View Full Version : Life after Death, interesting reading....

08-10-2010, 01:58 PM
I came across this on one of the links posted on the forum:

Vital eyewitness messages from the afterlife
Vital messages from afterlife intelligences transmitted in different countries to us humans on this earth in the last few decades REPEATEDLY inform us that, (succinctly put):
• All humans survive physical death, irrespective of their beliefs.
• At the point of death we take our mind with all its experiences, our character and our etheric (spirit) body – which is a duplicate of the earth body. It comes out of the earth body on the point of death and is connected to the earth body by a silver chord. Death occurs when the silver cord is severed from the physical body. Silver Birch, a high Intelligence from the afterlife who has transmitted more than nine books, informs us that in the afterlife the etheric body and our surroundings will be just as solid as our world seems to us now.

• There is no such thing as heaven “up in the sky” or hell “down below”: the location of the afterlife does not change from the earth plane. Just as there are different radio frequencies within the same room different worlds or “spheres” or “planes” inter-penetrate – from the highest vibrations to the lowest.

• There are different levels or “spheres” in the afterlife – from the lowest vibrations to the highest. On physical death we go to the sphere which can accommodate the vibrations we accumulated throughout our life on earth. Simplistically put, most ordinary people are likely to go to the “third” sphere – some people call it the “Summerland.” The higher the vibrations, the better the conditions – this will take us to the higher spheres. We are informed that the higher spheres are too beautiful to even imagine. For those with very, very low vibrations, very serious problems do exist.

• Hell for eternity and eternal damnation were invented by men to manipulate the hearts and the minds of the unaware – they do NOT exist. Whilst there ARE lower spheres in the afterlife that are particularly dark, unpleasant and even horrific – some call them “hell” – ending down there is NOT for eternity. There is always help available for any soul willing to learn the lessons of kindness and unselfishness.

• Once you are freed from the body and enter the afterlife, you will experience a feeling of enormous lightness. Some communicators liken it to taking off a heavy divers’ suit.

• The state of mind at the point of death is crucial. Some pass over consciously and are fully aware of the loved ones who come to welcome the new arrival; others are unconscious and are taken to a special place of rest.• In the areas nearest to our world, the mind creates reality. So those who expect to find nothing may well stay in a deep sleep.

• Those people who have been ill for some time may need to be helped to change their mental picture of themselves and create with their minds a healthy etheric body. “Hospitals” exist for this purpose.• Ordinary reasonable people are met by their loved ones – soul-mates are reunited. Higher Intelligences inform us that in the afterlife our appearance can regress to our best age – for most people, from the early to mid twenties.

• Atheists, agnostics and others may not be encumbered from passing on to the higher spheres – what they did in their lifetime and the motivation for what they did will be important, not what they believed in.

• Not participating in religious rituals, e.g. baptism and confessions, and non-belief in creeds and dogmas does NOT encumber anyone from attaining higher spirituality and the higher afterlife spheres.

• Soon after crossing over you will experience a life-review. In your life review you will experience all of your thoughts, words and deeds and effects they had on others. No-body judges you. You judge yourself by comparing the reality of your life and the effects it had on others with what you set out to do.

• Loved ones from the afterlife, recently arrived and others, do have the power to visit loved ones still living on earth and some of them may even become their “guides”.

• In the afterlife communicating is done by telepathy. Communicating from and to the earthplane with those in the afterlife can be (and is being) done by telepathy.

• Recently arrived loved ones, usually within three months of transition, are permitted to transmit visually – by way of dreams or by apparition and other means – evidence that they are still alive. Many choose to attend their own funerals.
Any physical disabilities people had on earth will disappear. Once they have adjusted mentally there will be no such thing as deformity, sickness, blindness or any other thing that adversely affected them on earth.

• The mind has enormous power in the afterlife. It can create matter there and can cause the body to travel at the speed of thought, e.g. you imagine you are at any place in the world and you are there instantly.
• Some people on earth have a much better transition to the afterlife than others. The more knowledge we have about the afterlife, the easier the transition. It also helps if you are able to control your mind, think positively and concentrate on one thing at a time.

• Some people get stuck “between the two worlds.” Because they still feel themselves solid, they do not accept that they have actually died. Some are afraid of going to the light. Many get into mental confusion and could get lost for decades and even for thousands of years.

