View Full Version : Isis, Mistress of the House of Life

01-08-2012, 10:41 PM
Isis is a goddess many people are vaguely familiar with. Her worship seems to have originated in the Fourth Dynasty (roughly 2613 to 2494 BCE), from what evidence we have. In later times the island of Philae was the center of her cultus, from where her worship spread throughout much of the Western World, from Nubia to London, from Gaul to Iraq.

In the early periods of Egyptian history she was seen as a goddess of royalty, the protector of the throne's power and the person who sits upon it; which is unsurprising since in Egyptian, her name, which is commonly spelled Aset (Isis is the Greek transliteration of the Ancient Egyptian) means she of the throne. She is the daughter of Nut & Geb, the Sky and Earth. And married to her brother Osiris, who was the Pharaoh of Egypt. In the earliest accounts of the myth, which is only alluded to in the Egyptian texts, Osiris drowned in the Nile. But the most well recorded myth from Greco-Roman sources is where Osiris is tricked by his jealous brother Set and killed; then dismembered and the pieces scattered around the lands. Isis, mourns her husband, her tears causing the annual flooding of the Nile, then with the help her sister Nephthys finds the pieces of their brother and uses her magic to restore him to life, conceiving a son off him, before he goes down to the underworld to rule as the Pharaoh of the afterlife (thereby creating the afterlife itself).

Isis hides in a field of reeds from her blood-thirsty brother Set even after she gives birth to her son Horus. She travels about with him, protecting him with her magic. One mythic spell recounts how the Child was stung by a scorpion and neared death, Isis' anguished cries shook the entire earth and even stopped the Sun-Barque in the sky, causing Thoth to come down and assist her with his magical knowledge, and helps her restore her child to health.

Eventually Horus contends with his uncle Set and wins the throne of Egypt after a lengthy series of trials. Isis is thus the wife of the King of the Dead, and the mother of the King of the Living.

Another myth recounts how Ra once ruled the land before Osiris, but he had grown old and drooled as he slept. Isis, in her cunning took some of his spittle as he slept and kneaded it into some clay to form a serpent, which she placed in the path of the god's daily procession. As he passed by the snake bit him and caused unbearable agony, he screamed and writhed calling his attendants to him. His best healers and magicians could do nothing for his pain. Isis, taking her chance steps forth and claims she will be able to remove the venom from him if reveals his secret name to her - which is a very important thing, in Ancient Egypt the true name of things was believed to confer control and power to those who know them. So, Ra told her that he was the one who created all things, and with the opening and closing of his eyes light came upon the earth, or darkness shrouded it. He is called Khepri in the morning, Ra at midday and Atum in the evening. But the poison did not abate, and she told him that none of those were his secret name. Finally Ra relented and spoke his true name to her, giving her his powers.

Thus, Isis was seen as one of the most powerful of gods, she was called Great of Magic, and She Who Gives Birth to Heaven & Earth. Historically as time went on she absorbed other goddesses in terms of functions and powers. She became associated with the sky and love as Hathor was, she also was identified with the protective scorpion goddess Serqet, and even the primal creatrix Neith. By the time of the Ptolemaic rule she had been seen as the Egyptian Demeter and Aphrodite. Her cult was brought to Rome by sailors and quickly took hold. Hers was a mystery religion where people were initiated into the sacred mystery where she grants her followers immortality and protection from fate, just as she did with her husband and son.

The Greco-Roman worship of Isis differed from her original Egyptian form, she became a universal savior goddess who listened to all people - both slaves and emperors joined each other in worship of her. She was called the Star of the Sea, because the star Sept, or Sirius was connected with her. She is the Lady of Green Crops, and the One Who Hears the Orphan and the Widow.

Conservative Romans disliked her cult because it was heavily connected with the Hellenistic dynasty that ruled Egypt in opposition from Rome. Her colorful annual processions in port towns were considered uncouth by more traditional Romans. Even so, her worship spread across the entire Empire - until the decrees of the Christian emperors outlawed her cult, she was one of the principal divinities.

In one of the only complete Roman novels, her mercy is the culmination of the story, it can be read here: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/lucius-assa.asp

In her aretalogy (a list of proclamations of a god to assert their powers) , she is seen as a powerful goddess with a massive sphere of influence:

I am Isis, ruler of every land
I was taught by Hermes (Thoth) and with Hermes devised
letters, both hieroglyphic and demotic, that all might not
be written with the same.
I gave laws to mankind and ordained
what no one can change
I am the eldest daughter of Kronos
I am the wife and sister of King Osiris
I am the one who discovered wheat for mankind
I am the mother of King Horus
I am the one who rises in the Dog-star
I am the one called Goddess by women
For me was built the city of Bubastis
I separated the earth from the Heaven
I showed the paths of the stars
I regulated the course of the sun and the moon
I devised the activities of seamanship
I made what is right strong
I brought together woman and man
I assigned to women to bring into
light of day their infants
in the tenth month
I ordained that parents should be loved by children
I imposed punishment upon those unkindly disposed
towards their parents
I with my brother Osiris put an end to cannibalism
I taught men the initiation into mysteries
I instructed them to revere images of the gods
I established the sacred cult places of the gods
I abolished the rules of the tyrants
I put an end to murders
I compelled women to be loved by men
I made the right stronger than gold and silver
I ordained that the true should be considered good
I devised marriage contracts
I assigned to Greeks and barbarians their languages
I made the good and the bad to be distinguished by nature
I made that nothing should be more fearful than an oath
I have delivered him who unjustly plots against others into
the hands of the one against whom he plotted
I impose retribution upon those who do injustice
I decreed that mercy be shown to suppliants
O honor those who justly defend themselves
With me the right has power
I am the mistress of rivers and winds and sea
No one is honored without my consent
I am the Mistress of War
I am the Mistress of the thunderbolt
I calm the sea and make it surge
I am in the rays of the sun
I attend the sun in its journey
What I decree, that is also accomplished
All yield to me
I set free those who are in bonds
I am the Mistress of seamanship
I make the navigable un-navigable, whenever I so decide
I founded enclosure walls of the cities
I am called the Lawgiver
I brought up islands out of the depths into the light
I am the Mistress of rain
I conquer Destiny
Destiny obeys me
Hail, O Egypt, that nourished me!

It's unsurprising to see why she was, and is, such a popular and magnificent goddess. She has a myriad of powers and great knowledge. What is more, she is disposed to listen to the prayers of all, and grant her favor on those who beseech her. She is the One Who Is All, the Queen of Heaven, The Mother of the Gods. She of The 10,000 Names.

01-08-2012, 10:50 PM

A Roman statue of Isis.

Another Roman representation of her as Isis Fortuna


Egyptian statue where she nurses her son Horus


A tomb painting where she feeds the queen Nefertari life (symbolized by the ankh) in the afterlife.

02-08-2012, 09:33 PM
O wealth-giver, Queen of the gods, Hermouthis, Lady,
Omnipotent Agathe Tyche, greatly renowned Isis,
Deo, highest Discoverer of all life,
manifold miracles were Your care that you might bring livelihood to mankind and morality to all;
(and) You taught customs that justice might in some measure prevail;
You gave skills that men’s life might be comfortable,
and You discovered the blossoms that produce edible vegetation.
Because of You heaven and the whole earth have their being;
And the gusts of the winds and the sun with its sweet light.
By Your power the channels of Nile are filled, every one,
At the harvest season and its most turbulent water is poured
On the whole land that produce may be unfailing.
All mortals who live on the boundless earth
Thacians, Greeks and Barbarians,
Express Your fair Name, a Name greatly honoured among all, (but)
Each (speaks) in his own language, in his own land.
The Syrians call You, Astarte, Artemis, Nanaia,
The Lycian tribes call You: Leto, the Lady,
The Thracians also name You as Mother of the gods,
And the Greeks (call You) Hera of the great throne, Aphrodite,
Hestia the goodly, Rhea and Demeter.
But the Egyptians call You Thiouis’ (because they know) that You, being
One, are all
Other goddesses invoked by the races of men.
Mighty One, I shall not cease to sing of Your great Power,
Deathless Saviour, many-named , mightiest Isis,
Saving from war, cities and all their citizens:
Men , their wives, possessions, and children.
As many as are bound fast in prison, in the power of death,
As many as are in pain through long, anguished, sleepless nights,
All who are wanderers in a foreign land,
And as many as sail on the Great Sea in winter
When men may be destroyed and their ships wrecked and sunk…
All (these) are saved if they pray that You be present to help.
Hear my prayers, O One Whose Name has great Power;
Prove Yourself merciful to me and free me from all distress.
wrote (it)

