate somewhere in our body, creating possibly a desease.

Curing people on the pure energetic level, is a good patch for them which may allow them to rebound. But if the problem is deeper, and isn't solved by simple energetic work, it's also important to understand and ask the person about it. I think that it might be a good thing for you, to learn about chakras, and how they are related to feelings or thoughts, how they open or close depending on the Harmony in our thoughts or flaws in it.

This is a way of interpreting it, maybe it may help you ?

With Love, Lightful

09-12-2012, 04:52 PM
No I don't just "see" 'bad energy' energy but I do tend to focus on what is hindering a person.

Also the "bad energy" I'm talking about is the negative unwanted energy that is hurtful to a person. The unwanted energy. In my minds-eye I see it as a black knot Eg. If your knee aches I see the normal flow of energy from your upper thigh to your knee as a sparkling white flow like water. The place that is sore I see as a black blurry kind of knot.

Pehaps saying that I eliminate the energy was poor word choice as english is not my first language it is consideribly harder to explain what I mean, I apologise. Instead of saing eliminate lets say I send it away or I replace it with good intentions a.ka positive energy or I transform it and release it? I guess I'm not really sure thats up for debate! :)

09-12-2012, 05:25 PM
Oh that's great the way you explained things, it makes clear how you perceive those energy flows !

Maybe, those black knots you see, are "stuck" energy ?

What I would like to discuss, is the nature of energy : is it negative or positive ? Or is it our own world view which translates things this way ?

10-12-2012, 07:14 AM
Yes stuck energy is a good way to explain it too.

I think it may be the way one perceives the world. What is negative to one person may not be negative to you or me and same goes for positive.

10-12-2012, 09:15 AM
There is a subjective perception of "good" and "wrong" (positive, negative) but there is also an objective way of describing the Truth