• In the afterlife, there is no need to eat or drink or go to sleep. There is no night-time, no rain or bad weather. All is light.

• You will have the opportunity to mix with others of the same vibrations and join with them in co-operative endeavors.

• You will usually find yourself in a house, often the exact replica of a favorite house from your life. Of if you have a clear mental picture of the house you have always wanted and you have earned it, you can create it.
• All animals also survive death. You can expect to be reunited with loved pets who are usually cared for by someone close to you until you arrive. Undomesticated animals continue to exist in their own spheres.
• You can continue to pursue your favorite interests. You can continue to read, enjoy art, music, attend concerts or play sports. Or you can do gardening.
• One can still learn spiritual lessons in the afterlife and progress to higher, even more beautiful spheres.
• You also will have the opportunity to go to the Halls of Learning, and continue to do spiritual work – helping those crossing over or helping others less informed. You may like to do rescue work – informing those lost in the darker realms and who qualify to be in the sphere of the light to come up towards the light. You can be creative in how you spend your time.

• Ultimately, there will come a time when you have to increase your vibrations by increased spirituality to continue to spiritually refine and graduate to a higher realm where circumstances would be much more beautiful and better than the one you were in before.
• This “transition” to the next sphere happens gradually and naturally. You find yourself going into a deep sleep and awaken on the next level.• In the higher spheres, you will be able to recall and see any event in any period of your existence three dimensionally.

• Love, unconditional love, is the most powerful force known in the universe. It is the link with our loved ones in the afterlife.
• No one judges you or condemns you to the lower spheres. You condemn yourself to the lower horrific spheres (“hell”) by the low vibrations (low spirituality) you acquired during life on earth.
• Those who were consistently evil are, on their transition, either left alone or are met by those others of the same very low vibrations and with the same very low spirituality. They are naturally attracted to the darker lower spheres.

• However the universal Law of Progress ensures that at some time in the future those with lower vibrations will eventually, even if it takes eons of time – centuries or even thousands of years – obtain higher vibrations and graduate to the higher spheres.

• Selfishness is one of the greatest transgressions against spirituality and is highly karmic.
• Energy – positive or negative – is a “boomerang.” When you send out good energy towards someone, that good energy is returned sooner or later. If you send out negative energy by unfairly being dishonest against someone, or by cheating, lying, harassing, discrediting or causing harm to someone, that kind of negative energy will inevitably return to you.
• “You will reap what you sow” – the Law of Cause and Effect - is the recognized universal spiritual law. Karma means you will not get away with it. All negative deeds against others have to be experienced for the purpose of “continuous spiritual refinement.”
• Selfishness, abuse of power and systematic harassment of others are two of the most karmic actions. Horrific karma awaits those whose task it was to protect society but themselves willfully abused their power, indulged in willful transgressions and caused harm and injury to others.
• You will NOT be excused for your evil behavior by claiming that you were just obeying orders.
• Cruelty – mental or physical against humans or animals – is highly karmic and is never justified.
• Those who consistently abused and harassed others will have to face their victims in the afterlife to ask for forgiveness. After the severest retribution, the transgressors will have to apologize and seek forgiveness by the victims before they are allowed to make any progress.
• Those who on earth are deeply caught in very strong addictions – drugs, alcohol, gambling, tobacco, or overindulgence in sex – can get caught on the astral level trying to satisfy them.
• A WARNING: Some hallucinogenic drugs have the potency to lift the duplicate out of the physical body. Seen by entities from the afterlife, drug takers “... have pathetic looks as if they had no soul ... they are vacant behind the eyes. When out of the body, other lower entities try to enter the drug-taker's body – then you have possession.”
• Deathbed conversion? We have been and we are repeatedly being informed by Higher Sources that immediately after we die our vibrations do not change – not even if one repents shortly before death. We take with us the accumulated vibrations (spirituality) we gained or lost during our whole lifetime on earth. Baptism as repentance is absolutely meaningless as a way of getting “a better deal” immediately after death.
• If you helped just one person to attain the true knowledge you would have justified your existence on earth – Silver Birch.
• Not everybody has to “reincarnate.”
• You do not come into this world to have a dream run – without pain, suffering, without problems. The more varied your experience, the more learning from many mistakes, the more valuable your lifetime.
• Many of you will be cheated, maligned, unfairly harassed ... but justice will be done... not in your world, maybe, but certainly in the world to come. The universal laws operate whether or not you are aware of them.