07-08-2012, 12:00 AM
The lightning flash strikes, the gods are afraid, Isis awakes pregnant with the seed of her brother Osiris, She is uplifted, even she the widow, and her heart is glad with the seed of her brother Osiris. She says "O you gods, I am Isis, the sister of Osiris, who wept for the father of the gods, even Osiris, who judged the slaughtering of the Two Lands. His seed is within my womb, I have molded the shape of the god within the egg as my son, who is at the head of the Ennead. What he shall rule is this land, the heritage of his grand-father Geb, what he shall say is concerning his father, what he shall kill is Set the enemy of his father Osiris. Come, you gods, protect him within my womb, for he is known in your hearts. He is your lord, this god who is in his egg, blue-haired of form, lord of the gods, and great and beautiful are the vanes of the two blue plumes.

"Oh!" says Atum, "guard your heart, O woman! How do you know? He is the god, lord and heir of the Ennead, who made you within the egg."

"I am Isis, one more spirit-like and august than the gods; the god is within this womb of mine and he is the seed of Osiris."

Then says Atum, "You are pregnant and you are hidden, O girl! You will give birth, being pregnant for the gods, seeing that he is the seed of Osiris. May that villain who slew his father not come, les he break the egg in its early stages, for the Great-of-Magic will guard against him."

Thus says Isis, " Hear this, you gods, which Atum, Lord of the Mansions of the Sacred Images, has said. He has decreed for me protection for my son within my womb. He has knit together an entourage about him within this womb of mine, for he knows that he is the heir of Osiris, and a guard over the Falcon who is in this womb of mine has been set by Atum, Lord of the Gods. Go up on earth, that I may give you praise. The retainers of your father Osiris will serve you, I will make your name, for you have reached the horizon, having passed by the battlements of the Mansion of Him whose name is hidden. Strength has gone up within my flesh, power has reached into my flesh..."

trans. R.O. Faulkner

07-08-2012, 12:21 AM
Isis the great, Mother of the God, Isis the Divine, the daughter of Nut, Isis the great of Magic, Isis the possessor of magical protection, Isis the possessor of rolls; Isis who protected her Father, Isis the Ruler of rolls; Isis in Asyut, Isis as ruler of Shesmin, Isis in Behbit (Iseum), Isis in Pe, Isis in Dep, Isis in Coptos, Isis in charge of Pe, Isis in Akhmin, Isis in Abydos, Isis in King’s House, Isis in the Sky, Isis in the earth; Isis in the south, in the north, Isis in the west, the east; Isis in the southern and northern chapel of Sais, Isis in the northern chapel of Sais, Isis in all her Manifestations, Isis in all her characters, Isis in all her Aspects, Isis in every place where her Spirit desires to be.

07-08-2012, 12:33 AM
Isis (left) & Epona (right) from Pompeii wall painting.

Isis carving at Philae, showing her with the celestial cow horns and vulture head dress

19-02-2020, 05:38 PM
"Goddess worship was prevalent in the ancient world and the devotion of the Catholic Church to the Virgin Mary is one example of the influence of the feminine principle on early Christian Belief. The Virgin was given the title Queen of Heaven. The statues of the Madonna holding the infant Jesus in her arms erected in Catholic churches are almost exact copies of the effigies of Isis suckling Horus, found in Egyptian temples."

See also this paragraph from Plutarch's The Mysteries of Isis and Osiris at Chapter IX: "In the temple erected at Sais (ancient regional capital, western Egypt) to Athena who, according to some, is Isis herself, above the portal is written "I am all that has been, is and ever shall be; and no mortal has lifted my veil." Athena was a virgin goddess, and like Mary, born of a virgin.

An apparition of the Virgin has appeared on more than 500 occasions in the years since 1251. Often She has referred to Herself as Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.
The turning point came at Lourdes, France on 25 March 1858 when in response to a request by the visionary Bernadette Soubirous for her name, the apparition stated "I am the Immaculate Conception." This is not a name but an action, and means: "I am the fertilization of the ovum without male sperm." She self-fertilized. She is the origin of all things.

That the Immaculate Conception of 1858 is Isis returned is confirmed elsewhere by Plutarch at Chapter LXII: "Isis is also called Athena which means 'She who originated from Herself'", i.e She self-fertilized. The mediaeval belief makes its enormous meaning clear by its numerous surviving statuettes of the kind called "Vierge Ouvrante". These represent the Virgin as a wooden statue, the front of her body opening like a pair of doors to reveal the Trinity inside Her: Father, Son and Holy Ghost, so that they appear to have originated from Her substance.

The first occasion when the Virgin in apparition appears to have abrogated Her role as Mary, Mother of Jesus, occurred at Banneux, Belgium, a farming village ten kilometres south-east of Liege, when in eight apparitions to 12-year old Mariette Beco between 15 January and 2 March 1933 She identified Herself as "Queen of All Peoples" and told the child, "Believe in Me and I shall believe in you."

Her subsequent apparitions, said to number one hundred and five, occurred between 1 November 1937 and 4 November 1940 at a Catholic village in Germany with a population of 2,000. The venue was at Heede on the Ems river, close to the North Sea and Dutch border and the Virgin appeared to four girls aged between 11 and 13 years: Anna Schulte, Margaret and Greta Ganseforth and Susanna Bruns. After a few days a Luftwaffe police detachment took them into custody and conveyed them to a mental institution at Göttingen where they were investigated by psychiatrists for a month and discharged unharmed, the authorities being satisfied that there was no political background to the apparitions.

On 5 April 1939 Margaret Ganseforth stated: "I saw the Mother of God directly in front of me standing one metre away and I asked Her how She wished to be invoked. She replied: "As Queen of the Universe and Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory."

The groundwork had thus been laid by "The Queen of the Universe" to be identified as "Queen of All Peoples", and as one may perceive, these ideas contained a threat to the continuing existence of the Church of Rome and its dogma. In 1945 on the 87th anniversary of the revelation of Her identity and nature by the Immaculate Conception at Lourdes, battle with the Church was joined, as will be explained next.

21-02-2020, 02:38 PM

In the 12th century, St Bernard of Clairvaux drew attention to the problem of Purgatory.

Jesus' Kingdom is one of Law and Justice (…"it shall be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle…) and so few indeed gain access to the heavenly realms through him.
Mary controls the Kingdom of Mercy and so puts out Her hands to help up those of her devotees who beseech Her.

For this reason a century later, Mary acted as Co-Redeemer ("Co-Redemptrix") for the first time in 1251 when in an apparition at Aylesford She bestowed on the Carmelite Order in England the indulgence that whoever should die clothed in the habit of the Order would not suffer eternal fire. In 1322 She extended the Sabatini Privilege to anybody who wore Her brown scapular and adhered to the rules attaching to it.

She promised: "After they leave this world and enter Purgatory, I shall descend there on the Saturday following their death and liberate as many of my devotees as I find in that place of expiation, and raise them to the Holy Mount of eternal life."

The terms of the award of the brown scapular were the first ever indication that Mary's realm does not extend to Christians only. Without dwelling on the difficulties caused by the growth of communism, bolshevism and atheism as the principal cause of Her revolution in the early 20th century, we find that the Virgin in apparition asked to be invoked as "Our Lady of All Nations" for the first time at Banneux in Belgium in the first months of 1933.

At Heede in Germany in 1937 as "Queen of the Universe" she drew attention to the reason for Her return when She also asked to be invoked as "Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory".

