View Full Version : Near-Death Experience, from a Catholic

06-08-2012, 07:46 AM
My boyfriend’s grandmother once talked to me about her near-death experience when the doctors were removing a few tumors from her uterus. I don’t explicitly remember any complications so I am pretty sure she did not die, but I think she did mention some complications, I don’t remember too well anymore, haha… Anyway she did travel, and the doctor was happy enough to listen, in fact the doctor asked her about her NDE.

She was standing in a dark place and in front of her was a very, very narrow path, just big enough for her to fit through (she is very skinny), and the pathway itself was very hot. She travelled this path, and she said it was so difficult but she travelled it to the point where she was practically crawling. At the end of it she saw St. Peter. He said “Child, try… Just try… reach for it.” He was apparently referring to a cloud directly in front of her. It was difficult but she managed to reach it, and she woke up as soon as she touched it (the doctors woke her up).

She told me that the pathway was very hot because she was a sinner as we all are, and that if she had not reached that cloud she would surely have died. Now, I am not a big fan of biblical beliefs, but I wonder if her own faith has influenced her NDE?

06-08-2012, 08:10 AM
Now, I am not a big fan of biblical beliefs, but I wonder if her own faith has influenced her NDE?
Your posts are always so interesting, Syb! Generally, people who pass over - either briefly or permanently - see some sort of tunnel or path. What they see depends on their own beliefs. Christians often see Jesus or St. Peter, or God the Father; those of other religions often see a religious figure from their own religion. Those without fixed religious beliefs generally see a path or tunnel leading to light and incredible bliss.

Generally speaking, those without rigid religious beliefs have an easier time adjusting to life on the astral. Those with very rigid beliefs - that their religion is the only true one - go to their own "belief territory", as they cannot accept that those of other religions, or no religion, have also passed to the astral. It can be very difficult for them to accept the full reality: that we all pass over to the astral.

06-08-2012, 09:28 AM
Aww, thanks LPC!! ♥ That really did warm me up :redface: :redface: :redface:

I was asking because I have seen a video about an Atheists' NDE and he was describing objects that didn't seem to have any religious preference, and then this, but at the same time people have told me that religious people have also seen non-religious symbols. So for a little bit I though, hmmm, maybe even Death has different levels, you know, one where you are still attached to your ego and human memories cause you're not that dead yet, and another where you're not and stuff, because you actually really died, maybe a second or two longer than the previous sort of NDe experiencer.

But now I read your post and I think you’re right, it depends on how attached or rigid you are in your beliefs before you NDE’d in the first place. :D