• There are some inherent dangers in communicating with entities from the afterlife. Those from the afterlife can sometimes read our minds and can put thoughts and ideas into our minds. Lower, mischievous entities can put negative thoughts and ideas and the positive more enlightened entities assist us with positive thoughts and ideas. A great deal is left to the exercise of free will.
• We are at liberty to call the powerful protectors from the afterlife to assist us in coping with our everyday problems, but they will not make decisions for us.
• Materialists and others spend too much time worrying about their last ten or twenty years on earth and do not spend a tiny fraction of their time thinking what's going to happen to them in the next ten, twenty thousand years, fifty thousand years ... and much, very much longer.
• What will happen to a person who suicides will depend on a number of things. Motivation is always very important. For example, there will be a big difference if one commits suicide because of inevitable death and one who suicides to avoid responsibilities. Those who take their own lives to avoid problems and responsibilities are likely to increase their problems and responsibilities in the afterlife.
• Consistent with the Law of Progress, eventually, even if it takes eons of time, all will progress to the higher spheres.
• Like attracts like in the afterlife. Unlike on the earth plane, those with lower vibrations cannot mix freely with those in the higher spheres.
• Self-responsibility – ultimately, you yourself are responsible for all acts and omissions during your time on the earth plane.
• The kind of life to be lived in the afterlife – the beauty, peace, light and love that await most decent people – is unimaginable.

08-10-2010, 02:11 PM
Tricia, this is the most factual explanation of Summerland that I have come across here or anywhere and I thank you for sharing it.I have said this multiple times, but never as clearly and as detailed.
Only one vital fast seems to have been overlooked or perhaps worded in a different way. Reincarnation does play an integral part of this entire process. One is not required to incarnate, but it does provide the opportunity to advance more quickly, if you bring your understanding of what you need to learn yet. That is the only item that I could add to this perfect description. In fact I am going to print it off so that it never gets lost.
Have you any idea of where this came from originally? Was it a book or someones channeled message or memory ? Amazing~~~~

08-10-2010, 04:42 PM
Tricia, this is the most factual explanation of Summerland that I have come across here or anywhere and I thank you for sharing it.I have said this multiple times, but never as clearly and as detailed.
Only one vital fast seems to have been overlooked or perhaps worded in a different way. Reincarnation does play an integral part of this entire process. One is not required to incarnate, but it does provide the opportunity to advance more quickly, if you bring your understanding of what you need to learn yet. That is the only item that I could add to this perfect description. In fact I am going to print it off so that it never gets lost.
Have you any idea of where this came from originally? Was it a book or someones channeled message or memory ? Amazing~~~~
Hi Summerland, I found it on a link that was posted on here, well a link from a link if you know what I mean :) I'll track it down and post link ok:hug3:

Here is the other part on Reincarnation:

http://www.victorzammit.com/book/4thedition/chapter24.html (http://www.spiritualforums.com/vb/redir.php?link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.victorzammit.com%2 Fbook%2F4thedition%2Fchapter24.html)

08-10-2010, 05:24 PM
Whoa - there it all is folks. Great stuff.

Elaine and D
16-01-2011, 02:14 AM
Thankyou Tricia for posting this article.

I found it really informative and it helped to answer a lot of questions for me and put my mind at ease.



xxx :hug3:

16-01-2011, 11:55 AM
Laid out before our eyes in black and white...What a wonderful post Tricia

Thank you so much for sharing it with us...:hug:

16-01-2011, 03:47 PM
A neat summation of the teachings to be found within the Modern Spiritualism movement and religion.

This would be a great 'sticky' posting for helping enquirers in the Spiritualism forum....