The foregoing indicates the Causation. In the Third Part I show how this was received by the Church of Rome.

21-02-2020, 08:18 PM

Ida Peedersen (b. Alkmaar 1905, d. Amsterdam 1996) was a person described as being gifted with slight clairvoyance but lacking in imagination. She shared a house in Amsterdam with her sisters. These sisters would usually be present during the apparitions of the Virgin and the eldest would note down the words which Ida spoke, repeating what the Virgin said.

The greater part of what was told to Ida Peedersen consisted of predictions, and justifications of Our Lady's claim as Co-Redemptrix based on difficult to understand interpretations of New Testament text. The purpose was to bury the true intent beneath a mass of wordage such as is familiar to Catholics, thus saying nothing to alarm the faithful nor undermine their faith.

What I have done here is extract the underlying statement of intent made by Our Lady of All Nations ("Onze Vrouwe van alle volkeren") in 56 apparitions to Ida Peedersen between 1945 and 1959. What can be deduced but is not obvious on the face of it is:
(i) the intention to destroy the Church and all world religions,
(ii) to profit by certain apocalyptic circumstances during which Our Lady of All Nations unites all surviving creeds and races in one form of devotion to Herself and
(iii) verifies Her bona-fides in the form of numerology based on dates past and present.

It may be useful to draw up a simple letter-to-number conversion table, A=1 through to Z=26 in the English alphabet. For example, 56 apparitions to Ida by an entity perhaps sheltering behind the appellation Our Lady of All Nations, ISIS and also NEITH both equal 56. This number 56 will recur during this account.

1. The first apparition occurred on 25 March 1945 at Amsterdam. This date is the 600th anniversary of the Eucharistic Miracle of Amsterdam. In the 45th Apparition, Our Lady of All Nations declared Amsterdam to be Her seat, it being the city of the Blessed Sacrament.

2. 11 February is the Feast Day of The Immaculate Conception. She appeared for the first time at Lourdes on 11 February 1858. Ninety-three years later to the day, on 11 February 1951 at Amsterdam, the Virgin stated: "I have come precisely on this day to tell you that I wish to be known as Our Lady (or Our Mother) of All Nations." Then She delivered her "Prayer" in which She cast aside her identity as Mary, Mother of Jesus. This prayer caused all the furore which followed:

"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Father,
Send now your spirit over the Earth.
Let the Holy Spirit live in the hearts of All Peoples
That they may be preserved from degeneration, disaster and war.
May the Lady of All Peoples who once was Mary be our Advocate.

There was an objection by the Church to the last line. Answer: "The words must remain. Tell the theologians that I am not satisfied with the change in the prayer."

31st Apparition, 15 April 1951: "The Son came into the world as the Redeemer of mankind. The work of Redemption was the Cross. He was sent by the Father. Now, however, the Father and Son want to send Our Lady throughout the whole world."
32nd Apparition: "I stand here as Co-Redemptrix and Advocate. The new dogma will be "the dogma of the Co-Redemptrix."

The Church would not have it and now resorted to written instructions. The Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith declared: "On 7 May 1956, the Bishop of the Diocese of Haarlem (Netherlands), following a careful examination of the case concerning the supposed apparitions and revelations of "Our Lady of All Nations" said to have taken place in Amsterdam, finds no evidence of the supernatural nature of the apparitions and therefore prohibits public veneration attributing a supernatural origin to them..."

On 2 March 1957 the same Ordinary repeated the above statement, and in a letter dated 13 March 1957 the Holy Office praised the Bishop's prudence and pastoral concern, and approved of the measures taken. In reply to an enquiry by the Bishop of Haarlem on 29 March 1972, the Sacred Congregation confirmed the previous two decisions on 24 May 1972.

On 25 May 1974 the Sacred Congregation "after a fresh and deeper examination of the case" confirmed the previous judgment, and invited priests and laity to discontinue all forms of propaganda with regard to the alleged apparitions and revelations of "Our Lady of All Nations" and "exhorted all, moreover, to express their devotion to the Most Holy Virgin, Queen of the Universe, by forms of piety recognized and recommended by the Church."

It is interesting to note in the final sentence above that the apparition at Heede in 1939 had been authenticated, this being the first time the Church had ever admitted a description of the Virgin higher than "Queen of Heaven".

In 2002 or sometime thereabouts, the Bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam, Msgr.Punt, accepted that the apparitions and revelations of "Our Lady of All Nations" had been supernatural. The Sacred Congregation still saw the danger in the Prayer of Our Lady of All Nations, and insisted that the words "who once was Mary" be omitted "out of consideration for those who do not understand the phrase", i.e the entire Catholic clergy and pious from the Pope down. The Sacred Congregation altered the last line of the Prayer to read:

"May the Lady of All Nations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, be our Advocate."

They ignored Her request to be Co-Redeemer and Advocate, and though prepared to recognize Her as "Our Lady of All Nations (or Peoples)" the phrase "who once was Mary" was forever inadmissible.

And so what occurred to make the Church realize that the Amsterdam apparitions had been "supernatural" after all? In PART FOUR, the answer to everything, and the numerology.

22-02-2020, 05:17 PM

At Akita, Japan, in the autumn of 1973 the convent of the Handmaidens of the Eucharist had in its chapel a carved wooden statuette of Our Lady of All Nations with Japanese features. A nun, Agnes Sasagawa, began receiving messages from Our Lady through this statuette, which was also seen to weep subsequently on 101 occasions over a period of six years and eight months.

One of the devotions ratified explicitly at Akita was the repeated request by Our Lady of All Nations to be confirmed as "Co-Redemptrix of the Human Race". Referring to the monastic requirement 'Poverty, Chastity and Obedience', She reiterated that the "the greatest of these is Obedience", a point probably aimed at the Sacred Congregation in Rome.

On 13 October 1973, fifty-six years to the day since the major occurrence of the Descending Sun spectacle at Fatima, the Virgin delivered Her apocalyptic warning:

"If mankind does not change its ways, a terrible punishment is to be inflicted on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the Deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests not faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead." And She made the offer: "I alone am able still to save you from the calamity which approaches...those who place their confidence in Me will be saved."

Since Our Lady of All Nations is Co-Redeemer, She must mean by the use of the word "saved" not salvation in the Christian religious sense but that Her own devotees will be removed from danger physically at the time of the apocalyptic event.

This global massacre will presumably stamp out "modern humanism, realism, socialism and communism which have the world in their clutches"(45th apparition, Amsterdam) and enable "all people (i.e. the survivors) to attain to unity, to be One People, having over them the Lady of All Nations"(Amsterdam, statement of 31 May 1955). The present Pope, Francis, is the 112th and last in the mediaeval prophecy of St Malachy. By this prophecy the era of Christianity terminates with him, and so, one assumes, ushers in the Apocalypse.

At Fatima, Portugal on 13th June 1917, the Immaculata declared that She wished to establish in the world devotion to her Immaculate Heart and promised salvation to those who embrace it. The similarity between the apparitions at Fatima and Akita were borne in mind during the Church investigation of the Akita event. On 22 April 1984, Bishop John Ito of Niigata, Japan, declared the Akita event to be of supernatural origin and Cardinal Ratzinger, who had also noticed the numerological symbology but did not understand it, confirmed the decision of Bishop Ito on behalf of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in June 1988, declaring that the message of Akita is the message of Fatima, and the sender in each case was the same.


The connection in time between Fatima and Akita is 56 years to the day, "ISIS" converts to 56.
Fatima converts to 50, Akita to 42: total 92.
Lucia, seer at Fatima, converts to 46, Agnes, seer at Akita, 46: total 92.
The numerology proves the connection between the two events.

The vowels in the words Fatima and Akita are in both cases AIA which convert to 191. In the Christian tradition "alpha and omega", the first and the last, are used to illustrate that Jehovah alone is the beginning and the end. Here the choice of the two locations seems to have been deliberate so as to enable a direct message to be sent. Number "9" means Sacred Femininity, and so the numeral 191 emphasizes that ISIS of the pre-Christian era, supplanted 2000 years ago by the Christian Church but known subsequently as the Immaculate Conception from 1858, is all that has been, is and shall be, and so She is the beginning and the end.

