View Full Version : Chanelling What is it ?

04-10-2010, 02:22 AM
Channeling - What is it ?

Channeling goes to three areas -

Science ( Physics) the process that constrains the path of a changed particle in a crystalline solid.

Law - ( insurance, legal) a term used to indicate a contractual or legal redirection of responsibilities form an organization to another.

Spiritism - ( Mediumship) a term used in reference to the claimed process of receiving messages or inspirations from individual beings or spirits.

This is the one that is covered in Spiritual studies is Mediumship. It was in Western culture in the late parts of the 20th Century that Mediumship went in two different paths. One type is a person that claims speak to Spirits and in this communication rely messages from them. This is a contact in the physical sense to the one relaying or receiving the message. In the physical sense as the Spirit is right there with the Medium like one would sit and chat with someone. Often can even be seen is some physical form.

The other is a totally non physical form. Where the Spirit is allowed to actually enter the body of the Medium and relay a message. This is done in the trance state. This is controversial as often the state of the medium changes in the body often stiffening up and the voice of them changing dramatically. This is a form of allowed possession . In this state the Medium is often not at all aware of what one is saying, seeing or even at times writing til the event and the exit of the spirit happens.

This too can be done with the Medium actually leaving their body and having what is called and Out of Body Experience. In this state of being the Medium is able to field and answer questions ask of the spirit in them.


07-10-2010, 03:54 AM
Hi Lynn,

I know that trance channeling is controversial, because it is an "allowed possession" as you put it.
What about channeling guides? Is that the same thing? Does the guide inhabit the body as well, or can the guide just transmit messages in the trance state?
I have been feeling called to channel information from my guide(s). Do you have any guidance or information on that?
Thanks in advance :)

07-10-2010, 04:32 AM
Hi Lynn,

I know that trance channeling is controversial, because it is an "allowed possession" as you put it.
What about channeling guides? Is that the same thing? Does the guide inhabit the body as well, or can the guide just transmit messages in the trance state?
I have been feeling called to channel information from my guide(s). Do you have any guidance or information on that?
Thanks in advance :)


Welcome to SF. I am on that pointy fence when it comes to Guides. HOW they come to contact with us.

When I be working with me Guides I hear them in me mind. I feel their presence with me but I hear the message .

When I be working with somoene elses Guide at times I wonder on how that works. At times I hear them BUT most times its a flash of a message I get. Like I know the message and I will type it or write it out. Do they enter meI wonder on that.


Your Spirit Guide is the twin aspect of your soul, with whom you forever seek reconnection,
balance and oneness. It is the twin part of your soul that guides your journey now, and return to conscious awareness and higher frequency of Light through the grids that create your reality.


Relax… Your Mind…..Your Body

Envision yourself walking through a beautiful field. The day is sunny and clear. The flowers are fresh and flow gently in the breeze their fragrance intoxicating. A stream flows gently over white stones as you listen to its rippling sounds. You are at peace…in balance. In the distance you see a form coming closer to you. It is your Spirit Guide the twin aspect of your soul. You move closer and greet each other a glowing recognition between you a flame ignited. Your Heart Chakra open with love. You do on a sacred journey into awareness, Light and unconditional love. Enjoy your journey. It won’t be long before this becomes your reality.

Crystal Links Web Site.

This might help some.

This is from the Site Crystal Links

09-10-2010, 11:02 AM
When I channel, I normally go into a trance. I can normally feel myself "losing" control so to speak, when a ascended master wishes to take over. Its like possession, but I am still in control.

I always burn Dragon's Blood when this happens, just in case a negative energy is around...and might take advantage of the situation

10-10-2010, 01:48 AM
Some more thoughts in the pot... I think of channeling as a subcategory of intuiting. Alice Bailey made it very clear to me in her Light On The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali when she spoke of how each of our five senses can be developed as channels of information and energy:

1. Touch clairsentience
2. Taste clair something??
3. Vision clairvoyance
4. Smell clair something??
5. Hearing clairaudience

And we receive and transmit inspirational energy and information through:

1. Touch
2. The Eyes
3. The Voice
4. Intention

We all channel to some extent. Automatic writing is another way. The more we can silence the mind and purify the heart/ego, the more light (energy and information) comes through. Any psychic reading is a channeling and it gets filtered through the value system of the channel so what you get is a reading of a reading. I do readings myself and I know I'm filtering it even without meaning to. The best channeling is what we do for ourselves...but it's hard to trust it.

The Teachings of God
25-10-2010, 09:37 PM
You think Abraham channel the same way you are talking about?

26-10-2010, 02:24 PM
Channeling is stepping aside to allow another to speak through you. It's similar to telepathy, in that you are receiving another's words, but your knowledge of syntax and vocabulary is still utilized by the message giver.

15-06-2014, 11:34 PM
I sometimes think I might have this ability as I get this a lot, but just don't know. I guess time will tell.