16-01-2011, 09:15 PM
Opps :) Sorry, I just got here, after not being here for a while,, erm... if you know what I mean.
Thanks for your replies and I'm happy you found the article interesting, I know I did.
Tricia x

16-01-2011, 09:23 PM
Opps :) Sorry, I just got here, after not being here for a while,, erm... if you know what I mean.
Thanks for your replies and I'm happy you found the article interesting, I know I did.
Tricia x

Tricia, I have commented on this thread before, but just rereading it was like a visit back home again. And it is still as accurate of a description that I have ever come across. Thanks for resurrecting this thread. This time I am going to print it to keep and reread. Blessings to you. :hug3:

17-01-2011, 11:08 PM
• Soon after crossing over you will experience a life-review. In your life review you will experience all of your thoughts, words and deeds and effects they had on others. No-body judges you. You judge yourself by comparing the reality of your life and the effects it had on others with what you set out to do.

During life we all have things that we would perhaps liked to have done differently and some maybe not at all, I don't think that we are always fully aware of how our actions impact on others. I do think that we make self judgements throughout our lives and often we are our our own very harshest and critical of judges. I am not entirely sure that I would be comfortable addressing and facing issues that I have already addressed while actually living this life.

17-01-2011, 11:15 PM
Somewhat incautiously (unusual for me) I suggested that the opening contribution might be useful as a guide. Since then, however, I have read the piece thoroughly and in parts some reworking is needed.

When I can settle to the task I'll offer a revised version that folks can have a go at and help to improve.

I hope there will be a few prepared to undertake that task for me? :hug3:

17-01-2011, 11:32 PM
Why meddle with Tricia's opening post, it's perfectly all right as it is.

17-01-2011, 11:54 PM
Why meddle with Tricia's opening post, it's perfectly all right as it is.

No it isn't....You'll see when I've offered an amended version.

18-01-2011, 10:35 AM
• Some people get stuck “between the two worlds.” Because they still feel themselves solid, they do not accept that they have actually died. Some are afraid of going to the light. Many get into mental confusion and could get lost for decades and even for thousands of years.

• You also will have the opportunity to go to the Halls of Learning, and continue to do spiritual work – helping those crossing over or helping others less informed. You may like to do rescue work – informing those lost in the darker realms and who qualify to be in the sphere of the light to come up towards the light. You can be creative in how you spend your time.

• Those who were consistently evil are, on their transition, either left alone or are met by those others of the same very low vibrations and with the same very low spirituality. They are naturally attracted to the darker lower spheres.

Hello mac, I have come across this hinterland in literary sources, The " In Ovo " is the expression that seems to stick in my mind from Clive Barkers Imajica. It is a void between departure point and destination and is fairly populated by all accounts.

I was however quiet unaware that any rescue attempts were made from this space.

I do feel that I might have a great many victims to apologise to in so far as I have not always been nice, I have not been physically abusive, but a few tears have been shed as a result of my words. This harks back to my previous post in that many of us square with what we have done as we go through life. I speak exclusively of the irresponsibility of youth. As a teenage boy I was a malcontent and a rebel without a use let alone cause.

I thought I had squared that away as I matured and became more considered in my actions. We all harbour such regrets about the things we wish had not done or things that perhaps we could have done differently.

If there is no redemption in this life and upon parting from it we get force fed our errors again, It loses it's appeal somewhat.

I look forward very much to seeing your revised product, If you do need any feedback or thoughts regarding some of the more grey areas, please PM me and we can discuss or share. The idea being to get everyone over safely and without any anxiety or apprehension.

The life review, may well involve a look at the things that we did badly, The voices did not make me do it, but adolescence and crazy teenage hormones were indeed responsible for some of my earlier excesses and incorporate things that I would never dream of doing now.

It's not a confessional (even though it sounds like one) Because I am not the only one here and anyone who has no regrets in this life has probably decided to ignore certain aspects of their lives.

Keep up the good work ,

20-01-2011, 04:06 AM
I've used the structure of the excellent original. Comments and improvements are invited....:smile:

• All humankind survives physical death, irrespective of belief.

• At the point of death we take with us our mind and character along with all our experiences. We then live in our etheric (spirit) body, a near duplicate of our physical one. It is usually connected to the earth body by a ‘silver cord’ like the umbilical cord of a baby during life but becomes free on corporeal death. When the silver cord is severed there is no possibility of returning to the now dead physical body. The etheric body and our surroundings will feel just as solid as they are to us now.