Note the request: "Our Lady of All Nations promises to aid mankind if they acknowledge this title and invoke Her under this title." (Amsterdam, 44th Apparition.)


26-02-2020, 04:56 PM
Perhaps the greatest political mystery of the past century, the turning point in the Second World War, was the unsuccessful mission of Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess to Britain in May 1941 to offer some kind of peace terms in exchange for allowing Germany a free hand to attack Soviet Russia. Did Hitler know of the plan? Was he behind it? If Hess was merely a defector half out of his mind, why are the Hess papers sealed for ever by the British Government ?

Continuing the story of Our Lady of All Peoples Who Once Was Mary, disowned by the Church of Rome, the pagan Goddess Isis-Athena Returning, here follow a few details which may be found suggestive regarding the entire episode in which Our Lady of All Peoples was involved under that name from 1933 to the present day.


The Austrian August Kubizek who had been the only friend of Adolf Hitler during the latter's teenage years and wrote a book in the 1950's entitled "Hitler mein Jugendfreund" (English title "The Young Hitler I Knew" published by Greenhill Books, London). Kubizek states therein that on an evening in 1906/7 after seeing the Wagnerian opera 'Rienzi', the two of them went to the Freinberg mountain near Linz. During their conversation, Hitler was possessed, rather like a medium at a séance, by "another Ego from within him" who forecast Hitler's future role and mission for Germany in a statement lasting several minutes. Once the crisis was past, Hitler fell back into mediocrity. Kubizek had no doubt but that Hitler was possessed by a force outside himself.


The hundreds of apparitions of the Virgin dating from 1251 AD had always been religious in nature. However in mid-July 1917 at Fatima, Portugal, for the first time the apparition spoke to the child witness, fifteen-year old Lucia dos Santos, of the political situation when she said, "This war (i.e. the First World War) will finish soon, but a second and more terrible war will begin at the end of the encumbency of Pope Pius XI (d.1939). The purpose of the new war will be to return Russia to the Christian fold." Therefore the purpose of the Second World War was to overthrow the atheist Government in Moscow.

Lucia, by then Sister Lucia at a convent in Spain, was visited again by the Virgin in the "Great Revelation of Tuy" on 13 June 1929. The apparition reiterated that the coming war would be worse than the first as a direct consequence of the non-reconversion of Russia to Christianity. The Virgin spoke of "the immense damage that Russia was doing to all humanity by abandoning the Christian faith and converting to Communist totalitarianism".

If Soviet Communism was to be destroyed, it meant a religious crusade against Soviet Russia. Germany, still rebuilding its armed forces after the disastrous end to the Great War only eleven years previously, was inevitably the candidate selected for the task. Its parties of the Far Right had declared their intention to destroy Bolshevism following their experience of it in Germany immediately after the Great War when revolutionaries had attempted to install a Moscow-style Communist Government. This meant that the National Socialist Party under Hitler had to gain power in the Election due in 1932.


In March and April 1932, the General Election in Germany resulted in major gains by the Nazi Party, which for the first time was the largest Party in the Reichstag but short of an overall majority. To break the deadlock, a fresh General Election was called for 30 January 1933.

Now here's a very strange coincidence. Banneux is a farming village ten kilometres south-east of Liége and about 100 kilometres from the German border of Rheinland-Pfalz. In 1914 the villagers had vowed to consecrate the village to Notre Dame if it escaped the ravages of war. It remained undamaged during the Great War and was known thereafter as "Banneux Notre Dame".

Between 15 January and 2 March 1933, during the period of the General Election in neighbouring Germany, the Virgin made eight apparitions accompanied by a miracle to a twelve-year old girl at Banneux and declared Herself to be "Queen of All Peoples", the first time she had ever made this assertion. But what was Her real purpose for being so close to Germany at that time? Who else did She contact?


"At the beginning of 1934 when Rudolf Hess swore in the entire NSDAP to Hitler in a mass spectacle for millions of Germans through the microphones, he told them, 'By this oath we again bind our lives to a man through whom - this is our belief - superior forces act in fulfillment of Destiny."

(For a good summary of the true aims of Nazism see 'Daniel Pipes Middle East Forums', 2006 article by Gerhard: "Nazism as a Religious Movement": the Hess quote is in the penultimate paragraph.)


On 1 November 1937, an apparition of the Virgin, a girl of apparently 19 years of age, standing on a white cloud, wearing a richly worked golden crown and a long white dress drawn in at the waist, appeared amongst the trees in the churchyard at Heede, Lower Saxony, a village with a population of 2,000 Catholics which has stood for many centuries by the River Ems close to the Dutch border at Groningen and the North Sea. The first witnesses were four girls aged between 11 and 14 years. The apparition was also witnessed by several priests seven days later.

A detachment of the Luftwaffe Verfügungstruppe arrived soon after and took the four girls into custody. This meant that Hitler knew. They were subjected to repeated psychiatric examinations at a Göttingen mental hospital and released without harm after a month. They said nothing to contradict each other and their statements gave no evidence of any political influence.

During the next three years - until 3 November 1940 - the Virgin made a total of 105 apparitions at Heede. It has been kept secret by the Church where and to whom these apparitions were made. No explanation has been given why the Virgin in apparition was so interested in a German village where everybody was Catholic. On 5 April 1939 when asked how She wished to be invoked She replied, "As Queen of the Universe". This phrase in German is "Königin des Weltalls" which also translates to "Queen of the Cosmos". On 19 October 1940 she placed a written message into a sealed envelope and passed it to the four girls to give to Bishop Berning for onward transmission by hand to Pope Pius XII in Rome.

Whether at any time contact was made with Hitler, either in apparition or through him as a medium, is naturally not known, but having regard to the urgent necessity expressed by the Higher Powers at Fatima and Tuy to rid the world of Soviet Communism, and the peculiar circumstances surrounding the hundred or so apparitions at Heede, it is a forgiveable assumption. Just six months after the last apparition at Heede, the Deputy Führer Hess made his abortive flight to Scotland.


02-03-2020, 07:23 PM
The mysterious 100 or so apparitions of the Virgin, Our Lady of All Peoples, to the German North Sea village of Heede between November 1937 and November 1940 are possibly, but not satisfactorily, explained by the mission of Hess to Britain in May 1941. On the whole it would seem much more likely that the Higher Powers were looking ahead to the apocalyptic event in the 21st century when the Earth's population is to be reduced to a very small percentage of its present numbers.

Before concluding these postings, I would like to offer my personal solution for the three years of visits to Nazi Germany by Our Lady of All Peoples, and explain how we Untersbergers understand Isis.

The following is well documented. In 1220 AD the Templar-Komtur Hubertus Koch, returning from the crusades with a small company, received an apparition of the Goddess ISAIS near the old city of Nineveh. She instructed him to withdraw to the Untersberg mountain, build a chapter there and await her next apparition. (The Untersberg is the mountain facing the gigantic picture window in the study at Hitler's Berghof looking towards which he would spend hours meditating.) In 1221 Koch built his first Komturei at the foot of Untersberg (today Ettenberg). A second building was erected much higher, and it is assumed that between this second structure and the caves in the Untersberg there were underground passages, and the temple to Isais was set up in one of these.

Between 1226 and 1238 the Goddess appeared to the Templar knights on numerous occasions to pass to them the "Isais Revelation". The Church drew a veil of silence over the matter but it was known to the Templars in Jerusalem.

The Isais Revelation ("Die Isais Offenbarung") has been re-published recently in intelligible German. It consists of 134 verses which require considerable study. What might interest ourselves is a description of the other worlds, ranging from Valhalla down to the hells. A place known as "Grünland" is the seat of Isais. Since this is the place to where the good and bad all come at death one assumes it is Purgatory, thus justifying the title of "The Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory" by which Our Lady of All Peoples is to be invoked. Although "Grünland" translates to "Greenland" it has nothing to do with the great island in the North: the name is derived from its prevailing greenish light.