16-06-2014, 01:10 AM
Well, I am a channel but don't consider myself a medium, and to me, it is the person/entity that is channeled that is the defining separation between the two. To me, mediums are those that channel others loved ones that have passed over. Maybe that is too narrow a focus, since I am not a medium :)

I channel my spirit guides and others in the higher vibrations, but I don't channel loved ones - to me, that is creepy and comes with things I am not willing to deal with. I have great respect for Mediums, they are very brave, but you can channel without being a Medium.

Maybe the difference is more simple than that. I choose to channel. I learned how to connect. A lot of mediums don't have a choice, they just hear and see things. I imagine they can learn to turn it off if they want. I had to learn how to turn it on.

Just my thoughts on it.

30-06-2014, 11:39 PM
Channeling - What is it ?

Channeling goes to three areas -

Science ( Physics) the process that constrains the path of a changed particle in a crystalline solid.

Law - ( insurance, legal) a term used to indicate a contractual or legal redirection of responsibilities form an organization to another.

Spiritism - ( Mediumship) a term used in reference to the claimed process of receiving messages or inspirations from individual beings or spirits.

This is the one that is covered in Spiritual studies is Mediumship. It was in Western culture in the late parts of the 20th Century that Mediumship went in two different paths. One type is a person that claims speak to Spirits and in this communication rely messages from them. This is a contact in the physical sense to the one relaying or receiving the message. In the physical sense as the Spirit is right there with the Medium like one would sit and chat with someone. Often can even be seen is some physical form.

The other is a totally non physical form. Where the Spirit is allowed to actually enter the body of the Medium and relay a message. This is done in the trance state. This is controversial as often the state of the medium changes in the body often stiffening up and the voice of them changing dramatically. This is a form of allowed possession . In this state the Medium is often not at all aware of what one is saying, seeing or even at times writing til the event and the exit of the spirit happens.

This too can be done with the Medium actually leaving their body and having what is called and Out of Body Experience. In this state of being the Medium is able to field and answer questions ask of the spirit in them.


All human beings are innately telepathic. We usually do not but sometimes we can connect to our own souls and come away with memories of past lives. This is the essential mechanism of channeling.

The human soul abides in and is comprised of mental plane matter. We, while in physical lives, have everyday access to higher mind. Whenever we think in abstract or creative terms for instance. A critic will say "no, those abilities are of our brains". The human brain is specifically designed to be capable of connecting to both the high and the lower areas of the mental plane. The brain is only a conduit for lofty thinking. These abilities are of the soul. It is only a step in a certain direction then to become aware of what the soul knows.

It is worth noting here that most original ideas come to us from the world of souls.

It is also true that every thought that was ever though by any and all men/women in the history of the planet still exists in a certain area of the lower mental plane. This is the way it happens that two people far seperated in distance can both have the same idea at the same time. They share compatibility. This too, is a form of channeling.

Most folks who channel may not realize it but it is their own higher self that is speaking through them. So many times a name is given to the entity and colorful stories are related. Almost always these are past lives.

There are exceptions. Souls of compatible vibrations may be connected with. The past lives (or current ones) of other souls may be found out about.

Be careful... There are many tricksters in the lower realms who mimic high sounding souls. Most of these want to tell us they are masters or angels etc... when all they are are imposting ordinary humans in spirit. Some of us are gullible enough to believe them.

There are two broad kinds of channeling. Trance and conscious. When trancing (like Edcar Cayce) we give over control of our bodies to another. This is potentially dangerous. The second kind is conscious channeling. This is the kind I, and many others do. In this kind a semi-sleep state is experienced. We are asleep yet we can hear our own voices. The advantage here is that if we become aware of tricky lower realm spirits, posers, we can interrupt and send them on their way.

It is also possible for a channel to connect with the soul of a particular human when a relative or friend of that person is with them. The way this works is that the medium makes contact with his/her own soul and then a lateral connection is made to the soul of the other person in the room. Then a third connections is made with others in spirit who are compatible with the client person. Again this is a valid concept but things can go awry.

There is one important thing to know about channeling. When it is done at the high mental level it is pretty safe but often the medium will inadventantly connect through a lower reflection of the mental, the astral. (See my "be careful" note above) This is the abode of the relections of human souls who are not content to do anything useful with their post lives so they hang around searching for a medium to join with. These can be trouble. Being a conscious channel is the best way to avoid these.

Channeling is not a thing to be toyed with. No you will not encounter any demons or devils though a religious minded person might say otherwise. Unless you are reasonably pure of heart and mind though you may well invite troublemakers to live vicariously through your body. This could be unpleasant. Many long time trance channels become physically sick through this practice because of the energetic disturbances it causes in the body. Again I cite Edgar Cayce as an example.

There are two things to be concerned about. When you channel are we in contact with the realm of souls or are we being fooled by astral plane entities? Learning to answer this question is something that only experience can provide, but it is of vital importance.

Be careful who you listen to about channeling.

Sorry to be blunt. I've seen what can happen to the unwary.

Channeling is not something we need to do in order to advance spiritually. Please be very careful with it.