• There is no Heaven ‘up in the sky’ and no hell ‘down below’; the location of the afterlife and that of the earth plane are coincident. Just as there are different radio or TV frequencies within the same room, different worlds or “spheres” or “planes” inter-penetrate and exist without interfering with one another – from the highest ‘vibrations’ (frequencies) to the lowest.

• There are many levels, spheres or planes of existence in the afterlife. On physical death we go to the level which can accommodate the vibration we have developed throughout our existence(s). Humankind frequently assigns a notional number to these levels and most ordinary people are said to go to the third one, often termed The Summerland. Those more spiritually evolved, of ‘higher’ vibration, will naturally progress to levels where their personal vibration most closely matches that of a particular level. In reality there are no sharply demarcated boundaries between levels. Just a gradual fading out of one and in of the next. We are told that the higher ones are too beautiful even to imagine. Those whose spiritual evolvement has not progressed far may be found in the lower levels, the least evolved - often termed wicked - will be found in regions said to be very dark and drear. They will have much work to do to further their spiritual progression.

• The notions of eternity in Hell and eternal damnation were invented quite literally by men, often to control the uneducated and unaware by fear but it does not exist in the way taught by mainstream religions. Whilst there ARE lower spheres in the afterlife that are particularly dark, unpleasant and maybe horrific – ‘hell’ - individuals do not spend eternity there. There is always help available for any soul prepared to learn the lessons of kindness and unselfishness.

• Once freed from the body, and adjusted to one’s new surroundings, it is said a great sense of freedom is to be expected. Some communicators have likened it to how it might feel when removing a heavy diver’s suit.

• The state of mind at the point of death is highly variable. Some souls pass over conscious of what will follow and are aware of friends and loved ones who come to welcome their arrival; others are unaware and are accompanied to a place of rest and recuperation until they have had time to adjust.

• In the regions nearest to our world, often termed the Astral, mind creates reality. Those who are strongly conditioned to expect nothing after death may well stay in a deep sleep for some considerable time.

• Those who have been ill for some time may need to be helped to shake off their mental image of themselves allowing their healthy etheric body gradually to replace it. Hospital-like places exist for this purpose.

• Ordinary people are likely to be met by family members or friends. Teachers say that in the afterlife our appearance changes to the time when we were at our best in life, often that of a young mature adult.

• Atheists, agnostics and others are not prevented from eventually living in the higher spheres but such attitudes apply mostly to physical or lower etheric planes. If those views are held strongly it may slow the individuals’ spiritual progress.

• Religious rituals such as baptism, confession et al, or conversely not believing in creeds and dogmas do not in themselves impact spiritual progress. Such rituals were created by humankind and have no relevance to spiritual progression. Holding very firms beliefs may, however, prove a barrier to change.

• At some point after crossing over you may choose to carry out a review of your last life. You may consider how your thoughts, words and deeds affected others and yourself. Nobody judges you. You assess your own progress by comparing intentions with outcomes, what you achieved compared with what you set out to do.

• In the afterlife communication is telepathic although normal speech may also appear to be used whilst acclimatising to the new conditions. Communication with those on earth is also telepathic.

• Those passing over may wish to try to communicate their survival to those they loved on earth or to others. This may be far from easy, as shown by the small number of accounts of this happening. Some will choose to attend their own funerals. Physical and mental disabilities will disappear - they are only of the physical overcoat, our bodies.

• The mind has enormous power in the afterlife. It can change the form of matter there and enable travel to apparently distant places at the speed of thought. Picturing oneself somewhere can result in being almost instantly transported there. Movement is not constrained as it is in the physical.

• Some people ‘get stuck’ between the physical and the etheric. They may still feel just as they did before death and not realise, or be unwilling to accept, that they have actually passed over. Confusion or reluctance may last for a considerable time - years, decades or even longer.

• In the afterlife, there is no need to eat or drink or for sleep. There is no night, rain or bad weather. What is found is often the opposite to what is experienced in the physical.

• You will have the opportunity to mix and interact with others of a similar vibration and join with them in co-operative endeavours or you may choose privacy and solitude.

• You may wish to continue living in a house, perhaps a replica of a favourite one, or alternatively you may wish to create something different or even live communally. A loved pet may be waiting for you where a strong enough bond existed in the physical. All such ways will be available.