The Goddess Is(h)tara (one of the 10,000 names of Isis) is the Supreme Archangel and the radiant Messenger of the Allvater (Father of All), and is also Isais our secret companion. This would explain why Our Lady of All Peoples wants to be known as the Advocate and Intermediary between the Father and humanity as well as the Co-Redeemer.

Before going any further I do need to translate the Revelation into English which will take some time, and so now embark upon my final posting. In it, the reader will see once again one of Hitler's main miracle weapons which would have turned the tide of war even in late 1944. We have all seen photos of them but not understood what they represented and more importantly, have never understood the incomprehensible reason why they were not used.


04-03-2020, 08:08 PM
The Higher Powers had seen the future beyond the outcome of the Second World War. Let us say that as the result of civilisation and most of humanity being wiped out by "fire", (as was predicted later in 1973 at Akita), in 1937 it was seen that what was needed in the circumstances of the post-Apocalypse era would be a number of indestructible, unsinkable unarmed transport submarines able to remain submerged for days, and voyage on the surface over 10,000 sea miles without refuelling.

The place in Germany chosen for apparitions was Heede, a centuries-old village of 2,000 Catholics on the River Ems and a few miles from the North Sea. It may have been no coincidence that Heede was less than seventy miles from the U-boat yard at Bremen and only a little more than that to the main naval base at Wilhelmshaven.

The critical fact to be borne in mind is that, no matter whom they hoped would win a war being fought on Earth, the Higher Powers are limited to a neutral role in human conflicts. They cannot intervene to assist one side or the other. However, taking this into account, they can provide one side with details of new advanced technologies aimed at serving a non-belligerent purpose in the future far beyond a current war. The reason for mentioning this fact, and how the Germans must have gnashed their teeth being obliged to observe it, will be seen ahead.


We do not know how Karl Dönitz, chief of the U-boat Arm, knew where to look, but within the first year of the Heede apparitions he was able to announce in an inaugural speech to a group of U-boat officers that the U-boat Arm had "built for the Führer in another part of the world, a Shangri-La Land, an impregnable fortress." The use of the terms "Shangri-La" and "impregnable" clearly allude to an adjacent world not generally accessible from this one but with which we share seas and oceans and to which the U-boat Arm had gained access.

1937 - THE V-80

Prior to the first apparition at Heede, the marine engineer Professor Hellmuth Walter showed plans for a revolutionary U-boat turbine to Dönitz, then commanding the U-training flotilla. A small experimental boat known as V-80 was built in great secrecy at Germania Werft, Kiel and launched on 14 April 1940. From trials it was found that its new turbine was only suitable for a much smaller boat and so the motor was discarded. Nothing was done during the next three years.

The commander of a training boat in Dönitz' flotilla was Oberleutnant Heinz Schäffer. In his book "U-977" he wrote: "I do not understand the reason why it was not until 1943, and not much earlier, that U-boat command decided on such a basic measure as assembling all the technical experts for the purpose of designing a new type of boat...."

What they came up with in 1943 was "a quantum leap in submarine design and development". The boat was fitted with a large number of electric batteries located in the lower pressure hull which gave the electric motors substantially greater efficiency than before. It was a true submarine, able to remain submerged for days, and could navigate 11,000 miles surfaced without refuelling. This was the Type XXI U-boat which reached the naval battlefields too late to intervene usefully in the war.

The Type XXI U-boat was designed by the Higher Powers and not given over to the German technical experts until 1943, by when its development would take too long for it to be used in naval warfare before the defeat. Interestingly enough in the few months before the end of the war ten or so new and untested boats of the Type were used in the Baltic to ferry troops and refugees from Eastern ports to safe harbours in the West. In this period none was lost and none was involved in incidents during transit.


In its edition of 1 August 2017 the British newspaper "Daily Mail" came out with the news that scientists had solved the mystery of "ball lightning". It was explained that "a bright orb is created when microwave radiation from lightning is caught in a plasma bubble." And that is as far as they have got after about a century of research.

In 1935 German AEG scientists had been studying the phenomenon of ball-lightning ("Kugelblitz") from a laboratory on the roof of the Charité hospital in Berlin, and by 1944 had developed a weapon which would, had they been permitted to use it, have brought the Western Allies to the negotiating table resigned to talk peace.

Third Reich scientists, no matter how clever they were, are unlikely to have just "stumbled across" the real secrets of ball lightning and this proves just how much must have been given them by the Higher Powers nearly eighty years ago. In 1944, the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS had to keep on fighting, believing in the "miracle weapons" which actually did exist, while Hitler prayed that the Higher Forces would relent and allow him to deploy his weapons based on the Kugelblitz which could never happen.

In August 1944 over Haguenau, Alsace, Allied aircrews began to encounter at altitude fast-moving glowing sizeable bubbles which appeared to have been launched from the ground, or occasionally from a Luftwaffe fighter. Each would home in on a different bomber aircraft, matching its speed, and settle a few metres' distance from a wing, remaining there for several minutes before peeling away. They could not be detected by radar, nor shot down. Since they never undertook any offensive action, they were soon treated as an interesting phenomenon or "UFO's".

The Germans nicknamed them "Fliegende Schildkröte" having the shape of a flying turtle. They flew within the protection of an artificial stable plasmoid developed on the principle of ball lightning. The stable plasmoid could only be collapsed by a radio signal on the planned frequency. Such a plasmoid is not known to have been developed then or since in any Earth laboratory.

The idea was to arm each "foo-fighter" with sufficient explosive to break the wing of a bomber. At the approach of a bomber formation, swarms of foo-fighters would be launched, each latching on to a victim. Once alongside the selected victim a radio signal would collapse the plasmoid within which the flying turtle was protected during its approach, and set off the explosive in the same instant, destroying the bomber. That was the idea behind their design and development but it was too hybrid to be used.

If hundreds of bomb-carrying -foo-fighters had been used in aerial warfare they would have brought the Allied air offensive over Germany to an immediate halt. On the night of 30 March 1944 when a large force of RAF bombers set out to destroy Nuremberg, 106 were shot down by fighters and flak, 545 airmen losing their lives. The RAF admitted subsequently that this casualty rate every day would have meant a permanent end to the Allied aerial offensive over Germany.

The Flying Turtles were little more than large model aircraft. The aim now was to discover how to create an artificial stable plasmoid with the same properties but so large as to accommodate a U-boat inside it. Within a few years of the defeat, German scientists had arrived in Argentina to continue research on the project. At least two laboratories, Nahuel Huapi near Bariloche and one in Cordoba province, continued work on "ball lightning".

In 1958, a submarine identified as a Type XXI U-boat was seen by lookouts aboard Argentine cruisers inside the Argentine territorial waters of Golfo Nuevo at 43°S. It dived and was depth-charged but without apparent result. The details of this incident are vague although the Navy Minister, Clement, described the submarine as being "mysteriously able to avoid detection by radar". Photographs of the submarine were all "blurred" and so the identification could not be confirmed.

On 31 January 1960 two submarines of unknown flag later positively confirmed visually by foreign naval observers as "German wartime Type XXI U-boats" were detected entering Golfo Nuevo. They were said to be "intruders" but it soon became pretty clear that this was a naval exercise with the Argentine Navy, not least because all Argentine Navy men were issued with sketch pads and pencils beforehand to draw what they saw since photographs of the U-boats could not be developed beyond a blur.

Set-piece naval situations close inshore always involving the corvettes "Murature" and "King" continued for two weeks and then gunnery, homing torpedoes, aerial torpedoes and depth charges were used, much of it the latest sophisticated US anti-submarine warfare material, "to force the intruder submarines to leave". The intruder boats never returned fire and in one particular depth-charge attack at point-blank range proved their invulnerability. Finally the unsinkable U-boats left of their own accord on a day unknown on or about 21 February 1960: where they came from and to where they were bound remains a mystery. Perhaps now in the Shangri-La Land of the late Admiral Dönitz they idle at anchor waiting for the final call.

