View Full Version : Spiritual Anarchism, an Egalitarian Technocracy, and Consciousness Shift

16-09-2012, 12:42 AM
To me, spiritual/ethical anarchism is the view that all coercive elements of society should be abolished on the basis of humanity's moral nature, which transcends the scope of world religions.

An egalitarian technocracy is a high-tech society, where much of humanity's time is freed up because machines are performing the vast majority of humanity's tasks.

A consciousness shift refers to humanity's mass awakening to our essential nature as infinite beings of light and love. It is a time when humanity realizes our full potential and we start to harness that energy and manifest positive change in our lives and everyone else's who is in our experience.

Employing principles such as bottom-up organization, direct and participatory democracy, volunteerism, worker controlled workplace, workers counsels, self-ownership, decentralization, and free association,

What is the likelihood that humanity is experiencing a major shift in consciousness and self-realization, which is serving as a seed to a potential evolving into an egalitarian technocracy society that is based in spiritual anarchism?

24-10-2012, 12:01 AM
Are you referring to the Venus Project, or something else?