• You may wish to continue to pursue your favourite interests, there are many books to read, art, music, and concerts will be available, even sporting activities. Or you can do gardening!

• Spiritual progress can continue in the afterlife with eventual progress to higher, even more beautiful spheres. It is taught that repeated return to the physical (reincarnation) is not vital but that it may greatly speed the process of spiritual evolvement. It is neither automatic nor mandatory. It will be chosen by some and not others.

• Halls of Learning are there for all who wish to use them or you may wish to learn to help those crossing over or in other ways. You may even want to learn about and help with rescue work – supporting individuals lost in darker regions but wanting to escape. There is no shortage of work or pastime which may appeal!

• Ultimately, there will come a time - perhaps after many earth lifetimes, perhaps only a few or even one - when you have made sufficient spiritual progress to move on to a new, a higher, vibrational level. This transition to the next sphere happens gradually and naturally. It is sometimes said that this is like another death where the individual leaves behind what was familiar and moves on to a new plane of existence.

• It is possible to visit levels lower than your own but not to live there - you may have friends and relatives still there with whom you wish to keep in contact.

Like attracts like in the afterlife. Unlike on the earth plane, those with lower vibrations cannot mix freely with those in the higher spheres. Although it is not possible to visit the higher spheres you may be made aware, by more advanced souls, of what happens there.

Love is the mechanism whereby we may stay in touch with others in the physical or in levels different from our own. It is the most powerful force known.

20-01-2011, 06:57 AM
Excellent explaination,Mac.
It makes a lot of sense too,not like some that require a lot of thinking and understanding about.

What I would like to know is this.
How do we know in this life what plain we will reach when we eventually pass to spirit?

I have many friends and family who are definately more evolved than I am.
How do we know what 'evolved' actually means?

More spiritually minded or just pure at heart?

Deepsea (J).

20-01-2011, 02:51 PM
Excellent explaination,Mac.
It makes a lot of sense too,not like some that require a lot of thinking and understanding about.

What I would like to know is this.
How do we know in this life what plain we will reach when we eventually pass to spirit?

I have many friends and family who are definately more evolved than I am.
How do we know what 'evolved' actually means?

More spiritually minded or just pure at heart?

Deepsea (J).
I don't have a clue if anyone can actually know what level they will return to after their passing..... They may claim they know and maybe they do? But maybe they don't?

Perhaps after a certain point in our spiritual evolvement we may inwardly know we are unlikely to need to return for any further physical lives? Until we were to reach such a point we wouldn't know that it actually exists...and once we're at that point we'd become one of the individuals who feel sure they are on their last visit here, but who we doubt!

We see in anyone's physical form potentially only a fraction of their spirit self. Based on this it may appear that others are more spiritually evolved than we are but we don't know how evolved any of us are. (however we assess that) Perhaps what we see actually is a true reflection of how evolved anyone is - and perhaps not. :wink:

Having said all that it may be that certain exceptional individuals are envoys for the great spirit, individuals of high evolvement who have undertaken missions in our world to begin to bring about changes desirable in moving humankind globally forward.

20-01-2011, 03:58 PM
Talking about the spiritually inclined,folks tend to think of someone who is kind and generous not involved in spirit.
There are two kinds I would say, of spiritually minded people.

There are those who do kind deeds for the public and there are those who are highly involved in spirit work.

Now I wonder which of those two would be of the higher plane,Mac

J. x

20-01-2011, 04:02 PM
Talking about the spiritually inclined,folks tend to think of someone who is kind and generous not involved in spirit.
There are two kinds I would say, of spiritually minded people.

There are those who do kind deeds for the public and there are those who are highly involved in spirit work.

Now I wonder which of those two would be of the higher plane,Mac

J. x

You got me there, J. It's not within my little understanding....

20-01-2011, 04:14 PM
You got me there, J. It's not within my little understanding....

Nor mine,Mac. Just thought I would ask.

Now where do I place my concentration?

Being kind to old people or studying up the latest spiritual facts?


20-01-2011, 04:17 PM
Nor mine,Mac. Just thought I would ask.

Now where do I place my concentration?

Being kind to old people or studying up the latest spiritual facts?