12-03-2020, 01:04 AM
The following extract Die Gebote der Isais -Die Heimkehr ("The commandments of Isais-The Return Home") is taken from the website of the German Schelm publishing house:

The Untersberg is the holy mountain straddling the Austro-German border near Salzburg identified by many as the "heart chakra" of the world. It was here in the year 1238 that the Templar knight and commander Hubertus Koch received the Isais Revelation. Previously his duty had taken him to the Near East during the crusades, and before returning to Germany, he had tarried to investigate the traces of the Kuthar culture in Mesopotamia.

Under King Sargon II (reigned 721-705 BC) Samaria had become a region for Assyrian settlement. In this way the old Babylonian-Assyrian faith of the Kuthars had extended to Palestine. Koch believed (and this was confirmed in the 20th century by the Assyriologist Professor Friedrich Delitzsch (1850-1922), a lecturer in Semitic languages at Leipzig), that the original Christian teachings were linked to those of the Kuthar. There was therefore a connection between true Christianity and the gods and prophets of the Assyrians, and not with El-Shaddai-Yahweh (Jehovah) and the Old Testament teachings.

Assyria is the country first mentioned in the Old Testament (Genesis 2:14). According to studies by UNESCO archaeologists, Nineveh was inhabited from at least 6000 BC. Probably the earliest inscription mentioning Yahweh was found on three tablets dated 2000 BC, but in all of the 300,000 and more cuneiforms written by the Assyrians, none mentions the Hebrew god Yahweh.

It was at an overnight camp in old Nineveh during Hubertus Koch's journey through Mesopotamia that the first apparition of Isais appeared. The vision indicated that Koch should retire with the most trusted members of his troop to a mountain in the West, build a house there and await her next apparition where she would give "important information regarding a new Golden Age for the world".

Koch knew what mountain She meant, the Untersberg near Salzburg, a seat of the old Germanic gods. He probably originated from the Linz area and knew the Untersberg by sight. In the year 1221 he reached the mountain with his selected men, and set up his first Komturei (command house). This structure is no longer standing although wall-sockets remain and can be found at Marktschellen on the national borders on the Ettenberg-Strasse. A second structure was built higher up, but exactly where is unknown. It was probably enlarged around the year 1230 and made accessible through a number of caves, in one of which was installed the temple to Isais.

The first testified apparition of Isais occurred in the year 1226 and was repeated regularly over the next twelve years, culminating in the presentation of the Revelation of Isais in 1238.

What She had promised was "A new Golden Age for the World", and this could only be achieved by first ridding the world of the Church of Rome.

To comprehend what must have been intended in this respect it is necessary to interpret certain biblical texts. At Revelations 13:18 the number of the Beast of the Apocalypse is 666, and Solomon is his name: The only place in the Old Testament where this number occurs is at 1 Kings 10:14: "Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was 666 talents."

King Solomon, married to foreign wives, "followed Astarte the goddess of the Sidonians" (1 Kings 11:5, also 2 Kings 23:13). She is met with often in the Old Testament as Ashtoreth, but even Hebrew scholars now feel that the name Astarte was conflated by the scribes with the word "boshet" ("shame") on account of the sexual practices associated with the worship of Astarte (Encyclopaedia Britannica). The Akkadian counterpart of Astarte was the goddess Ishtar.

"Solomon" also appears in the full title of the Knights Templar Order, "the Poor Knights of Christ and ther Temple of Solomon", and since Hubertus Koch was a commander in the Order and had been advised of the Templars' imminent involvement in a coming Golden Age, that may have been the reason why the Templar Order was annihilated by the Church of Rome and the French King on - please note well the date - 13 October 1307. And so the hopes for a new Golden Age free of the Church of Rome were dashed.

When the sequence of events is set down from then until the present, a certain continuity can be perceived:

1. Untersberg 1238: the Revelation of Isais, 134 stanzas, attribution: "Isais, Grünland, Maid": "Grünland" being Purgatory, and "Maid", Virgin.

2. Aylesford, England, 1251, the first apparition of the Virgin since 40 AD, declaring Herself as Our Lady of Mount Carmel. She offered to descend into Purgatory on the Saturday following their deaths to rescue all persons whom she found there wearing the habit of the Order of Mount Carmel or her brown scapular. This was the first indication that she had assumed the role of Co-Redeemer.

3. Banneux, Belgium, 1933. The apparition declared Herself to be "Queen of All Peoples" for the first time.

4. Exactly 700 years since the Revelation of Isais in 1238, in November 1937 the apparition of the Virgin calling Herself "Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory and Queen of the Cosmos" made the first of 105 apparitions over three years at the German village of Heede.

5. In February 1951 at Düsseldorf, Germany, the apparition of the Virgin stated that She wished to be known henceforth as "Our Lady of All Nations Who Once Was Mary". She stated that She had come as Co-Redeemer, Advocate and Mediatrix.

6. In her 44th apparition of the Amsterdam series she stated: "Our Lady of All Nations promises to aid mankind if this title is acknowledged and She is invoked under this title."

7. 666 years to the day since the destruction of the Templar Order, in the apparitions at Akita, Japan, on 13 October 1973, speaking of the Apocalypse to come Our Lady of All Peoples promised: "I alone am able to save you from the calamity which approaches. Those who place their confidence in Me will be saved."

Our Lady of All Nations once held the title Virgin Mary, and as stated in the Revelation of Isais, Isais is the collective name for Ishtar, the goddess known in Assyria, and as Inanna in Sumeria, and as Isis in Egypt, and as Astarte and Ashtoreth elsewhere in the Middle East.


14-03-2020, 10:22 PM
The material is some 8,000 words in length. There does not seem to be anything approaching a full translation into English and so I am preparing a resumé of the important points which I should be able to post next.


There are indications that the prophetess Isais corresponds to the Assyrian "Isai" who in Old-Assyria appeared in apparitions as a special consultant to Tiglath Pheleser I, and in New Assyria had the same role to King Sargon II.

According to the surviving fragments of Hubertus Koch's notes, Isais appeared to him for the first time during his quasi-diplomatic visit to Hassan ibn Sannah at the fortress Amalaut in the mountains of Iran. On his return from Amalaut to Akkon he came across an extensive field of ruins which he assumed to be the remains of the former Assyrian capital Nineveh (in modern Iraq). Next morning when he awoke he saw before him the "graceful maiden-like figure of a girl in apparition whose copper-coloured hair waved as if in a breeze although the day was actually windless." Koch received instructions from her to proceed to the "mountain of the Old God Wotan", that is, the Untersberg. It was widely believed locally that the Untersberg was a secret seat of the Nordic god Wotan. This initial apparition of Isais in the Assyrian ruins, and unmistakeable allusions to Assyria-Babylon in the Revelation itself, permit the conclusion to be drawn that the apparition was of Mesopotamian origin.

Hubertus Koch took the most direct route home via Alexandria, ship to Pisa and then by horse to the Bavarian Alps. One sunset probably in the early summer of 1226, an apparition of Isais appeared in female attire with a long plait over her left shoulder - she appeared occasionally dressed as a boy, a disguise she had used as a spy in the realms of darkness - and it was noted that during the course of a day her hair changed colour continually.

In the autumn of 1226 she gave the Templar knights three gifts: the looking glass of Ishtar/Freya/Venus; the finely worked head of Wodin's spear (Wotan/Oidn/Marduk), both of which had to be kept ready for use, and the eight-sided black-purple stone or crystal ILUA, the most valuable and important of her gifts, which had always to be kept wrapped in a hank of her hair and maintained in the Untersberg mountain. Verse 81 of the Revelation states that the purpose of these three items must not be set down in writing but simply remembered, their significance would be revealed to the Templars later. From that time on, Hubertus Koch's cadre of Templar knights were known in relevant circles though not officially as "The Lords of the Black Stone" (DHvSS), and formed a secret scientific section.

