View Full Version : Bad reaction while smudging

02-11-2012, 02:17 PM
I was smudging the house due to a dark dreary feeling in certain rooms of the house. My boyfriend was home and he opened the door to let the smoke out and I said, "What are you doing?! Close that now! You can't do that while I'm smudging!" He knew the sages purpose.
I was SO offended because we had JUST watched a movie where the dad was opening the door and letting the sage smoke out because he didn't like
the smell. Dad ended up demented. SO now I'm worried my boyfriend has some kind
of evil entity attacking him. He needed to get out of the house even after the smell was almost completely gone and there were good smelling candles lit all over the place.
And he was complaining of a head ache and that his whole head was feeling hot.
He was neurotic about making sure it was out.
Did he just really not like the sage or was it a demented jab?

Native spirit
02-11-2012, 02:23 PM
:confused: Your boyfriend could have been more affected by the movie than you were sage wouldnt have affected him like that i think its more to do with the movie you watched more than anything else


02-11-2012, 02:49 PM
I had a similar experience with sage smoke when I was in my early 20's. My friend had just smudged his home and was still burning sage when I arrived at his house. I walked in the door and couldn't stand the smell! It gave me a headache, made me sick to my stomach, and I became agitated. I'll also mention that I wasn't a very positive person at that point in my life. So from my point of view it could be possible that something is messing with him. However it could just be the smoke and the smell of sage, not everyone cares for the odor it produces. I really wouldn't worry too much about it though. There are other methods and incense you could use for cleansing other than sage. You could also try buying a few crystals and see how they work for you. Some crystals have great cleansing and protective properties, Black Tourmaline is a great one. Mind you they come with their own set of rituals needed to cleans and program them before use. Here are a couple of sites you could check out with information on incense and crystals. http://www.ravenandcrone.com/catalog/a72/Magickal-Properties-of-Incense/article_info.html http://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/index.html

02-11-2012, 03:47 PM

It might well be a sensitivity to sage, I have had that come to me over the year's and now I can not be around it at all in a closed space. I have asthma and it totally makes that flare up. If I am being saged outside to enter a sacred space I have to hold me breath til its done or even put on a mask. It makes me feel light headed, and dizzy and those feelings can make one feel very unstable mentally. Does not take much of a lack of air getting to the brain to effect how one feels.

I do not think anything is let in or out if a door is opened or closed. One has made the space protected before one starts.


02-11-2012, 07:18 PM
I (personally) do not care for the smell of male sage.

I use female sage (aka--sweetgrass). I (also) perform cleansings in two phases--first--a banishing phase where I sprinkle a mixture of sea salt, basil, and bay laurel leaves in all the corners, thresholds, and window sills of my home--while speaking my own banishing chant; second--I use female sage to smudge my home and fill the space w/ positivity--as I call forth the energy that I prefer.

Peace and Love on the path of your choice...

Blessed be...