As I fit into the former category, go with that! :D

20-01-2011, 04:35 PM
As I fit into the former category, go with that! :D

One must start with one's self to practice,Mac.

Now what was I going to treat myself to next?

Goes and gets Mac's walking stick for him..............:crybaby2:


20-01-2011, 06:23 PM
One must start with one's self to practice,Mac.

Now what was I going to treat myself to next?

Goes and gets Mac's walking stick for him..............:crybaby2:


walking stick? Zimmer frame! :D

20-01-2011, 07:29 PM
walking stick? Zimmer frame! :D

It was walking stick an hour ago.

Things are deteriorating...........
Gets the wheelchair...........:crybaby2:


20-01-2011, 08:14 PM
It was walking stick an hour ago.

Things are deteriorating...........
Gets the wheelchair...........:crybaby2:


Might need that - been out running this morning - pretty pooped! :D

20-01-2011, 09:03 PM
Might need that - been out running this morning - pretty pooped! :D

Oh God! Send for the doctor..............:crybaby2:

21-01-2011, 05:05 AM
Apologies - I'm frequently accused of being too serious - when I'm not you can see the outcome.:icon_frown:

I've used the structure of the excellent original. Comments and improvements are invited....:smile:

• All humankind survives physical death, irrespective of belief.

• At the point of death we take with us our mind and character along with all our experiences. We then live in our etheric (spirit) body, a near duplicate of our physical one. It is usually connected to the earth body by a ‘silver cord’ like the umbilical cord of a baby during life but becomes free on corporeal death. When the silver cord is severed there is no possibility of returning to the now dead physical body. The etheric body and our surroundings will feel just as solid as they are to us now.

• There is no Heaven ‘up in the sky’ and no hell ‘down below’; the location of the afterlife and that of the earth plane are coincident. Just as there are different radio or TV frequencies within the same room, different worlds or “spheres” or “planes” inter-penetrate and exist without interfering with one another – from the highest ‘vibrations’ (frequencies) to the lowest.

• There are many levels, spheres or planes of existence in the afterlife. On physical death we go to the level which can accommodate the vibration we have developed throughout our existence(s). Humankind frequently assigns a notional number to these levels and most ordinary people are said to go to the third one, often termed The Summerland. Those more spiritually evolved, of ‘higher’ vibration, will naturally progress to levels where their personal vibration most closely matches that of a particular level. In reality there are no sharply demarcated boundaries between levels. Just a gradual fading out of one and in of the next. We are told that the higher ones are too beautiful even to imagine. Those whose spiritual evolvement has not progressed far may be found in the lower levels, the least evolved - often termed wicked - will be found in regions said to be very dark and drear. They will have much work to do to further their spiritual progression.

• The notions of eternity in Hell and eternal damnation were invented quite literally by men, often to control the uneducated and unaware by fear but it does not exist in the way taught by mainstream religions. Whilst there ARE lower spheres in the afterlife that are particularly dark, unpleasant and maybe horrific – ‘hell’ - individuals do not spend eternity there. There is always help available for any soul prepared to learn the lessons of kindness and unselfishness.

• Once freed from the body, and adjusted to one’s new surroundings, it is said a great sense of freedom is to be expected. Some communicators have likened it to how it might feel when removing a heavy diver’s suit.

• The state of mind at the point of death is highly variable. Some souls pass over conscious of what will follow and are aware of friends and loved ones who come to welcome their arrival; others are unaware and are accompanied to a place of rest and recuperation until they have had time to adjust.

• In the regions nearest to our world, often termed the Astral, mind creates reality. Those who are strongly conditioned to expect nothing after death may well stay in a deep sleep for some considerable time.

• Those who have been ill for some time may need to be helped to shake off their mental image of themselves allowing their healthy etheric body gradually to replace it. Hospital-like places exist for this purpose.

• Ordinary people are likely to be met by family members or friends. Teachers say that in the afterlife our appearance changes to the time when we were at our best in life, often that of a young mature adult.

• Atheists, agnostics and others are not prevented from eventually living in the higher spheres but such attitudes apply mostly to physical or lower etheric planes. If those views are held strongly it may slow the individuals’ spiritual progress.