The underlying basis of the Isais Revelation is the Marcionite heresy from the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD which denied that the Hebrew god of the Old Testament, referred to always in the Revelation as "Shaddai", was the same God as presented in continuation in the New Testament. Verses 98 and 99 make this clear: "Allvater's (i.e the New Testament's Almighty God, "Father" of Jesus Christ) living messenger was slaughtered by the Powers of Darkness. For it had been Allvater himself who was Christ...."

According to Marcion, the following statement in a gospel, (only at Matthew Ch. 21, 43-44), not correctly reported and incomplete, and should have read: "Therefore I say unto you (Jews), the Kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a people who will bring forth its fruit'. Jesus then turned to a group of German legionnaires in the service of Rome who had been listening to his discourse and said, "This is the people of whom I was speaking."

Isais is definitely female but more maiden than adult woman. She can display aggression while a few verses in her Revelation show the erotic component of her nature. The suggestion made by modern German commentators is that Isais is a "half-goddess". She herself stated that she came from the celestial realms as "A Daughter of Kuthgracht", this being the realm of the Daemons. These entities are not "demons" in the sense of the English word, but are "independent of the gods" and the most active enemies of the regions of darkness. Isais was selected by the Higher Powers for her mission: Isis had been a Daemon too (Plutarch, The Mysteries of Isis, Ch.XXVII) and achieved the rank of Goddess by her virtue.

The purpose of Isais was to achieve the goals set for her in the ongoing war between Heaven and the Powers of Darkness, understanding that darkness prevails on Earth and was even then, nearly eight hundred years ago, worsening: and she was to stop at nothing in order to help bring about the Aeon of Light.

The Isais Revelation makes it more clear who Our Lady of All Peoples is, and her celestial role.

The original complete version of the Revelation as handed down by Isais in 1238 was assembled probably on the instructions of Hugo Graf Weitenegg at the Vienna Templar Headquarters. The first complete version in the modern German language was made in 1862 and copies made: the original material was destroyed in 1945 to prevent it falling into the hands of the Allies. The subsequent texts published between 1985 and 1995 in various versions are held to be correct although the illustrations are dubious.

The resumé of the Isais Revelation follows in the next posting.

15-03-2020, 04:33 PM
Occasionally the system deletes portions of text. The following penultimate paragraph of the above posting was cut out:

"The original complete version of the Revelation as handed down by Isais in 1238 was assembled probably on the instructions of Hugo Graf Weitenegg at the Vienna Templar Headquarters. The first complete version based on the modern German language was made in 1862 and copies made: the original material was destroyed in 1945 to prevent it falling into the hands of the Allies. The subsequent texts published between 1985 and 1995 in various versions are correct although the illustrations are dubious."


17-03-2020, 11:53 PM
In this resumé translated from the German, I have glossed over the material directed specifically to the Untersberg Templars in the year 1238 AD and concentrated on what in the Revelation affects us today and in our after-death future, according to the demi-goddess Isais.

The irrevocable promise of eternal life is made to those who attain to the Kingdom of Heaven(verse 30).
Mankind, tied to the Earth and mortal, is ultimately immortal(verse 3). The earthly Death is the beginning.

At death people "good and bad" come to Grünland (Purgatory), so called for its greenish light, over which the demi-goddess Isais rules. From there each being chooses a route he or she wishes to follow as the path to Heaven(verses 30, 31). Since Earth is one of the worlds open to such travellers, one assumes that some earthly-deceased will decide to reincarnate, or perhaps be obliged to do so(my opinion). It is also to be assumed from the text, although not stated, that those on Earth who worshipped Shaddai/Jehovah as God Almighty, and Satan-worshippers, go directly to the appropriate realm they have chosen.

From what Isais stated, it seems likely that the apparitions of the Virgin Mary since the first one in 1251 AD, only thirteen years after the Revelation was passed to the Templars, were actually made by Isais in the guise of Mary, and that Isais is Our Lady of All Peoples referred to extensively in these postings. The time of Istar/Isis will come "when the Earth and the hearts of all its peoples shall enter the Golden Age perhaps in 1,000 years (verses 58, 65,67, 93). Before then, "in the battles to come, Ishtar and Isais, each in her own way, will lead the Heroes"(verse 94).

The name of God Almighty is Allvater, His realm is the original homeland of all beings(verse 21). The goddess Ishtar is the Intermediary of the Allvater, and Isais is the secret companion of her devotees although Ishtar also hears(verses 74, 77, 110). It was Allvater himself who descended in human form as Christ(verses 98, 99) and was crucified by those he had come to reform. The Allvater causes his Light to shine down upon Earth from the Black Sun through the planet Venus. Both this sun and its rays are invisible to us.

Isais requests her devotees to make an image of herself in wood, iron or stone. Whoever kisses the mouth, neck and hair of this image will receive the kiss of the spirit of Isais in return. She will know those who are true devotees, those who are false will know her talons. "I shall be with you and with those of your stock, each hour, each day and each year until our purpose is completed. Then Ishtar will receive the same devotion. However, Isais is not to be forgotten; some of the Brave of Valhalla may remain at my side. To those of them who eschew peace and happiness, because in Grünland the battle will not yet have ended, I shall be not as a sister but bride and spouse instead"(verse 65).

Purgatory, (the word is never mentioned but is "Grünland"), and the seat of Isais the Maiden, "Queen of the Poor Souls in Purgatory", is all-encompassing. All souls except those bound directly for the hells arrive here first after death. The stay here may be short, just a few days, or very protracted. Our Lady of All Peoples requested the Church in vain to grant her the status of Co-Redeemer in the 1950's so that she could use the prayers she would receive to release some of the enormous accumulation of souls imprisoned and languishing in Purgatory.

There are numerous worlds of which a number on the earth-side of Purgatory are mentioned, and the five most important on the heaven-side. Apart from the heavenly Kingdom itself and the hells, these latter include the Sea of Silence in which souls await birth on Earth and Kuthagracht, the realm of the Daemons, of which Isais the demi-goddess is a daughter. From Purgatory Isais keeps watch on the Earth and reads all thoughts occurring there.

At the centre of Purgatory is the glorious fortress realm of Valhalla where dwell the warrior gods with their wives(verse 15) who are presumably the Valkyries of Nordic legend: both Ishtar and Isais have right of hospitality there(29). We are told by Isais that Wodin rests at the foot of Untersberg mountain hidden deep in the rock until the hour when he will awaken(verse 71) but no further explanation is given.

Also within Purgatory is Höllenpfuhl, Hell so-called, a creation of the fallen angel Shaddai, the Prince of Darkness who wages incessant war in his effort to take over Heaven and the Earth itself (verses 16, 28, 35).

At the End, the Earth and the starry firmament will disappear leaving only the Kingdoms of Heaven and Hell, and in whichever of these one finds himself at that time, he will remain there for all eternity(verses 130-133).

This has been a mere abbreviation to recite the main points of interest for us in the 21st century: the entire Revelation was delivered by "Isais, Grünlands Maid" in the year 1238.

26-03-2020, 03:13 AM
The comprehensive revelation by the demi-goddess Isais made in the year 1238 and reported above had been delivered to the Templar "Section" commanded by Hubertus Koch with headquarters situated within the Untersberg mountain. This Templar unit seems to have been ancillary and did not form part of the Knights Templar Order proper. Therefore the "Templar Revelations" which are described below were those writings of common knowledge to the Order proper, whereas the Isais Revelation was made to the so-called Lords of the Black Stone (die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein).

The Revelation of 1235

Carthage (in modern Tunisia) was finally destroyed in 146 BC by the Romans at the end of the Punic Wars. In the year 1235 AD, the Templar knights Roderich and Emmerant had gone to the ruins of Carthage in search of evidence relating to the Marcionite cult which denied that the Jewish god Jehovah was the Father of Jesus Christ and was instead Satan. It was at Carthage that the two knights received an apparition of the goddess Ishtar described by Roderich as follows:

"The apparition was a figure of light and gold, clothed in a breath-fine dress of shimmering green such that one could perceive the outline of a tall female, slim and supple, shining through it. She was a wonderful being, half woman and half girl, and undoubtedly not of this world. As the lustrous glow receded it seemed to make her bodily shape firmer and more distinct. She wore a long dress of small gold leaves; her beautiful face was narrow and pallid and absolutely wonderful; her eyes, hair and fingernails shone with the colour of amber; a golden tiara held back the masses of her hair, which reached to the ground; and on top of the tiara was a golden crescent moon with points like horns and at its centre a golden sun. Her unhumanly large eyes stared at us and her lips seemed to be glowing. And she was the most beautiful picture that a person ever saw but she was translucent and not of humankind."
(Roderich Bericht 1.1-1.12).