• Religious rituals such as baptism, confession et al, or conversely not believing in creeds and dogmas do not in themselves impact spiritual progress. Such rituals were created by humankind and have no relevance to spiritual progression. Holding very firms beliefs may, however, prove a barrier to change.

• At some point after crossing over you may choose to carry out a review of your last life. You may consider how your thoughts, words and deeds affected others and yourself. Nobody judges you. You assess your own progress by comparing intentions with outcomes, what you achieved compared with what you set out to do.

• In the afterlife communication is telepathic although normal speech may also appear to be used whilst acclimatising to the new conditions. Communication with those on earth is also telepathic.

• Those passing over may wish to try to communicate their survival to those they loved on earth or to others. This may be far from easy, as shown by the small number of accounts of this happening. Some will choose to attend their own funerals. Physical and mental disabilities will disappear - they are only of the physical overcoat, our bodies.

• The mind has enormous power in the afterlife. It can change the form of matter there and enable travel to apparently distant places at the speed of thought. Picturing oneself somewhere can result in being almost instantly transported there. Movement is not constrained as it is in the physical.

• Some people ‘get stuck’ between the physical and the etheric. They may still feel just as they did before death and not realise, or be unwilling to accept, that they have actually passed over. Confusion or reluctance may last for a considerable time - years, decades or even longer.

• In the afterlife, there is no need to eat or drink or for sleep. There is no night, rain or bad weather. What is found is often the opposite to what is experienced in the physical.

• You will have the opportunity to mix and interact with others of a similar vibration and join with them in co-operative endeavours or you may choose privacy and solitude.

• You may wish to continue living in a house, perhaps a replica of a favourite one, or alternatively you may wish to create something different or even live communally. A loved pet may be waiting for you where a strong enough bond existed in the physical. All such ways will be available.

• You may wish to continue to pursue your favourite interests, there are many books to read, art, music, and concerts will be available, even sporting activities. Or you can do gardening!

• Spiritual progress can continue in the afterlife with eventual progress to higher, even more beautiful spheres. It is taught that repeated return to the physical (reincarnation) is not vital but that it may greatly speed the process of spiritual evolvement. It is neither automatic nor mandatory. It will be chosen by some and not others.

• Halls of Learning are there for all who wish to use them or you may wish to learn to help those crossing over or in other ways. You may even want to learn about and help with rescue work – supporting individuals lost in darker regions but wanting to escape. There is no shortage of work or pastime which may appeal!

• Ultimately, there will come a time - perhaps after many earth lifetimes, perhaps only a few or even one - when you have made sufficient spiritual progress to move on to a new, a higher, vibrational level. This transition to the next sphere happens gradually and naturally. It is sometimes said that this is like another death where the individual leaves behind what was familiar and moves on to a new plane of existence.

• It is possible to visit levels lower than your own but not to live there - you may have friends and relatives still there with whom you wish to keep in contact.

Like attracts like in the afterlife. Unlike on the earth plane, those with lower vibrations cannot mix freely with those in the higher spheres. Although it is not possible to visit the higher spheres you may be made aware, by more advanced souls, of what happens there.

Love is the mechanism whereby we may stay in touch with others in the physical or in levels different from our own. It is the most powerful force known.

21-01-2011, 06:25 AM
thank you for sharing this...ever since my uncle passed i have been thinking about death more than i would like and i started to question my beliefs and started fearing death because i started to think that nothing was there nothing was after life partially because i thought i would get a message from him, everyone else was but i felt left out and i started questioning like i said i started fearing it because i finally found my soul-mate and i didn't want to lose him but since i read this it has put my mind at ease knowing that there is something that it is fact that i will be with my soul-mate and i will see my family i can not tell you enough how much this has helped me

21-01-2011, 02:59 PM
thank you for sharing this...ever since my uncle passed i have been thinking about death more than i would like and i started to question my beliefs and started fearing death because i started to think that nothing was there nothing was after life partially because i thought i would get a message from him, everyone else was but i felt left out and i started questioning like i said i started fearing it because i finally found my soul-mate and i didn't want to lose him but since i read this it has put my mind at ease knowing that there is something that it is fact that i will be with my soul-mate and i will see my family i can not tell you enough how much this has helped me

I'm heartened to learn that the words have brought you some comfort. :redface:

12-02-2011, 07:28 PM
Thank you very interesting