26-03-2020, 05:54 PM
Roderich continued: "We were taken aback and fearful, though not of her. Next her figure became more solid, losing its translucence and we were enveloped by the warmth from her nearness. She took two steps towards us causing her hair to swirl and smiled, her eyes full of friendliness. The grotto, which had probably once been a temple, became light, but she was its origin.

"Neither of us could think of a question and so remained mute. We knew she was not a female devil and that there was only goodness in her. Once she had more or less materialized fully she said in mild, bright tones: "I called you here without your being aware of it. You came, without knowing the place previously. Here, tonight, you will see and take note of things which in days to come will have their value."

Her words having broken the spell, I spoke and asked for her identity. She answered at once, "I am Isai, Ishtar. The folk who revered me in this place called me Asherah, the people in the North who were your ancestors knew me as Idun(2). Different peoples named me as suited their own language." We merely stared at her and she smiled.

Then Emmerant said that we were true to the Lord Jesus Christ and would never worship another deity, even if she were Beauty itself. Ishtar looked at him in that way women have and seemed amused by what the Brother said. A tiny shiver ran through my soul when she replied, "I probably heard your prayers to him, to my godlike brother. But he is in his realm and thus in himself while I, his godlike sister, am here again - for a short while. For ultimately it is female Power which will defeat Jehovah, Satan."

Ishtar then approached us very closely with three small steps, and something indescribable of tremendous power which she suddenly released is impossible to portray in words. She had a blue feather in her belt which she drew forth and held in her right hand. The feather turned into a dagger and Ishtar said: "Just as a soft feather changes into a dagger in a single moment, the goddess of love will change into a goddess of war to strike down Satan when the moment comes."

Translator's Footnote to Chapter Two:
(1) The original revelation released by the Portal is in German. The names of the knights Roderich and Emmerant are withheld in its archives having regard to attacks known to have been made against their descendants. The names have therefore been changed slightly to avoid any repetition.
(2) Idun, of the clan Aesir, Nordic goddess of eternal youth and fertility. It is interesting to note that in the Isais Revelation of 1238, another Nordic hero, Wodin, sleeps in Valhalla, awaiting the hour when he will be called upon, and the tradition of the Valkyries is also said to be maintained there.

27-03-2020, 03:56 PM
The account of the Templar knight Roderich continues:

"Ishtar now turned the dagger in her delicate hand and at once it returned to being the small blue feather. She replaced it to her amber-gold belt and said; "You and yours are the most sought after from amongst the peoples of this world. You will discover that. Now I have some instructions for you. First of all you will find not far from this place an ancient stone which bears the sign of my divinity and the symbol of the hand in greeting(1). Beneath this stone you will discover that which you came here to find. And you will find that the legacy of my divine Brother differs greatly from what you have been given to understand, in very many things(2)."

Translator's Footnotes:

(1) The city of Carthage, destroyed by the Romans in 146 BC, was gradually restored to become what is now the port of Tunis in North Africa. A hill named Byrsa runs down to the sea, and within this hill was the temple of the city's queen goddess Tanit.
The meeting between Ishtar and the two Templar knights took place in a grotto there. Nearby, outside the old city boundaries, was a cemetery known as the Sanctuary of Tanit, an enclosure for placing short and upright stone stelae for funereal purposes. See Wikipedia: Sign of Tanit.

(2) Carthage had been a centre of early Christianity, the first archdiocese being established there in the second century. Why the Templars thought they would find something of interest in the ruins has not been disclosed. The theologist Marcion (b.85 AD, died c.160 AD) rejected the entire Old Testament and all gospels of the New Testament canon. The ten epistles of St.Paul, considered by Marcion to be the only apostle of Jesus Christ, and some sections of the gospel of Luke, made up Marcion's canon. See Wikipedia: Marcion: Marcionism, etc. The writings are lost, but the evidence indicates that they must have existed, and from this reported incident at Carthage in 1235 it is open to conjecture that the writings had been brought to Carthage for safety and interred there until found by the Templars.

28-03-2020, 03:42 PM
Translator's Introduction

What the goddess Ishtar told the two Templar knights next requires a brief introduction on the part of the translator. The ruins of Babylon are to be found in present day Iraq beneath a US military base.
At the time when Nebuchadnezza II was king, in about 605 BC he attacked Judah, captured Jerusalem and deported the Hebrews into exile in Babylon where they remained captive for fifty years.
In 539 BC the First Persian Empire under Cyrus the Great established the New Babylonian Empire by conquest. Cyrus proved so popular in Babylon that when he allowed the Hebrews to return to Judah, 40,000 went but 80,000 stayed behind. They prospered and constituted "a separate nation lodged subversively in its midst".

Roderich's account continues:
"The goddess Ishtar told us next: "I had been appointed the Deity for Babylon by the Godhead(1). The Babylonians were an excellent people and had a clear view of how things stood in the world and why the Realm of Truth had to constructed, and they set to the task with a will. Nebuchadnezza II destroyed the Ark of the Covenant between Jehovah and the Hebrews but events intervened to ruin the plan to make Babylon the world capital.

"As time went on and the situation regarding the Jewish God Shaddai/Jehovah began to deteriorate, another people was chosen, closest in character to the Babylonians, who could bring the Great Work to fruition. These were the Teutons(2) including all the Franks of German descent who had meanwhile adopted a foreign language and as a result now identified themselves erroneously as a separate race. "It is intended that your loyal community(3) will found a new city to be located in a place I shall now describe to you."

The new Realm of Light ordered by the "godlike Brother" was to be begun immediately. It would have a northern and southern capital, the latter being Vienna, and extend as far west as Paris, which was then the headquarters of the Knights Templar Order. This great triangle of military power across Europe would usher in the Age of Aquarius(4) a thousand years hence.

Ishtar then described precisely where this northern capital was to be built over a "secret temple" in which "all your knowledge" is to be deposited(5).

From the foregoing Rome would have understood that the aim of all this planning was to destroy the Church, its clergy, dogma and doctrine, and most importantly set aside the Old Testament and Jehovah, and replace it with the teachings of Marcion to which reference has been made earlier. The Church struck first and in 1307 the Templar Order was dismantled with great brutality.

As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, as predicted the time has come to implement within the same time scale what could not be done in the thirteenth century. We are now in the hands of Our Lady of All Peoples who is Ishtar/Isis.

(1) It is interesting to note that the main entrance to the inner city of Babylon was called "Ishtar Gate".
(2) It is the oral tradition from Marcion onwards that after identifying the chief priests and pharisees as evil-doers at Matthew Ch.21 verses 43 and 45, Jesus turned to face Teutonic legionnaires of the Roman Army who were present to keep order at his discourse, and indicated that they were the people "who would produce the true harvest". Roderich Report 4:11.
(3) That is, the Knights Templar Order.
(4) The Age of Aquarius is also mentioned in the Isais Revelation of 1238. The term used for it is "Sternbild des Wasserkrugs" which translates to "constellation of the water pitcher."
(5) The Portal has not revealed details from its archives but it seems clear that the new northern city was to be built over a subterranean temple at Tempelhof, Berlin. The year 1237 is taken as the year in which Berlin was founded, see Wikipedia: Berlin, Emerging City (1100-1400). Re "the godlike Brother" see Roderich 4:20.

28-03-2020, 10:45 PM
Awesome material. Enjoyed reading. Bookmarked.

29-03-2020, 12:01 AM
Simplyana. Thank you for your kind compliment.